/// <summary>
        /// Create a sample
        /// </summary>
        protected BattleMap()
            : base()
            MapSize        = new Point(10, 10);
            TileSize       = new Point(32, 32);
            ShowLayerIndex = -1;

            IsFrozen      = false;
            OnlinePlayers = new OnlineConfiguration();

            GameTurn            = 0;
            MapOverlay          = new DayNightCycleColorOnly();
            ListTileSet         = new List <Texture2D>();
            ListBackground      = new List <AnimationBackground>();
            ListBackgroundsPath = new List <string>();
            ListForeground      = new List <AnimationBackground>();
            ListForegroundsPath = new List <string>();
            ListMAPAttackTarget = new Stack <Tuple <int, int> >();

            Description        = "";
            VictoryCondition   = "";
            LossCondition      = "";
            SkillPoint         = "";
            sndBattleThemeName = "";

            DicMapVariables   = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            MovementAnimation = new MovementAnimations();

            ListMapScript           = new List <MapScript>();
            ListMapEvent            = new List <MapEvent>();
            DicCutsceneScript       = new Dictionary <string, CutsceneScript>();
            DicInteractiveProp      = new Dictionary <string, InteractiveProp>();
            DicRequirement          = new Dictionary <string, BaseSkillRequirement>();
            DicEffect               = new Dictionary <string, BaseEffect>();
            DicAutomaticSkillTarget = new Dictionary <string, AutomaticSkillTargetType>();
            DicManualSkillTarget    = new Dictionary <string, ManualSkillTarget>();
            ListSubMap              = new List <BattleMap>();
            DicSpawnSquadByPlayer   = new Dictionary <string, List <Squad> >();
            ListMultiplayerColor    = new List <Color>();

            GlobalBattleContext    = new BattleContext();
            GlobalQuickLoadContext = new UnitQuickLoadEffectContext();

            #region Screen shaking

            ShakeCounter        = 0;
            ShakeRadiusMax      = 3;
            ShakeOffsetX        = 0;
            ShakeOffsetY        = 0;
            ShakeAngle          = RandomHelper.Next(360);
            ShakeAngleVariation = new Vector2(1, 0);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a sample
        /// </summary>
        protected BattleMap()
            : base()
            RequireFocus     = true;
            MapSize          = new Point(10, 10);
            TileSize         = new Point(32, 32);
            ActiveLayerIndex = 0;
            ShowAllLayers    = true;

            IsFrozen      = false;
            OnlinePlayers = new OnlineConfiguration();

            GameTurn             = 0;
            ListTileSet          = new List <Texture2D>();
            ListBackgrounds      = new List <AnimationBackground>();
            ListBackgroundsPath  = new List <string>();
            ListForegrounds      = new List <AnimationBackground>();
            ListForegroundsPath  = new List <string>();
            ListActionMenuChoice = new ActionPanelHolder();
            ListMAPAttackTarget  = new Stack <Tuple <int, int> >();

            VictoryCondition   = "";
            LossCondition      = "";
            SkillPoint         = "";
            sndBattleThemeName = "";

            DicMapVariables   = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            MovementAnimation = new MovementAnimations();
            AttackPicker      = new AttacksMenu();

            ListMapScript     = new List <MapScript>();
            ListMapEvent      = new List <MapEvent>();
            DicCutsceneScript = new Dictionary <string, CutsceneScript>();
            DicRequirement    = new Dictionary <string, BaseSkillRequirement>();
            DicEffect         = new Dictionary <string, BaseEffect>();
            ListSubMap        = new List <BattleMap>();

            GlobalBattleContext = new BattleContext();

            #region Screen shaking

            ShakeCounter        = 0;
            ShakeRadiusMax      = 3;
            ShakeOffsetX        = 0;
            ShakeOffsetY        = 0;
            ShakeAngle          = RandomHelper.Next(360);
            ShakeAngleVariation = new Vector2(1, 0);

Beispiel #3
        public override void Load()
            NewMap = new DeathmatchMap(null, "Classic", null);
            DirectoryInfo MapDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Content.RootDirectory + "\\Maps\\Deathmatch");

            fntArial8     = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial8");
            fntArial12    = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial12");
            MaxItemToDraw = (Constants.Height - 100) / fntArial12.LineSpacing - 1;
            CursorColor   = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(255, 255, 255, 128);
            //Load directory info, abort if none
            if (!MapDirectory.Exists)
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException();
            ListMap = new List <MapAttributes>();
            List <string> ListPlayerTag = new List <string>();

            IPInputBox    = new PopUpInputBox("Enter an IP");
            OnlinePlayers = new OnlineConfiguration();

            KeyValuePair <string, List <OnlineScript> > NewScripts = new DeathmatchLobyScriptHolder().GetNameAndContent(this);

            foreach (OnlineScript ActiveListScript in NewScripts.Value)
                OnlinePlayers.DicOnlineScripts.Add(ActiveListScript.Name, ActiveListScript);

            #region Load Map Info

            FileInfo[] ArrayMapFile = MapDirectory.GetFiles("*.pem");
            foreach (FileInfo ActiveFile in ArrayMapFile)
                FileStream   FS         = new FileStream(ActiveFile.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                BinaryReader BR         = new BinaryReader(FS, Encoding.UTF8);
                Point        NewMapSize = Point.Zero;
                BR.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                string MapName = ActiveFile.FullName.Substring(0, ActiveFile.FullName.Length - 4).Substring(ActiveFile.FullName.LastIndexOf("Maps") + 16);
                NewMapSize.X = BR.ReadInt32();
                NewMapSize.Y = BR.ReadInt32();
                int TileSizeX = BR.ReadInt32();
                int TileSizeY = BR.ReadInt32();

                int CameraPositionX = BR.ReadInt32();
                int CameraPositionY = BR.ReadInt32();

                byte PlayersMin = BR.ReadByte();
                byte PlayersMax = BR.ReadByte();

                string Description = BR.ReadString();

                int ListBackgroundsPathCount = BR.ReadInt32();
                for (int B = 0; B < ListBackgroundsPathCount; B++)
                    string BackgroundsPath = BR.ReadString();
                int ListForegroundsPathCount = BR.ReadInt32();
                for (int F = 0; F < ListForegroundsPathCount; F++)
                    string ForegroundsPath = BR.ReadString();

                Color[] ArrayColor = new Color[16];
                //Deathmatch colors
                for (int D = 0; D < 16; D++)
                    ArrayColor[D].R = BR.ReadByte();
                    ArrayColor[D].G = BR.ReadByte();
                    ArrayColor[D].B = BR.ReadByte();

                int ListSingleplayerSpawnsCount = BR.ReadInt32();

                for (int S = 0; S < ListSingleplayerSpawnsCount; S++)
                    EventPoint NewPoint = new EventPoint(BR);

                int ListSpawnsCount          = BR.ReadInt32();
                List <EventPoint> ListSpawns = new List <EventPoint>(ListSpawnsCount);

                for (int S = 0; S < ListSpawnsCount; S++)
                    EventPoint NewPoint   = new EventPoint(BR);
                    int        ColorIndex = 0;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NewPoint.Tag))
                        ColorIndex = Convert.ToInt32(NewPoint.Tag) - 1;

                    NewPoint.ColorRed   = ArrayColor[ColorIndex].R;
                    NewPoint.ColorGreen = ArrayColor[ColorIndex].G;
                    NewPoint.ColorBlue  = ArrayColor[ColorIndex].B;

                for (int S = 0; S < ListSpawns.Count; S++)
                    if (!ListPlayerTag.Contains(ListSpawns[S].Tag))

                ListMap.Add(new MapAttributes(MapName, ActiveFile.FullName, new Point(NewMapSize.X, NewMapSize.Y), ListPlayerTag.Count, ListSpawns, ArrayColor));


            #region Load Units

            MapDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Content.RootDirectory + "\\Units\\Normal");
            FileInfo[] ArrayUnitFile = MapDirectory.GetFiles("*.peu", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            ArrayUnit = new Tuple <string, string> [ArrayUnitFile.Length];

            for (int i = ArrayUnitFile.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                string   Name     = ArrayUnitFile[i].FullName.Substring(0, ArrayUnitFile[i].FullName.Length - 4).Substring(ArrayUnitFile[i].FullName.LastIndexOf("Units") + 6);
                string[] UnitInfo = Name.Split(new[] { "\\" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                string   UnitType = UnitInfo[0];
                string   UnitName = Name.Remove(0, UnitInfo[0].Length + 1);
                ArrayUnit[i] = new Tuple <string, string>(UnitType, UnitName);


            #region Load Pilots

            MapDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Content.RootDirectory + "\\Characters");
            FileInfo[] ArrayCharactetFile = MapDirectory.GetFiles("*.pec", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            ListPilot = new List <string>();

            for (int i = ArrayCharactetFile.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                if (ArrayCharactetFile[i].Extension.Length > 4)//Because the retarded search system return files that ends with .pecs, ignore them.

                ListPilot.Add(ArrayCharactetFile[i].FullName.Substring(0, ArrayCharactetFile[i].FullName.Length - 4).Substring(ArrayCharactetFile[i].FullName.LastIndexOf("Characters") + 11));
