Beispiel #1
        void AddCollectionBinding(CollectionPresenter collectionPresenter, string sourcePropName)
            OneWayCollectionValueBindingWithPath<Person, IPresentationTreeNode, IEnumerable<Person>, ObservableCollection<IPresentationTreeNode>> collectionFieldBinding =
                new OneWayCollectionValueBindingWithPath<Person, IPresentationTreeNode, IEnumerable<Person>, ObservableCollection<IPresentationTreeNode>>();

            collectionFieldBinding.SourceObj = TheClass;
            collectionFieldBinding.SourcePathLinks = new List<BindingPathLink<object>>
                new BindingPathLink<object>(sourcePropName)

            collectionFieldBinding.TargetObj = collectionPresenter;
            collectionFieldBinding.TargetPathLinks = new List<BindingPathLink<object>>
                new BindingPathLink<object>("ObservableChildren")

            collectionFieldBinding.SourceToTargetDelegate = GetPersonMap;


            TheBindingsAProp.SetProperty(collectionPresenter, collectionFieldBinding);
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region pure collection binding
            //ObservableCollection<int> sourceCollection =
            //    new ObservableCollection<int> { 1, 2, 3 };

            //ObservableCollection<string> targetCollection =
            //    new ObservableCollection<string>();

            //TwoWayCollectionBinding<int, string> twoWayBinding = new TwoWayCollectionBinding<int, string>
            //    SourceCollection = sourceCollection,
            //    TargetCollection = targetCollection,
            //    SourceToTargetDelegate = (i) => i.ToString(),
            //    TargetToSourceDelegate = (str) => Int32.Parse(str)


            //Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal source collection");
            //sourceCollection.ForEach((i) => Console.WriteLine(i)); // print the source collection

            //Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal target collection");
            //targetCollection.ForEach((i) => Console.WriteLine(i)); // print the source collection

            //Console.WriteLine("\nAfter removing element at index 1 from source");
            //sourceCollection.RemoveAt(1); // remove element at index 1 from source collection
            //targetCollection.ForEach((str) => Console.WriteLine(str)); // print target collection

            //Console.WriteLine("\nAfter adding 4 to target");
            //targetCollection.Add("4"); // append string "4" to the end of the target collection
            //sourceCollection.ForEach((i) => Console.WriteLine(i)); // print the source collection

            //Console.WriteLine("\nAfter inserting 0 to target");
            //targetCollection.Insert(0, "0"); // insert string "0" at index 0 for the target collection
            //sourceCollection.ForEach((i) => Console.WriteLine(i)); // print the source collection

            //Console.WriteLine("\nAfter inserting 2 at index 2 to source");
            //sourceCollection.Insert(2, 2); // insert number 2 at index 2 for the source collection
            //targetCollection.ForEach((str) => Console.WriteLine(str)); // print the target collection

            #endregion pure collection binding

            #region collection value binding

            //Console.WriteLine("\nValue collection bindings");

            //TestData<int> source = new TestData<int>();

            //TestData<string> target = new TestData<string>();

            //    int,
            //    string,
            //    ObservableCollection<int>,
            //    ObservableCollection<string>
            //theBinding = new OneWayCollectionValueBindingWithPath
            //                 <
            //                    int,
            //                    string,
            //                    ObservableCollection<int>,
            //                    ObservableCollection<string>
            //                 >
            //                 {
            //                     IsOneWayCollectionBinding = false,
            //                     CreationType = typeof(ObservableCollection<string>),
            //                     SourceObj = source,
            //                     TargetObj = target,
            //                     SourceToTargetDelegate = (i) => i.ToString(),
            //                     TargetToSourceDelegate = (str) => Int32.Parse(str)
            //                 };

            //List<BindingPathLink<object>> sourcePathLinks = new List<BindingPathLink<object>>();
            //sourcePathLinks.Add(new BindingPathLink<object>("TheCollection"));
            //theBinding.SourcePathLinks = sourcePathLinks;

            //List<BindingPathLink<object>> targetPathLinks = new List<BindingPathLink<object>>();
            //targetPathLinks.Add(new BindingPathLink<object>("TheCollection"));
            //theBinding.TargetPathLinks = targetPathLinks;


            //source.TheCollection = new ObservableCollection<int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 });

            //target.TheCollection.ForEach((str) => Console.WriteLine(str)); // print the target collection



            //target.TheCollection.ForEach((str) => Console.WriteLine(str)); // print the target collection


            //source.TheCollection.ForEach((str) => Console.WriteLine(str)); // print the source collection
            #endregion collection value binding

            #region value binding type testing
            //TestData<Person> sourcePeople = new TestData<Person>();

            //TestData<Person> targetPeople = new TestData<Person>();
            //OneWayCollectionValueBindingWithPath peopleBinding = new OneWayCollectionValueBindingWithPath
            //    SourceObj = sourcePeople,
            //    TargetObj = targetPeople,
            //    IsOneWayCollectionBinding = false,
            //    CreationType = typeof(ObservableCollection<Person>)

            //List<BindingPathLink<object>> peopleSourcePathLinks = new List<BindingPathLink<object>>();
            //peopleSourcePathLinks.Add(new BindingPathLink<object>("TheCollection"));
            //peopleBinding.SourcePathLinks = peopleSourcePathLinks;

            //List<BindingPathLink<object>> peopleTargetPathLinks = new List<BindingPathLink<object>>();
            //peopleTargetPathLinks.Add(new BindingPathLink<object>("TheCollection"));
            //peopleBinding.TargetPathLinks = peopleTargetPathLinks;


            //UniversityClass universityClass = new UniversityClass();

            //sourcePeople.TheCollection = universityClass.People;
            #endregion value binding type testing

            #region Map Collection Tests

            UniversityClass theUniversityClass = new UniversityClass();
            DHierarchyItemsControl dHierarchyItemsControl = new DHierarchyItemsControl();

            OneWayCollectionValueBindingWithPath itemsSourceBinding = new OneWayCollectionValueBindingWithPath
                SourceObj = dHierarchyItemsControl,
                TargetObj = dHierarchyItemsControl,
                IsOneWayCollectionBinding = true

            List<BindingPathLink<object>> dataContextSourcePathLinks = new List<BindingPathLink<object>>();
            dataContextSourcePathLinks.Add(new BindingPathLink<object>("DataContext"));
            dataContextSourcePathLinks.Add(new BindingPathLink<object>("People"));
            itemsSourceBinding.SourcePathLinks = dataContextSourcePathLinks;

            List<BindingPathLink<object>> itemsSourceTargetPathLinks = new List<BindingPathLink<object>>();
            itemsSourceTargetPathLinks.Add(new BindingPathLink<object>("ItemsSource"));
            itemsSourceBinding.TargetPathLinks = itemsSourceTargetPathLinks;


            dHierarchyItemsControl.DataContext = theUniversityClass;

            #endregion Map Collection Tests

            int i = 0;
Beispiel #3
        static void Main()
            // source object
            Organization myOrg = new Organization { OrgName = "TheOrganization" };

            // target object
            OrgPrintModel orgPrintModel = new OrgPrintModel();

            // create the collection binding with path
            OneWayCollectionValueBindingWithPath peopleBinding = new OneWayCollectionValueBindingWithPath
                // set the source object
                SourceObj = myOrg,

                // define the path to the source property
                // with respect to the source object
                SourcePathLinks = new BindingPathLink<object>[]
                    new BindingPathLink<object>("People")

                // set the target object
                TargetObj = orgPrintModel,

                // define the path to the target property
                // with respect to the target object
                TargetPathLinks = new BindingPathLink<object>[]
                    new BindingPathLink<object>("ItemsToPrint")

                // creates the target collection
                TheSourceToTargetValueConverterDelegate = (sourceCollection) => { return new List<PrintItem>(); },

                // converts source collection item to target collection item
                SourceToTargetItemDelegate = (sourceItem) =>
                        OrgPerson orgPerson = (OrgPerson)sourceItem;
                        return new PrintItem
                            StringToPrint = orgPerson.Name + " " + orgPerson.ThePosition.ToString()

            // do the binding

            // check that the there are no items in the
            // output collection before the source collection
            // is set and populated
            orgPrintModel.Print("Before the people collection is populated:");

            // create the input collection
            myOrg.People = new ObservableCollection<OrgPerson>();

            // populate the source collection with two positions
            myOrg.People.Add(new OrgPerson("Tom", Position.CEO));
            myOrg.People.Add(new OrgPerson("John", Position.Manager));

            // verify that the binding target collection was
            // modified accordingly
            orgPrintModel.Print("Make sure the binding makes the target collection to be in synch with the source collection:");

            // add another person to the source collection
            myOrg.People.Add(new OrgPerson("Nick", Position.Developer));

            // verify that the new item 'Nick' was added to target collection
            orgPrintModel.Print("After adding 'Nick Developer' item to the source collection, make sure it also appears in the target collection:");

            // remove Tom/CEO item from the source collection and make sure that
            // the target collection is updated correspondingly
            OrgPerson ceo = myOrg.People.Where((person) => person.ThePosition == Position.CEO).FirstOrDefault();
            orgPrintModel.Print("After removing the CEO item from the source collection make sure it also disappeared from the target collection:");

            // null the whose source collection and make sure that
            // the target collection is also null or empty
            myOrg.People = null;
            orgPrintModel.Print("After source collection is null, target collection should be null or empty:");

            // check that when you replace myOrg.People source collection
            // with a new (already populated) collection,
            // the target collection will contain the corresponding items.
            ObservableCollection<OrgPerson> newPeopleCollection = new ObservableCollection<OrgPerson>();
            newPeopleCollection.Add(new OrgPerson("Tom", Position.CEO));
            newPeopleCollection.Add(new OrgPerson("John", Position.Manager));
            myOrg.People = newPeopleCollection;
            orgPrintModel.Print("After source collection is reset, target collection should also be reset:");