Beispiel #1
        protected PresentationToOneNoteCapability(DynamicProperties dynaProps, string version) : base(dynaProps)
            base.isSender        = false;
            base.ObjectReceived += new CapabilityObjectReceivedEventHandler(OnObjectReceived);

            // Get OneNote import server
            oneNoteServer = new OneNote.ImportServer();
            importer      = (OneNote.ISimpleImporter)oneNoteServer;

            // Get current OneNote notebook directory from Registry
            using (RegistryKey regKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(
                       string.Format(notebookRegKeyPath, version)))
                string notebookPath = (string)regKey.GetValue(notebookRegKeyName);

                if (notebookPath == null || notebookPath == "My Notebook")
                    oneNoteNotebookDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal)
                                         + "\\My Notebook";
                    oneNoteNotebookDir = notebookPath;

            if (!Directory.Exists(tfc.BasePath))

            // Delete the old log file, if it exists
            if (System.IO.File.Exists("log.xml"))

            // We don't create the blank RTDoc here like Presentation does becuase the
            //  user may decide to open a document, causing the user of OneNote to have
            //  a section with a blank page in it for no purpose.
        protected PresentationToOneNoteCapability(DynamicProperties dynaProps, string version)
            : base(dynaProps)
            base.isSender = false;
            base.ObjectReceived += new CapabilityObjectReceivedEventHandler(OnObjectReceived);

            // Get OneNote import server
            oneNoteServer = new OneNote.ImportServer();
            importer = (OneNote.ISimpleImporter)oneNoteServer;

            // Get current OneNote notebook directory from Registry
            using (RegistryKey regKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(
                string.Format(notebookRegKeyPath, version )))
                string notebookPath = (string)regKey.GetValue( notebookRegKeyName );

                if( notebookPath == null || notebookPath == "My Notebook" )
                    oneNoteNotebookDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal)
                        + "\\My Notebook";
                    oneNoteNotebookDir = notebookPath;

            if (!Directory.Exists(tfc.BasePath))

            // Delete the old log file, if it exists
            if( System.IO.File.Exists("log.xml") )

            // We don't create the blank RTDoc here like Presentation does becuase the
            //  user may decide to open a document, causing the user of OneNote to have
            //  a section with a blank page in it for no purpose.