Beispiel #1
        // CheckForUpdates()
        // - Checks for an update
        // - This is a sync call... normally called by the poller object
        //   on the poller thread.
        public bool CheckForUpdates()
            Debug.WriteLine("APPMANAGER:  Checking for updates.");

            bool retValue = false;

            //If the OnCheckForUpdate event the caller is doing the check
            if (OnCheckForUpdate != null)
                retValue = OnCheckForUpdate(this, new EventArgs());
            //otherwise do the check ourselves
            //If versioning is enabled check to see if the version file has changed.
            if (ChangeDetectionMode == ChangeDetectionModes.ServerManifestCheck)
                ServerManifest vm = new ServerManifest();
                retValue = vm.IsServerVersionNewer(GetLatestInstalledVersion());

            //If versioning is not enabled, check the files themselves
                Resource currentResource;
                foreach (Object r in Manifest.Resources.ResourceList)
                    currentResource = (Resource)(((DictionaryEntry)r).Value);
                    string url      = UpdateUrl + currentResource.Name;
                    string FilePath = currentResource.FilePath;
                    if (WebFileLoader.CheckForFileUpdate(url, FilePath))
                        retValue = true;

            //Fire the OnUpdateDetected Event on the UI thread
            if (retValue == true)
                if (OnUpdateDetected != null)
                    foreach (UpdateDetectedEventHandler UC in  OnUpdateDetected.GetInvocationList())
                        EventControl.BeginInvoke(UC, new object[] { this, new EventArgs() });

Beispiel #2
        public void MonitorForUpdates(string currentVersion, OnUpdateDetected updateCallback = null, int timerIntervalMs = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
            if (timerIntervalMs != Timeout.Infinite && timerIntervalMs < _MIN_UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(timerIntervalMs)} ({timerIntervalMs}) must be less than {_MIN_UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL}ms in order to avoid throttling limits");

            if (_updateTimer != null)

            var args = new CheckForUpdateParams()
                CurrentVersion = currentVersion,
                Callback       = updateCallback

            _updateTimer = new Timer(CheckForUpdateAsync, args, 0, timerIntervalMs);