Beispiel #1
        public async Task ReplaceTrackAsync(IMediaStreamTrack track)
            if (Closed)
                // This must be done here. Otherwise there is no chance to stop the given track.
                if (track is not null && _stopTracks)
                    try { track.Stop(); }
                    catch { }
                throw new Exception("closed");
            else if (track is not null && track.ReadyState == MediaStreamTrackState.Ended)
                throw new Exception("track ended");

            // Do nothing if this is the same track as the current handled one.
            if (track == Track)
                Console.WriteLine("replaceTrack() | same track, ignored");

            if (!_zeroRtpOnPause || !Paused)
                await OnReplaceTrackAsync?.Invoke(this, track);

            // Destroy the previous track.

            // Set the new track.
            Track = track;

            // If this Producer was paused/resumed and the state of the new
            // track does not match, fix it.
            if (Track is not null && _disableTrackOnPause)
                if (!Paused)
                    Track.Enabled = true;
                else if (Paused)
                    Track.Enabled = false;

            // Handle the effective track.
Beispiel #2
        public void Resume()
            if (Closed)

            Paused = false;

            if (_disableTrackOnPause)
                Track.Enabled = true;

            if (_zeroRtpOnPause)
                OnReplaceTrackAsync?.Invoke(this, Track);