Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the hash code
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Hash code</returns>
        public override int GetHashCode()
            // credit:
            unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap
                int hash = 41;

                // Suitable nullity checks
                hash = hash * 59 + Id.GetHashCode();

                if (OldTable != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + OldTable.GetHashCode();

                if (NewTable != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + NewTable.GetHashCode();

                if (OldKey != null)
                    hash = hash * 59 + OldKey.GetHashCode();

                hash = hash * 59 + NewKey.GetHashCode();

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if ImportMap instances are equal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">Instance of ImportMap to be compared</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
        public bool Equals(ImportMap other)
            if (other is null)
            if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))

                     Id == other.Id ||
                     ) &&
                     OldTable == other.OldTable ||
                     OldTable != null &&
                 ) &&
                     NewTable == other.NewTable ||
                     NewTable != null &&
                 ) &&
                     OldKey == other.OldKey ||
                     OldKey != null &&
                 ) &&
                     NewKey == other.NewKey ||
Beispiel #3
        private static int RecursiveSetSudokuValue(ref Dictionary <int, int> dOldValue,
                                                   ref Dictionary <string, string> dict, int pos, ref int RecCheck, int Value)
            bool CheckCol   = true;
            bool CheckRow   = true;
            bool CheckSq    = true;
            bool ValueAdded = false;
            int  OldKey;
            int  OldValue;
            int  iRes = 0;

            // Create List object that will hold zero list
            List <int> dZList = new List <int>();

            Debug.WriteLine("Inside RecursiveSetSudokuValue for the: " + RecCheck + " time");

            for (int i = Value; i <= 9; i++)
                //Check unique value for Column
                CheckCol = GetColumn(dict, pos, i.ToString());
                //Check unique value for Row
                CheckRow = GetRow(dict, pos, i.ToString());
                //Check unique value for Square
                CheckSq = GetSquare(dict, pos, i.ToString());

                if ((CheckCol && CheckRow && CheckSq) == true)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Found a value to set; position: " + pos + " Value: " + i.ToString());
                    //Put values in the dictionary object that holds old values
                    dOldValue.Add(pos, i);
                    //Add new value to the given position on the Sudoku
                    dict [pos.ToString()] = i.ToString();
                    ValueAdded            = true;
                    //Take the next square from the zero array only if not backtracked
                    iRes = BuildZeroList(ref dZList, dict);
                    //Search for end condition
                    if (dZList.Count != 0)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Still there exists zeros: " + dZList.Count);
                        Debug.WriteLine(" ");
                        //call recursive function, set value to 1 since it's time to start from the beginning on the new position
                        return(RecursiveSetSudokuValue(ref dOldValue, ref dict, dZList.First(), ref RecCheck, 1));
                        Debug.WriteLine("Found a solution!");

            // In this case we have a problem; we couldn't find a number to add
            //So we have to backtrack using our list of previous added numbers
            while (true)
                if (ValueAdded == false)
                    //OldKey = dOldValue.ElementAt(0).Key;
                    OldKey = dOldValue.Last().Key;
                    //Set back to zero
                    OldValue = dOldValue.Last().Value;
                    //Check that oldvalue is not greater than nine
                    if ((OldValue + 1) != 10)
                        //Add a zero to the old key in the Sudoku
                        dict[OldKey.ToString()] = 0.ToString();
                        //Remove the key, value numbers from the list of previous added numbers
                        //Check if there still exists old values to backtrack
                        if (dOldValue.Count != 0)
                            //Recursive call to SetSudokuValue
                            Debug.WriteLine("Didn't find any values to set in position " + pos);
                            Debug.WriteLine("Calling RecursiveSetSudokuValue with position: " + OldKey + " and value: " + OldValue);
                            Debug.WriteLine(" ");
                            return(RecursiveSetSudokuValue(ref dOldValue, ref dict, OldKey, ref RecCheck, OldValue + 1));
                    //We have reach a nine, we need to backtrack once more
                        //Add a zero to the Zudoku
                        dict[OldKey.ToString()] = 0.ToString();
                        //Remove the key, value numbers from the list of previous added numbers