private static void Main(string[] args) { var api = new OgoShipApi(); var merchantId = "{merchantId}"; var secredToken = "{secredToken}"; var applicationId = "123456"; var applicationSecret = "abcdef"; var success = api.Authenticate( merchantId, secredToken, applicationId, applicationSecret, "read:order write:order read:product write:product read:webhook write:webhook read:metadata write:metadata"); if (success) { Console.WriteLine("Authentication done."); //WorkWithWebHooks(api); GetProductsAndOrders(api); PostStockUpdate(api); Console.ReadKey(); } else { Console.WriteLine("There was error authenticating to OGOship. Please verify your login information"); Console.WriteLine($"ClientId: {api.ClientId}"); Console.WriteLine($"ClientSecred: {api.ClientSecred}"); } Console.WriteLine("Bye now!"); Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void PostStockUpdate(OgoShipApi api) { Console.WriteLine("Create New StockUpdate"); var stockUpdate1 = new StockUpdateRequest { WarehouseCode = "TEST", Status = "", Supplier = "Test supplier", Containers = 1, Pallets = 10, Parcels = 100, DeliveredBy = "Test Supplier", ReceiveDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(5), MerchantComments = "Test Merchant Comment", TrackingCodes = new List <string> { "123456789", "987654321" }, SpecialAction = "special action comment if needed", Reference = "testreference", Products = new List <StockUpdateRequest.ProductUpdateRequest> { new StockUpdateRequest.ProductUpdateRequest { Code = "TestProductCode", Name = "Test Product", ExpectedQuantity = 100, SupplyPrice = (decimal?)10.99, EANCode = "1234567890", CountryOfOrigin = "FI", CustomsDescription = "Test product made out of test", HsCode = "20111222" } } }; api.AddStockUpdate(stockUpdate1); Console.WriteLine("Get stock update by reference"); var stockUpdates = api.GetStockUpdate(null, stockUpdate1.Reference, null); foreach (var stockUpdate in stockUpdates) { Console.WriteLine($"Reference: {stockUpdate.Reference}"); } }
private static void WorkWithWebHooks(OgoShipApi api) { List <WebHookResponse> webHooksList = api.GetWebHooks(); var newHook = new WebHook() { Url = "test", Key = "testKey", Type = WebhookType.OrderShipped }; WebHookResponse createdWebhook = api.CreateWebHook(newHook); WebHookResponse webhook = api.GetWebHook(createdWebhook.Id); webhook.Key = "TestTestTestKey"; WebHookResponse updatedWebhook = api.UpdateWebHook(createdWebhook.Id, webhook); webHooksList = api.GetWebHooks(); api.DeleteWebHook(webhook.Id); webHooksList = api.GetWebHooks(); }
private static void GetProductsAndOrders(OgoShipApi api) { Console.WriteLine("Create new testproduct"); var product1 = new Product { Code = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(), Name = "Testproduct", LanguageCode = "en", }; var productResponse = (Product)api.AddProduct(product1); Console.WriteLine("Rename and update product info"); var oldCode = productResponse.Code; product1 = productResponse; product1.Code = $"{productResponse.Code}new"; // Change SKU product1.Name = "Test Product"; product1.Description = "Just test product"; product1.EanCode = "1234567890"; product1.Group = "Test products"; product1.InfoUrl = $"{product1.Code}"; product1.PictureUrl = $"{product1.Code}/img1.jpg"; product1.CountryOfOrigin = "cn"; product1.CurrencyCode = "EUR"; product1.SupplyPrice = 1.25M; product1.Supplier = "Test supplier"; product1.SupplierCode = $"su{product1.Code}"; productResponse = api.UpdateProduct(productResponse, oldCode); var order1 = new OrderRequest { Reference = $"test{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString()}", Customer = new Customer { Address1 = "Teknobulevardi 3-5", City = "Vantaa", Zip = "01530", CountryCode = "fi", Name = "Test Person", Company = "OGOship", Email = "*****@*****.**", Phone = "+35810123456" }, OrderLines = new List <OrderLine> { new OrderLine { Code = product1.Code, Quantity = 10 } }, PriceCurrency = "EUR", ShippingCode = "Test Deliverytype", Test = true }; var response = api.AddOrder(order1); Console.WriteLine("Get all orders"); var orders = api.GetOrders(modifiedAfter: new DateTime(2017, 1, 1)); foreach (var order in orders) { Console.WriteLine($"{order.Reference}"); } Console.WriteLine("Get all products by list"); var products = api.GetProducts(); foreach (var product in products) { Console.WriteLine($"Check {product.Code}"); // Get product and stock by code var p = api.GetProducts(code: product.Code).FirstOrDefault(); var s = api.GetStockLevels(productCode: product.Code).FirstOrDefault(); if (p == null || p.Name != product.Name || s == null || s.StockAvailable != p.StockAvailable) { Console.WriteLine($"Problem with {product.Code}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Product ok {product.Code}"); } } }