public static void sageTransferUpdate(int qty, string prodName, string locFrom, string locTo, DateTime installDate, DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate)
            int      primKey;
            int      nextPrimKey;
            int      locToId;
            int      locFromId;
            int      inventId;
            string   sPartCode;
            double   currLocQty;
            double   newLocQty;
            double   changeInvValuNeg;
            double   changeInvValuPos;
            double   sageInvValue;
            string   uCost       = "";
            string   lastPrice   = "";
            string   insertData  = "";
            double   unitCost    = 0;
            double   lastP       = 0;
            int      negQtyMoved = qty * -1;
            double   stockVal    = 0;
            string   sageQty     = "";
            string   dateBatch   = "SAGE IMPORT BATCH " + StartDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " TO " + EndDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
            DateTime minDate     = DateTime.MinValue;

            OdbcDataReader DbReader = null;

            OdbcCommand DbCommand = new OdbcCommand();

            string connectionString = "";

            if (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SageConnectionString"] != null)
                connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SageConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

            OdbcConnection DbConnection = new OdbcConnection(connectionString);

            //OdbcConnection DbConnection = new OdbcConnection("DSN=sageLiveTest");


            //Deletes the record that was not finding a match when it gets stuck.....
            // string deleteThisShitFuckinRecordBITCH = "DELETE FROM tinvbyln WHERE lInventId = 249 AND lInvLocId = 92;";
            // DbReader = dbConReader(deleteThisShitFuckinRecordBITCH, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            //Deleteing the Inventory ITEM 249 attempt
            // string deleteInvItem = "DELETE FROM tinvent WHERE lId = 249;";
            // DbReader = dbConReader(deleteInvItem, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Insert the deleted again...
            //  string testCRAPinsert = "INSERT INTO tinvbyln (lInventId, lInvLocId, dtASDate, tmASTime, sASUserId, "
            //      + "sASOrgId, dInStock, dCostStk, dOrderPt, dLastCost, dQtyOnOrd, dLastPPrce, dQOnSalOrd, dHInStock,dHCostStk)"
            //      + "VALUES (249,92,'" + minDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "', CURTIME(), 'program', 'winsim', " + 1 + "," + 1 + ",0," + 1 + ",0," + 1 + ",0,0,0);";
            //  DbReader = dbConReader(testCRAPinsert, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            //Suppose to take away the value that was potentially not matching when doing process transaction.
            // string testDateUpdateSql = "UPDATE tinvbyln SET dtASDate=NULL, tmASTime=NULL WHERE lInventId = 249 AND lInvLocId = 92;";
            // DbReader = dbConReader(testDateUpdateSql, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            //All inserts only require primkey lId = 150
            // DbCommand.Dispose();
            string titPrimKey = "SELECT lNextId FROM tnxtpids WHERE lId LIKE 150;";

            DbReader    = dbConReader(titPrimKey, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            primKey     = DbReader.GetFieldValue <int>(0);
            nextPrimKey = primKey + 1;

            string updateTitrecPrimKey = "UPDATE tnxtpids SET dtASDate=CURDATE(), tmASTime= CURTIME(),"
                                         + "sASOrgId='winsim', lNextId=" + nextPrimKey + " WHERE tnxtpids.lId LIKE '150';";

            DbReader = dbConReader(updateTitrecPrimKey, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Grab location ID
            string sqlLocFromId = "SELECT lId FROM tinvloc WHERE sGrpCode LIKE '" + locFrom + "';";

            DbReader  = dbConReader(sqlLocFromId, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            locFromId = DbReader.GetFieldValue <int>(0);
            string sqlLocToId = "SELECT lId FROM tinvloc WHERE sGrpCode LIKE '" + locTo + "';";

            DbReader = dbConReader(sqlLocToId, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            locToId  = DbReader.GetFieldValue <int>(0);

            //grabs sPartCode and Id from tinvent
            string sqlPartCode = "SELECT sPartCode, lId FROM tinvent WHERE sName LIKE '" + prodName + "';";

            //Set partCode and inventory ID values for SQL inserts/Updates
            DbReader = dbConReader(sqlPartCode, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            sPartCode = DbReader.GetFieldValue <string>(0);
            inventId  = DbReader.GetFieldValue <int>(1);

            string sqlSageQty = "SELECT dInStock, dLastCost FROM tinvbyln WHERE lInventId = " + inventId + " AND lInvLocId = " + locFromId + "; ";

            DbReader = dbConReader(sqlSageQty, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            if (DbReader.HasRows)
                sageQty = DbReader.GetString(0);
                uCost   = DbReader.GetString(1);

                currLocQty = Convert.ToDouble(sageQty);
                unitCost   = Convert.ToDouble(uCost);

                //New sage QTY to input
                newLocQty = currLocQty - qty;

                //New total sage Inventory value
                sageInvValue     = newLocQty * unitCost;
                changeInvValuPos = qty * unitCost;
                changeInvValuNeg = (qty * unitCost) * -1;

                string updateTinvbylnFrom = "UPDATE tinvbyln SET dtASDate=CURDATE(), tmASTime=CURTIME(), dInStock = '" + newLocQty + "', dCostStk='" + sageInvValue
                                            + "' WHERE lInventId = " + inventId + " AND lInvLocId = " + locFromId + ";";

                DbReader = dbConReader(updateTinvbylnFrom, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
                insertData = "SELECT dLastCost, dLastPPrce FROM tinvbyln WHERE lInventId = " + inventId + ";";

                DbReader  = dbConReader(insertData, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
                uCost     = DbReader.GetString(0);
                lastPrice = DbReader.GetString(1);

                unitCost = Convert.ToDouble(uCost);
                lastP    = Convert.ToDouble(lastPrice);

                stockVal         = negQtyMoved * unitCost;
                changeInvValuPos = qty * unitCost;
                changeInvValuNeg = (qty * unitCost) * -1;

                string insertTinvbylnFrom = "INSERT INTO tinvbyln (lInventId, lInvLocId, dtASDate, tmASTime, sASUserId, "
                                            + "sASOrgId, dInStock, dCostStk, dOrderPt, dLastCost, dQtyOnOrd, dLastPPrce, dQOnSalOrd, dHInStock,dHCostStk)"
                                            + "VALUES (" + inventId + "," + locFromId + ", '" + installDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "', CURTIME(), 'program', 'winsim', " + negQtyMoved + "," + stockVal + ",0," + unitCost + ",0," + lastP + ",0,0,0);";

                DbReader = dbConReader(insertTinvbylnFrom, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            sqlSageQty = "SELECT dInStock, dLastCost FROM tinvbyln WHERE lInventId = " + inventId + " AND lInvLocId = " + locToId + "; ";
            DbReader   = dbConReader(sqlSageQty, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            if (DbReader.HasRows)
                DbReader = dbConReader(sqlSageQty, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

                sageQty = DbReader.GetString(0);
                uCost   = DbReader.GetString(1);

                currLocQty = Convert.ToDouble(sageQty);
                unitCost   = Convert.ToDouble(uCost);

                newLocQty = currLocQty + qty;

                sageInvValue     = newLocQty * unitCost;
                changeInvValuPos = qty * unitCost;
                changeInvValuNeg = (qty * unitCost) * -1;

                string updateTinvbylnTo = "UPDATE tinvbyln SET dtASDate=CURDATE(), tmASTime=CURTIME(), dInStock = '" + newLocQty + "', dCostStk='" + sageInvValue
                                          + "' WHERE lInventId = " + inventId + " AND lInvLocId = " + locToId + ";";

                DbReader = dbConReader(updateTinvbylnTo, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
                insertData = "SELECT dLastCost, dLastPPrce FROM tinvbyln WHERE lInventId = " + inventId + ";";
                DbReader   = dbConReader(insertData, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
                uCost      = DbReader.GetString(0);
                lastPrice  = DbReader.GetString(1);

                unitCost         = Convert.ToDouble(uCost);
                lastP            = Convert.ToDouble(lastPrice);
                stockVal         = qty * unitCost;
                changeInvValuPos = qty * unitCost;
                changeInvValuNeg = (qty * unitCost) * -1;

                string insertTinvbylnTo = "INSERT INTO tinvbyln (lInventId, lInvLocId, dtASDate, tmASTime, sASUserId, "
                                          + "sASOrgId, dInStock, dCostStk, dOrderPt, dLastCost, dQtyOnOrd, dLastPPrce, dQOnSalOrd, dHInStock,dHCostStk)"
                                          + "VALUES (" + inventId + "," + locToId + ", " + installDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ",  CURTIME(), 'program', 'winsim', " + qty + "," + stockVal + ",0," + unitCost + ",0," + lastP + ",0,0,0);";

                DbReader = dbConReader(insertTinvbylnTo, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            string insertTitLuInvTransfer = "INSERT INTO titlu (lITRecId, dTotal, nTSActSort, lAcctId, bDistByAmt, b40Data, bDeleted, bNotRecd, bFromPO, lAcctDptId, bAlocToAll,nTmplType, lAddrId, nLangPref, bUseVenItm, lProjId)"
                                            + "VALUES (" + primKey + ", " + changeInvValuNeg + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);";

            DbReader = dbConReader(insertTitLuInvTransfer, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            string insertTitrec = "INSERT INTO titrec (lId,dtASDate, tmASTime, sASOrgId, lVenCusId, lJourId, nTsfIn, nJournal, dtJournal,dtUsing,sComment, dFreight,dInvAmt,fDiscPer,nDiscDay,nNetDay,dDiscAmt,bCashTrans,bCashAccnt,b40Data,"
                                  + "bReversal,bReversed,bFromPO,bPdByCash,bPdbyCC,bDiscBfTax,bFromImp,bUseMCurr,bLUCleared,bStoreDuty,lCurIdUsed,dExchRate,bPrinted,bEmailed,lChqId,bChallan,bPaidByWeb,nOrdType,bPrePaid,lOrigPPId,lPPId,dPrePAmt,lSoldBy,"
                                  + "bDSProc,lInvLocId,bTrfLoc,bRmBPLst,bPSPrintd,bPSRmBPLst,lCCTransId,bPdByDP) VALUES(" + primKey + ", '" + installDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "', CURTIME(), 'winsim',0,0,0,14,'" + installDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "',CURTIME(),'" + dateBatch + "',0,"
                                  + "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0);";

            DbReader = dbConReader(insertTitrec, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            string insertTitluliOne = "INSERT INTO titluli (lITRecId, nLineNum, sItem, sUnits, nUnitType, sDesc, dAmtInclTx, dOrdered, dRemaining, dPrice, dDutyPer, dDutyAmt, bFreight,"
                                      + "lTaxCode, lTaxRev, dTaxAmt, bTSLine, dBasePrice, dLineDisc, dVenRel, bVenToStk, bDefDesc) VALUES (" + primKey + ", 1,'" + sPartCode + "', 'Each',"
                                      + "1, '" + prodName + "'," + changeInvValuNeg + ",0,0," + unitCost + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1);";
            string insertTitluliTwo = "INSERT INTO titluli (lITRecId, nLineNum, sItem, sUnits, nUnitType, sDesc, dAmtInclTx, dOrdered, dRemaining, dPrice, dDutyPer, dDutyAmt, bFreight,"
                                      + "lTaxCode, lTaxRev, dTaxAmt, bTSLine, dBasePrice, dLineDisc, dVenRel, bVenToStk, bDefDesc) VALUES (" + primKey + ", 2,'" + sPartCode + "', 'Each',"
                                      + "1, '" + prodName + "'," + changeInvValuPos + ",0,0," + unitCost + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);";

            //insert new titluli rec
            DbReader = dbConReader(insertTitluliOne, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            DbReader = dbConReader(insertTitluliTwo, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Insert new record into titrline uses tirec prime key
            string insertTitrlineOne = "INSERT INTO titrline (lITRecId, nLineNum, sSource, lInventId, lAcctId, dQty, dPrice, dAmt, dCost, dRev,bTsfIn, bVarLine, bReversal, bService,"
                                       + "lAcctDptId,lInvLocId, bDefPrc,lPrcListId,dBasePrice,dLineDisc,bDefBsPric,bDelInv,bUseVenItm) VALUES ("
                                       + primKey + ", 1, '" + sPartCode + "'," + inventId + ", 15150000, " + negQtyMoved + ", " + unitCost + ", " + changeInvValuNeg + "," + changeInvValuNeg + ",0,0,0,0,0,0," + locFromId + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0);";
            string insertTitrlineTwo = "INSERT INTO titrline (lITRecId, nLineNum, sSource, lInventId, lAcctId, dQty, dPrice, dAmt, dCost, dRev,bTsfIn, bVarLine, bReversal, bService,"
                                       + "lAcctDptId,lInvLocId, bDefPrc,lPrcListId,dBasePrice,dLineDisc,bDefBsPric,bDelInv,bUseVenItm) VALUES ("
                                       + primKey + ", 2, '" + sPartCode + "'," + inventId + ", 15150000, " + qty + ", " + unitCost + ", " + changeInvValuPos + "," + changeInvValuPos + ",0,0,0,0,0,0," + locToId + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0);";

            //insert new titrline rec
            DbReader = dbConReader(insertTitrlineOne, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            DbReader = dbConReader(insertTitrlineTwo, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            //update the tinvent table with new times according to prodName
            string updateTinvent = "UPDATE tinvent SET dtASDate = CURDATE(), tmASTime=CURTIME() WHERE lId =" + inventId + ";";

            DbReader = dbConReader(updateTinvent, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            string updateTbstat = "UPDATE ttbstat SET dtASDate=CURDATE(),tmASTime=CURTIME(),sASUserId='sysadmin',sASOrgId='winsim' WHERE lId=90;";

            DbReader = dbConReader(updateTbstat, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            string updateTinvlocFrom = "UPDATE tinvloc SET bUsed = 1 WHERE lId = " + locFromId + "";
            string updateTinvlocTo   = "UPDATE tinvloc SET bUsed = 1 WHERE lId = " + locToId + "";

            DbReader = dbConReader(updateTinvlocFrom, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            DbReader = dbConReader(updateTinvlocTo, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

        public static void SageInvUpdate(string prodName, Int32 qtyMoved, string loc, DateTime installDate)
            double         currSageQty;
            double         newSageQty;
            double         unitCost;
            double         sageInvValue;
            double         changeInvValuNeg;
            double         changeInvValuPos;
            double         curInvBalance;
            double         curHAPBalance;
            int            negQtyMoved = qtyMoved * -1;
            string         sPartCode;
            int            locId;
            Int32          inventId;
            Int32          primKey;
            Int32          nextPrimKey;
            Int32          journIdforTitrec;
            OdbcDataReader DbReader  = null;
            OdbcCommand    DbCommand = new OdbcCommand();

            //DbConnection for dbConReader
            string connectionString = "";

            if (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SageConnectionString"] != null)
                connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SageConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

            OdbcConnection DbConnection = new OdbcConnection(connectionString);


            //Time stuff below was attempting to EXCLUDE the date portion when doing the CURTIME() sql function.

            //grabs sPartCode and Id from tinvent
            string sqlPartCode = "SELECT sPartCode, lId FROM tinvent WHERE sName LIKE '" + prodName + "';";

            //This will grab the current qty according to the prodName in SAGE database, a few values are grabbed and set/used in first DbReader.Read();
            string sqlSageQty = "SELECT dInStock, dLastCost FROM tinvbyln LEFT JOIN tinvent ON tinvbyln.lInventId = tinvent.lId WHERE tinvent.sName LIKE '" + prodName + "';";

            //Grab location ID
            string sqlLocId = "SELECT lId FROM tinvloc WHERE sGrpCode LIKE '" + loc + "';";

            DbReader = dbConReader(sqlSageQty, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Grabs as string and converts to double for updates and inserts
            string sageQty = DbReader.GetString(0);
            string uCost   = DbReader.GetString(1);

            currSageQty = Convert.ToDouble(sageQty);
            unitCost    = Convert.ToDouble(uCost);

            //New sage QTY to input
            newSageQty = currSageQty - qtyMoved;

            //New total sage Inventory value
            sageInvValue = newSageQty * unitCost;

            //for Insert into titrec make value negative because all changes are moves ie decrease in Inventory Assets
            changeInvValuNeg = (unitCost * qtyMoved) * -1;
            changeInvValuPos = (unitCost * qtyMoved);

            //Set partCode and inventory ID values for SQL inserts/Updates
            DbReader = dbConReader(sqlPartCode, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            sPartCode = DbReader.GetFieldValue <string>(0);
            inventId  = DbReader.GetFieldValue <Int32>(1);

            //Grab Location ID according to Text file.
            DbReader = dbConReader(sqlLocId, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            locId = DbReader.GetFieldValue <int>(0);

            //Updates tinvbyln with the new values as per parameters of sageInvUpdate
            string updateTinvbyln = "UPDATE tinvbyln SET lInvLocId=" + locId + ", dtASDate=CURDATE(), tmASTime=CURTIME(), dInStock = '" + newSageQty + "', dCostStk='" + sageInvValue
                                    + "' WHERE tinvbyln.lInventId LIKE (SELECT tinvent.lId FROM tinvent WHERE sName LIKE '" + prodName + "');";

            //update the tinvent table with new times according to prodName
            string updateTinvent = "UPDATE tinvent SET dtASDate = CURDATE(), tmASTime=CURTIME() WHERE sName LIKE '" + prodName + "';";

            //grabs next primKey for titrec/tjentact
            string tjenPrimKey = "SELECT lNextId FROM tnxtpids WHERE lId LIKE 100";

            string titPrimKey = "SELECT lNextId FROM tnxtpids WHERE lId LIKE 150;";

            //Update tinvbyln with changes
            DbReader = dbConReader(updateTinvbyln, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Update tinvent with changes
            DbReader = dbConReader(updateTinvent, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Grabbing primKeys for tjen/tjourent
            DbReader = dbConReader(tjenPrimKey, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            primKey = DbReader.GetFieldValue <Int32>(0);

            nextPrimKey = DbReader.GetFieldValue <Int32>(0) + 1;

            //Update the tijentact primary key in tnxtpids
            string updateTjentactPrimKey = "UPDATE tnxtpids SET dtASDate=CURDATE(), tmASTime=CURTIME(),"
                                           + "sASOrgId='winsim', lNextId=" + nextPrimKey + " WHERE lId LIKE 100;";

            //Updating next prime keys for tnxtpids
            DbReader = dbConReader(updateTjentactPrimKey, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Insert new record into tjourent table with next primKey
            string insertTjourent = "INSERT INTO tjourent (lId, dtASDate, tmASTime, sASOrgId, dtJourDate, nModule, nType,lCurrncyId, dExchRate, lRecId, nPymtClass,"
                                    + "bExported, lCompId, bAcctEntry, bAEImport, bAftYEnd, bB4YrStart) VALUES (" + primKey + ", " + installDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ", " + installDate.ToLocalTime().ToString() + ", 'winsim', " + installDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ", 4, 1, 1, 0, -1, 0 ,0, 1, 0,0,0,0);";
            //Fill the nLine numbers. 15150000 Acct is inventory account, 51470000 is HAP account (things going out of inv go into HAP)
            string insertTjentactOne = "INSERT INTO tjentact (lJEntId, nLineNum, lAcctID, dAmount, dAmountFor, lAcctDptId, lCompId) VALUES ("
                                       + primKey + ", 1, 51470000, " + changeInvValuPos + ", 0, 0, 1);";

            string insertTjentactTwo = "INSERT INTO tjentact (lJEntId, nLineNum, lAcctID, dAmount, dAmountFor, lAcctDptId, lCompId) VALUES ("
                                       + primKey + ", 2, 15150000, " + changeInvValuNeg + ", 0, 0, 1);";

            //Creating new records for tjourent and both lines of tjentact
            DbReader = dbConReader(insertTjourent, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //nline 1 insert
            DbReader = dbConReader(insertTjentactOne, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //nline 2 insert
            DbReader = dbConReader(insertTjentactTwo, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Grabs primKey for titrec/titluli/titrline
            DbReader = dbConReader(titPrimKey, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            primKey = DbReader.GetFieldValue <Int32>(0);

            nextPrimKey = DbReader.GetFieldValue <Int32>(0) + 1;

            //update the titrec prim key in tnxtpids
            string updateTitrecPrimKey = "UPDATE tnxtpids SET dtASDate=CURDATE(), tmASTime= CURTIME(),"
                                         + "sASOrgId='winsim', lNextId=" + nextPrimKey + " WHERE tnxtpids.lId LIKE '150';";

            //Updating titrec/Titluli/titrline primekey in tnxtpids
            DbReader = dbConReader(updateTitrecPrimKey, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Journal ID for titrec entry.
            string sqlJourId = "SELECT lId FROM tjourent ORDER BY lId DESC LIMIT 1;";

            DbReader         = dbConReader(sqlJourId, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
            journIdforTitrec = DbReader.GetFieldValue <Int32>(0);

            //Insert new record into titrec table with next primKey
            string insertTitrec = "INSERT INTO titrec (lId,dtASDate, tmASTime, sASOrgId, lVenCusId, lJourId, nTsfIn, dtJournal,dtUsing, dFreight,dInvAmt,fDiscPer,nDiscDay,nNetDay,dDiscAmt,bCashTrans,bCashAccnt,b40Data,"
                                  + "bReversal,bReversed,bFromPO,bPdByCash,bPdbyCC,bDiscBfTax,bFromImp,bUseMCurr,bLUCleared,bStoreDuty,lCurIdUsed,dExchRate,bPrinted,bEmailed,lChqId,bChallan,bPaidByWeb,nOrdType,bPrePaid,lOrigPPId,lPPId,dPrePAmt,lSoldBy,"
                                  + "bDSProc,lInvLocId,bTrfLoc,bRmBPLst,bPSPrintd,bPSRmBPLst,lCCTransId,bPdByDP) VALUES(" + primKey + ", " + installDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ",CURTIME(), 'winsim',0," + journIdforTitrec + ",0," + installDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "," + installDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ",0,"
                                  + changeInvValuNeg + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0," + locId + ",0,0,0,0,0,0);";

            //Insert new titrec record
            DbReader = dbConReader(insertTitrec, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Insert new record into titluli uses titrec prime key
            string insertTitluli = "INSERT INTO titluli (lITRecId, nLineNum, sItem, sUnits, nUnitType, sDesc, dAmtInclTx, dOrdered, dRemaining, dPrice, dDutyPer, dDutyAmt, bFreight,"
                                   + "lTaxCode, lTaxRev, dTaxAmt, bTSLine, dBasePrice, dLineDisc, dVenRel, bVenToStk, bDefDesc) VALUES (" + primKey + ", 1,'" + sPartCode + "', 'Each',"
                                   + "1, '" + prodName + "'," + changeInvValuNeg + ",0,0," + unitCost + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1);";

            //insert new titluli rec
            DbReader = dbConReader(insertTitluli, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Insert new record into titrline uses tirec prime key
            string insertTitrline = "INSERT INTO titrline (lITRecId, nLineNum, sSource, lInventId, lAcctId, dQty, dPrice, dAmt, dCost, dRev,bTsfIn, bVarLine, bReversal, bService,"
                                    + "lAcctDptId,lInvLocId, bDefPrc,lPrcListId,dBasePrice,dLineDisc,bDefBsPric,bDelInv,bUseVenItm) VALUES ("
                                    + primKey + ", 1, '" + sPartCode + "'," + inventId + ", 51470000, " + negQtyMoved + ", " + unitCost + ", " + changeInvValuNeg + "," + changeInvValuNeg + ",0,0,0,0,0,0," + locId + ",0,0,0,0,0,0,0);";

            //insert new titrline rec
            DbReader = dbConReader(insertTitrline, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Grab current dYtc and last dYts balances according to tjentact and taccount
            string grabCurBalances = "SELECT SUM(dAmount) FROM tjentact WHERE lAcctId=15150000 OR lAcctId=51470000 GROUP BY lAcctId;";

            //set cur vars
            DbReader = dbConReader(grabCurBalances, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            curInvBalance = DbReader.GetFieldValue <double>(0);

            curHAPBalance = DbReader.GetFieldValue <double>(0);

            //Update the field in taccount for Inventory Program account ID 15150000
            string updateTaccountInvProg = "UPDATE taccount SET dtASDate = CURDATE(), tmASTime = CURTIME(), dYtc = dYts +" + curInvBalance
                                           + " WHERE taccount.lId = 15150000;";

            dbConReader(updateTaccountInvProg, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);

            //Updating taccount at HAP COG program account ID 51470000
            string updateTaccountHapCOG = "UPDATE taccount SET dtASDate = CURDATE(), tmASTime = CURTIME(), dYtc = dYts +" + curHAPBalance
                                          + " WHERE taccount.lId = 51470000;";

            dbConReader(updateTaccountHapCOG, DbConnection, DbReader, DbCommand);
