Beispiel #1
        public virtual int sampleVelocityGrid(float[] pos, float rad, float vmax, float[] vel, float[] dvel, float[] nvel, ObstacleAvoidanceParams @params, ObstacleAvoidanceDebugData debug)
            prepare(pos, dvel, rad);
            m_params       = @params;
            m_invHorizTime = 1.0f / m_params.horizTime;
            m_vmax         = vmax;
            m_invVmax      = vmax > 0 ? 1.0f / vmax : float.MaxValue;

            //float[] nvel = new float[3];
            DetourCommon.vSet(nvel, 0f, 0f, 0f);

            if (debug != null)

            float cvx  = dvel[0] * m_params.velBias;
            float cvz  = dvel[2] * m_params.velBias;
            float cs   = vmax * 2 * (1 - m_params.velBias) / (m_params.gridSize - 1);
            float half = (m_params.gridSize - 1) * cs * 0.5f;

            float minPenalty = float.MaxValue;
            int   ns         = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < m_params.gridSize; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < m_params.gridSize; ++x)
                    //float[] vcand = new float[3];
                    svgvcand[0] = cvx + x * cs - half;
                    svgvcand[1] = 0f;
                    svgvcand[2] = cvz + y * cs - half;

                    if (DetourCommon.sqr(svgvcand[0]) + DetourCommon.sqr(svgvcand[2]) > DetourCommon.sqr(vmax + cs / 2))

                    float penalty = processSample(svgvcand, cs, pos, rad, vel, dvel, minPenalty, debug);
                    if (penalty < minPenalty)
                        minPenalty = penalty;
                        DetourCommon.vCopy(nvel, svgvcand);

Beispiel #2
        public virtual int sampleVelocityAdaptive(float[] pos, float rad, float vmax, float[] vel, float[] dvel, float[] nvel, ObstacleAvoidanceParams @params, ObstacleAvoidanceDebugData debug)
            prepare(pos, dvel, rad);
            m_params       = @params;
            m_invHorizTime = 1.0f / m_params.horizTime;
            m_vmax         = vmax;
            m_invVmax      = vmax > 0 ? 1.0f / vmax : float.MaxValue;

            //float[] nvel = new float[3];
            DetourCommon.vSet(nvel, 0f, 0f, 0f);

            if (debug != null)

            // Build sampling pattern aligned to desired velocity.
            //float[] pat = new float[(DT_MAX_PATTERN_DIVS * DT_MAX_PATTERN_RINGS + 1) * 2];
            int npat = 0;

            int ndivs  = m_params.adaptiveDivs;
            int nrings = m_params.adaptiveRings;
            int depth  = m_params.adaptiveDepth;

            int nd = DetourCommon.clamp(ndivs, 1, DT_MAX_PATTERN_DIVS);
            int nr = DetourCommon.clamp(nrings, 1, DT_MAX_PATTERN_RINGS);
            //int nd2 = nd / 2;
            float da = (1.0f / nd) * DT_PI * 2;
            float ca = (float)Math.Cos(da);
            float sa = (float)Math.Sin(da);

            // desired direction
            //float[] ddir = new float[6];
            DetourCommon.vCopy(svaddir, dvel);
            //float[] rotated = dtRotate2D(ddir, da * 0.5f); // rotated by da/2
            dtRotate2D(svarotated, svaddir, da * 0.5f);
            svaddir[3] = svarotated[0];
            svaddir[4] = svarotated[1];
            svaddir[5] = svarotated[2];

            // Always add sample at zero
            svapat[npat * 2 + 0] = 0;
            svapat[npat * 2 + 1] = 0;

            float r;
            int   last1, last2;

            for (int j = 0; j < nr; ++j)
                r = (float)(nr - j) / (float)nr;
                svapat[npat * 2 + 0] = svaddir[(j % 2) * 3] * r;
                svapat[npat * 2 + 1] = svaddir[(j % 2) * 3 + 2] * r;
                last1 = npat * 2;
                last2 = last1;

                for (int i = 1; i < nd - 1; i += 2)
                    // get next point on the "right" (rotate CW)
                    svapat[npat * 2 + 0] = svapat[last1] * ca + svapat[last1 + 1] * sa;
                    svapat[npat * 2 + 1] = -svapat[last1] * sa + svapat[last1 + 1] * ca;
                    // get next point on the "left" (rotate CCW)
                    svapat[npat * 2 + 2] = svapat[last2] * ca - svapat[last2 + 1] * sa;
                    svapat[npat * 2 + 3] = svapat[last2] * sa + svapat[last2 + 1] * ca;

                    last1 = npat * 2;
                    last2 = last1 + 2;
                    npat += 2;

                if ((nd & 1) == 0)
                    svapat[npat * 2 + 2] = svapat[last2] * ca - svapat[last2 + 1] * sa;
                    svapat[npat * 2 + 3] = svapat[last2] * sa + svapat[last2 + 1] * ca;

            // Start sampling.
            float cr = vmax * (1.0f - m_params.velBias);

            //float[] res = new float[3];
            DetourCommon.vSet(svares, dvel[0] * m_params.velBias, 0, dvel[2] * m_params.velBias);
            int   ns = 0;
            float minPenalty;
            float penalty;

            for (int k = 0; k < depth; ++k)
                minPenalty = float.MaxValue;
                //float[] bvel = new float[3];
                DetourCommon.vSet(svabvel, 0, 0, 0);

                for (int i = 0; i < npat; ++i)
                    //float[] vcand = new float[3];
                    svavcand[0] = svares[0] + svapat[i * 2 + 0] * cr;
                    svavcand[1] = 0f;
                    svavcand[2] = svares[2] + svapat[i * 2 + 1] * cr;

                    if (DetourCommon.sqr(svavcand[0]) + DetourCommon.sqr(svavcand[2]) > DetourCommon.sqr(vmax + 0.001f))

                    penalty = processSample(svavcand, cr / 10, pos, rad, vel, dvel, minPenalty, debug);
                    if (penalty < minPenalty)
                        minPenalty = penalty;
                        DetourCommon.vCopy(svabvel, svavcand);

                DetourCommon.vCopy(svares, svabvel);

                cr *= 0.5f;
            DetourCommon.vCopy(nvel, svares);

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the collision penalty for a given velocity vector
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vcand"> sampled velocity </param>
        /// <param name="dvel"> desired velocity </param>
        /// <param name="minPenalty"> threshold penalty for early out </param>
        public virtual float processSample(float[] vcand, float cs, float[] pos, float rad, float[] vel, float[] dvel, float minPenalty, ObstacleAvoidanceDebugData debug)
            // penalty for straying away from the desired and current velocities
            float vpen  = m_params.weightDesVel * (DetourCommon.vDist2D(vcand, dvel) * m_invVmax);
            float vcpen = m_params.weightCurVel * (DetourCommon.vDist2D(vcand, vel) * m_invVmax);

            // find the threshold hit time to bail out based on the early out penalty
            // (see how the penalty is calculated below to understnad)
            float minPen    = minPenalty - vpen - vcpen;
            float tThresold = (float)(((double)m_params.weightToi / (double)minPen - 0.1) * m_params.horizTime);

            if (tThresold - m_params.horizTime > -float.Epsilon)
                return(minPenalty);                // already too much

            // Find min time of impact and exit amongst all obstacles.
            float tmin  = m_params.horizTime;
            float side  = 0;
            int   nside = 0;

            ObstacleCircle cir;

            //RefFloat htmin = new RefFloat();
            //RefFloat htmax = new RefFloat();

            for (int i = 0; i < m_ncircles; ++i)
                cir = m_circles[i];

                // RVO
                //float[] vab = vScale(vcand, 2);
                //vab = vSub(vab, vel);
                //vab = vSub(vab, cir.vel);
                DetourCommon.vScale(psvab, vcand, 2);
                DetourCommon.vSub(psvab, psvab, vel);
                DetourCommon.vSub(psvab, psvab, cir.vel);

                // Side
                side += DetourCommon.clamp(Math.Min(DetourCommon.vDot2D(cir.dp, psvab) * 0.5f + 0.5f, DetourCommon.vDot2D(, psvab) * 2), 0.0f, 1.0f);

                float htmin = 0;
                float htmax = 0;
                if (!sweepCircleCircle(pos, rad, psvab, cir.p, cir.rad, ref htmin, ref htmax))

                // Handle overlapping obstacles.
                if (htmin < 0.0f && htmax > 0.0f)
                    htmin = -htmin * 0.5f;

                if (htmin >= 0.0f)
                    // The closest obstacle is somewhere ahead of us, keep track of nearest obstacle.
                    if (htmin < tmin)
                        tmin = htmin;
                        if (tmin < tThresold)

            ObstacleSegment seg;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_nsegments; ++i)
                seg = m_segments[i];
                float htmin = 0;

                if (seg.touch)
                    // Special case when the agent is very close to the segment.
                    //float[] sdir = vSub(seg.q, seg.p);
                    //float[] snorm = new float[3];
                    DetourCommon.vSub(pssdir, seg.q, seg.p);
                    DetourCommon.vSet(pssnorm, 0, 0, 0);
                    pssnorm[0] = -pssdir[2];
                    pssnorm[2] = pssdir[0];
                    // If the velocity is pointing towards the segment, no collision.
                    if (DetourCommon.vDot2D(pssnorm, vcand) < 0.0001f)
                    // Else immediate collision.
                    htmin = 0.0f;
                    if (!isectRaySeg(pos, vcand, seg.p, seg.q, ref htmin))

                // Avoid less when facing walls.
                htmin = htmin * 2.0f;

                // The closest obstacle is somewhere ahead of us, keep track of nearest obstacle.
                if (htmin < tmin)
                    tmin = htmin;
                    if (tmin < tThresold)

            // Normalize side bias, to prevent it dominating too much.
            if (nside != 0)
                side /= nside;

            float spen = m_params.weightSide * side;
            float tpen = m_params.weightToi * (1.0f / (0.1f + tmin * m_invHorizTime));

            float penalty = vpen + vcpen + spen + tpen;

            // Store different penalties for debug viewing
            if (debug != null)
                debug.addSample(vcand, cs, penalty, vpen, vcpen, spen, tpen);
