Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method executes the view. It is fired when the user presses the OK Button of the sample view. Will return
        /// a revit TaskDialog contaning the summary of the activities, wich will basically mean a report containing the selected
        /// view type, the total number of views of that view type in the project, and the total selected views of the specified view
        /// type, and finally, the names of the selected view types.
        /// </summary>
        private void Execute()
            this.window.DialogResult = true;

            TaskDialog dialog = new TaskDialog("SampleWPFMVVM");

            dialog.MainInstruction = "Summary of Activities";

            string SelectedViewNames = "";

            var SelectedViews = ObjectsToView.Where(lbh => lbh.IsSelected).Select(lbh => lbh.Name).ToList();

            foreach (string sView in SelectedViews)
                SelectedViewNames += sView + Environment.NewLine;

            dialog.MainContent =
                $"There is a total of {ObjectsToView.Count} {SViewType} Views in this document. From wich the user selected {NumSelectedViews} in this UI. Their names are:\n\n{SelectedViewNames}";

            dialog.ExpandedContent = "This solution were developed by Ramoon N. Bandeira";

Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// This is an event that will be fired whenever the user mark a checkbox within the listbox of the view as checked
 /// this will update the number of selected views (displayed in the textbox of the view) to match the number of checked
 /// checkboxes within the listbox
 /// </summary>
 private void OnListChanged(object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e)
     NumSelectedViews = ObjectsToView.Where(lbh => lbh.IsSelected).Count().ToString();