public void Execute(int index)
            var foregroundObjectBox = PlacedForegroundObjects[index];
            // See comment regarding Random in jobs in BackgroundGenerator.PlaceObjectsJob
            var rand = new Random(RandomSeed + (uint)index * ObjectPlacementUtilities.LargePrimeNumber);

            var prefabIndex = rand.NextInt(OccludingObjectBounds.Length);
            var bounds      = OccludingObjectBounds[prefabIndex];
            var foregroundObjectBoundingBox = ObjectPlacementUtilities.IntersectRect(
                foregroundObjectBox.BoundingBox, ImageCoordinates);

            //place over a foreground object such that overlap is between 10%-30%
            var numTries = 0;

            PlacedOccludingObjects[index] = new PlacedObject()
                PrefabIndex = -1
            while (numTries < 1000)
                var rotation = rand.NextQuaternionRotation();
                var position = new Vector3(rand.NextFloat(foregroundObjectBoundingBox.xMin, foregroundObjectBoundingBox.xMax),
                                           rand.NextFloat(foregroundObjectBoundingBox.yMin, foregroundObjectBoundingBox.yMax), 0f);
                var scale = ObjectPlacementUtilities.ComputeScaleToMatchArea(Transformer, position, rotation, bounds,
                                                                             rand.NextFloat(ScalingMin, ScalingMin + ScalingSize) * foregroundObjectBox.ProjectedArea);
                var placedObject = new PlacedObject()
                    Scale       = scale,
                    Rotation    = rotation,
                    Position    = position,
                    PrefabIndex = prefabIndex
                // NOTE: This computation is done with orthographic projection and will be slightly inaccurate
                //       when rendering with perspective projection
                var occludingObjectBox = GetBoundingBox(bounds, scale, position, rotation);
                var cropping           = ComputeOverlap(foregroundObjectBoundingBox, occludingObjectBox);
                if (cropping >= 0.10 && cropping <= 0.30)
                    PlacedOccludingObjects[index] = placedObject;
Beispiel #2
    static MeshDrawInfo PlaceBackgroundObject(NativeArray <MeshInfo> meshInfos, WorldToScreenTransformer transformer,
                                              float foregroundObjectSize, Vector3 position,
                                              ref Random rand, float scaleMin, float scaleMax, int textureCount)
        var meshIndex = rand.NextInt(0, meshInfos.Length);
        var meshInfo  = meshInfos[meshIndex];

        // Rotate/resize object
        var rotation    = rand.NextQuaternionRotation();
        var scaleRandom = rand.NextFloat(scaleMin, scaleMax);
        var scale       = ObjectPlacementUtilities.ComputeScaleToMatchArea(transformer, position, rotation, meshInfo.Bounds,
                                                                           scaleRandom * foregroundObjectSize);

        return(new MeshDrawInfo()
            MeshIndex = meshIndex,
            Position = position,
            Rotation = rotation,
            Scale = scale *,
            TextureIndex = rand.NextInt(textureCount)
Beispiel #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        var tfSource = SourceObject.transform;
        // NOTE: The bounds from the meshfilter mesh are for the un-transformed mesh,
        //       the mesh renderer's mesh already has the transforms (rotation and scale) applied
        var boundsSource = SourceObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds;

        var transformer = new WorldToScreenTransformer(m_Camera);

        m_ProjectedSize = ObjectPlacementUtilities.ComputeProjectedArea(
            transformer, tfSource.position, tfSource.rotation, tfSource.localScale, boundsSource);
        m_TextUI.text = $"Area: {m_ProjectedSize:F2} px^2";

        foreach (var target in TargetObjects)
            var tfTarget     = target.transform;
            var boundsTarget = target.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds;
            var scalarTarget = ObjectPlacementUtilities.ComputeScaleToMatchArea(
                transformer, tfTarget.position, tfTarget.rotation, boundsTarget, m_ProjectedSize);
            target.transform.localScale = scalarTarget *;