public override void LoadGame(string path)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
            Debug.Log("[LoadGame] path is null or empty!");

        //Clear the refDict, which we will need later to reconnect GameObject and Component variables with their referenced objects
        refDict = new Dictionary <RefReconnecter, string>();

        //Call the static method that will attempt to load the specified file and deserialize it's data into a form that we can use
        SaveGame loadedGame = SaveLoad.LoadLevel(path);

        if (loadedGame == null)
            Debug.Log("[LoadGame] " + "Level at " + path + " couldn't be found!");

        //clear the SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict which will hold all the ObjectIdentifiers whose GameObjects will be created anew from the deserialized data, with their IDs as the keys.
        //we need this dictionary later to reconnect parents with their children (or vice versa),
        //and you might want to access it in your scripts' OnLoad function so you don't ahve to load all Ois again and again.
        SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict = new Dictionary <string, ObjectIdentifier>();

        //iterate through the loaded SaveGame's sceneObjects list to access each stored object's data and reconstruct/unpack it with all it's components
        //Simultaneously, add the loaded GameObject's ObjectIdentifier to the SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict.
        foreach (SceneObject loadedObject in loadedGame.sceneObjects)
            GameObject go = UnpackGameObject(loadedObject, null);

            if (go != null)
                //Add the reconstructed GameObject to the list we created earlier.
                ObjectIdentifier oi = go.GetComponent <ObjectIdentifier>();
                SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict.Add(, oi);

        //Go through the dictionary of reconstructed GameObjects and try to reassign any missing children, and reset the localPosition
        if (true)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ObjectIdentifier> pair in SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict)
                ObjectIdentifier oi = pair.Value;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oi.idParent) == false)
                    if (SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict.ContainsKey(oi.idParent))
                        Vector3 pos = oi.transform.position;
                        oi.transform.parent        = SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict[oi.idParent].transform;
                        oi.transform.localPosition = pos;

        //Now comes a quite ugly part. It will only come into play if you have loaded any members (field or properties) that held references to GameObjects or Components.
        //Basically, when we went through each member (field/property) and it was a GameObject or Component reference,
        //this field along with the referenced object's id (and some other information) is added to refDict.
        //We now go through each key of refDict and try to find to referenced object (GameObject or Component) so we can add that value to the field or property.
        if (true)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <RefReconnecter, string> pair in refDict)
                RefReconnecter refRec     = pair.Key;
                object         valueToSet = new object();
                Type           fieldType  = refRec.field.FieldType;

                if (debugController.currentRefRec)
                    Debug.Log("[LoadGame] " + "Current RefReconnecter: " + refRec.baseInstance.GetType().Name + "/" + refRec.field.Name + " (" + fieldType + ")");

                if (refRec.collectionType == CollectionType.None)
                    ObjectIdentifier oi = SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict[pair.Value];

                    if (fieldType == typeof(GameObject))
                        valueToSet = oi.gameObject;
                        Component component = oi.GetComponent(fieldType.Name.ToString());
                        if (component != null)
                            valueToSet = component;
                    Type elementType = TypeSystem.GetElementType(fieldType);
                    Dictionary <string, object> fieldValueDict = refRec.loadedValue as Dictionary <string, object>;

                    if (refRec.collectionType == CollectionType.Array)
                        Array array = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, fieldValueDict.Count);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair_fvd in fieldValueDict)
                            if (pair_fvd.Value == null)
                            if (SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict.ContainsKey(pair_fvd.Value.ToString()))
                                ObjectIdentifier oi = SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict[pair_fvd.Value.ToString()];
                                if (elementType == typeof(GameObject))
                                    array.SetValue(oi.gameObject, Int32.Parse(pair_fvd.Key));
                                    array.SetValue(oi.GetComponent(elementType), Int32.Parse(pair_fvd.Key));
                        valueToSet = array;
                    else if (refRec.collectionType == CollectionType.List)
                        object     list          = Activator.CreateInstance(fieldType);
                        MethodInfo listAddMethod = fieldType.GetMethod("Add");

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair_fvd in fieldValueDict)
                            if (pair_fvd.Value == null)
                                listAddMethod.Invoke(list, new object[] { null });
                            if (SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict.ContainsKey(pair_fvd.Value.ToString()))
                                ObjectIdentifier oi = SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict[pair_fvd.Value.ToString()];
                                if (elementType == typeof(GameObject))
                                    listAddMethod.Invoke(list, new object[] { oi.gameObject });
                                    listAddMethod.Invoke(list, new object[] { oi.GetComponent(elementType) });

                        valueToSet = list;
                    else if (refRec.collectionType == CollectionType.Dictionary)
                        Type keyType   = fieldType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                        Type valueType = fieldType.GetGenericArguments()[1];

                        bool inheritsFromComponent_keyType   = SaveLoad.InheritsFrom(keyType, typeof(Component));
                        bool inheritsFromComponent_valueType = SaveLoad.InheritsFrom(valueType, typeof(Component));

                        object     dictionary          = Activator.CreateInstance(fieldType);
                        MethodInfo dictionaryAddMethod = fieldType.GetMethod("Add", new[] { keyType, valueType });

                        ConvertedDictionary convDict = refRec.loadedValue as ConvertedDictionary;

                        for (int i = 0; i < convDict.keys.Count; i++)
                            //var newKey = Activator.CreateInstance(keyType);//Can't be used since String has no such initializer
                            object newKey = new object();

                            if (keyType.Namespace == "System" || surrogateTypes.Contains(keyType.Name))
                                newKey = convDict.keys[i.ToString()];
                            else if (keyType == typeof(GameObject) || inheritsFromComponent_keyType == true)
                                string refID = convDict.keys[i.ToString()].ToString();
                                if (SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict.ContainsKey(refID))
                                    ObjectIdentifier oi = SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict[refID];
                                    if (keyType == typeof(GameObject))
                                        newKey = oi.gameObject;
                                        if (oi.GetComponent(keyType) != null)
                                            newKey = oi.GetComponent(keyType.Name);
                                            Debug.Log("[LoadGame] " + "oi.GetComponent(" + keyType + ") == null");
                                Dictionary <string, object> keyDict = convDict.keys[i.ToString()] as Dictionary <string, object>;
                                SetValues(ref newKey, keyDict);

                            //var newValue = Activator.CreateInstance(valueType);
                            object newValue = new object();

                            if (valueType.Namespace == "System" || surrogateTypes.Contains(valueType.Name))
                                newValue = convDict.values[i.ToString()];
                            else if (valueType == typeof(GameObject) || inheritsFromComponent_valueType == true)
                                string refID = convDict.values[i.ToString()].ToString();
                                if (SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict.ContainsKey(refID))
                                    ObjectIdentifier oi = SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict[refID];
                                    if (valueType == typeof(GameObject))
                                        newValue = oi.gameObject;
                                        if (oi.GetComponent(valueType.Name) != null)
                                            newValue = oi.GetComponent(valueType);
                                            Debug.Log("[LoadGame] " + "oi.GetComponent(" + valueType + ") == null");
                                Dictionary <string, object> valueDict = convDict.values[i.ToString()] as Dictionary <string, object>;
                                SetValues(ref newValue, valueDict);

                            dictionaryAddMethod.Invoke(dictionary, new object[] { newKey, newValue });
                        valueToSet = dictionary;
                if (refRec.field != null)
                    refRec.field.SetValue(refRec.baseInstance, valueToSet);
                else if ( != null)
          , valueToSet, null);

        //This is when you might want to call any functions that should be called when a gameobject is loaded.
        //Remember that you can access the static SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict from anywhere to access all the ObjectIdentifiers that were reconstructed after loading the game.
        if (true)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ObjectIdentifier> pair in SaveLoad.objectIdentifierDict)
                pair.Value.gameObject.SendMessage("OnLoad", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

        if (debugController.gameLoaded)
            //Debug.Log("Game Loaded: " + loadedGame.savegameName + " (" + loadedGame.saveDate + ").");