public IWorkItemCommand BuildCommand(WorkItem item)
             * Specification:
             * Only workitem type supported is the hotel work item.
             * Incase null then throw..
             * Incase unsupported type then throw
             * Incase hotel work item then get command mapped corresponding to the data type + change type.
            if (item == null)
                throw new InvalidParameterException("Work item cannot be null.");
            if (item is HotelWorkItem == false)
                throw new InvalidParameterException(string.Format("{0} is not a supported work item type for HotelWorkItemCommandFactory.", item == null ? "null" : item.GetType().Name));
            var hotelWorkItem = item as HotelWorkItem;
            var key           = string.Format("{0}.{1}", hotelWorkItem.Schema, hotelWorkItem.ChangeType);

            return(ObjectBuilder.BuildIfDefined <IWorkItemCommand>(key));