public CastOrDefaultSpecK()
                Specify(x => ObjectArray.CastOrDefault <CustomType> ().ToList())
                .Case("for normal array", _ => _
                      .Given("CustomType array", x => ObjectArray = new object[] { new CustomType(1), new CustomType(2), new CustomType(3) })
                      .It("casts each element",
                          x => x.Result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new CustomType(1), new CustomType(2), new CustomType(3))))
                .Case("for sparse array", _ => _
                      .Given("CustomType sparse array", x => ObjectArray = new object[] { new CustomType(1), null, new CustomType(3) })
                      .It("casts each element and sparse elements to default",
                          x => x.Result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new CustomType(1), null, new CustomType(3))));

                Specify(x => ObjectArray.CastOrDefault <int> ().ToList())
                .Case("for sparse int array", _ => _
                      .Given("int sparse array", x => ObjectArray = new object[] { 1, null, 3 })
                      .It("casts each element and sparse elements to default",
                          x => x.Result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(1, 0, 3)));