//serialization constructor

    /*protected Object2PropertiesMapping(SerializationInfo info,StreamingContext context) {
     *      savedStates = (OrderedDictionary<int,SavedState>)info.GetValue("savedStates",typeof(OrderedDictionary<int,SavedState>));
     *      isParentObj = info.GetBoolean("isParentObj");
     *          parentMapping = (Object2PropertiesMapping)info.GetValue("parentMapping",typeof(Object2PropertiesMapping));
     *          childNo = info.GetInt32("childNo");
     *          prefabLoadPath = info.GetString("prefabLoadPath");
     *          lastChangedFrame = info.GetInt32("lastChangedFrame");
     *          firstChangedFrame = info.GetInt32("firstChangedFrame");
     *          try {
     *                  childIdentificationMode = (ChildIdentificationMode)info.GetValue("childIdentificationMode",typeof(ChildIdentificationMode));
     *          } catch (SerializationException) {
     *                  //file was recorded using old version of this plugin
     *                  childIdentificationMode = ChildIdentificationMode.IDENTIFY_BY_ORDER;
     *          }
     *          try {
     *                  gameObjectName = info.GetString("gameObjectName");
     *          } catch (SerializationException) {
     *                  //file was recorded using old version of this plugin
     *                  childIdentificationMode = ChildIdentificationMode.IDENTIFY_BY_ORDER;
     *                  gameObjectName = "name_untraceable";
     *          }
     *  }*/

    public Object2PropertiesMapping(GameObject go, bool isParent, Object2PropertiesMapping parentMapping, int childNo, string prefabLoadPath, ChildIdentificationMode childIdentificationMode) : this(go, isParent, parentMapping, childNo, prefabLoadPath)
        this.childIdentificationMode = childIdentificationMode;

        if (isParentObj)           // if gameObject is a parent..
        //..instantiate mappings for all children too
            Transform[] allChildren = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();
            for (int i = 0; i < allChildren.Length; i++)
                GameObject child = allChildren[i].gameObject;

                if (!EZReplayManager.get.gOs2propMappings.ContainsKey(child))
                    if (child != gameObject)
                        EZReplayManager.get.gOs2propMappings.Add(child, new Object2PropertiesMapping(child, false, this, i, "", childIdentificationMode));
                if (EZReplayManager.showHints)
                    Debug.Log("EZReplayManager HINT: GameObject '" + child + "' is already being recorded. Will not be marked for recording again.");
    //called to synchronize gameObjectClone of Object2PropertiesMapping back to this saved state
    public void synchronizeProperties(GameObject go, Object2PropertiesMapping o2m)
        //HINT: lerping is still highly experimental
        //EZReplayManager.singleton.StartCoroutine_Auto(EZReplayManager.singleton.MoveTo (go.transform,serVec3ToVec3(this.localPosition),0.08f));

        if (o2m.isParentObj && o2m.getGameObject() != null && o2m.getGameObject().transform.parent != null)
            go.transform.position = this.position;
            go.transform.rotation = this.rotation;
            go.transform.localPosition = this.localPosition;
            go.transform.localRotation = this.localRotation;


        if (emittingParticles)
            go.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter> ().emit = true;
        else if (go.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter> ())
            go.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter> ().emit = false;
 //as this is not derived from MonoBehaviour, we have a constructor
 protected Object2PropertiesMapping(GameObject go, bool isParent, Object2PropertiesMapping parentMapping, int childNo)
     //setting instance variables
     this.gameObject           = go;
     this.isParentObj          = isParent;
     this.parentMapping        = parentMapping;
     this.childNo              = childNo;
     this.gameObjectInstanceID = go.GetInstanceID();
     this.gameObjectName       = go.name;
Beispiel #4
    //execute one cycle of the current action on the current recorder position
    protected void execRecorderAction()
        if (gOs2propMappings != null)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <GameObject, Object2PropertiesMapping> entry in gOs2propMappings)
                GameObject go = entry.Key;
                Object2PropertiesMapping propMapping = entry.Value;

                if (currentAction == ActionMode.RECORD && currentMode == ViewMode.LIVE)           //if recording

                    if (recorderPosition <= (100 * (int)ActionMode.STOPPED) / (int)ActionMode.PAUSED)
                    maxPositions = recorderPosition;
                    showingStoppedRecordingMsg = true;
                else if (currentMode == ViewMode.REPLAY)             //if replaying
                //if in between start and finish position
                    if ((recorderPosition <= maxPositions && orgRecorderPositionStep > 0) || (recorderPosition > 0 && orgRecorderPositionStep < 0))
                        //lerping not integrated yet
                        //float updateSyncTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                        //float lerpInterval = interval - ((updateSyncTime - updateStartingTime) % interval) ;
                        if (propMapping.getGameObjectClone() != null)
                    else                 //else if reached the finishing position

                        if (exitOnFinished)
Beispiel #5
 public void CalcParentMapingRef()
     for (int i = 0; i < object2PropertiesMappings.Count; i++)
         Object2PropertiesMapping mapping = object2PropertiesMappings [i];
         mapping.currentMappingIdx = i;
         if (mapping.parentMappingIdx != -1)
             mapping.parentMapping = object2PropertiesMappings [mapping.parentMappingIdx];
             mapping.parentMapping = null;
Beispiel #6
    //this starts the recording of objects, which have been marked for recoring previously or while recording in progress
    public void record()
        //markPredefinedObjects4Recording(); //mark the game objects from the public gui list for recording

        if (currentMode == ViewMode.LIVE)
            if (currentAction == ActionMode.STOPPED)
                //remove a previous recording
                foreach (KeyValuePair <GameObject, Object2PropertiesMapping> entry in gOs2propMappings)
                    //GameObject go = entry.Key;
                    Object2PropertiesMapping propMapping = entry.Value;

                //reset everything to standard values
                recorderPosition        = 0;
                recorderPositionStep    = 1;
                orgRecorderPositionStep = 1;
                //set new action
                currentAction         = ActionMode.RECORD;
                continueCallingUpdate = true;


                sendCallback2All("__EZR_record", null);
                if (showWarnings)
                    Debug.LogWarning("EZReplayManager WARNING: Ordered to record when recorder was not in stopped-state. Will not start recording.");
            if (showWarnings)
                Debug.LogWarning("EZReplayManager WARNING: Ordered to record when recorder was in replay mode. Will not start recording.");
Beispiel #7
    //	public void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt)
    //	{
    //		info.AddValue ("object2PropertiesMappings", this.object2PropertiesMappings);
    //		info.AddValue ("EZR_VERSION", EZR_VERSION);
    //		info.AddValue ("recordingInterval", this.recordingInterval);
    //		//base.GetObjectData(info, context);
    //	}

    public void CalcParentMapingIdx()
        for (int i = 0; i < object2PropertiesMappings.Count; i++)
            Object2PropertiesMapping mapping = object2PropertiesMappings [i];
            mapping.currentMappingIdx = i;
        for (int i = 0; i < object2PropertiesMappings.Count; i++)
            Object2PropertiesMapping mapping = object2PropertiesMappings [i];
            if (mapping.parentMapping != null)
                mapping.parentMappingIdx = mapping.parentMapping.currentMappingIdx;
                mapping.parentMappingIdx = -1;
    //	public Vector3 serVec3ToVec3 (SerVector3 serVec3)
    //	{
    //		return new Vector3 (serVec3.x, serVec3.y, serVec3.z);
    //	}
    //	public Quaternion serQuatToQuat (SerQuaternion serQuat)
    //	{
    //		return new Quaternion (serQuat.x, serQuat.y, serQuat.z, serQuat.w);
    //	}

    public bool isDifferentTo(SavedState otherState, Object2PropertiesMapping o2m)
        bool changed = false;

        if (!changed && isActive != otherState.isActive)
            changed = true;

        if (o2m.isParentObj && o2m.getGameObject().transform.parent != null)
            if (!changed && position.isDifferentTo(otherState.position))
                changed = true;

            if (!changed && rotation.isDifferentTo(otherState.rotation))
                changed = true;

        if (!changed && localPosition.isDifferentTo(otherState.localPosition))
            changed = true;

        if (!changed && localRotation.isDifferentTo(otherState.localRotation))
            changed = true;

        if (!changed && emittingParticles != otherState.emittingParticles)
            changed = true;

    public Object2PropertiesMapping(GameObject go,bool isParent, Object2PropertiesMapping parentMapping, int childNo, string prefabLoadPath, ChildIdentificationMode childIdentificationMode)
        : this(go,isParent,parentMapping, childNo, prefabLoadPath)
        this.childIdentificationMode = childIdentificationMode;

        if (isParentObj) { // if gameObject is a parent..
            //..instantiate mappings for all children too
            Transform[] allChildren = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>() ;
            for(int i=0;i<allChildren.Length;i++) {
                GameObject child = allChildren[i].gameObject;

                if (!EZReplayManager.get.gOs2propMappings.ContainsKey(child)) {

                    if (child!=gameObject)
                        EZReplayManager.get.gOs2propMappings.Add(child, new Object2PropertiesMapping(child,false,this,i,"",childIdentificationMode));

                } else
                    if (EZReplayManager.showHints)
                        MonoBehaviour.print("EZReplayManager HINT: GameObject '"+child+"' is already being recorded. Will not be marked for recording again.");

Beispiel #10
 //serialization constructor
 protected Object2PropertiesMapping(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     savedStates       = (SerializableDictionary <int, SavedState>)info.GetValue("savedStates", typeof(SerializableDictionary <int, SavedState>));
     isParentObj       = info.GetBoolean("isParentObj");
     parentMapping     = (Object2PropertiesMapping)info.GetValue("parentMapping", typeof(Object2PropertiesMapping));
     childNo           = info.GetInt32("childNo");
     prefabLoadPath    = info.GetString("prefabLoadPath");
     lastChangedFrame  = info.GetInt32("lastChangedFrame");
     firstChangedFrame = info.GetInt32("firstChangedFrame");
     try {
         childIdentificationMode = (ChildIdentificationMode)info.GetValue("childIdentificationMode", typeof(ChildIdentificationMode));
     } catch (SerializationException e) {
         //file was recorded using old version of this plugin
         childIdentificationMode = ChildIdentificationMode.IDENTIFY_BY_ORDER;
     try {
         gameObjectName = info.GetString("gameObjectName");
     } catch (SerializationException e) {
         //file was recorded using old version of this plugin
         childIdentificationMode = ChildIdentificationMode.IDENTIFY_BY_ORDER;
         gameObjectName          = "name_untraceable";
Beispiel #11
    //as this is not derived from MonoBehaviour, we have a constructor
    public SavedState(GameObject go, Object2PropertiesMapping o2m)
        if (o2m.isParent())
            isParent = true;
            isParent = false;

        if (go != null)
            if (o2m.isParent())
                this.pos   = new SerVector3(go.transform.position);
                this.scale = new SerVector3(go.transform.lossyScale);
                this.rot   = new SerQuaternion(go.transform.rotation);
                isParent   = true;
                this.pos   = new SerVector3(go.transform.localPosition);
                this.scale = new SerVector3(go.transform.localScale);
                this.rot   = new SerQuaternion(go.transform.localRotation);

            this.isActive = go.activeInHierarchy;
            this.pos      = new SerVector3(Vector3.zero);
            this.scale    = new SerVector3(Vector3.one);
            this.rot      = new SerQuaternion(Quaternion.identity);
            this.isActive = false;
 //as this is not derived from MonoBehaviour, we have a constructor
 public Object2PropertiesMapping(GameObject go,bool isParent, Object2PropertiesMapping parentMapping, int childNo)
     //setting instance variables
     this.gameObject = go;
     this.isParentObj = isParent;
     this.parentMapping = parentMapping;
     this.childNo = childNo;
     this.gameObjectName = go.name;
Beispiel #13
    //called to synchronize gameObjectClone of Object2PropertiesMapping back to this saved state
    public void synchronizeProperties(GameObject go, Object2PropertiesMapping o2m)
        //HINT: lerping is still highly experimental
        //EZReplayManager.singleton.StartCoroutine_Auto(EZReplayManager.singleton.MoveTo (go.transform,serVec3ToVec3(this.localPosition),0.08f));

        if (o2m.isParentObj && o2m.getGameObject() != null && o2m.getGameObject().transform.parent != null) {

            go.transform.position = serVec3ToVec3(this.position);
            go.transform.rotation = serQuatToQuat(this.rotation);

        } else {
            go.transform.localPosition = serVec3ToVec3(this.localPosition);
            go.transform.localRotation = serQuatToQuat(this.localRotation);


        go.SetActive( this.isActive );

        if (emittingParticles)
            go.GetComponent<ParticleEmitter>().emit = true;
        else if ( go.GetComponent<ParticleEmitter>() )
            go.GetComponent<ParticleEmitter>().emit = false;
Beispiel #14
    public bool isDifferentTo(SavedState otherState, Object2PropertiesMapping o2m)
        bool changed = false;

        if (!changed && isActive != otherState.isActive)
            changed = true;

        if (o2m.isParentObj && o2m.getGameObject().transform.parent != null) {
            if (!changed && position.isDifferentTo(otherState.position) )
                changed = true;

            if (!changed && rotation.isDifferentTo(otherState.rotation) )
                changed = true;

        if (!changed && localPosition.isDifferentTo( otherState.localPosition) )
            changed = true;

        if (!changed && localRotation.isDifferentTo( otherState.localRotation) )
            changed = true;

        if (!changed && emittingParticles != otherState.emittingParticles)
            changed = true;

        return changed;
Beispiel #15
    //execute one cycle of the current action on the current recorder position
    protected void execRecorderAction()
        if (gOs2propMappings != null)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <GameObject, Object2PropertiesMapping> entry in gOs2propMappings)
                GameObject go = entry.Key;
                Object2PropertiesMapping propMapping = entry.Value;

                if (currentAction == ActionMode.RECORD && currentMode == ViewMode.LIVE)   //if recording

                    if (recorderPosition <= (100 * (int)ActionMode.STOPPED) / (int)ActionMode.PAUSED)
                    maxPositions = recorderPosition;

                    int deleted = 0;
                    if (recordingBufferSeconds > 0)
                        deleted = propMapping.removeFramesOutOfBufferRange();

                    /*if (deleted > 0) {
                     *  if (propMapping.getGameObject().name.Contains("Shaftbase"))
                     *      print(propMapping.getGameObject() + " deleted: " + deleted + ", remaining: " + propMapping.savedStates.Count);
                     * }*/
                    showingStoppedRecordingMsg = true;
                else if (currentMode == ViewMode.REPLAY)     //if replaying

                //if in between start and finish position
                    int lowestFrame = getLowestFrame();
                    if (recorderPosition <= maxPositions && orgRecorderPositionStep > 0)
                        propMapping.synchronizeProperties(recorderPosition, recorderPosition == lowestFrame);
                    else if (recorderPosition >= getLowestFrame() && orgRecorderPositionStep < 0)
                        //print("recorderPosition: " + recorderPosition);
                        //if (propMapping.getGameObjectClone() != null) {

                        propMapping.synchronizeProperties(recorderPosition, recorderPosition == maxPositions);

                    else     //else if reached the finishing position

                        if (exitOnFinished)
 //serialization constructor
 protected Object2PropertiesMapping(SerializationInfo info,StreamingContext context)
     savedStates = (SerializableDictionary<int,SavedState>)info.GetValue("savedStates",typeof(SerializableDictionary<int,SavedState>));
     isParentObj = info.GetBoolean("isParentObj");
     parentMapping = (Object2PropertiesMapping)info.GetValue("parentMapping",typeof(Object2PropertiesMapping));
     childNo = info.GetInt32("childNo");
     prefabLoadPath = info.GetString("prefabLoadPath");
     lastChangedFrame = info.GetInt32("lastChangedFrame");
     firstChangedFrame = info.GetInt32("firstChangedFrame");
     try {
         childIdentificationMode = (ChildIdentificationMode)info.GetValue("childIdentificationMode",typeof(ChildIdentificationMode));
     } catch (SerializationException e) {
         //file was recorded using old version of this plugin
         childIdentificationMode = ChildIdentificationMode.IDENTIFY_BY_ORDER;
     try {
         gameObjectName = info.GetString("gameObjectName");
     } catch (SerializationException e) {
         //file was recorded using old version of this plugin
         childIdentificationMode = ChildIdentificationMode.IDENTIFY_BY_ORDER;
         gameObjectName = "name_untraceable";
 protected Object2PropertiesMapping(GameObject go, bool isParent, Object2PropertiesMapping parentMapping, int childNo, string prefabLoadPath) : this(go, isParent, parentMapping, childNo)
     this.prefabLoadPath = prefabLoadPath;
 public Object2PropertiesMapping(GameObject go,bool isParent, Object2PropertiesMapping parentMapping, int childNo, string prefabLoadPath)
     : this(go,isParent,parentMapping, childNo)
     this.prefabLoadPath = prefabLoadPath;
Beispiel #19
 public int getMaxFrames(Object2PropertiesMapping o2pm)
     return o2pm.getMaxFrames();
Beispiel #20
 public void addMapping(Object2PropertiesMapping mapping)
Beispiel #21
 public int getMaxFrames(Object2PropertiesMapping o2pm)
Beispiel #22
    //switch to different mode.. so far there are MODE_LIVE for viewing a normal game action and MODE_REPLAY for viewing a replay of a recording
    public void switchModeTo(ViewMode newMode)
        if (newMode == ViewMode.LIVE)
            sendCallback2All("__EZR_live_prepare", null);

            //reset game object (i.e. rigidbody state)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <GameObject, Object2PropertiesMapping> entry in gOs2propMappings)
                //GameObject go = entry.Key;
                Object2PropertiesMapping propMapping = entry.Value;
                if (propMapping.getGameObject() != null)

            bool tmpWasLoading = false;
            if (isLoadingSlotInUse())
                tmpWasLoading = true;


            if (tmpWasLoading)             //repeat to avoid a bug

            maxPositions = getMaxFrames(gOs2propMappings);

            sendCallback2All("__EZR_live_ready", null);
            sendCallback2All("__EZR_replay_prepare", null);

            if (maxPositions > 0)
                //prepare parents first
                foreach (KeyValuePair <GameObject, Object2PropertiesMapping> entry in gOs2propMappings)
                    //GameObject go = entry.Key;
                    Object2PropertiesMapping propMapping = entry.Value;
                    if (propMapping.isParent())
                        //if (propMapping.getGameObject() != null)
                //..then childs
                foreach (KeyValuePair <GameObject, Object2PropertiesMapping> entry in gOs2propMappings)
                    //GameObject go = entry.Key;
                    Object2PropertiesMapping propMapping = entry.Value;
                    if (!propMapping.isParent())
                        //if (propMapping.getGameObject() != null)

                sendCallback2All("__EZR_replay_ready", null);
                newMode = ViewMode.LIVE;
                if (showWarnings)
                    print("EZReplayManager WARNING: You have not recorded anything yet. Will not replay.");

        currentMode = newMode;
 public void addMapping(Object2PropertiesMapping mapping)