public override bool IsIntersect(Object2D geometry, float epsilon = 0) { if (geometry is LineSegment2D) { LineSegment2D otherLine = (LineSegment2D)geometry; // 두 object2D가 서로 다른 좌표계를 가지므로 global 좌표계로 통일 Vector2 p1 = transform.TransformPoint(this.p1), p2 = transform.TransformPoint(this.p2); Vector2 p3 = otherLine.transform.TransformPoint(otherLine.p1), p4 = otherLine.transform.TransformPoint(otherLine.p2); float under = (p4.y - p3.y) * (p2.x - p1.x) - (p4.x - p3.x) * (p2.y - p1.y); if (under == 0) { return(false); } float t = ((p4.x - p3.x) * (p1.y - p3.y) - (p4.y - p3.y) * (p1.x - p3.x)) / under; // this line float s = ((p2.x - p1.x) * (p1.y - p3.y) - (p2.y - p1.y) * (p1.x - p3.x)) / under; // other line if (t < 0.0 || t > 1.0 || s < 0.0 || s > 1.0) { return(false); } return(true); } else { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } }
public (Redirector.GainType, float) RealMove(Object2D realUser, Redirector.GainType type, float degree) { Transform2D realUserTransform = realUser.transform; float appliedGain = 0; switch (type) { case Redirector.GainType.Translation: realUser.Translate(realUserTransform.forward * degree * Time.fixedDeltaTime, Space.World); break; case Redirector.GainType.Rotation: realUser.Rotate(degree * Time.fixedDeltaTime); break; case Redirector.GainType.Curvature: realUser.Translate(realUserTransform.forward * deltaPosition.magnitude * Time.fixedDeltaTime, Space.World); realUser.Rotate(degree * Time.fixedDeltaTime); break; default: break; } return(type, appliedGain); }
public ControlsGameState() { controls = new Object2D("Controls"); black = new Object2D("black"); timer = 0; fader = 0; }
public Stamina() { backGround = new Object2D("HUD\\Stamina\\Exhausted Empty Stamina"); exhaustedBar = new Object2D("HUD\\Stamina\\Exhausted Full Stamina"); fullBar = new Object2D("HUD\\Stamina\\Full Stamina"); position = new Vector2(20, 20); }
//public Redirector(RedirectedUnit redirectedUnit) { // this.redirectedUnit = redirectedUnit; //} //public void SetReferences(RedirectedUnit redirectedUnit) { // this.redirectedUnit = redirectedUnit; //} public virtual (GainType, float) ApplyRedirection(Object2D realUser, Vector2 deltaPosition, float deltaRotation) { float degree = 0; GainType type = GainType.Undefined; return(type, degree); }
protected override double CalculateFitResult(Object2D objectToPlace, int widthLeftInShelf, int shelfLevel, int shelfHeight, int containerWidth, int ContainerHeight) { // Don't fit (container height) if (objectToPlace.Height + shelfLevel > ContainerHeight) { return(Double.MaxValue); } // Don't fit (shelf height) else if (objectToPlace.Height > shelfHeight && shelfHeight != 0) { return(Double.MaxValue); } // Don't fit (width) else if (objectToPlace.Width > widthLeftInShelf) { return(Double.MaxValue); } else { int availableArea, availableHeight; if (shelfHeight == 0) { availableHeight = ContainerHeight - shelfLevel; } else { availableHeight = shelfHeight; } availableArea = availableHeight * widthLeftInShelf; return((double)(1 / (availableArea / objectToPlace.Area))); } }
public override void start() { GameObject objLayer = UIMgr.CreateLayer(layerNo); if (objLayer == null) { return; } objLayer.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(true); objLayer.SetActive(true); Object2D info = UIMgr.GetItemInfo(itemID); GameObject objPic = null; if (info != null) { objPic = info.gameObject; } else { objPic = UIMgr.CreatePic(objLayer); = itemID; } Object2D picShow = objPic.GetComponent <Object2D>(); picShow.AddAction(this); this.isEnd = true; }
public override bool IsIntersect(Object2D geometry, float epsilon = 0) { if (geometry is LineSegment2D) { LineSegment2D line = (LineSegment2D)geometry; int numOfIntersect = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++) { LineSegment2D boundary = new LineSegment2D(vertices[i], vertices[(i + 1) % 4], transform); //Vector2 result; if (boundary.IsIntersect(line)) { numOfIntersect += 1; } } if (numOfIntersect == 0) { return(false); } else { return(true); } } else { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } }
private void ShowToken(Random random, BattleToken token, Object2D parent, int index) { var tokenObj = new BattleTokenView(token); Tokens[token.Index] = tokenObj; Layer.AddObject(tokenObj); var x = (float)random.NextDouble() * 2 - 1; var y = (float)random.NextDouble() * 2 - 1; tokenObj.Position = coordinateConverter.Convert(new Vector2DF(x, y)); var profileObj = new ProfileCardView(token, headerFont, planeFont); Profiles[token.Index] = profileObj; parent.AddChild(profileObj, ChildManagementMode.Disposal | ChildManagementMode.RegistrationToLayer, ChildTransformingMode.All); var sizeX = 160.0f; var px = (index % 2) * (sizeX + 4); var py = (index / 2) * (sizeX * 1.61805f + 4); profileObj.Position = new Vector2DF(-px, -py) - new Vector2DF(sizeX, sizeX * 1.61805f); var scale = sizeX / profileObj.CardSize.X; profileObj.Scale = new Vector2DF(scale, scale); }
public static void SyncDirection(Object2D virtualUser, Object2D realUser, Vector2 virtualTargetDirection, Vector2 realTargetDirection) // 회전 오차로 인한 시뮬레이션 정확도 저하를 막기 위해 Direction을 동기화 시켜줌 { if (virtualTargetDirection.magnitude > 1) { virtualTargetDirection = virtualTargetDirection.normalized; } if (realTargetDirection.magnitude > 1) { realTargetDirection = realTargetDirection.normalized; } //Debug.Log(string.Format("Before virtualUser.transform: {0}", virtualUser.transform)); virtualUser.transform.forward = virtualTargetDirection; realUser.transform.forward = realTargetDirection; //Debug.Log(string.Format("After virtualUser.transform.forward: {0}", virtualUser.transform)); if (virtualUser.gameObject != null) { virtualUser.gameObject.transform.forward = Utility.Cast2Dto3D(virtualTargetDirection); } if (realUser.gameObject != null) { realUser.gameObject.transform.forward = Utility.Cast2Dto3D(realTargetDirection); } }
public override bool IsIntersect(Object2D geometry, float epsilon = 0) { if (geometry is Circle2D) { Circle2D other = (Circle2D)geometry; Vector2 otherPosition = other.transform.position; Vector2 thisPosition = this.transform.position; float otherRadius = other.GetRadius(); if (Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Distance(thisPosition, otherPosition) - (otherRadius + this.radius)) < epsilon) // 차이가 epsilon 만큼이라면 intersect 했다고 판단 { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else if (geometry is Polygon2D) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } else if (geometry is LineSegment2D) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } else { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } }
public PauseScreenState() { //Add a background image background = new Object2D("Notes\\Note blank", 0); gameObjects.Add(background); //Add text: paused paused = new Object2D("Menu Buttons\\Paused"); gameObjects.Add(paused); //Add a resume button continueButton = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button Continue", 0); gameObjects.Add(continueButton); //Add a mouse-over continue button continueButtonMouseOver = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button Continue MouseOver", 0); gameObjects.Add(continueButtonMouseOver); continueButtonMouseOver.Visible = false; //Add an exit button exitButton = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button Exit", 0); gameObjects.Add(exitButton); //Add a mouse-over exit button exitButtonMouseOver = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button Exit MouseOver", 0); gameObjects.Add(exitButtonMouseOver); exitButtonMouseOver.Visible = false; }
public BeginGameState() { logo = new Object2D("FancyPandaLogo"); timer = 0; fader = 0; fader2 = 0; }
public void CopyTo(Object2D other) { other.Guid = Guid; other.Name = Name; other.PrefabName = PrefabName; other.Position = Position; }
public void Ins() { Object2D Obj = Presets.Load(LinkedObject.ObjectName); Obj.Position = new Vector2(Rand.RandomFloat(0, Screen.Resolution.X), Rand.RandomFloat(0, Screen.Resolution.Y)); UI.AddWindow.Dispose(true); }
public override void start() { //Debug.Log("Run Action : " + actID + " " +; GameObject objLayer = UIMgr.CreateLayer(layer); if (objLayer == null) { return; } objLayer.SetActive(true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetID)) { return; } Object2D info = UIMgr.GetItemInfo(itemID); GameObject objPic = null; if (info != null) { objPic = info.gameObject; } else { objPic = UIMgr.CreatePic(objLayer); = itemID; } info.AddAction(this); this.isEnd = true; }
public GameOverState() { //Add the background sprite background = new Object2D("Menu Buttons\\Blood", 0); gameObjects.Add(background); //Add text: game over gameOver = new Object2D("Menu Buttons\\GameOver"); gameObjects.Add(gameOver); //add a continue button continueButton = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button Continue", 0); gameObjects.Add(continueButton); //Add a mouse-over continue button continueButtonMouseOver = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button Continue MouseOver", 0); gameObjects.Add(continueButtonMouseOver); continueButtonMouseOver.Visible = false; //add an exit button exitButton = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button Exit", 0); gameObjects.Add(exitButton); //Add a mouse-over exit button exitButtonMouseOver = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button Exit MouseOver", 0); gameObjects.Add(exitButtonMouseOver); exitButtonMouseOver.Visible = false; }
public override void start() { Object2D info = UIMgr.GetItemInfo(itemID); EventTrigger trigger = info.gameObject.GetComponent <EventTrigger>(); trigger.enabled = false; }
/// <summary> /// ウィンドウにオブジェクトを追加する /// </summary> /// <param name="object_2d"> 追加するオブジェクト </param> public void AddObject(Object2D object_2d) { AddChild( object_2d, ChildManagementMode.RegistrationToLayer, ChildTransformingMode.Position ); }
public void SyncPosition(Object2D virtualUser, Vector2 virtualTargetPosition) { virtualUser.transform.localPosition = virtualTargetPosition; if (virtualUser.gameObject != null) { virtualUser.gameObject.transform.localPosition = Utility.Cast2Dto3D(virtualTargetPosition); } }
public void PlaceNewObject(Object2D theObject, Position2D position) { LastPlacedObject = (PlaceObject(theObject, position)) as PlacedObject2D; MakeSkylineUnavailable(LastPlacedObject); CreateSkylineAtopObject(LastPlacedObject); }
public static void Save(string stage, Object2D obj) { var s = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, Formatting.Indented, settings); var fp = GetDirectoryPath(stage); if (!Directory.Exists(fp)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(fp); } Serializer.SaveToFile(GetFilePath(stage, obj), s); }
public string ApplyUserReset(Object2D realUser, Object2D virtualUser, Vector2 resetDirection) { //float ratio = 2; float rotationSpeed = 60.0f; if (isFirst) { initialAngle = Vector2.SignedAngle(realUser.transform.forward, resetDirection); realTargetRotation = Matrix3x3.CreateRotation(initialAngle) * realUser.transform.forward; //virtualTargetRotation = Matrix3x3.CreateRotation(ratio * targetAngle) * virtualUser.transform.forward; freeze-turn when user reset isFirst = false; maxRotTime = Mathf.Abs(initialAngle) / rotationSpeed; //Debug.Log(maxRotTime); remainRotTime = 0; } float realAngle = Vector2.SignedAngle(realUser.transform.forward, realTargetRotation); if (remainRotTime < maxRotTime) { //Debug.Log(remainRotTime); realUser.Rotate(Mathf.Sign(initialAngle) * rotationSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime); //virtualUser.Rotate(ratio * rotationSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime); remainRotTime += Time.fixedDeltaTime; } else { SyncDirection(realUser, resetDirection); //Debug.Log("SYNC"); //Utility.SyncDirection(virtualUser, realUser, virtualTargetRotation, realTargetRotation); //realUser.transform.position = realUser.transform.position + realUser.transform.forward * 0.1f; //if (realUser.gameObject != null) realUser.gameObject.transform.position = Utility.Cast2Dto3D(realUser.transform.position); //Utility.SyncPosition(virtualUser, realUser, virtualUser.transform.localPosition, newRealPosition); //bool isNeedReset = NeedWallReset(realUser, realSpace); //Debug.Log(virtualUser.transform); //Debug.Log(realUser.transform); ////Debug.Log(virtualUser.gameObject.transform.localPosition); ////Debug.Log(realUser.gameObject.transform.localPosition); //Debug.Log(isNeedReset); //realUser.transform.position = realUser.transform.position + realUser.transform.forward * 0.1f; // 다시 리셋 상태에 빠지는 것을 방지 isFirst = true; return("DONE"); //episode.DeleteTarget(); //isFirst = true; //isFirst2 = true; } return("NOT_YET"); }
protected override void LoadContent() { spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); pon3 = new Object2D(Content.Load <Texture2D>("text")); pon3.position.X = graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 2; pon3.position.Y = graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 2; tempRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight); tempText = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight); }
public static void HideItem(string itemName) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemName)) { Object2D info = GetItemInfo(itemName); if (info != null) { DestroyObj(info.gameObject); } } }
public void Explode(Object2D explodable, Texture2D explosion) { var exp = new Explosion(explosion, explodable) { Scale = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.25f) }; exp.Position = Position; exp.CenterOrigin(); ComponentManegment.Instance.Dispose(this); }
public override void Execute(ObjectSet originalObjects) { Position2D positionToPlace = null; ShelfContainer2D selectedContainer = containers.First() as ShelfContainer2D; selectedContainer.AddShelf(); ShelfSubContainer2D selectedShelf = selectedContainer.TopShelf as ShelfSubContainer2D; var objectsCopy = originalObjects.ToObjectList(); while (objectsCopy.Any()) { Object2D selectedObject = objectsCopy.First() as Object2D; for (int i = 0; positionToPlace == null; i++) { selectedContainer = containers[i] as ShelfContainer2D; for (int j = 0; positionToPlace == null; j++) { selectedShelf = selectedContainer.Subcontainers[j] as ShelfSubContainer2D; if (selectedObject.Width + selectedShelf.LastPlacedObject.X2 <= selectedContainer.Width && ((j == selectedContainer.Subcontainers.Count - 1 && selectedObject.Height + selectedShelf.Y <= selectedContainer.Height) || j != selectedContainer.Subcontainers.Count - 1 && selectedObject.Height < selectedShelf.Height)) { positionToPlace = new Position2D(selectedShelf.LastPlacedObject.X2, selectedShelf.Y); } else if (selectedObject.Height + selectedShelf.Y > selectedContainer.Height && i == containers.Count - 1 && j == selectedContainer.Subcontainers.Count - 1) { AddContainer(); (containers.Last() as ShelfContainer2D).AddShelf(); break; } else if (selectedObject.Height + selectedShelf.Y > selectedContainer.Height && j == selectedContainer.Subcontainers.Count - 1) { break; } else if (selectedObject.Width + selectedShelf.LastPlacedObject.X2 > selectedContainer.Width && j == selectedContainer.Subcontainers.Count - 1) { selectedContainer.AddShelf(); } } } objectsCopy.Remove(selectedObject); selectedShelf.LastPlacedObject = selectedContainer.PlaceObject(selectedObject, positionToPlace) as PlacedObject2D; positionToPlace = null; } }
public override void Execute(ObjectSet originalObjects) { double bestFittingQuality = Double.MaxValue; double localFittingQuality; PlacedObject2D newPlacedObject; Position2D positionToPlace = null; GuillotineCutContainer2D selectedContainer = containers.First() as GuillotineCutContainer2D; GuillotineCutSubcontainer2D selectedSubcontainer = selectedContainer.Subcontainers.First() as GuillotineCutSubcontainer2D; var objectsCopy = originalObjects.ToObjectList(); while (objectsCopy.Any()) { Object2D selectedObject = objectsCopy.First() as Object2D; foreach (GuillotineCutContainer2D container in containers) { foreach (GuillotineCutSubcontainer2D subcontainer in container.Subcontainers) { if (FittingStrategy.ValidateObjectPlacement(selectedObject, subcontainer)) { localFittingQuality = FittingStrategy.CalculateFittingQuality(selectedObject, subcontainer); if (localFittingQuality < bestFittingQuality) { bestFittingQuality = localFittingQuality; selectedContainer = container; selectedSubcontainer = subcontainer; positionToPlace = subcontainer.Position; } } } } if (positionToPlace == null) { AddContainer(); selectedContainer = containers.Last() as GuillotineCutContainer2D; selectedSubcontainer = selectedContainer.Subcontainers.Last() as GuillotineCutSubcontainer2D; positionToPlace = selectedSubcontainer.Position; } objectsCopy.Remove(selectedObject); newPlacedObject = selectedContainer.PlaceObject(selectedObject, positionToPlace) as PlacedObject2D; selectedContainer.SplitSubcontainer(selectedSubcontainer, newPlacedObject); positionToPlace = null; bestFittingQuality = Double.MaxValue; } }
public void SyncDirection(Object2D virtualUser, Vector2 virtualTargetDirection) { if (virtualTargetDirection.magnitude > 1) { virtualTargetDirection = virtualTargetDirection.normalized; } virtualUser.transform.forward = virtualTargetDirection; if (virtualUser.gameObject != null) { virtualUser.gameObject.transform.forward = Utility.Cast2Dto3D(virtualTargetDirection); } }
public Space2D(Object2D space, List <Object2D> obstacles) { if (space is Polygon2D) // TODO: 부모와 자식 클래스 형변환이 올바르게 되도록 정리 { = new Polygon2D((Polygon2D)space); } else { = new Object2D(space); } this.obstacles = new List <Object2D>(obstacles); }
public void SyncDirection(Object2D realUser, Vector2 realTargetDirection) { if (realTargetDirection.magnitude > 1) { realTargetDirection = realTargetDirection.normalized; } realUser.transform.forward = realTargetDirection; if (realUser.gameObject != null) { realUser.gameObject.transform.forward = Utility.Cast2Dto3D(realTargetDirection); } }
public override void Execute(ObjectSet originalObjects) { double bestFitResult = Double.MaxValue; double currentFitResult; int selectedFitContainerIndex = 0; Position2D positionToPlace = null; SkylineContainer2D selectedContainer = containers.First() as SkylineContainer2D; var objectsCopy = originalObjects.ToObjectList(); while (objectsCopy.Any()) { Object2D selectedObject = objectsCopy.First() as Object2D; for (int i = 0; i < containers.Count; i++) { currentFitResult = FindBestFitWithinContainer(containers[i] as SkylineContainer2D, selectedObject, bestFitResult, ref positionToPlace); if (currentFitResult < bestFitResult) { bestFitResult = currentFitResult; selectedFitContainerIndex = i; break; } } // Object not placed, create new container, place object bottom-left if (positionToPlace == null) { AddContainer(); selectedContainer = containers.Last() as SkylineContainer2D; positionToPlace = new Position2D(0, 0); } else { selectedContainer = containers[selectedFitContainerIndex] as SkylineContainer2D; } objectsCopy.Remove(selectedObject); selectedContainer.PlaceNewObject(selectedObject, positionToPlace); selectedFitContainerIndex = 0; bestFitResult = Double.MaxValue; positionToPlace = null; } }
public TitleScreenState() { level = new Level(); level.player = new Player(new Vector3(200, 200f, 200)); foreach (Sound sound in MusicPlayer.Music) { sound.PlaySound(); } //Add title title = new Object2D("Menu Buttons\\Chased"); gameObjects.Add(title); //Add a continue button continueButton = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button Continue", 0); gameObjects.Add(continueButton); //Add a mouse-over continue button continueButtonMouseOver = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button Continue MouseOver", 0); gameObjects.Add(continueButtonMouseOver); continueButtonMouseOver.Visible = false; //Add a new game button newGameButton = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button NewGame", 0); gameObjects.Add(newGameButton); //Add a mouse-over new game button newGameButtonMouseOver = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button NewGame MouseOver", 0); gameObjects.Add(newGameButtonMouseOver); newGameButtonMouseOver.Visible = false; //Add an exit button exitButton = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button Exit", 0); gameObjects.Add(exitButton); //Add a mouse-over exit button exitButtonMouseOver = new Button("Menu Buttons\\Menu button Exit MouseOver", 0); gameObjects.Add(exitButtonMouseOver); exitButtonMouseOver.Visible = false; part = 0; }
public void OpenEditorFor(Object2D obj) { if (current) { Destroy(current); } if(obj != null) { var editor = GameObjectUtil.GetResourceInstance(Object2DEditorBasePrefab); if (Object2DEditorMap.Instance.HasTypeFor(obj.GetType())) { editor.AddComponent(Object2DEditorMap.Instance.GetTypeFor(obj.GetType())); } foreach(var initObj in editor.GetInterfacesInChildren<IInitializable<Object2D>>()) { initObj.Initialize(obj); } Debug.Log(MainCanvas.main); Debug.Log(editor); MainCanvas.main.Add(editor.transform); current = editor; } }
public void Delete(Object2D obj) { DeleteAt(obj.Position); }
public void Serialize(Object2D obj) { byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(obj.ObjectFile.PadRight(80, '\0')); writer.Write(data); Serialize(obj.ObjectPosition); Serialize(obj.ObjectRotation); writer.Write(new byte[24]); }
protected static string GetFilePath(string stage, Object2D obj) { return GetFilePath(stage, obj.Guid); }
/// <summary> /// Collision of object2D with pixels /// </summary> /// <param name="obj2D">The object to check collision with</param> /// <returns>True if it collides, false if it doesn't</returns> public bool CollidesWith(Object2D obj2D) { if (!this.Visible || !obj2D.Visible || !BoundingBox.Intersects(obj2D.BoundingBox)) return false; Rectangle b = Collision.Intersection(BoundingBox, obj2D.BoundingBox); for(int x = 0; x<b.Width; x++) for(int y = 0; y<b.Height; y++) { int thisx = b.X - (int)(GlobalPosition.X - origin.X) + x; int thisy = b.Y - (int)(GlobalPosition.Y - origin.Y) + y; int objx = b.X - (int)(obj2D.GlobalPosition.X - obj2D.origin.X) + x; int objy = b.Y - (int)(obj2D.GlobalPosition.Y - obj2D.origin.Y) + y; if (SpriteSheet.GetPixelColor(thisx, thisy).A != 0 && obj2D.spriteSheet.GetPixelColor(objx, objy).A != 0) return true; } return false; }
public void Serialize(Object2D obj) { writer.WriteElementString("filename", obj.ObjectFile); writer.WriteStartElement("position"); Serialize(obj.ObjectPosition); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("rotation"); Serialize(obj.ObjectRotation); writer.WriteEndElement(); }
public static void Delete(string stage, Object2D obj) { if (File.Exists(GetFilePath(stage, obj))) { File.Delete(GetFilePath(stage, obj)); } }
public void Save(Object2D obj) { Object2DLoader.Save(_stage, obj); }
public void Place(Object2D obj) { var pos = GetGridPosition(obj.Position); DeleteAt(pos); resources[pos] = ConstructObject2DInstance(obj); }
public void Arrange(Object2D objectToPosition, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle container) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
GameObject ConstructObject2DInstance(Object2D obj) { var baseObject = GameObjectUtil.GetResourceInstance(Object2DBasePrefab); baseObject.GetOrAddComponent<Object2DComponent>().Initialize(obj); baseObject.transform.position = GetWorldPosition(GetGridPosition(obj.Position)); = string.Format("{0} ({1})", obj.Name, obj.GetType()); var graphicObject = GameObjectUtil.GetResourceInstance(Object2DPrefabsDirectory + obj.PrefabName); graphicObject.transform.SetParent(baseObject.transform); graphicObject.transform.localPosition =; //if (obj is IHasTrigger) { // var c = baseObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider2D>(); // c.isTrigger = true; //} if (obj is IHasCollider) { graphicObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider2D>(); } if (Object2DBehaviourMap.Instance.HasTypeFor(obj.GetType())) { baseObject.AddComponent(Object2DBehaviourMap.Instance.GetTypeFor(obj.GetType())); } foreach (var i in baseObject.GetInterfacesInChildren<IInitializable<Object2D>>()) { i.Initialize(obj); } return baseObject; }
public void Arrange(Object2D objectToPosition, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle container, int typeOfLayout) { Rectangle tmp = objectToPosition.Bound; switch ((RelativePosition)typeOfLayout) { case RelativePosition.TOP_LEFT: tmp.Location= new Point(container.X,container.Y); break; case RelativePosition.TOP_CENTER: tmp.Location = new Point((int)midh(tmp, container), container.Y); break; case RelativePosition.TOP_RIGHT: tmp.Location = new Point((int)right(tmp,container), container.Y); break; case RelativePosition.CENTER_LEFT: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X, (int)midv(tmp, container)); break; case RelativePosition.MIDDLE: tmp.Location = new Point((int)midh(tmp,container), (int)midv(tmp,container)); break; case RelativePosition.CENTER_RIGHT: tmp.Location = new Point((int)right(tmp,container), (int)midv(tmp, container)); break; case RelativePosition.BOTTOM_LEFT: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X, (int)bot(tmp,container)); break; case RelativePosition.BOTTOM_CENTER: tmp.Location = new Point((int)midh(tmp, container), (int)bot(tmp,container)); break; case RelativePosition.BOTTOM_RIGHT: tmp.Location = new Point((int)right(tmp, container), (int)bot(tmp,container)); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_LEFT_TOP_LEFT: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X - tmp.Width,container.Y); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_LEFT_CENTER_LEFT: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X - tmp.Width, (int)midv(tmp,container)); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_LEFT_BOTTOM_LEFT: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X - tmp.Width, (int)bot(tmp,container)); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_LEFT_TOP_CENTER: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X - tmp.Width/2, container.Y); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_LEFT_CENTER_CENTER: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X - tmp.Width/2, (int)midv(tmp, container)); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_LEFT_BOTTOM_CENTER: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X - tmp.Width/2, (int)bot(tmp,container)); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_RIGHT_TOP_RIGHT: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X + container.Width, container.Y); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_RIGHT_CENTER_RIGHT: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X + container.Width, (int)midv(tmp,container)); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_RIGHT_BOTTOM_RIGHT: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X + container.Width, (int)bot(tmp,container)); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_RIGHT_TOP_CENTER: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X + container.Width - tmp.Width/2, container.Y); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_RIGHT_CENTER_CENTER: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X + container.Width - tmp.Width/2, (int)midv(tmp, container)); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_RIGHT_BOTTOM_CENTER: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X + container.Width - tmp.Width/2, (int)bot(tmp, container)); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_TOP_TOP_LEFT: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X , container.Y - tmp.Height); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_TOP_TOP_CENTER: tmp.Location = new Point((int)midh(tmp,container) , container.Y - tmp.Height); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_TOP_TOP_RIGHT: tmp.Location = new Point((int)right(tmp,container), container.Y - tmp.Height); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_TOP_CENTER_LEFT: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X, container.Y - tmp.Height/2); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_TOP_CENTER_CENTER: tmp.Location = new Point((int)midh(tmp, container), container.Y - tmp.Height/2); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_TOP_CENTER_RIGHT: tmp.Location = new Point((int)right(tmp, container), container.Y - tmp.Height/2); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_BOTTOM_BOTTOM_LEFT: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X,(int)bot(tmp,container)+tmp.Height); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_BOTTOM_BOTTOM_CENTER: tmp.Location = new Point((int)midh(tmp,container), (int)bot(tmp, container) + tmp.Height); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_BOTTOM_BOTTOM_RIGHT: tmp.Location = new Point((int)right(tmp,container), (int)bot(tmp, container) + tmp.Height); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_BOTTOM_CENTER_LEFT: tmp.Location = new Point(container.X,(int)bot(tmp,container)+tmp.Height/2); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_BOTTOM_CENTER_CENTER: tmp.Location = new Point((int)midh(tmp,container),(int)bot(tmp,container)+tmp.Height/2); break; case RelativePosition.BORDER_BOTTOM_CENTER_RIGHT: tmp.Location = new Point((int)right(tmp,container),(int)bot(tmp,container)+tmp.Height/2); break; default: break; } objectToPosition.Bound = tmp; }
public void Create(Object2D obj) { Place(obj); Save(obj); }
public EndGameState() { black = new Object2D("black"); fader = 0; gunShotSound = false; }