Beispiel #1
  * Instance constructor.
 public ObjPositionSamples(int _W_)
     samples = new ObjPositionSample[_W_];
     for (int i = 0; i < _W_; i++)
         samples[i] = new ObjPositionSample(0, 0);
     W = _W_;
     lastInsertIndex = W - 1;
     oldestIndex     = 0;
Beispiel #2
     * This method adds a PositionSample to the set of samples.
    public void AddSample(ObjPositionSample _s_)
        //calculate the index to insert the sample into
        int insertIndex = lastInsertIndex + 1;

        if (insertIndex == W)
            insertIndex = 0;

        //insert the sample into the array
        samples [insertIndex] = _s_;

        //update the last inserted sample
        lastInsertIndex = insertIndex;

        //update the oldest inserted sample
        oldestIndex = lastInsertIndex + 1;
        if (oldestIndex == W || samples[oldestIndex] == null)
            oldestIndex = 0;