Beispiel #1
         * This method is used to request (POST)the OAuth2 token for a specific user to access SignNow Application.
        public Oauth2Token RequestToken(User user)
            Oauth2Token requestedToken = null;

                var client = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();

                var request = new RestRequest("/oauth2/token", Method.POST)
                              .AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + config.GetBase64EncodedClientCredentials())
                              .AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
                request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
                request.AddParameter("username", user.Email)
                .AddParameter("password", user.Password)
                .AddParameter("grant_type", "password");

                var httpResponse = client.Execute(request);

                string json = httpResponse.Content.ToString();
                requestedToken = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Oauth2Token>(json);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
Beispiel #2
        public static Oauth2Token ParseTokenBody(string tokenBody)
            var jobject = JToken.Parse(tokenBody) as JObject;
            var token = new Oauth2Token();
            foreach (var jprop in jobject.Properties())
                switch (jprop.Name)
                    case "token_type":
                        token.TokenType = (string)jprop.Value;
                    case "expires_in" :
                        token.ExpiryDate = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(0, 0,(int) jprop.Value);
                    case "access_token":
                        token.AccessToken = (string) jprop.Value;
                    case "refresh_token":
                        token.RefreshToken = (string)jprop.Value;
                    case "scope":
                        token.Scope = ((string) jprop.Value).Split(' ');

            return token;

        public static Oauth2Token ParseTokenBody(string tokenBody)
            var jobject = JToken.Parse(tokenBody) as JObject;
            var token   = new Oauth2Token();

            foreach (var jprop in jobject.Properties())
                switch (jprop.Name)
                case "token_type":
                    token.TokenType = (string)jprop.Value;

                case "expires_in":
                    token.ExpiryDate = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)jprop.Value);

                case "access_token":
                    token.AccessToken = (string)jprop.Value;

                case "refresh_token":
                    token.RefreshToken = (string)jprop.Value;

                case "scope":
                    token.Scope = ((string)jprop.Value).Split(' ');

Beispiel #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the access token with a previously received code.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">Client.</param>
    /// <param name="user">User.</param>
    /// <param name="accessCode">Access code.</param>
    public void GetAccessTokenWithCode(ThirdPartyClient client, Coflnet.CoflnetUser user, string accessCode)
        var request    = new RestRequest(client.service.TokenPath);
        var restClient = new RestClient(client.service.GetUrl());

        request.AddHeader("grant_type", "authorization_code");
        request.AddHeader("client_secret", client.secret);
        request.AddHeader("code", accessCode);

        var response = restClient.Execute(request);

        if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
            throw new CoflnetException("oauth_failed", $"Oauth handshake failed, {client.service.Slug} responded with: `{response.Content}`");

        var binary  = MessagePack.MessagePackSerializer.ConvertFromJson(response.Content);
        var content = MessagePack.MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize <OAuthResponse>(binary);

        Oauth2Token token = new Oauth2Token(user, content.access_token,

        user.ThirdPartyTokens[client.service.Slug] = token;
         * This method is used to create  or POST the document that contains SignNow Document Field Tags.
        public Document CreateDocumentFieldExtract(Oauth2Token token, Document documentPath)
            Document document = null;

                string requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(documentPath.FilePath, Formatting.Indented);
                var    client      = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();

                var request = new RestRequest("/document/fieldextract", Method.POST)
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.AccessToken)
                              .AddHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data");
                request.AddFile("file", documentPath.FilePath);

                var httpResponse = client.Execute(request);

                string json = httpResponse.Content.ToString();
                document = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Document>(json);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
         * This method is used to Delete an event subscription.
        public EventSubscription DeleteEventSubscription(Oauth2Token token, string id)
            EventSubscription result = null;

                string requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(token, Formatting.Indented);
                var    client      = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();

                var request = new RestRequest("/event_subscription" + "/" + id, Method.DELETE)
                              .AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.AccessToken);

                var    httpResponse = client.Execute(request);
                string json         = httpResponse.Content.ToString();
                result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EventSubscription>(json);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
        public void VerifyToken()
            string randomEmail = "lukeskywalker" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString() + "";
            User   user        = new User();

            user.Email     = randomEmail;
            user.Password  = "******";
            user.FirstName = "firstName";
            user.LastName  = "LastName";

            User resultUser = cudasign.userService.Create(user);

            Assert.IsNotNull("No user id from creating user", resultUser.Id);
            resultUser.Password = "******";

            Oauth2Token requestedToken = cudasign.authenticationService.RequestToken(resultUser);

            Assert.IsNotNull("Access Token", requestedToken.AccessToken);

            Oauth2Token verifiedToken = cudasign.authenticationService.Verify(requestedToken.AccessToken);

            Assert.IsNotNull("Verify Token", verifiedToken.AccessToken);

            Assert.AreEqual(requestedToken.AccessToken, verifiedToken.AccessToken, "Verified");

            Assert.AreNotSame(requestedToken.AccessToken, verifiedToken.RefreshToken, "Refresh Token");
         * This method is used to (POST) merge the new document from the given template id in the SignNow Application
        public byte[] MergeDocuments(Oauth2Token token, Hashtable myMergeMap)
            byte[] arr = null;
                string requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myMergeMap, Formatting.Indented);
                var    client      = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();

                var request = new RestRequest("/document/merge", Method.POST)
                              .AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf")
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.AccessToken);
                request.AddParameter("text/json", requestBody, ParameterType.RequestBody);

                var httpResponse = client.Execute(request);
                arr = httpResponse.RawBytes;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
         * This method is used to (POST) create a new document from the given template id in the SignNow Application
        public Template CreateNewDocumentFromTemplate(Oauth2Token token, Template template)
            Template templ = null;

                string requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(template, Formatting.Indented);
                var    client      = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();

                var request = new RestRequest("/template" + "/" + template.Id + "/copy", Method.POST)
                              .AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.AccessToken);
                request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;

                var    httpResponse = client.Execute(request);
                string json         = httpResponse.Content.ToString();
                templ = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Template>(json);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
         * This method is used to download (POST) the document as PDF for a given user from the SignNow Application
        public Document ShareDocument(Oauth2Token token, string id)
            Document document = null;

                string requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(token, Formatting.Indented);
                var    client      = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();

                var request = new RestRequest("/document" + "/" + id + "/download/link", Method.POST)
                              .AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.AccessToken);

                var    httpResponse = client.Execute(request);
                string json         = httpResponse.Content.ToString();
                document = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Document>(json);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
        public void GetUser()
            String randomEmail = "lukeskywalker" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString() + "";
            User   user        = new User();

            user.Email     = randomEmail;
            user.Password  = "******";
            user.FirstName = "firstName";
            user.LastName  = "LastName";

            User resultUser = cudasign.userService.Create(user);

            Assert.IsNotNull("No user id from creating user", resultUser.Id);
            resultUser.Password = "******";

            Oauth2Token requestedToken = cudasign.authenticationService.RequestToken(resultUser);

            Assert.IsNotNull("Access Token", requestedToken.AccessToken);

            resultUser.OAuth2Token = requestedToken;

            User getUser = cudasign.userService.Get(resultUser.OAuth2Token.AccessToken);

            Assert.AreEqual(resultUser.Id, getUser.Id, "Found");
         * This method is used to Deletes a previously uploaded document
        public string DeleteDocument(Oauth2Token token, string id)
            string message = null;

                string requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(token, Formatting.Indented);
                var    client      = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();

                var request = new RestRequest("/document" + "/" + id, Method.DELETE)
                              .AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.AccessToken);
                var     httpResponse = client.Execute(request);
                string  json         = httpResponse.Content.ToString();
                JObject obj          = JObject.Parse(json);
                if (httpResponse.StatusCode.Equals(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK))
                    message = obj["status"].ToString();
                else if (httpResponse.StatusCode.Equals(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest))
                    message = obj["error"].ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
         *  This method is used to update [PUT] the document for a given user from the SignNow Application
        public Document UpdateDocument(Oauth2Token token, Dictionary <string, List <Fields> > fieldsMap, string id)
            Document document = null;

                string requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fieldsMap, Formatting.Indented);
                var    client      = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();

                var request = new RestRequest("/document" + "/" + id, Method.PUT)
                              .AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.AccessToken);
                request.AddParameter("text/json", requestBody, ParameterType.RequestBody);

                var    httpResponse = client.Execute(request);
                string json         = httpResponse.Content.ToString();

                document = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Document>(json);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
        public void CreateSimpleFieldTag()
            string randomEmail = "lukeskywalker" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString() + "";
            User   user        = new User();

            user.Email     = randomEmail;
            user.Password  = "******";
            user.FirstName = "firstName";
            user.LastName  = "LastName";

            User resultUser = cudasign.userService.Create(user);

            Assert.IsNotNull("No user id from creating user", resultUser.Id);
            resultUser.Password = "******";

            Oauth2Token requestedToken = cudasign.authenticationService.RequestToken(resultUser);

            Assert.IsNotNull("Access Token", requestedToken.AccessToken);

            Document doc = new Document();

            if (Directory.Exists(InputdirPath))
                string[] DocFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(@InputdirPath);
                doc.FilePath = DocFilePath[0];

            Document document = cudasign.documentService.Create(requestedToken, doc);

            Assert.IsNotNull("DocumentId", document.Id);
        public void DeleteEventSubscription()
            string randomEmail = "lukeskywalker" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString() + "";
            User   user        = new User();

            user.Email     = randomEmail;
            user.Password  = "******";
            user.FirstName = "firstName";
            user.LastName  = "LastName";

            User resultUser = cudasign.userService.Create(user);

            Assert.IsNotNull("No user id from creating user", resultUser.Id);
            resultUser.Password = "******";

            Oauth2Token requestedToken = cudasign.authenticationService.RequestToken(resultUser);

            Assert.IsNotNull("Access Token", requestedToken.AccessToken);

            EventSubscription evs = new EventSubscription();

            evs.Event       = "document.create";
            evs.CallbackUrl = "";
            EventSubscription res = cudasign.documentService.CreateEventSubscription(requestedToken, evs);

            Assert.IsNotNull("Subscription Id Created", res.Id);

            EventSubscription deleteEvent = cudasign.documentService.DeleteEventSubscription(requestedToken, res.Id);

            Assert.AreEqual("deleted", deleteEvent.Status);
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">The authorization code we get from service when user provides valid credentials. It is sent to the service to get the access token.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GetAccessToken(string code)
            string callbackUrl = Url.Action("GetAccessToken", "Oauth2", null, Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Host);

            ILogger Logger = new PepperiLogger();
            PublicAuthentication PublicAuthentication = new PublicAuthentication(Logger, Settings.OauthBaseUri, Settings.PublicApplication_ConsumerKey, Settings.PublicApplication_ConsumerSecret);
            Oauth2Token          Oauth2Token          = PublicAuthentication.GetAccessTokenByAuthorizationCode(code, callbackUrl, "READ", new TokenRepository(this.Session));

            return(RedirectToAction("Transactions", "Transaction"));
Beispiel #17
        private void RemovedCallback(string key, object value, CacheItemRemovedReason reason)
            Oauth2Token oauth2Token = new Oauth2Token();

            string[] scopes = new string[] { "snsapi_base", "snsapi_userinfo" };
            foreach (string scope in scopes)

            logs.Info("AgentConfig RemovedCallback to remove token");
        public void MergeDocuments()
            string randomEmail = "lukeskywalker" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString() + "";
            User   user        = new User();

            user.Email     = randomEmail;
            user.Password  = "******";
            user.FirstName = "firstName";
            user.LastName  = "LastName";

            User resultUser = cudasign.userService.Create(user);

            Assert.IsNotNull("No user id from creating user", resultUser.Id);
            resultUser.Password = "******";

            Oauth2Token requestedToken = cudasign.authenticationService.RequestToken(resultUser);

            Assert.IsNotNull("Access Token", requestedToken.AccessToken);

            Document doc1 = new Document();
            Document doc2 = new Document();

            if (Directory.Exists(InputdirPath) && Directory.GetFiles(@InputdirPath).Length >= 2)
                string[] DocFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(@InputdirPath);
                doc1.FilePath = DocFilePath[0];
                doc2.FilePath = DocFilePath[1];
            Document document1 = cudasign.documentService.Create(requestedToken, doc1);

            Assert.IsNotNull("DocumentId", document1.Id);
            Document document2 = cudasign.documentService.Create(requestedToken, doc2);

            Assert.IsNotNull("DocumentId", document2.Id);

            List <string> docIds = new List <string>();

            Hashtable myMergeMap = new Hashtable();

            myMergeMap.Add("document_ids", docIds);

            byte[] res = cudasign.documentService.MergeDocuments(requestedToken, myMergeMap);
            if (Directory.Exists(OutputdirPath))
                string dest = OutputdirPath + @"\Merge" + (document1.Id.Substring(1, 4) + document2.Id.Substring(1, 4)) + ".pdf";
                File.WriteAllBytes(dest, res);
            Assert.IsNotNull("Document Content", res.Length.ToString());
Beispiel #19
        //ILog logs = LogManager.GetLogger("redirect_uri");

        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

            string code         = context.Request["code"];
            string state        = context.Request["state"];
            string callback_url = context.Request["callback_url"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(state) && callback_url.IndexOf("http://") != -1)
                int id = int.Parse(state.Split(char.Parse("|"))[1]);
                callback_url = context.Server.UrlDecode(callback_url);

                Oauth2Token access_token = new Oauth2Token();

                Oauth2 oauth2 = access_token.Get(code, state);

                string paras;
                string nonce_str, timestamp, sign;
                AgentSign.SetSign(id, out nonce_str, out timestamp, out sign);

                if (oauth2.scope == "snsapi_base")
                    paras        = "openid=" + oauth2.openid + "&scope=" + oauth2.scope;
                    paras       += "&nonce_str=" + nonce_str + "&timestamp=" + timestamp + "&sign=" + sign;
                    callback_url = SetCallbackUrl(callback_url, paras);
                else if (oauth2.scope == "snsapi_userinfo")
                    UserInfoApi userInfoEntity = new UserInfo().Get(oauth2.access_token, oauth2.openid);

                    paras  = "&scope=" + oauth2.scope + "&openid=" + userInfoEntity.openid + "&nickname=" + userInfoEntity.nickname + "&sex=" +;
                    paras += "&city=" + + "&province=" + userInfoEntity.province + "&country=" +;
                    paras += "&headimgurl=" + userInfoEntity.headimgurl + "&unionid=" + userInfoEntity.unionid;
                    paras += "&nonce_str=" + nonce_str + "&timestamp=" + timestamp + "&sign=" + sign;

                    //logs.Fatal("paras:" + paras);

                    callback_url = SetCallbackUrl(callback_url, paras);

                //logs.Fatal("callback_url:" + callback_url);

Beispiel #20
        internal static ApiClient GetAapiClient_ForPublicApplication(HttpSessionStateBase Session, ILogger Logger)
            string ApiBaseUri   = Settings.ApiBaseUri;
            string OauthBaseUri = Settings.OauthBaseUri;
            string PublicApplication_ConsumerKey    = Settings.PublicApplication_ConsumerKey;
            string PublicApplication_ConsumerSecret = Settings.PublicApplication_ConsumerSecret;

            TokenRepository Oauth2TokenRepository = new TokenRepository(Session);
            Oauth2Token     Oauth2Token           = Oauth2TokenRepository.GetOauth2Token();

            var IAuthentication = new PublicAuthentication(Logger, OauthBaseUri, PublicApplication_ConsumerKey, PublicApplication_ConsumerSecret, Oauth2Token, Oauth2TokenRepository);

            ApiClient ApiClient = new ApiClient(ApiBaseUri, IAuthentication, Logger);

        public void CancelInvite()
            string randomEmail = "lukeskywalker" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString() + "";
            User   user        = new User();

            user.Email     = randomEmail;
            user.Password  = "******";
            user.FirstName = "firstName";
            user.LastName  = "LastName";

            User resultUser = cudasign.userService.Create(user);

            Assert.IsNotNull("No user id from creating user", resultUser.Id);
            resultUser.Password = "******";

            Oauth2Token requestedToken = cudasign.authenticationService.RequestToken(resultUser);

            Assert.IsNotNull("Access Token", requestedToken.AccessToken);

            Document doc = new Document();

            if (Directory.Exists(InputdirPath))
                string[] DocFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(@InputdirPath);
                doc.FilePath = DocFilePath[0];

            Document document = cudasign.documentService.Create(requestedToken, doc);

            Assert.IsNotNull("DocumentId", document.Id);

            string     toEmail    = "deepak" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString() + "";
            Invitation invitation = new Invitation();

            invitation.From = resultUser.Email;
            invitation.To   = toEmail;

            string resinvite = cudasign.documentService.Invite(requestedToken, invitation, document.Id);

            Assert.AreEqual("success", resinvite);

            string cancelinvite = cudasign.documentService.CancelInvite(requestedToken, document.Id);

            Assert.AreEqual("success", cancelinvite);
         * This method is used to Download a collapsed document(Response Content = application/pdf)
        public byte[] DownloadCollapsedDocument(Oauth2Token token, string id)
            byte[] arr = null;
                string requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(token, Formatting.Indented);
                var    client      = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();

                var request = new RestRequest("/document" + "/" + id + "/download?type=collapsed", Method.GET)
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.AccessToken);
                var httpResponse = client.Execute(request);
                arr = httpResponse.RawBytes;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
        public void DownloadCollapsedDocument()
            string randomEmail = "lukeskywalker" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString() + "";
            User   user        = new User();

            user.Email     = randomEmail;
            user.Password  = "******";
            user.FirstName = "firstName";
            user.LastName  = "LastName";

            User resultUser = cudasign.userService.Create(user);

            Assert.IsNotNull("No user id from creating user", resultUser.Id);
            resultUser.Password = "******";

            Oauth2Token requestedToken = cudasign.authenticationService.RequestToken(resultUser);

            Assert.IsNotNull("Access Token", requestedToken.AccessToken);

            Document doc = new Document();

            if (Directory.Exists(InputdirPath))
                string[] DocFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(@InputdirPath);
                doc.FilePath = DocFilePath[0];

            Document document = cudasign.documentService.Create(requestedToken, doc);

            Assert.IsNotNull("DocumentId", document.Id);

            byte[] docarr = cudasign.documentService.DownloadCollapsedDocument(requestedToken, document.Id);
            if (Directory.Exists(OutputdirPath))
                string dest = OutputdirPath + @"\" + document.Id + ".pdf";
                File.WriteAllBytes(dest, docarr);
            Assert.IsNotNull("Document Content", docarr.Length.ToString());
         * This method is used to (POST) invite the signers to sign on  the document in the SignNow Application
        public string Invite(Oauth2Token token, Invitation invitation, string id)
            string result = null;

                string requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invitation, Formatting.Indented);
                var    client      = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();

                var request = new RestRequest("/document" + "/" + id + "/invite?email=disable", Method.POST)
                              .AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.AccessToken);
                request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;

                var     httpResponse = client.Execute(request);
                string  json         = httpResponse.Content.ToString();
                JObject res          = JObject.Parse(json);
                if (httpResponse.StatusCode.Equals(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK))
                    result = res["result"].ToString();
                else if (httpResponse.StatusCode.Equals(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest))
                    result = res["error"].ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
         * This method retrieves all the uploaded documents for the specified user.
        public Document[] GetDocuments(Oauth2Token token)
            Document[] docs = new Document[100];
                string requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(token, Formatting.Indented);
                var    client      = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();
                var request = new RestRequest("/user/documentsv2", Method.GET)
                              .AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.AccessToken);

                var    httpResponse = client.Execute(request);
                string json         = httpResponse.Content.ToString();

                if (httpResponse.StatusCode.Equals(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK))
                    JArray jar = JArray.Parse(json);
                    int    i   = 0;
                    foreach (JObject jobj in jar)
                        docs[i] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Document>(jobj.ToString());
                else if (httpResponse.StatusCode.Equals(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest))
                    docs[0] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Document>(json);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
Beispiel #26
         * This method is used to verify (GET) the OAuth2 token for a specific user to access SignNow Application.
        public Oauth2Token Verify(string AccessToken)
            Oauth2Token verifyToken = null;

            try {
                var client = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();

                var request = new RestRequest("/oauth2/token", Method.GET)
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + AccessToken)
                              .AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");

                var httpResponse = client.Execute(request);

                string json = httpResponse.Content.ToString();
                verifyToken = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Oauth2Token>(json);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
         * This method is used to (POST)perform rolebased  to invite the signers to sign on  the document in the SignNow Application
        public string RoleBasedInvite(Oauth2Token token, EmailSignature emailSignature, string id)
            string result = null;

                string requestBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(emailSignature, Formatting.Indented);
                var    client      = new RestClient();
                client.BaseUrl = config.GetApiBase();

                var request = new RestRequest("/document" + "/" + id + "/invite", Method.POST)
                              .AddHeader("Accept", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
                              .AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.AccessToken);
                request.AddParameter("text/json", requestBody, ParameterType.RequestBody);

                var     httpResponse = client.Execute(request);
                string  json         = httpResponse.Content.ToString();
                JObject job          = JObject.Parse(json);
                if (httpResponse.StatusCode.Equals(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK))
                    result = job["status"].ToString();
                else if (httpResponse.StatusCode.Equals(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest))
                    result = job["error"].ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
        public void UpdateDocument()
            string randomEmail = "lukeskywalker" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString() + "";
            User   user        = new User();

            user.Email     = randomEmail;
            user.Password  = "******";
            user.FirstName = "firstName";
            user.LastName  = "LastName";

            User resultUser = cudasign.userService.Create(user);

            Assert.IsNotNull("No user id from creating user", resultUser.Id);
            resultUser.Password = "******";

            Oauth2Token requestedToken = cudasign.authenticationService.RequestToken(resultUser);

            Assert.IsNotNull("Access Token", requestedToken.AccessToken);

            Document doc = new Document();

            if (Directory.Exists(InputdirPath))
                string[] DocFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(@InputdirPath);
                doc.FilePath = DocFilePath[0];

            Document document = cudasign.documentService.Create(requestedToken, doc);

            Assert.IsNotNull("DocumentId", document.Id);

            // Build the data for Texts Test
            Text text = new Text();

            text.Size       = 30;
            text.X          = 61;
            text.Y          = 72;
            text.PageNumber = 0;
            text.Font       = "Arial";
            text.Data       = "A SAMPLE TEXT FIELD";
            text.LineHeight = 9.075;

            Text text1 = new Text();

            text1.Size       = 30;
            text1.X          = 61;
            text1.Y          = 72;
            text1.PageNumber = 1;
            text1.Font       = "Arial";
            text1.Data       = "A SAMPLE TEXT FIELD 2";
            text1.LineHeight = 9.075;

            List <Fields> textsList = new List <Fields>();


            // Build the data for Checks
            Checkbox checks = new Checkbox();

            checks.Width      = 20;
            checks.Height     = 20;
            checks.X          = 234;
            checks.Y          = 500;
            checks.PageNumber = 0;

            Checkbox checks1 = new Checkbox();

            checks1.Width     = 20;
            checks1.Height    = 20;
            checks1.X         = 200;
            checks1.Y         = 53;
            checks.PageNumber = 1;

            List <Fields> checksList = new List <Fields>();


            // Creating the Fields

            Radio radiobutton = new Radio();

            radiobutton.PageNumber = 1;
            radiobutton.X          = 150;
            radiobutton.Y          = 65;
            radiobutton.Width      = 40;
            radiobutton.Height     = 40;
            radiobutton.Check      = 0;
            radiobutton.Value      = "apple";
            radiobutton.Created    = "123456789";

            Radio radiobutton1 = new Radio();

            radiobutton1.PageNumber = 1;
            radiobutton1.X          = 250;
            radiobutton1.Y          = 55;
            radiobutton1.Width      = 40;
            radiobutton1.Height     = 40;
            radiobutton1.Check      = 0;
            radiobutton1.Value      = "cherry";
            radiobutton1.Created    = "123456789";

            List <Fields> radioList = new List <Fields>();


            Fields fields = new Fields();

            fields.X          = 13;
            fields.Y          = 133;
            fields.Width      = 25;
            fields.Height     = 121;
            fields.PageNumber = 1;
            fields.Role       = "buyer";
            fields.Required   = true;
            fields.Type       = "radiobutton";
            fields.Radio      = radioList;

            List <Fields> fieldsList = new List <Fields>();


            Dictionary <string, List <Fields> > fieldsMap = new Dictionary <string, List <Fields> >();

            fieldsMap.Add("texts", textsList);
            fieldsMap.Add("checks", checksList);
            fieldsMap.Add("fields", fieldsList);

            Document resultDoc = cudasign.documentService.UpdateDocument(requestedToken, fieldsMap, document.Id);

            Assert.IsNotNull("DocumentId", document.Id);
        public void RoleBasedInvite()
            string randomEmail = "lukeskywalker" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString() + "";
            User   user        = new User();

            user.Email     = randomEmail;
            user.Password  = "******";
            user.FirstName = "firstName";
            user.LastName  = "LastName";

            User resultUser = cudasign.userService.Create(user);

            Assert.IsNotNull("No user id from creating user", resultUser.Id);
            resultUser.Password = "******";

            Oauth2Token requestedToken = cudasign.authenticationService.RequestToken(resultUser);

            Assert.IsNotNull("Access Token", requestedToken.AccessToken);

            Document doc = new Document();

            if (Directory.Exists(InputdirPath))
                string[] DocFilePath = Directory.GetFiles(@InputdirPath);
                doc.FilePath = DocFilePath[0];

            Document document = cudasign.documentService.Create(requestedToken, doc);

            Assert.IsNotNull("DocumentId", document.Id);

            // Build the data for Texts Test
            Text text = new Text();

            text.Size       = 30;
            text.X          = 61;
            text.Y          = 72;
            text.PageNumber = 0;
            text.Font       = "Arial";
            text.Data       = "A SAMPLE TEXT FIELD";
            text.LineHeight = 9.075;

            Text text1 = new Text();

            text1.Size       = 30;
            text1.X          = 61;
            text1.Y          = 72;
            text1.PageNumber = 1;
            text1.Font       = "Arial";
            text1.Data       = "A SAMPLE TEXT FIELD 2";
            text1.LineHeight = 9.075;

            List <Fields> textsList = new List <Fields>();


            // Build the data for Checks
            Checkbox checks = new Checkbox();

            checks.Width      = 20;
            checks.Height     = 20;
            checks.X          = 234;
            checks.Y          = 500;
            checks.PageNumber = 0;

            Checkbox checks1 = new Checkbox();

            checks1.Width     = 20;
            checks1.Height    = 20;
            checks1.X         = 200;
            checks1.Y         = 53;
            checks.PageNumber = 1;

            List <Fields> checksList = new List <Fields>();


            // Creating the Fields

            Radio radiobutton = new Radio();

            radiobutton.PageNumber = 1;
            radiobutton.X          = 150;
            radiobutton.Y          = 65;
            radiobutton.Width      = 40;
            radiobutton.Height     = 40;
            radiobutton.Check      = 0;
            radiobutton.Value      = "apple";
            radiobutton.Created    = "123456789";

            Radio radiobutton1 = new Radio();

            radiobutton1.PageNumber = 1;
            radiobutton1.X          = 250;
            radiobutton1.Y          = 55;
            radiobutton1.Width      = 40;
            radiobutton1.Height     = 40;
            radiobutton1.Check      = 0;
            radiobutton1.Value      = "cherry";
            radiobutton1.Created    = "123456789";

            List <Fields> radioList = new List <Fields>();


            Fields fields = new Fields();

            fields.X          = 13;
            fields.Y          = 133;
            fields.Width      = 25;
            fields.Height     = 121;
            fields.PageNumber = 1;
            fields.Role       = "signer";
            fields.Required   = true;
            fields.Type       = "radiobutton";
            fields.Radio      = radioList;

            Fields fields1 = new Fields();

            fields1.X          = 20;
            fields1.Y          = 133;
            fields1.Width      = 122;
            fields1.Height     = 60;
            fields1.PageNumber = 0;
            fields1.Role       = "buyer";
            fields1.Required   = true;
            fields1.Type       = "initials";

            Fields fields2 = new Fields();

            fields2.X          = 35;
            fields2.Y          = 133;
            fields2.Width      = 122;
            fields2.Height     = 60;
            fields2.PageNumber = 1;
            fields2.Role       = "TestingRole";
            fields2.Required   = true;
            fields2.Type       = "text";

            List <Fields> fieldsList = new List <Fields>();


            Dictionary <string, List <Fields> > fieldsMap = new Dictionary <string, List <Fields> >();

            fieldsMap.Add("texts", textsList);
            fieldsMap.Add("checks", checksList);
            fieldsMap.Add("fields", fieldsList);

            Document resultDoc = cudasign.documentService.UpdateDocument(requestedToken, fieldsMap, document.Id);
            Document getDoc    = cudasign.documentService.GetDocumentbyId(requestedToken, resultDoc.Id);

            Fields[] flds = getDoc.Fields;
            List <System.Collections.Hashtable> roleMapList = new List <System.Collections.Hashtable>();
            EmailSignature emailSignature = new EmailSignature();
            int            counter        = 0;

            //iterate over fields
            for (int i = 0; i < flds.Length; i++)
                string toEmail = "deepak" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString() + "";
                System.Collections.Hashtable roleMap = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
                roleMap.Add("email", toEmail);
                roleMap.Add("role_id", flds[i].RoleId);
                roleMap.Add("role", flds[i].Role);
                roleMap.Add("order", ++counter);
            emailSignature.To   = roleMapList;
            emailSignature.From = resultUser.Email;
            string[] ccuser = new string[] { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" };
            emailSignature.CC      = ccuser;
            emailSignature.Message = resultUser.Email + " asked you to sign this document";
            emailSignature.Subject = "SignNow Invitation";

            string resinvite = cudasign.documentService.RoleBasedInvite(requestedToken, emailSignature, document.Id);

            Assert.AreEqual("success", resinvite);
Beispiel #30
 public void SaveToken(Oauth2Token Oauth2Token)
     this.Session["Oauth2Token"] = Oauth2Token;