Beispiel #1
		} //	end QueryProperties

		/// <summary>
		/// Changes value cache value of this element instance
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="aNewValue"></param>
		/// <returns>
		/// E_INVALIDARG - Invalid valueQT was passed
		/// S_OK - Value changed
		/// OTS_E_EXCEPTION - Unexpected error occurred
		/// </returns>
		/// <include
		///		file='TBNS.doc.xml'
		///		path='//class[@name="DaAddressSpaceElement"]/
		///		method[@name="ValueChanged"]/doc/*'
		///	/>
		public virtual int ValueChanged(ValueQT aNewValue)
			if (this.ObjectHandle == 0)
				return (int) EnumResultCode.E_FAIL;
			} //	end if

			OTValueData valueData = new OTValueData();
			valueData.m_quality = (ushort) aNewValue.Quality;
			valueData.m_timestamp = new OTDateTime(aNewValue.TimeStamp);

			valueData.m_value = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(ValueQT.VARIANT_SIZE);
			Marshal.GetNativeVariantForObject(aNewValue.Data, valueData.m_value);

			int result = OTBFunctions.OTSValuesChanged(1, new uint[1] {ObjectHandle}, new OTValueData[1] {valueData});

			return result;
		} //	end ValueChanged
Beispiel #2
		} //	end QueryAddressSpaceElementChildren

		/// <summary>
		/// Changes the cache value for the Address space elements provided
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="anElementList">the namespace elements</param>
		/// <param name="aValueList">the corresponding values</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// E_INVALIDARG - Invalid valueQT was passed
		/// S_OK - Value changed
		/// OTS_E_EXCEPTION - Unexpected error occurred
		/// </returns>
		/// <include
		///		file='TBNS.doc.xml'
		///		path='//class[@name="DaAddressSpaceRoot"]/
		///		method[@name="ValuesChanged.array"]/doc/*'
		///	/>
		public int ValuesChanged(DaAddressSpaceElement[] anElementList, ValueQT[] aValueList)
			if (anElementList.Length != aValueList.Length)
				return (int) EnumResultCode.E_INVALIDARG;
			} //	end if

			int count = anElementList.Length;

			if (count == 0)
				return (int) EnumResultCode.S_FALSE;
			} //	end if

			OTValueData[] aoValues = new OTValueData[count];
			uint[] ahObjects = new uint[count];

			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				ahObjects[i] = anElementList[i].ObjectHandle;
				aoValues[i] = new OTValueData();
				aoValues[i].m_quality = (ushort) aValueList[i].Quality;
				aoValues[i].m_timestamp = new OTDateTime(aValueList[i].TimeStamp);
				aoValues[i].m_value = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(ValueQT.VARIANT_SIZE);
				Marshal.GetNativeVariantForObject(aValueList[i].Data, aoValues[i].m_value);
			} //	end for

			int result = OTBFunctions.OTSValuesChanged(count, ahObjects, aoValues);

			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
			} //	end for

			return result;
		} //	end ValuesChanged
Beispiel #3
		} //	end CompleteRequest

		/// <summary>
		/// Changes the cache value for the Address space elements provided
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// E_INVALIDARG - Invalid valueQT was passed
		/// S_OK - Value changed
		/// OTS_E_EXCEPTION - Unexpected error occurred
		/// The Result should be checked with ResultCode.SUCCEEDED
		/// or with ResultCode.FAILED
		/// </returns>
		/// <include
		///  file='TBNS.doc.xml'
		///  path='//class[@name="DaTransaction"]/
		///  method[@name="ValuesChanged"]/doc/*'
		/// />
		public int ValuesChanged()
			int result;
			int count = 0;
			OTValueData[] values = null;
			uint[] handles = null;

				lock (m_requestListJanitor)
					count = m_requestList.Count;

					values = new OTValueData[count];
					handles = new uint[count];

					for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
						OTValueData valueData = new OTValueData();
						DaRequest request = m_requestList[i] as DaRequest;

						if (request != null)
							valueData.m_quality = (ushort) request.Value.Quality;
							valueData.m_timestamp = new OTDateTime(request.Value.TimeStamp);
							valueData.m_value = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(ValueQT.VARIANT_SIZE);

							Marshal.GetNativeVariantForObject(request.Value.Data, valueData.m_value);
							handles[i] = request.AddressSpaceElement.ObjectHandle;

							request.Result = EnumResultCode.S_OK;
							valueData.m_quality = (ushort) EnumQuality.BAD;
							valueData.m_value = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(ValueQT.VARIANT_SIZE);
							Marshal.GetNativeVariantForObject(null, valueData.m_value);
							handles[i] = 0;
						} //	end if ... else

						values[i] = valueData;
					} //	end for
					result = OTBFunctions.OTSValuesChanged(count, handles, values);
				} //	end lock
			catch (Exception e)
					EnumTraceLevel.ERR, EnumTraceGroup.OPCSERVER,
					"DaTransaction.ValuesChanged", "Exception caught: " + e.ToString());
				result = (int) EnumResultCode.E_FAIL;
				for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				} //	end for
			} //	end try ... catch ... finally

			return result;
		} //	end ValuesChanged