Beispiel #1
        public void HowTo()
            OGen.Libraries.DataLayer.DBConnection _con
                = OGen.Libraries.DataLayer.DBConnectionsupport.CreateInstance(
                      // set your db server type here
                      // and connectionstring
                      "Server=;Port=5432;User ID=postgres;Password=passpub;Database=KickUnitTests;"

// executing your sql query
                "delete from \"CRD_User\" where \"IDUser\" = -1" // it does nothing, this is just an example

            _con = null;

            // the only porpuses is to keep documentation code samples updated by:
            // 1) ensure documentation code samples are compiling
            // 2) no exceptions are beeing thrown by documentation code samples
                "documentation code sample is failing"
Beispiel #2
        public void HowTo()
            OGen.Libraries.DataLayer.DBConnection _con
                = OGen.Libraries.DataLayer.DBConnectionsupport.CreateInstance(
                      // set your db server type here
                      // and connectionstring
                      "Server=;Port=5432;User ID=postgres;Password=passpub;Database=KickUnitTests;"

            Exception _exception = null;

            try {
                // before beginning a transaction we need to open the connection

                // beginning transaction

                // performing some operations on database
                    "delete from \"CRD_User\" where \"IDUser\" = -1" // it does nothing, this is just an example

                // commit transaction
            } catch (Exception _ex) {
                // rollback transaction

                _exception = _ex;
            } finally {
                //// terminate transaction
                //if (_con.Transaction.InTransaction) {
                //    _con.Transaction.Terminate();

                //// closing connection
                //if (_con.IsOpen) {
                //    _con.Close();

                // no need to (conditionally) terminate transaction and close connection,
                // simply disposing connection will do all that
                _con = null;
            if (_exception != null)
                throw _exception;

            // the only porpuses is to keep documentation code samples updated by:
            // 1) ensure documentation code samples are compiling
            // 2) no exceptions are beeing thrown by documentation code samples
                "documentation code sample is failing"