Beispiel #1
    //Handles the player clicking a tile.
    public override void handlePlayerAt(int x, int y)
        //Get the staterep location and updating it with the correct value
        latestStateRep[x * 6 + y] = pieceSelected == 0 ? 2 : 1;
        //Change the players turn
        currentPlayersTurn = (currentPlayersTurn + 1) % 2;
        //Make a move array for the lastest move
        lastMovePlayed = new int[] { x * 6 + y, pieceSelected == 0 ? 2 : 1 };
        //Update the number of moves
        //Set up the last state
        latestAIState = new OCAIState(playerIndx, null, 0, latestStateRep, lastMovePlayed, numbMovesPlayed);
        //Find out the result of the board
        int result = latestAIState.getWinner();

        //And the end game as such
        if (result >= 0)
            if (result == 2)
                winlose.text = "You drew!";
            else if (result == playerIndx)
                winlose.text = "You won!";
                winlose.text = "You lost!";
            gamePlaying = false;
Beispiel #2
 //Called each time the update loop checks the AI progress
 public override int checkAI()
     //If the AI has not stated
     if (!ai.started)
         //Start it with the current state.
         AIState currentState = new OCAIState((currentPlayersTurn + 1) % 2, null, 0, latestStateRep, lastMovePlayed, numbMovesPlayed);;
     //Otherwise if the AI is done
     else if (ai.done)
         //Get the next state (after the AI has moved)
         OCAIState nextAIState = (OCAIState);
         //Unpack the state
         latestAIState  = nextAIState;
         latestStateRep = nextAIState == null ? null : nextAIState.stateRep;
         //Reset the AI
         //Switch which player is playing
         currentPlayersTurn = (currentPlayersTurn + 1) % 2;
         //Update the graphical rep of the board
         //And increment the number of moves
     //Return who the winner is
    //Generates all children (results of all moves) from this state.
    public override List <AIState> generateChildren()
        //List of children
        children = new List <AIState> ();
        //If the game is already over there are no children
        if (getWinner() >= 0)
            this.children = children;
        //Swap the player
        int newPIndx = (playerIndex + 1) % 2;
        //Increment the number of peices played
        int newNumbPieces = numbPiecesPlayed + 1;

        //Loop through all of the board pieces
        for (int i = 0; i < stateRep.Length; i++)
            //if it is 0 (therefore empty)
            if (stateRep[i] == 0)
                //We have a possible peice to play so clone the board
                int[] newStateRep = (int[])stateRep.Clone();
                int[] move        = { i, 1 };
                //and simululate playing a white piece
                newStateRep [i] = 1;
                OCAIState childAIState = new OCAIState(newPIndx, this, depth + 1, newStateRep, move, newNumbPieces);
                //And add this state as a child
                //Then simululate playing a black piece
                int[] newStateRep2 = (int[])stateRep.Clone();
                newStateRep2 [i] = 2;
                int[]     move2         = { i, 2 };
                OCAIState childAIState2 = new OCAIState(newPIndx, this, depth + 1, newStateRep2, move2, newNumbPieces);
                //And add this state as a child
        //return it.
Beispiel #4
 public OrderAndChaos()
     //Make a blank state
     latestAIState      = new OCAIState();
     currentPlayersTurn = 0;