Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Use the app account settings from for the following values.
    /// Make sure DC is enabled for the app key/secret
    /// </summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Enter the value from the 'App Key' field obtained at in your
        // app account.
        string clientId = "";

        // Enter the value from the 'App Secret' field obtained at
        // in your app account.
        string secretKey = "";

        // Set the fully-qualified domain name to:
        string fqdn = "";

        // Set the redirect URI for returning after consent flow.
        string authorizeRedirectUri = "http://localhost/DC.aspx";

        // Set the scope to DC
        string scope = "DC";

        // Create the service for requesting an OAuth access token.
        oauth = new OAuth(fqdn, clientId, secretKey, authorizeRedirectUri, scope);

        // If there's no access token yet go through the concent flow.
        if (Request["code"] == null)
            // Authenticate the user. Note: This requires a Web browser.
            // Obtain the url string that is used for consent flow.
            if (!oauth.GetAuthCode())
                // Get any error codes returned by the API Gateway.
                string authCodeError = oauth.getAuthCodeError;
            //Get code in the query parameters after doing consent flow.
            this.oauth.authCode = Request["code"].ToString();

            // Get the OAuth access token using the OAuth authentication code.
            if (oauth.GetAccessToken(OAuth.AccessTokenType.AuthorizationCode))
                // Get access token
                OAuthToken at = new OAuthToken();
                accessToken = at.getAccessToken(oauth.accessTokenJson);

                // Create the service for making the method request.
                devices = new Devices(fqdn, accessToken);

                    // Make an Make a method call to the Device Capabilities API.
                    DeviceIdObj.RootObject dc = devices.GetDeviceCapabilities();
                catch (Exception respex)
                    string error = respex.StackTrace;
Beispiel #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Use the app account settings from for the following values.
    /// Make sure ADS is enabled for the App Key and the App Secret.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Enter the value from the 'App Key' field obtained at in your
        // app account.
        string appKey = "";

        // Enter the value from the 'App Secret' field obtained at
        // in your app account.
        string appSecret = "";

        // Set the fully-qualified domain name to:
        string fqdn = "";

        //Set the scope to ADS
        string scope = "ADS";

        // Create the service for requesting an OAuth access token.
        var oauth = new OAuth(fqdn, appKey, appSecret, scope);

        // Get the OAuth access token using the Client Credentials.
        if (oauth.GetAccessToken(OAuth.AccessTokenType.ClientCredentials))
            // Get access token
            OAuthToken at          = new OAuthToken();
            var        accessToken = at.getAccessToken(oauth.accessTokenJson);

            // Create the service for making the method request.
            var ads = new Ads(fqdn, accessToken);

            // Set params:
            string category  = "Auto";
            string udid      = "123456789012345678901234567890";
            string userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.0.4; Galaxy Nexus Build/IMM76B) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.133 Mobile Safari/535.19";

                // Make an Make a method call to the Advertising API.
                // param 1 category
                // param 2 udid
                // param 3 user agent
                AdsObj.RootObject ads_obj = ads.GetAds(category, udid, userAgent);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string error = ex.StackTrace;
Beispiel #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Use the app account settings from for the following values.
    /// Make sure that the API scope is set to AAB for the Address Book API
    /// before retrieving the App Key and App Secret.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Enter the value from the 'App Key' field obtained at in your
        // app account.
        string clientId = "";

        // Enter the value from 'App Secret' field obtained at
        // in your app account.
        string secretKey = "";

        // Set the fully-qualified domain name to:
        string fqdn = "";

        // Set the redirect URI for returning after consent flow.
        string authorizeRedirectUri = "";

        //Set the scope to AAB
        string scope = "AAB";

        // Create the service for requesting an OAuth access token.
        var oauth = new OAuth(fqdn, clientId, secretKey, authorizeRedirectUri, scope);

        // If there's no access token yet go through the consent flow.
        if (Request["code"] == null)
            // Authenticate the user. Note: This requires a Web browser.
            // Obtain the url string that is used for consent flow.
            if (!oauth.GetAuthCode())
                //Get any error codes returned by the API Gateway.
                string authCodeError = oauth.getAuthCodeError;
            //Get code in the query parameters after doing consent flow.
            oauth.authCode = Request["code"].ToString();

            //Get the OAuth access token using the OAuth authentication code.
            if (oauth.GetAccessToken(OAuth.AccessTokenType.AuthorizationCode))
                // Get access token
                // Method takes:
                // param 1: string access token json object
                OAuthToken at          = new OAuthToken();
                var        accessToken = at.getAccessToken(oauth.accessTokenJson);

                // Create the service for making the method request.
                var addressbook = new AddressBook(fqdn, accessToken);

                // Operation: Create Contact
                // Create a new contact for our Address Book

                // Convert contact object to JSON string.
                var createContactObj = new ContactObj.RootObject()
                    contact = new ContactObj.Contact()
                        firstName    = "<Firstname>",
                        lastName     = "<lastname>",
                        organization = "<organization>"

                var contactJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(createContactObj, Formatting.Indented,
                                                              new JsonSerializerSettings {
                    NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string contact json
                    string contactId = addressbook.createContact(contactJson);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Get Contact
                // Get an existing contact from Address Book.

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string contact id
                    QuickContactObj.RootObject getContactResponseData = addressbook.getContact("<enter contactId>");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                //Operation: Get Contacts
                // Search for existing contacts from Address Book

                // Search for the created contact:
                string searchField = "<Enter search word>";

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string searchField
                    QuickContactObj.RootObject getContactsResponseData = addressbook.getContacts(searchField);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Get Contact Groups
                // Retrieving the list of groups a contact is belonging to.

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string contact id
                    string getContactGroupsResponseData = addressbook.getContactGroups("<enter contactId>");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Update Contact
                // Updates a contact based on the provided contact data structure.

                // Enter contact id to update
                var updateContactId = "<Enter contactId>";

                //Convert contact object to JSON
                var updateContactObj = new ContactObj.RootObject()
                    contact = new ContactObj.Contact()
                        firstName    = "testFirst",
                        lastName     = "testLast",
                        organization = "att",

                var updateContactJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updateContactObj, Formatting.Indented,
                                                                    new JsonSerializerSettings {
                    NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string contact id
                    // param 2: string contact json
                    addressbook.updateContact(updateContactId, updateContactJson);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Create Group
                // The Create Group method enables creating a USER group

                // Convert group object to JSON
                var createGroupObj = new GroupObj.RootObject()
                    group = new GroupObj.Group()
                        groupName = "gGroup",
                        groupType = "gtype"
                string groupId = String.Empty;

                var createGroupJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(createGroupObj, Formatting.Indented,
                                                                  new JsonSerializerSettings {
                    NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string contact id
                    groupId = addressbook.createGroup(createGroupJson);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Get Groups
                // The Get Groups method enables retrieving the list of the subscriber’s groups with rules for ordering and pagination.

                // Get group by group id
                string groupsName = "gGroup";

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string groups_name
                    GroupObj.RootObject groups = addressbook.getGroups(groupsName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Update Groups
                // The Update Group method enables updating an existing USER group

                //Convert group object to JSON
                var updateGroupObj = new GroupObj.RootObject()
                    group = new GroupObj.Group()
                        groupName = "newName",
                        groupType = "newType"

                var updateGroupJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updateGroupObj, Formatting.Indented,
                                                                  new JsonSerializerSettings {
                    NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string group id
                    // param 2: string group json
                    addressbook.updateGroup(groupId, updateGroupJson);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Add Contact(s) to a Group

                string cGContactId = "<Enter contactId>";
                string cGGroupId   = "<Enter groupId>";

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string contact id
                    // param 2: string group id
                    addressbook.addContactToGroup(cGGroupId, cGContactId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Remove Contact(s) from a Group

                string rcGContactId = "<Enter contactId>";
                string rcGGroupId   = "<Enter groupId>";

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string contact id
                    // param 2: string group id
                    addressbook.removeContactsFromGroup(rcGGroupId, rcGContactId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Get Group Contacts
                // The Get Groups Contact method enables retrieving the list of contacts owned by a group

                string ggcGroupId = "<Enter groupId>";

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string contact id
                    // param 2: string group id
                    string responseGetFGroupContact = addressbook.getGroupContacts(ggcGroupId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Delete Groups
                // The Delete Group method enables deleting a group.

                string delGroupId = "<Enter groupId>";

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string group id
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Get MyInfo
                // Get the subscriber’s personal contact card.

                    // Make AddressBook API call
                    // Method takes: 0 param
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Delete Contact
                // Delete a contact based on the provided contact id.

                // Enter contact id to update
                var deleteContactId = "<Enter contactId>";//"<Enter contact id>";

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string contact id
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Update MyInfo
                // Update the subscriber’s personal contact card.

                //Convert MyInfo object to JSON
                var updateMyinfoObj = new ContactObj.RootObject()
                    myInfo = new ContactObj.Contact()
                        firstName    = "michelle",
                        lastName     = "pai",
                        organization = "att"

                var updateMyinfoJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updateMyinfoObj, Formatting.Indented,
                                                                   new JsonSerializerSettings {
                    NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

                    // Make a method call to the Address Book API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string myinfo json
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;
Beispiel #4
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Enter the value from the 'App Key' field obtained at in your
        // app account.
        string clientId = "";

        // Enter the value from the 'App Secret' field obtained at
        // in your app account.
        string secretKey = "";

        // Set the fully-qualified domain name to:
        string fqdn = "";

        //Set the scope to AAB
        string scope = "SMS";

        //Create the service for requesting an OAuth access token.
        var oauth = new OAuth(fqdn, clientId, secretKey, scope);

        //Get the OAuth access token using the Client Credentials.
        if (oauth.GetAccessToken(OAuth.AccessTokenType.ClientCredentials))
            // Get access token
            OAuthToken at          = new OAuthToken();
            string     accessToken = at.getAccessToken(oauth.accessTokenJson);

            // Create the service for making the method request.
            var sms = new SMS(fqdn, accessToken);

            // Operation: Send SMS

            // Set params:
            string address = "tel:+10000000000";
            string message = "<Enter message>";

            string messageId = String.Empty;
                // Make an Make a method call to the SMS API.
                // Method takes:
                // param 1: address
                // param 1: message
                OutboundSMSResponseObj.RootObject sendSMSresponseObj = sms.sendSMS(address, message);
                messageId = sendSMSresponseObj.outboundSMSResponse.messageId;
            catch (Exception respex)
                string error = respex.StackTrace;

            // Operation: Get SMS

            string RegistrationID = "00000000";

                // Make an Make a method call to the SMS API.
                // Method takes:
                // param 1: RegistrationID
                InboundSmsMessageObj.RootObject getSMSresponseObj = sms.getSMS(RegistrationID);
            catch (Exception respex)
                string error = respex.StackTrace;

            // Operation: Get SMS Delivery Status

                // Make an Make a method call to the SMS API.
                // Method takes:
                // param 1: messageID
                DeliveryInfoObj.RootObject deliveryStatusResponse = sms.getSMSDeliveryStatus(messageId);
            catch (Exception respex)
                string error = respex.StackTrace;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Enter the value from the 'App Key' field obtained at in your
        // app account.
        string clientId = "";

        // Enter the value from the 'App Secret' field obtained at
        // in your app account.
        string secretKey = "";

        // Set the fully-qualified domain name to:
        string fqdn = "";

        //Set the scope to Payment
        string scope = "Payment";

        // Create the service for requesting an OAuth access token.
        var oauth = new OAuth(fqdn, clientId, secretKey, scope);

        // Get the OAuth access token using Client Credential method.
        if (oauth.GetAccessToken(OAuth.AccessTokenType.ClientCredentials))
            // Get access token
            OAuthToken at          = new OAuthToken();
            string     accessToken = at.getAccessToken(oauth.accessTokenJson);

            // Create the service for making the method request.
            var payment = new Payment(fqdn, accessToken);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)Session["NewSubscription"]))
                /// <summary>
                /// Create new subscription
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="apiKey">apiKey</param>
                /// <param name="secretKey">secretKey</param>
                /// <param name="amount">amount</param>
                /// <param name="category">category</param>
                /// <param name="channel">channel</param>
                /// <param name="description">description</param>
                /// <param name="merchantTransactionId">merchantTransactionId</param>
                /// <param name="merchantProductId">merchantProductId</param>
                /// <param name="merchantRedirectURI">merchantRedirectURI</param>
                /// <param name="merchantSubscriptionId">merchantSubscriptionId</param>
                /// <param name="isPurchaseOnNoActiveSubscription">isPurchaseOnNoActiveSubscription</param>
                /// <param name="subscriptionRecurringNumber">subscriptionRecurringNumber</param>
                /// <param name="subscriptionRecurringPeriod">subscriptionRecurringPeriod</param>
                /// <param name="subscriptionRecurringPeriodAmount">subscriptionRecurringPeriodAmount</param>
                string redirectUrl = payment.createNewSubscriptionRedirectUrl(
                Session["NewSubscription"] = "created";

            if ((Request["success"] != null) && Request.QueryString["success"].ToString() == "false")
                errorCreateNew = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                foreach (String key in Request.QueryString.AllKeys)
                    errorCreateNew.Add(key, Request.QueryString[key]);
                throw new Exception(Request.QueryString["faultDescription"]);

            if ((Request["SubscriptionAuthCode"] != null))
                SubscriptionAuthCode = Request.QueryString["SubscriptionAuthCode"].ToString();

            /// <summary>
            /// Call getSubscriptionStatus operation return getSubscriptionStatus object
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="idType">idType</param>
            /// <param name="id">id</param>

            SubscriptionStatusResponseObj.RootObject getSubscriptionStatus =
                payment.getSubscriptionStatus("SubscriptionAuthCode", SubscriptionAuthCode);

            /// <summary>
            /// Call SubscriptionDetail operation return SubscriptionDetailResponse object
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="MerchantSubscriptionId">MerchantSubscriptionId</param>
            /// <param name="ConsumerId">ConsumerId</param>

            SubscriptionDetailResponseObj.RootObject getSubscriptionDetail =
Beispiel #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Use the app account settings from for the following values.
    /// Make sure MIM,IMMN is enabled for the app key/secret
    /// </summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Enter the value from the 'App Key' field obtained at in your
        // app account.
        string clientId = "";

        // Enter the value from the 'App Secret' field obtained at
        // in your app account.
        string secretKey = "";

        // Set the fully-qualified domain name to:
        string fqdn = "";

        // Set the redirect URI for returning after consent flow.
        string authorizeRedirectUri = "";

        //Set the scope to MIM,IMMN
        string scope = "MIM,IMMN";

        //Create the service for requesting an OAuth access token.
        var oauth = new OAuth(fqdn, clientId, secretKey, authorizeRedirectUri, scope);

        // If there's no access token yet go through the concent flow.
        if (Request["code"] == null)
            // Authenticate the user. Note: This requires a Web browser.
            // Obtain the url string that is used for consent flow.
            if (!oauth.GetAuthCode())
                //Get any error codes returned by the API Gateway.
                 string authCodeError = oauth.getAuthCodeError;
            // Get code in the query parameters after doing consent flow
            oauth.authCode = Request["code"].ToString();

            // Get the OAuth access token using the OAuth authentication code.
            if (oauth.GetAccessToken(OAuth.AccessTokenType.AuthorizationCode))
                // Get access token
                OAuthToken at = new OAuthToken();
                var accessToken = at.getAccessToken(oauth.accessTokenJson);

                // Create the service for making the method request.
                var mymessages = new MyMessages(fqdn, accessToken);

                // Create an instance for JavaScriptSerializer.
                var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

                // Operation: Create Message Index
                // The Create Message Index method allows the developer to create an index
                // cache for the user's AT&T Message inbox with prior consent.

                    // Make an Make a method call to the In-App Messaging API.
                    // Method takes no param
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Get Message List
                // Get meta-data for one or more messages from the customer's AT&T Message inbox.

                string limit = "<Enter limit>"; // e.g 500
                string offset = "<Enter pffset>"; // e.g. 50

                    // Make a method call to the In-App Messaging API.
                    // Method takes no param
                    MessageObj.MessageList responseData = mymessages.getMessageList(limit, offset);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Get Message
                // Get one specific message from a user's AT&T Message inbox.

                var getMsg_messageId = "<Enter Message Id>";

                    // Make a method call to the In-App Messaging API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string message id
                    MessageObj.Message responseData = mymessages.getMessage(getMsg_messageId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Get Message Content
                // Get media associated with a user message.

                string getMsgCtntMessageId = "<Enter Message Id>";
                string getMsgCtntPartId = "<Enter Part Id>"; // e.g. 0

                    // Make a method call to the In-App Messaging API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string message id
                    // param 2: string part id
                    string responseData = mymessages.getMessageContent(getMsgCtntMessageId, getMsgCtntPartId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Get Message Index Info
                // Get the state, status, and message count of the index cache.

                    // Make a method call to the In-App Messaging API.
                    // Method takes no param
                    string responseData = mymessages.getMessageIndexInfo();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Delete Message
                // The Delete Message method gives the developer the ability to delete one
                // specific message from a user's AT&T Message inbox with prior consent.

                var delMsg_messageId = "<Enter Message Id>";

                    // Make a method call to the In-App Messaging API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string message id
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Delete Messages
                // The Delete Message method gives the developer the ability to delete one
                // or more specific messages.

                var delMsg_messageId1 = "<Enter Message ID>";
                var delMsg_messageId2 = "<Enter Message ID>";
                var delMsg_messageId3 = "<Enter Message ID>";
                var queryString = "messageIds=" + delMsg_messageId1 + "%2" + delMsg_messageId2 + "%2" + delMsg_messageId3;

                    // Make a method call to the In-App Messaging API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string query string
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Get Message Delta
                // provides the capability to check for updates by passing in a client state.

                string state = "1403732028949";

                    // Make a method call to the In-App Messaging API.
                    // Method takes no param
                    string responseData = mymessages.getMessageDelta(state);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Get Message Notification Connection Details
                // Retrieves details about the credentials, endpoint, and resource information
                // to required to set up a notification connection.

                string queues = "MMS";//MMS or TEXT

                    // Make a method call to the In-App Messaging API.
                    // Method takes param 1: queues
                    string responseData = mymessages.getMessageNotificationConnectionDetails(queues);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Send Message
                // The Send Message method sends messages on behalf of an AT&T Wireless user.

                //Convert Message request object to JSON
                string smAddress = "<Enter address>";//e.g. tel:2060000000
                string smText = "<Enter messgae>"; // message content

                var addressesList = new List<string>();

                var sendMsgObj = new MessageRequestObj.RootObject()
                    messageRequest = new MessageRequestObj.MessageRequest()
                        addresses = addressesList,
                        text = smText

                var sendMsgJson = serializer.Serialize(sendMsgObj);

                    // Make a method call to the In-App Messaging API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string json
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Update Message
                // Update some flags related to one of the messages in a user's AT&T Message inbox.

                var isUnread = true;

                //Convert Message object to JSON
                var updateMsgObj = new MessageObj.RootObject()
                    message = new MessageObj.Message()
                        isUnread = isUnread
                var updateMsgJson = serializer.Serialize(updateMsgObj);

                string umMessageId = "<Enter Message Id>";

                    // Make a method call to the In-App Messaging API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string json
                    // param 2: string message id
                    mymessages.updateMessage(updateMsgJson, umMessageId);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;

                // Operation: Update Messages
                // Update some flags related to one of the messages in a user's AT&T Message inbox.

                //Convert Message object to JSON
                bool umIsUnread = true;
                var umMessages = new List<MessageObj.Message>();

                umMessages.Add(new MessageObj.Message()
                    messageId = "<Enter Message Id>",
                    isUnread = umIsUnread

                var updateMsgsObj = new MessageObj.RootObject();
                updateMsgsObj.messages = umMessages;

                var updateMsgsJson = serializer.Serialize(updateMsgsObj);

                    // Make a method call to the In-App Messaging API.
                    // Method takes:
                    // param 1: string json
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string error = ex.Message;
Beispiel #7
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Enter the value from the 'App Key' field obtained at in your
        // app account.
        string clientId = "";

        // Enter the value from the 'App Secret' field obtained at
        // in your app account.
        string secretKey = "";

        // Set the fully-qualified domain name to:
        string fqdn = "";

        // Set the scope to SPEECH,STTC,TTS
        string scope = "SPEECH,STTC,TTS";

        // Create the service for requesting an OAuth access token.
        var oauth = new OAuth(fqdn, clientId, secretKey, scope);

        // Get the OAuth access token using the OAuth Client Credentials.
        if (oauth.GetAccessToken(OAuth.AccessTokenType.ClientCredentials))
            // Get access token
            OAuthToken at          = new OAuthToken();
            string     accessToken = at.getAccessToken(oauth.accessTokenJson);

            // Create the service for making the method request.
            var speech = new Speech(fqdn, accessToken);

            // Operation: speech To Text

            // Set params:
            string sttXspeechContext = "BusinessSearch";
            string sttXArgs          = "ClientApp=NoteTaker,ClientVersion=1.0.1,DeviceType=Android";
            string sttSpeechFilePath = Server.MapPath("~/") + "audio/BostonCeltics.wav";
            bool   sttChunked        = true;

                // Make an Make a method call to the Speech To Text API.
                // Method takes:
                // Param 1: speechContext
                // Param 2: XArgs
                // Param 3: SpeechFilePath
                // Param 4: Chunked
                RecognitionObj.RootObject speachToTextResponseObj
                    = speech.speechToText(sttXspeechContext,
            catch (Exception respex)
                string error = respex.StackTrace;

            // Operation: Speech To Text Custom

            // Set params:
            string mimeData           = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("~/") + "template/x-dictionary.txt");
            string sttcXspeechContext = "GrammarList";
            string sttcXArgs          = "GrammarPenaltyPrefix=1.1,GrammarPenaltyGeneric=2.0,GrammarPenaltyAltgram=4.1";
            string sttcSpeechFilePath = Server.MapPath("~/") + "audio/pizza-en-US.wav";
            string xgrammerContent    = string.Empty;
            string xdictionaryContent = string.Empty;

            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("~/") + "template/x-dictionary.txt");
            xdictionaryContent = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
            mimeData           = "x-dictionary:" + Environment.NewLine + xdictionaryContent;

            StreamReader streamReader1 = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("~/") + "template/x-grammer.txt");
            xgrammerContent = streamReader1.ReadToEnd();
            mimeData        = mimeData + Environment.NewLine + "x-grammar:" + Environment.NewLine + xgrammerContent;


            //make speech to text custom request
                // Make an Make a method call to Speech To Text Custom.
                // Method takes:
                // Param 1: mimeData
                // Param 2: speechContext
                // Param 3: XArgs
                // Param 4: SpeechFilePath
                // Param 5: xdictionaryContent
                // Param 5: xgrammerContent
                RecognitionObj.RootObject speachToTextResponseCObj
                    = speech.speechToTextCustom(mimeData,
            catch (Exception respex)
                string error = respex.StackTrace;

            // Operation: Text To Speech

                // Make an Make a method call to Text to Speech.
                // Method takes:
                // Param 1: test string
                byte[] responseAudioData = speech.textToSpeech("test");
            catch (Exception respex)
                string error = respex.StackTrace;
Beispiel #8
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Enter the value from the 'App Key' field obtained at in your
        // app account.
        string clientId = "";

        // Enter the value from the 'App Secret' field obtained at
        // in your app account.
        string secretKey = "";

        // Set the fully-qualified domain name to:
        string fqdn = "";

        //Set the scope to MMS
        string scope = "MMS";

        //Create the service for requesting an OAuth access token.
        var oauth = new OAuth(fqdn, clientId, secretKey, scope);

        //Get the OAuth access token using client Credential method.
        if (oauth.GetAccessToken(OAuth.AccessTokenType.ClientCredentials))
            // Get access token
            OAuthToken at          = new OAuthToken();
            string     accessToken = at.getAccessToken(oauth.accessTokenJson);

            // Create the service for making the method request.
            var mms = new MMS(fqdn, accessToken);

            // Set params:
            string mmsAddress     = Server.UrlEncode("tel:10000000000") + "&";    //
            string mmsMessage     = Server.UrlEncode("msg txt context");
            string mmsFile        = Server.MapPath("~/") + "attachments/att.jpg"; //Attachement path
            string mmsContentType = "image/jpeg";
            string messageId      = "";

                // Make an Make a method call to the MMS API.
                // Method takes:
                // param 1: string mmsAddress (phone number(s))
                // param 2: message text content
                // param 3: file path
                // param 4: multipart content type
                OutboundMessageResponseObj.RootObject SendMMSResponseObj = mms.sendMMS(mmsAddress, mmsMessage, mmsFile, mmsContentType);
                messageId = SendMMSResponseObj.outboundMessageResponse.messageId;
            catch (Exception respex)
                string error = respex.StackTrace;

                // Make an Make a method call to the MMS API.
                // Method takes:
                // param 1: string message id
                DeliveryInfoObj.RootObject getStatusResponseObj = mms.getMMSDeliveryStatus(messageId);
            catch (Exception respex)
                string error = respex.StackTrace;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Enter the value from the 'App Key' field obtained at in your
        // app account.
        string clientId = "";

        // Enter the value from the 'App Secret' field obtained at
        // in your app account.
        string secretKey = "";

        // Set the fully-qualified domain name to:
        string fqdn = "";

        //Set the scope to AAB
        string scope = "Payment";

        // Create the service for requesting an OAuth access token.
        var oauth = new OAuth(fqdn, clientId, secretKey, scope);

        // Get the OAuth access token using the Client Credentials.
        if (oauth.GetAccessToken(OAuth.AccessTokenType.ClientCredentials))
            // Get access token
            OAuthToken at          = new OAuthToken();
            string     accessToken = at.getAccessToken(oauth.accessTokenJson);

            // Create the service for making the method request.
            var payment = new Payment(fqdn, accessToken);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)Session["NewTransaction"]))
                /// <summary>
                /// Create new transaction
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="apiKey">apiKey</param>
                /// <param name="secretKey">secretKey</param>
                /// <param name="description">description</param>
                /// <param name="amount">amount</param>
                /// <param name="category">category</param>
                /// <param name="channel">channel</param>
                /// <param name="merchantRedirectURI">merchantRedirectURI</param>
                /// <param name="merchantProductId">merchantProductId</param>
                /// <param name="merchantTransactionId">merchantTransactionId</param>

                var redirectUrl = payment.createNewTransactionRedirectUrl(
                    "Sample Product",

                Session["NewTransaction"] = "created";

            if (Request.QueryString["success"] != null && Request.QueryString["success"].ToString() == "false")
                errorCreateNew = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                foreach (String key in Request.QueryString.AllKeys)
                    errorCreateNew.Add(key, Request.QueryString[key]);
                throw new Exception(Request.QueryString["faultDescription"]);

            if ((Request["TransactionAuthCode"] != null))
                TransactionAuthCode = Request.QueryString["TransactionAuthCode"].ToString();

            /// <summary>
            /// Call getTransactionStatus operation return getTransactionStatus object
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="idType">idType</param>
            /// <param name="id">id</param>
            TransactionStatusResponseObj.RootObject getTransactionStatus
                = payment.getTransactionStatus("TransactionAuthCode", TransactionAuthCode);

            //Get Payment notification
            //Stream inputstream = Request.InputStream;
            //int streamLength = Convert.ToInt32(inputstream.Length);
            //byte[] stringArray = new byte[streamLength];
            //inputstream.Read(stringArray, 0, streamLength);

            //string xmlString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stringArray);

            string xmlString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><ownershipEvent type=\"revoke\" timestamp=\"2014-05-02T06:12:33+00:00\" effective=\"2014-05-02T06:12:18+00:00\"><networkOperatorId>cingular</networkOperatorId><ownerIdentifier>N_NBI_PNW_1369816836000116729061</ownerIdentifier><purchaseDate>2014-05-02T06:12:05+00:00</purchaseDate><productIdentifier>Onetime_Cat1</productIdentifier><purchaseActivityIdentifier>Z89EZXmzjy2yu6s7wFY88cZM9lgztD6PRyo8</purchaseActivityIdentifier><instanceIdentifier>ada820f1-ce48-499b-8b46-eac60ef28a2a-CTASTransactionP1</instanceIdentifier><minIdentifier>4256586023</minIdentifier><sequenceNumber>178</sequenceNumber><reasonCode>1760</reasonCode><reasonMessage>CP Requested Refund</reasonMessage><vendorPurchaseIdentifier>M789819033</vendorPurchaseIdentifier></ownershipEvent>";

            XmlSerializer  deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ownershipEvent));
            TextReader     textReader   = new StringReader(xmlString);
            ownershipEvent notificationObj;
            notificationObj = (ownershipEvent)deserializer.Deserialize(textReader);

            //create refund transaction object
            RefundTransactionRequestObj.RootObject refund
                = new RefundTransactionRequestObj.RootObject()
                TransactionOperationStatus = "Refunded",
                RefundReasonCode           = 1,
                RefundReasonText           = "Customer was not happy"

            var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var refundJSON = serializer.Serialize(refund);

            RefundTransactionResponseObj.RootObject refundResponse
                = payment.RefundTransaction(refundJSON, getTransactionStatus.TransactionId);