Beispiel #1
            private static int OnAddCastSpellActions(void *pCreature, uint nSpellId, int nMultiClass, int nDomainLevel,
                                                     int nMetaType, int bSpontaneousCast, Vector3 vTargetLocation, uint oidTarget, int bAreaTarget, int bAddToFront,
                                                     int bFake, byte nProjectilePathType, int bInstant, int bAllowPolymorphedCast, int nFeat, byte nCasterLevel)
                CNWSCreature creature = CNWSCreature.FromPointer(pCreature);

                OnSpellAction eventData = new OnSpellAction
                    Caster         = creature.ToNwObject <NwCreature>() !,
                    Spell          = NwSpell.FromSpellId((int)nSpellId) !,
                    ClassIndex     = nMultiClass,
                    Domain         = (Domain)nDomainLevel,
                    MetaMagic      = (MetaMagic)nMetaType,
                    IsSpontaneous  = bSpontaneousCast.ToBool(),
                    TargetPosition = vTargetLocation,
                    TargetObject   = oidTarget.ToNwObject <NwGameObject>() !,
                    IsAreaTarget   = bAreaTarget.ToBool(),
                    IsFake         = bFake.ToBool(),
                    ProjectilePath = (ProjectilePathType)nProjectilePathType,
                    IsInstant      = bInstant.ToBool(),
                    Feat           = NwFeat.FromFeatId(nFeat) !,
                    CasterLevel    = nCasterLevel,

                eventData.Result = new Lazy <bool>(() => !eventData.PreventSpellCast &&
                                                   Hook.CallOriginal(pCreature, nSpellId, nMultiClass, nDomainLevel,
                                                                     nMetaType, bSpontaneousCast, vTargetLocation, oidTarget, bAreaTarget, bAddToFront,
                                                                     bFake, nProjectilePathType, bInstant, bAllowPolymorphedCast, nFeat, nCasterLevel).ToBool());


Beispiel #2
            private static int OnEffectApplied(void *pEffectListHandler, void *pObject, void *pEffect, int bLoadingGame)
                if (pEffect == null)
                    return(Hook.CallOriginal(pEffectListHandler, pObject, null, bLoadingGame));

                CGameEffect effect = CGameEffect.FromPointer(pEffect);

                if (effect.m_nType != (int)EffectTrueType.VisualEffect || effect.m_nNumIntegers == 0 ||
                    effect.m_nParamInteger[0] != 292 && effect.m_nParamInteger[0] != 293)
                    return(Hook.CallOriginal(pEffectListHandler, pObject, pEffect, bLoadingGame));

                CNWSObject gameObject = CNWSObject.FromPointer(pObject);

                ProcessEvent(new OnSpellInterrupt
                    InterruptedCaster = gameObject.ToNwObject <NwGameObject>() !,
                    Spell             = NwSpell.FromSpellId((int)gameObject.m_nLastSpellId) !,
                    ClassIndex        = gameObject.m_nLastSpellCastMulticlass,
                    Feat        = NwFeat.FromFeatId(gameObject.m_nLastSpellCastFeat) !,
                    Domain      = (Domain)gameObject.m_nLastDomainLevel,
                    Spontaneous = gameObject.m_bLastSpellCastSpontaneous.ToBool(),
                    MetaMagic   = (MetaMagic)gameObject.m_nLastSpellCastMetaType,
Beispiel #3
            private static void OnBroadcastSpellCast(void *pCreature, uint nSpellId, byte nMultiClass, ushort nFeat)
                CNWSCreature creature = CNWSCreature.FromPointer(pCreature);

                OnSpellBroadcast eventData = ProcessEvent(new OnSpellBroadcast
                    Caster     = creature.ToNwObject <NwCreature>() !,
                    Spell      = NwSpell.FromSpellId((int)nSpellId) !,
                    ClassIndex = nMultiClass,
                    Feat       = NwFeat.FromFeatId(nFeat) !,
Beispiel #4
            private static int OnCreatureUseFeat(void *pCreature, ushort nFeat, ushort nSubFeat, uint oidTarget, uint oidArea, void *pTargetPos)
                CNWSCreature creature = CNWSCreature.FromPointer(pCreature);

                OnUseFeat eventData = ProcessEvent(new OnUseFeat
                    Creature       = creature.ToNwObject <NwCreature>() !,
                    Feat           = NwFeat.FromFeatId(nFeat) !,
                    SubFeatId      = nSubFeat,
                    TargetObject   = oidTarget.ToNwObject <NwGameObject>() !,
                    TargetArea     = oidArea.ToNwObject <NwArea>() !,
                    TargetPosition = pTargetPos != null ? Marshal.PtrToStructure <Vector3>((IntPtr)pTargetPos) : Vector3.Zero,
Beispiel #5
        public void GetFeatRemainingUsesReturnsValidValue()
            Location   startLocation = NwModule.Instance.StartingLocation;
            NwCreature?creature      = NwCreature.Create(StandardResRef.Creature.tanarukk, startLocation);

            Assert.That(creature, Is.Not.Null, "Creature was null after creation.");
            Assert.That(creature !.IsValid, Is.True, "Creature was invalid after creation.");


            NwFeat?feat = NwFeat.FromFeatType(Feat.BarbarianRage);

            Assert.That(creature.GetFeatRemainingUses(feat !), Is.EqualTo(1));
Beispiel #6
            private static int OnApplyDisarm(void *pEffectHandler, void *pObject, void *pEffect, int bLoadingGame)
                CNWSObject  gameObject = CNWSObject.FromPointer(pObject);
                CGameEffect gameEffect = CGameEffect.FromPointer(pEffect);

                OnDisarmWeapon eventData = new OnDisarmWeapon
                    DisarmedObject = gameObject.ToNwObject <NwGameObject>() !,
                    DisarmedBy     = gameEffect.m_oidCreator.ToNwObject <NwGameObject>() !,
                    Feat           = gameEffect.GetInteger(0) == 1 ? NwFeat.FromFeatType(API.Feat.ImprovedDisarm) ! : NwFeat.FromFeatType(API.Feat.Disarm) !,

                eventData.Result = new Lazy <bool>(() => !eventData.PreventDisarm && Hook.CallOriginal(pEffectHandler, pObject, pEffect, bLoadingGame).ToBool());

Beispiel #7
        public void SetFeatRemainingUsesCorrectlyUpdatesState(byte uses)
            Location   startLocation = NwModule.Instance.StartingLocation;
            NwCreature?creature      = NwCreature.Create(StandardResRef.Creature.tanarukk, startLocation);

            Assert.That(creature, Is.Not.Null, "Creature was null after creation.");
            Assert.That(creature !.IsValid, Is.True, "Creature was invalid after creation.");

            NwFeat?feat = NwFeat.FromFeatType(Feat.BarbarianRage);

            Assert.That(feat, Is.Not.Null, "Could not get feat.");

            creature.SetFeatRemainingUses(feat !, uses);

            Assert.That(creature.GetFeatRemainingUses(feat !), Is.EqualTo(Math.Min(uses, creature.GetFeatTotalUses(feat !))), "Remaining feat uses was not updated after being set.");
            Assert.That(creature.HasFeatPrepared(feat !), Is.EqualTo(uses > 0), "Creature incorrectly assumes the feat is/is not available.");
Beispiel #8
 public static Talent ToTalent(this NwFeat feat)
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the specified feat as a weapon specialization feat for the specified base item type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseItem">The base item type to be mapped.</param>
 /// <param name="feat">The feat to map to the base item.</param>
 public void AddWeaponSpecializationFeat(NwBaseItem baseItem, NwFeat feat)
     weaponSpecializationMap.AddElement(baseItem.Id, feat.Id);
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the specified feat as a weapon of choice feat for the specified base item type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseItem">The base item type to be mapped.</param>
 /// <param name="feat">The feat to map to the base item.</param>
 public void AddWeaponOfChoiceFeat(NwBaseItem baseItem, NwFeat feat)
     weaponOfChoiceMap.AddElement(baseItem.Id, feat.Id);
Beispiel #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the specified feat as an improved critical feat for the specified base item type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseItem">The base item type to be mapped.</param>
 /// <param name="feat">The feat to map to the base item.</param>
 public void AddWeaponImprovedCriticalFeat(NwBaseItem baseItem, NwFeat feat)
     weaponImprovedCriticalMap.AddElement(baseItem.Id, feat.Id);
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the specified feat as a weapon focus feat for the specified base item type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseItem">The base item type to be mapped.</param>
 /// <param name="feat">The feat to map to the base item.</param>
 public void AddWeaponFocusFeat(NwBaseItem baseItem, NwFeat feat)
     weaponFocusMap.AddElement(baseItem.Id, feat.Id);
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the specified feat as an epic overwhelming critical feat for the specified base item type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseItem">The base item type to be mapped.</param>
 /// <param name="feat">The feat to map to the base item.</param>
 public void AddEpicWeaponOverwhelmingCriticalFeat(NwBaseItem baseItem, NwFeat feat)
     epicWeaponOverwhelmingCriticalMap.AddElement(baseItem.Id, feat.Id);