Beispiel #1
        public MaskedTextBoxSection()
            Spacing = 5;
            Padding = new Padding(10);
            var tb = new NumericMaskedTextBox <decimal> {
                Value = 123.456M
            var l = new Label();

            l.TextBinding.Bind(Binding.Property(tb, c => c.Value).Convert(r => "Value: " + Convert.ToString(r)));
            Items.Add(new StackLayout {
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Spacing = 5, Items = { tb, l }
            Items.Add(new MaskedTextBox(new FixedMaskedTextProvider("(999) 000-0000"))
                ShowPromptOnFocus = true, PlaceholderText = "(123) 456-7890"
            Items.Add(new MaskedTextBox <DateTime>(new FixedMaskedTextProvider <DateTime>("&&/90/0000")
                ConvertToValue = DateTime.Parse
            Items.Add(new MaskedTextBox(new FixedMaskedTextProvider(">L0L 0L0")));
            Items.Add(new MaskedTextBox {
                InsertMode = InsertKeyMode.Toggle
        private Control BuildBuffLayout()
            var buffIdTextBox = new NumericMaskedTextBox <uint> {
                Value = 0

            buffIdTextBox.ValueBinding.Bind(() => BuffId, x => BuffId = x);

            var buffIdCheckbox = new CheckBox {
                Checked = false

            buffIdCheckbox.CheckedBinding.Bind(() => BuffIdEnabled, x => BuffIdEnabled = x ?? false);

            var filterLayout = new DynamicLayout();

                    filterLayout.AddRow("Buff ID", buffIdTextBox, buffIdCheckbox, null);
            private static NumericMaskedTextBox <T> GetNumericMaskedTextBox <T>(PropertyInfo property, PluginSetting setting)
                var tb = new NumericMaskedTextBox <T>
                    Value = GetSetting <T>(property, setting)

                tb.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => setting.SetValue(tb.Value);
Beispiel #4
		public MaskedTextBoxSection()
			Spacing = 5;
			Padding = new Padding(10);
			var tb = new NumericMaskedTextBox<decimal> { Value = 123.456M };
			var l = new Label();
			l.TextBinding.Bind(Binding.Property(tb, c => c.Value).Convert(r => "Value: " + Convert.ToString(r)));
			Items.Add(new StackLayout { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Spacing = 5, Items = { tb, l } });
			Items.Add(new MaskedTextBox(new FixedMaskedTextProvider("(999) 000-0000")) { ShowPromptOnFocus = true, PlaceholderText = "(123) 456-7890" });
			Items.Add(new MaskedTextBox<DateTime>(new FixedMaskedTextProvider<DateTime>("&&/90/0000") { ConvertToValue = DateTime.Parse }));
			Items.Add(new MaskedTextBox(new FixedMaskedTextProvider(">L0L 0L0")));
			Items.Add(new MaskedTextBox { InsertMode = InsertKeyMode.Toggle });
Beispiel #5
        public LogsSettingsPage()
            Text = "Logs";

            var dialog = new SelectFolderDialog();

            locationTextBox = new TextBox
                ReadOnly        = true,
                PlaceholderText = "Log Location",

            var locationDialogButton = new Button {
                Text = "Select Log Directory"

            locationDialogButton.Click += (sender, args) =>
                if (dialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.Ok)
                    locationTextBox.Text = dialog.Directory;

            minDurationCheckBox = new CheckBox
                Text       = "Exclude short logs",
                Checked    = Settings.MinimumLogDurationSeconds.HasValue,
                ThreeState = false

            minDurationTextBox = new NumericMaskedTextBox <int>
                Value   = Settings.MinimumLogDurationSeconds ?? 5,
                Enabled = minDurationCheckBox.Checked ?? false,
                Width   = 50

            minDurationCheckBox.CheckedChanged += (sender, args) =>
                                                  minDurationTextBox.Enabled = minDurationCheckBox.Checked ?? false;

            var durationLabel = new Label
                Text = "Minimum duration in seconds:", VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center

            var layout = new DynamicLayout();

            layout.BeginVertical(spacing: new Size(5, 5), padding: new Padding(10));
                layout.BeginGroup("Log directory", new Padding(5), new Size(5, 5));
                    layout.AddRow(new Label
                        Text = "The directory in which your arcdps logs are stored. Subdirectories " +
                               "are also searched, do not choose a parent directory containing more " +
                               "irrelevant files unless you like extra waiting.",
                        Wrap   = WrapMode.Word,
                        Height = 70
                layout.BeginGroup("Log filters", new Padding(5), new Size(5, 5));
                    layout.AddRow(durationLabel, minDurationTextBox, null);

            Content = layout;

            if (Settings.LogRootPaths.Any())
                if (Settings.LogRootPaths.Count > 1)
                    // There is currently no interface for adding more than one log directory, so this would end up
                    // losing some quietly when that is implemented.
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                string logRootPath = Settings.LogRootPaths.Single();
                if (Directory.Exists(logRootPath))
                    dialog.Directory = logRootPath;

                locationTextBox.Text = logRootPath;
                string defaultDirectory = GetDefaultLogDirectory();
                if (Directory.Exists(defaultDirectory))
                    dialog.Directory     = defaultDirectory;
                    locationTextBox.Text = defaultDirectory;
        public void updateRoomPanel(RoomEntity hbObjEntity)
            var room   = hbObjEntity.HBObject;
            var layout = new DynamicLayout {

            layout.Spacing        = new Size(5, 5);
            layout.Padding        = new Padding(10);
            layout.DefaultSpacing = new Size(2, 2);

            layout.AddSeparateRow(new Label {
                Text = $"ID: {room.Name}"

            layout.AddSeparateRow(new Label {
                Text = "Name:"
            var modelNameTextBox = new TextBox()

            room.DisplayName = room.DisplayName ?? string.Empty;
            modelNameTextBox.TextBinding.Bind(room, m => m.DisplayName);

            layout.AddSeparateRow(new Label {
                Text = "Properties:"
            var rmPropBtn = new Button {
                Text = "Room Energy Properties"

            rmPropBtn.Click += (s, e) => RmPropBtn_Click(hbObjEntity);

            var facesListBox = new ListBox();

            facesListBox.Height = 120;
            var faces = hbObjEntity.HBFaces;

            if (faces != null)
                var faceItems = faces.Select(_ => new ListItem()
                    Text = _.DisplayName ?? _.Name, Tag = _
            layout.AddSeparateRow(new Label {
                Text = $"Faces: (total: {room.Faces.Count})"

            layout.AddSeparateRow(new Label {
                Text = "IndoorShades:"
            var inShadesListBox = new ListBox();

            inShadesListBox.Height = 50;
            var inShds = room.IndoorShades;

            if (inShds != null)
                var idShds = inShds.Select(_ => new ListItem()
                    Text = _.DisplayName ?? _.Name, Tag = _

            layout.AddSeparateRow(new Label {
                Text = "OutdoorShades:"
            var outShadesListBox = new ListBox();

            outShadesListBox.Height = 50;
            var outShds = room.OutdoorShades;

            if (outShds != null)
                var outShdItems = outShds.Select(_ => new ListItem()
                    Text = _.DisplayName ?? _.Name, Tag = _

            layout.AddSeparateRow(new Label {
                Text = "Multiplier:"
            var multiplierNum = new NumericMaskedTextBox <int>()

            multiplierNum.TextBinding.Bind(Binding.Delegate(() => room.Multiplier.ToString(), v => room.Multiplier = CheckIfNum(v)));
            int CheckIfNum(string numString)
                var isNum = int.TryParse(numString, out int numValue);

                return(isNum ? numValue : 0);


            var data_button = new Button {
                Text = "Honeybee Data"

            data_button.Click += (sender, e) => Dialogs.ShowEditBox("Honeybee Data", "Honeybee Data can be shared across all platforms.", room.ToJson(), true, out string outJson);
            layout.AddSeparateRow(data_button, null);

            this.Content = layout;

            void RmPropBtn_Click(Entities.RoomEntity roomEnt)
                var roomEnergyProperties = RoomEnergyPropertiesAbridged.FromJson(roomEnt.GetEnergyProp().ToJson());
                var dialog = new UI.Dialog_RoomEnergyProperty(roomEnergyProperties);

                var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(RhinoEtoApp.MainWindow);

                if (dialog_rc != null)
                    //replace brep in order to add an undo history
                    var undo = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.BeginUndoRecord("Set Honeybee room energy properties");

                    var dup = roomEnt.HostObjRef.Brep().DuplicateBrep();
                    dup.TryGetRoomEntity().HBObject.Properties.Energy = dialog_rc;
                    Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Replace(roomEnt.HostObjRef.ObjectId, dup);

Beispiel #7
        public MainWindow()
            config = LibreLancer.GameConfig.Create();
            Title  = "Librelancer";
            var wrap = new TableLayout();

            wrap.Rows.Add(new TableRow(new HeaderBar()));
            var layout = new TableLayout();

            //Freelancer Path
            freelancerPath = new TextBox()
                Text = config.FreelancerPath
            var flpath = new TableLayout()
                Padding = 2, Spacing = new Size(2, 0)

            flpath.Rows.Add(new TableRow(
                                new Label()
                Text = "Freelancer Directory:"
                                new TableCell(freelancerPath, true),
                                new Button(FolderBrowse)
                Text = ".."
            //Width & Height
            bufferWidth = new NumericMaskedTextBox <int>()
                Value = config.BufferWidth
            bufferHeight = new NumericMaskedTextBox <int>()
                Value = config.BufferHeight
            var res = new TableLayout()
                Padding = 2, Spacing = new Size(2, 0)

            res.Rows.Add(new TableRow(
                             new Label()
                Text = "Resolution:"
                             new TableCell(bufferWidth)
                ScaleWidth = true
                             new Label()
                Text = "x"
                             new TableCell(bufferHeight)
                ScaleWidth = true
            skipIntroMovies = new CheckBox()
                Text = "Skip Intro Movies"
            if (Program.introForceDisable)
                skipIntroMovies.Enabled = false;
                skipIntroMovies.Checked = true;
                skipIntroMovies.Checked = !config.IntroMovies;
            muteMusic = new CheckBox()
                Text = "Mute Music", Checked = config.MuteMusic
            vsync = new CheckBox()
                Text = "VSync", Checked = config.VSync
            layout.Rows.Add(new TableRow()
                ScaleHeight = true
            var end = new TableLayout()
                Padding = 2, Spacing = new Size(2, 0)

            end.Rows.Add(new TableRow(new TableCell()
                ScaleWidth = true
            }, new Button(LaunchClicked)
                Text = "Launch"
            wrap.Rows.Add(new TableRow(layout)
                ScaleHeight = true
            Content = wrap;
Beispiel #8
        public MainWindow()
            config = LibreLancer.GameConfig.Create();
            Title  = "Librelancer";
            var wrap = new TableLayout();

            wrap.Rows.Add(new TableRow(new HeaderBar()));
            var layout = new TableLayout();

            //Freelancer Path
            freelancerPath = new TextBox()
                Text = config.FreelancerPath
            var flpath = new TableLayout()
                Padding = 2, Spacing = new Size(2, 0)

            flpath.Rows.Add(new TableRow(
                                new Label()
                Text = "Freelancer Directory:", VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
                                new TableCell(freelancerPath, true),
                                new Button(FolderBrowse)
                Text = ".."
            //Width & Height
            bufferWidth = new NumericMaskedTextBox <int>()
                Value = config.BufferWidth
            bufferHeight = new NumericMaskedTextBox <int>()
                Value = config.BufferHeight
            var res = new TableLayout()
                Padding = 2, Spacing = new Size(2, 0)

            res.Rows.Add(new TableRow(
                             new Label()
                Text = "Resolution:", VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
                             new TableCell(bufferWidth)
                ScaleWidth = true
                             new Label()
                Text = "x", VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
                             new TableCell(bufferHeight)
                ScaleWidth = true
            skipIntroMovies = new CheckBox()
                Text = "Skip Intro Movies"
            if (Program.introForceDisable)
                skipIntroMovies.Enabled = false;
                skipIntroMovies.Checked = true;
                skipIntroMovies.Checked = !config.IntroMovies;
            masterVolume = new Slider()
                MinValue    = 0, MaxValue = 1000, Value = (int)(config.MasterVolume * 1000),
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, TickFrequency = 0, SnapToTick = false,
                Style       = "volslider"
            var layoutMaster = new TableLayout(
                new TableRow(new Label()
                Text = "Master Volume: ", VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
            }, masterVolume)

            sfxVolume = new Slider()
                MinValue    = 0, MaxValue = 1000, Value = (int)(config.SfxVolume * 1000),
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, TickFrequency = 0, SnapToTick = false,
                Style       = "volslider"
            var layoutSfx = new TableLayout(
                new TableRow(new Label()
                Text = "Sfx Volume: ", VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
            }, sfxVolume)

            musicVolume = new Slider()
                MinValue    = 0, MaxValue = 1000, Value = (int)(config.MusicVolume * 1000),
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, TickFrequency = 0, SnapToTick = false,
                Style       = "volslider"
            var layoutMusic = new TableLayout(
                new TableRow(new Label()
                Text = "Music Volume: ", VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
            }, musicVolume)

            vsync = new CheckBox()
                Text = "VSync", Checked = config.VSync
            layout.Rows.Add(new TableRow()
                ScaleHeight = true
            var end = new TableLayout()
                Padding = 2, Spacing = new Size(2, 0)

            end.Rows.Add(new TableRow(new TableCell()
                ScaleWidth = true
            }, new Button(LaunchClicked)
                Text = "Launch"
            wrap.Rows.Add(new TableRow(layout)
                ScaleHeight = true
            Content = wrap;
Beispiel #9
 Control BuildContent()
     return(new TableLayout
         Spacing = new Eto.Drawing.Size(5, 5),
         Rows =
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "TCP Listener Mode", Font = SystemFonts.Bold(),
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "Ip Address:"
             }, (_textTcpListenerIp = new TextBox{
                 PlaceholderText = "e.g."
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "Port:"
             }, (_textTcpListenerPort = new NumericMaskedTextBox <int>{
                 PlaceholderText = "e.g. 8080"
             new TableRow((_btnResetTcpListener = new Button{
                 Text = "Reset TCP Listener"
             }), null),
             new TableRow(),
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "TCP Client Mode", Font = SystemFonts.Bold(),
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "Ip Address:"
             }, (_textTcpClientIp = new TextBox{
                 PlaceholderText = "e.g."
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "Port:"
             }, (_textTcpClientPort = new NumericMaskedTextBox <int>{
                 PlaceholderText = "e.g. 8080"
             new TableRow((_btnResetTcpClient = new Button{
                 Text = "Reset TCP Client"
             }), null),
             new TableRow(),
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "Serial COM Mode", Font = SystemFonts.Bold(),
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "Baud Rate"
             }, (_dropDownBaudRate = new ComboBox{
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "Handshake"
             }, (_dropDownHandshake = new EnumDropDown <Handshake>{
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "Parity"
             }, (_dropDownParity = new EnumDropDown <Parity>{
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "Data Bits"
             }, (_radDataBits = new DropDown{
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "Stop Bits"
             }, (_radStopBits = new EnumDropDown <StopBits>{
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "Enable Dtr"
             }, (_chkDtr = new CheckBox{
             new TableRow(new Label {
                 Text = "Enable Rts"
             }, (_chkRts = new CheckBox{
             new TableRow((_btnResetSerial = new Button{
                 Text = "Reset Serial"
             }), null),
             new TableRow(),
        protected override async void OnLoadComplete(EventArgs e)

            topGroup = new Group
                Content = top = new NumericMaskedTextBox <float>
                    PlaceholderText = "0"
            leftGroup = new Group
                Content = left = new NumericMaskedTextBox <float>
                    PlaceholderText = "0"
            bottomGroup = new Group
                Content = bottom = new NumericMaskedTextBox <float>
                    PlaceholderText = "0"
            rightGroup = new Group
                Content = right = new NumericMaskedTextBox <float>
                    PlaceholderText = "0"

            this.Content = new StackLayout
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
                HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                Padding = 5,
                Spacing = 5,
                Items   =
                    new Group
                        Text        = "Converter",
                        Content     = converterList,
                        Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
                    new StackLayoutItem
                        Expand  = true,
                        Control = new StackLayout
                            Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                            Spacing     = 5,
                            Items       =
                                new StackLayoutItem
                                    Expand  = true,
                                    Control = new StackLayout
                                        HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                                        Spacing = 5,
                                        Items   =
                                new StackLayoutItem
                                    Expand  = true,
                                    Control = new StackLayout
                                        HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                                        Spacing = 5,
                                        Items   =
                    new StackLayoutItem
                        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right,
                        Control             = applyButton = new Button((sender, e) => ConvertArea())
                            Text    = "Apply",
                            Enabled = false

            var tablet = await App.Driver.Instance.GetTablet();

        public MaskedTextBoxSection()
            DefaultSpacing = new Size(5, 5);
            Padding        = new Padding(10);

            var enabledCheckBox = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Enabled", Checked = true

            enabledCheckBox.CheckedChanged += (sender, e) => Set(m => m.Enabled = enabledCheckBox.Checked == true);

            var readOnlyCheckBox = new CheckBox {
                Text = "ReadOnly", Checked = false

            readOnlyCheckBox.CheckedChanged += (sender, e) => Set(m => m.ReadOnly = readOnlyCheckBox.Checked == true);

            var tb = new NumericMaskedTextBox <double> {
                Value = rememberValue ? lastValue : 123.456

            tb.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => lastValue = tb.Value;

            var l = new Label();

            l.TextBinding.Bind(Binding.Property(tb, c => c.Value).Convert(r => "Value: " + Convert.ToString(r)));

            var cultureSelector = new CultureDropDown();

            cultureSelector.SelectedValueBinding.Bind(tb, s => s.Culture);

            var rememberCheckBox = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Remember Value", Checked = rememberValue

            rememberCheckBox.CheckedChanged += (sender, e) => rememberValue = rememberCheckBox.Checked == true;


            BeginGroup("FixedMaskedTextProvider", padding: 10);
            AddAutoSized(new MaskedTextBox(new FixedMaskedTextProvider("(999) 000-0000"))
                ShowPromptMode = ShowPromptMode.OnFocus, PlaceholderText = "(123) 456-7890"
            AddAutoSized(new MaskedTextBox <DateTime>(new FixedMaskedTextProvider <DateTime>("&&/90/0000")
                ConvertToValue = DateTime.Parse
            AddAutoSized(new MaskedTextBox(new FixedMaskedTextProvider(">L0L 0L0")));
            AddAutoSized(new MaskedTextBox {
                InsertMode = InsertKeyMode.Toggle

            BeginGroup("NumericMaskedTextBox<double>", padding: 10);
            AddSeparateRow(tb, l, rememberCheckBox, null);
            AddSeparateRow("Culture:", cultureSelector, null);

Beispiel #12
        public Dialog_HBModel(Entities.ModelEntity modelEntity)
                var dup     = modelEntity.Duplicate();
                var hbModel = dup.HBObject;

                Padding     = new Padding(5);
                Resizable   = true;
                Title       = "Honeybee Rhino PlugIn";
                WindowStyle = WindowStyle.Default;
                MinimumSize = new Size(450, 620);

                DefaultButton = new Button {
                    Text = "OK"
                DefaultButton.Click += (sender, e)
                                       => Close(dup);

                AbortButton = new Button {
                    Text = "Cancel"
                AbortButton.Click += (sender, e) => Close();

                var buttons = new TableLayout
                    Padding = new Padding(5, 10, 5, 5),
                    Spacing = new Size(10, 10),
                    Rows    = { new TableRow(null, this.DefaultButton, this.AbortButton, null) }

                hbModel.DisplayName = hbModel.DisplayName ?? string.Empty;
                var modelNameTextBox = new TextBox()
                modelNameTextBox.TextBinding.Bind(hbModel, m => m.DisplayName);

                var northNum = new NumericMaskedTextBox <double>()
                northNum.TextBinding.Bind(Binding.Delegate(() => hbModel.NorthAngle.ToString(), v => hbModel.NorthAngle = CheckIfNum(v)));

                var energyProp = hbModel.Properties.Energy;
                var terrainTypeDP = new EnumDropDown <HB.ModelEnergyProperties.TerrainTypeEnum>();
                terrainTypeDP.SelectedValueBinding.Bind(Binding.Delegate(() => energyProp.TerrainType.Value, v => energyProp.TerrainType = v));

                //Get constructions
                var gloConstrSetDP = DialogHelper.MakeDropDown(hbModel.Properties.Energy.GlobalConstructionSet, (v) => hbModel.Properties.Energy.GlobalConstructionSet = v?.Name,
                                                               hbModel.Properties.Energy.ConstructionSets, hbModel.Properties.Energy.GlobalConstructionSet);

                ////Construction Set list
                //var ConstructionSetsListBox = new ListBox();
                //ConstructionSetsListBox.Height = 60;
                //foreach (var item in hbModel.Properties.Energy.ConstructionSets)
                //    .Add(new ListItem() { Text = $"Room_{ item.Value.Guid }" });

                //Room list
                var rooms       = dup.RoomEntitiesWithoutHistory;
                var roomListBox = new ListBox();
                roomListBox.Height = 100;
                foreach (var item in rooms)
                    var room        = item.TryGetRoomEntity().HBObject;
                    var displayName = room.DisplayName ?? string.Empty;
                    roomListBox.Items.Add(new ListItem()
                        Text = displayName

                //Shade list
                var shades       = dup.OrphanedShadesWithoutHistory;
                var shadeListBox = new ListBox();
                shadeListBox.Height = 100;
                foreach (var item in shades)
                    var displayName = item.TryGetShadeEntity().HBObject.DisplayName ?? string.Empty;
                    shadeListBox.Items.Add(new ListItem()
                        Text = displayName

                //Create layout
                Content = new TableLayout
                    Padding = new Padding(10),
                    Spacing = new Size(5, 5),
                    Rows    =
                        new Label()
                            Text = $"ID: {hbModel.Name}"
                        new Label()
                            Text = "Model Name:"
                        new Label()
                            Text = "Terrain Type:"
                        new Label()
                            Text = "Global Construction Set:"
                        new Label()
                            Text = "North Angle:"
                        new Label()
                            Text = $"Rooms: [total: {rooms.Count()}]"
                        new Label()
                            Text = $"Shades:"
                        new TableRow(buttons),
            catch (Exception e)