Beispiel #1
        public void ServiceDocumentReadingNullUriTest()
            EdmModel model = (EdmModel)Microsoft.Test.OData.Utils.Metadata.TestModels.BuildTestModel();


            ServiceDocumentInstance serviceDocument = PayloadBuilder.ServiceDocument()
                                                                 .ResourceCollection(/*title*/ null, /*href*/ null));

            // Run only on responses
                this.ReaderTestConfigurationProvider.AtomFormatConfigurations.Where(tc => !tc.IsRequest),
                (baseUriValue, testConfiguration) =>
                // NOTE: In JSON, collection names must not be null (and we expect an error)
                //       In ATOM, the HREF of a resource collection is an attribute and will be missing if null;
                //       this is not allowed (and we expect an error)
                NullUriValueTestCase <ServiceDocumentInstance> testCase = new NullUriValueTestCase <ServiceDocumentInstance>
                    SetNullUriAction     = (instance, uri, testConfig) => instance.Workspaces[0].ResourceCollections[0].Href = null,
                    SetExpectedUriAction = (instance, uri, testConfig) => instance.Workspaces[0].ResourceCollections[0].Href = UriToString(uri),

                this.RunNullUriReadingTest(serviceDocument, testCase, model, baseUriValue, testConfiguration);
Beispiel #2
        public void EntityReferenceLinkReadingNullUriTest()
            EdmModel model = (EdmModel)Microsoft.Test.OData.Utils.Metadata.TestModels.BuildTestModel();


            DeferredLink link = PayloadBuilder.DeferredLink(/*uri*/ null);

                this.ReaderTestConfigurationProvider.AtomFormatConfigurations.Where(tc => !tc.IsRequest),
                (baseUriValue, testConfiguration) =>
                // NOTE: In JSON, the value of the 'uri' property will be 'null' which is not allowed (and we expect an error)
                //       In ATOM, the HREF of an entity reference link is stored as element content and will thus be read as
                //       string.Empty even if the source link was null
                NullUriValueTestCase <DeferredLink> testCase = new NullUriValueTestCase <DeferredLink>
                    SetNullUriAction     = (instance, uri, testConfig) => instance.UriString = null,
                    SetExpectedUriAction = (instance, uri, testConfig) => instance.UriString = UriToString(uri),

                this.RunNullUriReadingTest(link, testCase, model, baseUriValue, testConfiguration);
Beispiel #3
        public void FeedReadingNullUriTest()
            EdmModel model = (EdmModel)Microsoft.Test.OData.Utils.Metadata.TestModels.BuildTestModel();


            EntitySetInstance feed = PayloadBuilder.EntitySet();

            feed.NextLink = null;

            // Run only in version >= 2 since next links are only supported since v2 and not allowed in requests
                this.ReaderTestConfigurationProvider.AtomFormatConfigurations.Where(tc => !tc.IsRequest),
                (baseUriValue, testConfiguration) =>
                // The next link should always be null independently of whether a base URI is specified or not
                NullUriValueTestCase <EntitySetInstance> testCase = new NullUriValueTestCase <EntitySetInstance>
                    SetNullUriAction     = (instance, uri, testConfig) => instance.NextLink = null,
                    SetExpectedUriAction = null         // will use SetNullUriAction instead

                this.RunNullUriReadingTest(feed, testCase, model, baseUriValue, testConfiguration);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to run a single iteration of the URI reading tests in a specified configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the payload to read.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="payloadElement">The payload to read.</param>
        /// <param name="setExpectedUriAction">An action to set the URI in question on the payload.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The metadata model.</param>
        /// <param name="baseUriValue">The base URI value for the current iteration.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The reader test configuration.</param>
        private void RunNullUriReadingTest <T>(
            T payloadElement,
            NullUriValueTestCase <T> testCase,
            IEdmModel model,
            BaseUriValue baseUriValue,
            ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration) where T : ODataPayloadElement
            this.Assert.IsNotNull(testCase.SetNullUriAction, "SetNullUriAction must not be null.");
            this.Assert.IsNull(testConfiguration.MessageReaderSettings.BaseUri, "No base URI expected on reader settings.");

            ExpectedException expectedException = null;
            Uri settingsBaseUri = baseUriValue.ReaderSettingBaseUri;

            // Set the base URI on the message reader settings if specified
            if (settingsBaseUri != null)
                testConfiguration = new ReaderTestConfiguration(testConfiguration);
                testConfiguration.MessageReaderSettings.BaseUri = settingsBaseUri;

            // Create the payload element
            T clonedPayloadElement = payloadElement.DeepCopy();

            // modify the payload to represent the 'null' URI
            testCase.SetNullUriAction(clonedPayloadElement, /*uri*/ null, testConfiguration);

            var setExpectedUriAction = testCase.SetExpectedUriAction ?? testCase.SetNullUriAction;

            if (testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Atom)
                XElement xmlRepresentation = this.PayloadElementToXmlConverter.ConvertToXml(clonedPayloadElement);

                // add an xml:base attribute if specified
                Uri xmlBaseUri = baseUriValue.XmlBaseUri;
                if (xmlBaseUri != null)
                    xmlRepresentation.Add(new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xml.GetName("base"), xmlBaseUri.OriginalString));


                // First check all error conditions that are independent of a potential base URI
                if (payloadElement.ElementType == ODataPayloadElementType.ServiceDocumentInstance)
                    // Resource collections must have a URL
                    expectedException = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("ValidationUtils_ServiceDocumentElementUrlMustNotBeNull");
                    if (xmlBaseUri != null)
                        setExpectedUriAction(clonedPayloadElement, xmlBaseUri, testConfiguration);
                    else if (settingsBaseUri != null)
                        setExpectedUriAction(clonedPayloadElement, settingsBaseUri, testConfiguration);
                        // fail for relative URIs without base URI
                        if (payloadElement.ElementType == ODataPayloadElementType.DeferredLink ||
                            payloadElement.ElementType == ODataPayloadElementType.LinkCollection)
                            expectedException = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("ODataAtomDeserializer_RelativeUriUsedWithoutBaseUriSpecified", string.Empty);

                    // NOTE: ATOM properly detects MLEs even without read or edit link
                throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported configuration format: " + testConfiguration.Format.ToString());

            PayloadReaderTestDescriptor testDescriptor = new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor(this.Settings)
                PayloadElement        = clonedPayloadElement,
                PayloadEdmModel       = model,
                ExpectedException     = expectedException,
                SkipTestConfiguration = tc => ODataPayloadElementConfigurationValidator.GetSkipTestConfiguration(payloadElement, ODataPayloadElementConfigurationValidator.AllValidators)(tc),

Beispiel #5
        public void EntryReadingNullUriTest()
            EdmModel model = (EdmModel)Microsoft.Test.OData.Utils.Metadata.TestModels.BuildTestModel();


            NullUriValueTestCase <EntityInstance>[] testCases = new NullUriValueTestCase <EntityInstance>[]
                // Setting the read link of an entry
                // NOTE: in JSON, the 'uri' property will be always omitted from __metadata when the read link is null (and no edit link exists);
                //       in ATOM, the self link will be omitted from the payload
                new NullUriValueTestCase <EntityInstance>
                    SetNullUriAction = (instance, uri, testConfig) => instance.RemoveAnnotations(typeof(SelfLinkAnnotation)),

                // Setting the edit link of an entry
                // NOTE: in JSON, the 'uri' property will be always omitted from __metadata when the edit link is null (and no read link exists);
                //       in ATOM, the link with the 'edit' rel will be omitted from the payload
                new NullUriValueTestCase <EntityInstance>
                    SetNullUriAction = (instance, uri, testConfig) => instance.WithEditLink(null),

                // Setting the navigation link of an entry
                // NOTE: in JSON, the 'uri' property in the __deferred object will have a 'null' value (and we expect an error)
                //       in ATOM, the 'related' link for the navigation property will not have the 'href' property.
                new NullUriValueTestCase <EntityInstance>
                    SetNullUriAction =
                        (instance, uri, testConfig) => ((NavigationPropertyInstance)instance.GetProperty("CityHall")).Value = new DeferredLink(),

                // Setting the association link of an entry
                // NOTE: in JSON, the associationuri property will have a 'null' value (and we expect an error)
                //       in ATOM, the 'relatedlinks' link will not have the 'href' property
                new NullUriValueTestCase <EntityInstance>
                    SetNullUriAction =
                        (instance, uri, testConfig) => ((NavigationPropertyInstance)instance.GetProperty("CityHall")).AssociationLink = null,

                // Setting the read link of a stream property
                // NOTE: in JSON, the 'media_src' property will be omitted from the __mediaresource object.
                //       in ATOM, the 'mediaresource' link of the stream property will be omitted from the payload.
                new NullUriValueTestCase <EntityInstance>
                    SetNullUriAction =
                        (instance, uri, testConfig) => ((NamedStreamInstance)instance.GetProperty("Skyline")).SourceLink = null,

                // Setting the edit link of a stream property
                // NOTE: in JSON, the 'edit_media' property will be omitted from the __mediaresource object.
                //       in ATOM, the 'edit-media' link of the stream property will be omitted from the payload.
                new NullUriValueTestCase <EntityInstance>
                    SetNullUriAction =
                        (instance, uri, testConfig) => ((NamedStreamInstance)instance.GetProperty("Skyline")).EditLink = null,

                // Setting the read link of the default stream
                // NOTE: in JSON, the 'media_src' property will be omitted from the __metadata object.
                //       in ATOM, the <content> element will be omitted from the payload.
                new NullUriValueTestCase <EntityInstance>
                    SetNullUriAction = (instance, uri, testConfig) => instance.StreamSourceLink = null,

                // Setting the edit link of the default stream
                // NOTE: in JSON, the 'edit_media' property will be omitted from the __metadata object.
                //       in ATOM, the edit-media link will be omitted from the payload.
                new NullUriValueTestCase <EntityInstance>
                    SetNullUriAction = (instance, uri, testConfig) => instance.StreamEditLink = null,

            EntityInstance entry = PayloadBuilder.Entity("TestModel.CityWithMapType")
                                   .PrimitiveProperty("Id", 1)
                                   .Property(PayloadBuilder.NavigationProperty("CityHall", /*link*/ "").IsCollection(true))
                                   .StreamProperty("Skyline", /*readLink*/ "", /*editLink*/ "")
                                   .StreamSourceLink(/*link*/ "");

                (baseUriValue, testCase, testConfiguration) =>
                this.RunNullUriReadingTest(entry, testCase, model, baseUriValue, testConfiguration);