public UvViewer(Nud sourceNud, Nud.Polygon polygonToRender) { // We need the nud to generate buffers due to the way nud rendering works. InitializeComponent(); this.sourceNud = sourceNud; this.polygonToRender = polygonToRender; }
public static void ExportMaterialAsXml(Nud n, string filename) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlNode mainNode = doc.CreateElement("NUDMATERIAL"); XmlAttribute polycount = doc.CreateAttribute("polycount"); mainNode.Attributes.Append(polycount); doc.AppendChild(mainNode); int polyCount = 0; foreach (Nud.Mesh m in n.Nodes) { XmlNode meshnode = doc.CreateElement("mesh"); XmlAttribute name = doc.CreateAttribute("name"); name.Value = m.Text; meshnode.Attributes.Append(name); mainNode.AppendChild(meshnode); foreach (Nud.Polygon p in m.Nodes) { XmlNode polyNode = doc.CreateElement("polygon"); XmlAttribute pid = doc.CreateAttribute("id"); pid.Value = polyCount.ToString(); polyNode.Attributes.Append(pid); meshnode.AppendChild(polyNode); WriteMaterials(doc, p, polyNode); polyCount++; } } polycount.Value = polyCount.ToString(); doc.Save(filename); }
private void SaveMaterialToFile(string fileName) { FileOutput m = new FileOutput(); FileOutput s = new FileOutput(); int[] c = Nud.WriteMaterial(m, currentMaterialList, s); FileOutput fin = new FileOutput(); fin.WriteInt(0); fin.WriteInt(20 + c[0]); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { fin.WriteInt(c[i] == c[i - 1] ? 0 : 20 + c[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 4 - c.Length; i++) { fin.WriteInt(0); } fin.WriteOutput(m); fin.Align(32, 0xFF); fin.WriteIntAt(fin.Size(), 0); fin.WriteOutput(s); fin.Save(fileName); }
public Nud toNUD() { Nud n = new Nud(); n.hasBones = false; foreach (OBJObject o in objects) { Nud.Mesh m = new Nud.Mesh(); m.Text =; m.singlebind = -1; m.boneflag = 0x08; foreach (OBJGroup g in o.groups) { if (g.v.Count == 0) { continue; } Nud.Polygon p = new Nud.Polygon(); m.Nodes.Add(p); m.Nodes.Add(p); p.AddDefaultMaterial(); p.vertSize = 0x06; p.UVSize = 0x10; p.polflag = 0x00; Dictionary <int, int> collected = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < g.v.Count; i++) { p.vertexIndices.Add(p.vertices.Count); Nud.Vertex v = new Nud.Vertex(); p.vertices.Add(v); if (g.v.Count > i) { v.pos = this.v[g.v[i]] + Vector3.Zero; } if ( > i) { v.nrm = vn[[i]] + Vector3.Zero; } if (g.vt.Count > i) { v.uv.Add(vt[g.vt[i]] + Vector2.Zero); } } } if (m.Nodes.Count > 0) { n.Nodes.Add(m); } } n.OptimizeFileSize(); n.UpdateRenderMeshes(); return(n); }
public static void ArrangeBones(VBN vbn, Nud nud) { Dictionary <int, int> boneReorder = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < boneOrder.Count; i++) { int j = 0; for (j = 0; j < vbn.bones.Count; j++) { if (vbn.bones[j].Text.Equals(boneOrder[i])) { break; } } boneReorder.Add(j, i); } // get rest of the bones for (int j = 0; j < vbn.bones.Count; j++) { if (!boneReorder.Keys.Contains(j)) { boneReorder.Add(j, i++); } } // reorder vbn Bone[] nList = new Bone[vbn.bones.Count]; foreach (int k in boneReorder.Keys) { nList[boneReorder[k]] = vbn.bones[k]; //if (new string(vbn.bones[k].boneName).Equals("RotN")) vbn.bones[k].parentIndex = 0; if (vbn.bones[k].parentIndex != -1 && vbn.bones[k].parentIndex != 0x0FFFFFFF) { vbn.bones[k].parentIndex = boneReorder[vbn.bones[k].parentIndex]; } } vbn.bones.Clear(); vbn.bones.AddRange(nList); vbn.reset(); // now fix the nud foreach (Nud.Mesh mesh in nud.Nodes) { foreach (Nud.Polygon poly in mesh.Nodes) { foreach (Nud.Vertex v in poly.vertices) { for (int k = 0; k < v.boneIds.Count; k++) { v.boneIds[k] = boneReorder[v.boneIds[k]]; } } } } nud.UpdateRenderMeshes(); }
private static void SaveNudXml(string sourceDir, string outputDir, string file) { string xmlName = ModelViewport.ConvertDirSeparatorsToUnderscore(file, sourceDir); Nud nud = new Nud(file); string outputFileName = $"{ outputDir }\\{ xmlName }.xml"; MaterialXML.ExportMaterialAsXml(nud, outputFileName); }
private void SetFineAdjustmentNUD(Nud nud, string title, double min, double max) { gbFineAdjustment.Visible = true; fineAdjustmentRange.Min = min; fineAdjustmentRange.Max = max; fineAdjustmentsNud = nud; gbFineAdjustment.Text = title; fineAdjustmentFactor = nud == nudIB || nud == nudTE ? 100 : 1; }
private void setBackColorDependingOnNeutral(Nud nud, Color color, decimal neutralNumber = 0) { if (nud.Value != neutralNumber) { nud.BackColor = color; } else { nud.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; } }
public Nud toNUD() { Nud nud = new Nud(); int j = 0; foreach (Mesh m in mesh) { Nud.Mesh n_mesh = new Nud.Mesh(); nud.Nodes.Add(n_mesh); n_mesh.Text = "Mesh_" + j++; foreach (List <int> i in m.faces) { Nud.Polygon poly = new Nud.Polygon(); n_mesh.Nodes.Add(poly); poly.AddDefaultMaterial(); List <Vertex> indexSim = new List <Vertex>(); foreach (int index in i) { Vertex v = vertices[index]; if (!indexSim.Contains(v)) { indexSim.Add(v); Nud.Vertex vert = new Nud.Vertex(); vert.pos = v.pos; vert.nrm = v.nrm; vert.color = v.col; List <Vector2> uvs = new List <Vector2>(); uvs.Add(new Vector2(v.tx[0].X, 1 - v.tx[0].Y)); vert.uv = uvs; if (vert.boneWeights.Count < 4) { v.weight.Add(0f); v.weight.Add(0f); } vert.boneWeights = v.weight; List <int> nodez = new List <int>(); nodez.Add(m.nodeList[0][v.node[0]]); nodez.Add(m.nodeList[0][v.node[1]]); nodez.Add(0); nodez.Add(0); vert.boneIds = nodez; poly.AddVertex(vert); } poly.vertexIndices.Add(indexSim.IndexOf(v)); } } } return(nud); }
// I'm completely totally serious public static Nud Create(VBN vbn) { Dictionary <string, string> files = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ZipArchive zip = ZipFile.OpenRead("lib\\"); Random random = new Random(); int randomNumber = random.Next(0, 0xFFFFFF); NUT nut = new NUT(); foreach (ZipArchiveEntry e in zip.Entries) { byte[] b; using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(e.Open())) { b = br.ReadBytes((int)e.Length); } var stream = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(b)); string s = stream.ReadToEnd(); files.Add(e.Name, s); if (e.Name.EndsWith(".dds")) { NutTexture tex = new Dds(new FileData(b)).ToNutTexture(); nut.Nodes.Add(tex); tex.HashId = 0x40000000 + randomNumber; nut.glTexByHashId.Add(tex.HashId, NUT.CreateTexture2D(tex)); } } Nud nud = new Nud(); Nud.Mesh head = new Nud.Mesh(); nud.Nodes.Add(head); head.Text = "Skapon"; head.Nodes.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(files["head.obj"]), 1, 1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("HeadN")], vbn)); head.Nodes.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(files["body.obj"]), 1, 1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("BustN")], vbn)); head.Nodes.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(files["hand.obj"]), 1, 1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("RHandN")], vbn)); head.Nodes.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(files["hand.obj"]), -1, -1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("LHandN")], vbn)); head.Nodes.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(files["foot.obj"]), 1, 1, 1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("RFootJ")], vbn)); head.Nodes.Add(setToBone(scale(readPoly(files["foot.obj"]), -1, -1, -1), vbn.bones[vbn.boneIndex("LFootJ")], vbn)); foreach (Nud.Polygon p in head.Nodes) { p.materials[0].textures[0].hash = 0x40000000 + randomNumber; } nud.UpdateRenderMeshes(); return(nud); }
private void setBackColorDependingOnNeutral(Nud nud1, Color color1, Nud nud2, Color color2, decimal neutralNumber = 0) { if (nud1.Value != neutralNumber && nud2.Value != neutralNumber) { nud1.BackColor = color1; nud2.BackColor = color2; } else { nud1.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; nud2.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; } }
public ModelContainer() { ImageKey = "folder"; SelectedImageKey = "folder"; nud = new Nud(); nut = new NUT(); mta = new MTA(); MOI = new MOI(); jtb = new JTB(); XMB = new XMBFile(); Checked = true; Refresh(); }
private static int CalculatePolygonCount(Nud n) { int polyCount = 0; foreach (Nud.Mesh m in n.Nodes) { foreach (Nud.Polygon p in m.Nodes) { polyCount++; } } return(polyCount); }
public static void removeLowPolyNr(Nud n) { List <Nud.Mesh> toRemove = new List <Nud.Mesh>(); for (int i = 15; i <= 32; i++) { toRemove.Add((Nud.Mesh)n.Nodes[i]); } foreach (Nud.Mesh m in toRemove) { n.Nodes.Remove(m); } }
public static List <Nud.Material> ReadMaterialListFromPreset(string file) { FileData matFile = new FileData(file); int soff = matFile.ReadInt(); Nud.PolyData pol = new Nud.PolyData() { texprop1 = matFile.ReadInt(), texprop2 = matFile.ReadInt(), texprop3 = matFile.ReadInt(), texprop4 = matFile.ReadInt() }; List <Nud.Material> presetMaterials = Nud.ReadMaterials(matFile, pol, soff); return(presetMaterials); }
public static void ImportMaterialAsXml(Nud n, string filename) { // Creates a list of materials and then trys to apply the materials to the polygons. int polyCount = CalculatePolygonCount(n); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(filename); List <Nud.Material> materialList = new List <Nud.Material>(); List <int> matCountForPolyId = new List <int>(); XmlNode main = doc.ChildNodes[0]; foreach (XmlNode meshNode in main.ChildNodes) { if (!(meshNode.Name.Equals("mesh"))) { continue; } foreach (XmlNode polynode in meshNode.ChildNodes) { if (!(polynode.Name.Equals("polygon"))) { continue; } matCountForPolyId.Add(polynode.ChildNodes.Count); if (matCountForPolyId.Count > polyCount) { int countDif = matCountForPolyId.Count - polyCount; MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Expected {0} polygons but found {1} in the XML file. " + "The last {2} polygon(s) will be ignored.", polyCount, matCountForPolyId.Count, countDif)); } ReadMaterials(materialList, polynode); } } ApplyMaterials(n, materialList, matCountForPolyId); }
public static void DrawNudMaterialSphere(Shader shader, Nud.Material material, Mesh3D screenTriangle, Dictionary <NudEnums.DummyTexture, Texture> dummyTextures) { if (!shader.LinkStatusIsOk) { return; } shader.UseProgram(); // Use the same uniforms as the NUD shader. var uniformBlock = new UniformBlock(shader, "MaterialProperties") { BlockBinding = 1 }; NudUniforms.SetMaterialPropertyUniforms(uniformBlock, shader, material); Nud.SetStageLightingUniforms(shader, 0); ModelContainer.SetRenderSettingsUniforms(shader); ModelContainer.SetLightingUniforms(shader, nudSphereCamera); ModelContainer.SetCameraMatrixUniforms(nudSphereCamera, shader); // Use default textures rather than textures from the NUT. NudUniforms.SetTextureUniformsNudMatSphere(shader, material, dummyTextures); // These values aren't needed in the shader currently. shader.SetVector3("cameraPosition", 0, 0, 0); shader.SetFloat("zBufferOffset", 0); shader.SetFloat("bloomThreshold", Runtime.bloomThreshold); bool isTransparent = (material.SrcFactor > 0) || (material.DstFactor > 0) || (material.AlphaFunction > 0) || (material.AlphaTest > 0); shader.SetBoolToInt("isTransparent", isTransparent); // Set texture uniforms for the mesh attributes. shader.SetTexture("normalTex", sphereNrmTex, 15); shader.SetTexture("uvTex", sphereUvTex, 16); shader.SetTexture("tanTex", sphereTanTex, 17); shader.SetTexture("bitanTex", sphereBitanTex, 18); // Draw full screen "quad" (big triangle) ScreenDrawing.DrawScreenTriangle(shader, screenTriangle); }
public void Move(int type, float move) { // move mesh over foreach (Nud.Polygon p in mesh.Nodes) { foreach (Nud.Vertex v in p.vertices) { // Rotate the mesh normals as well to preserve proper normal direction. switch (type) { case 1: v.pos.X += move; break; case 2: v.pos.Y += move; break; case 3: v.pos.Z += move; break; case 4: v.pos = Vector3.TransformVector(v.pos, Matrix4.CreateRotationX(move * ((float)Math.PI / 180))); v.nrm = Vector3.TransformVector(v.nrm, Matrix4.CreateRotationX(move * ((float)Math.PI / 180))).Normalized(); break; case 5: v.pos = Vector3.TransformVector(v.pos, Matrix4.CreateRotationY(move * ((float)Math.PI / 180))); v.nrm = Vector3.TransformVector(v.nrm, Matrix4.CreateRotationY(move * ((float)Math.PI / 180))).Normalized(); break; case 6: v.pos = Vector3.TransformVector(v.pos, Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(move * ((float)Math.PI / 180))); v.nrm = Vector3.TransformVector(v.nrm, Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(move * ((float)Math.PI / 180))).Normalized(); break; case 7: v.pos = Vector3.Multiply(v.pos, move); break; } } } Nud n = (Nud)mesh.Parent; n.UpdateRenderMeshes(); MainForm.Instance.GetActiveModelViewport()?.glViewport?.Invalidate(); }
private static void ApplyMaterials(Nud n, List <Nud.Material> materialList, List <int> polyMatCount) { int matIndex = 0; int polyIndex = 0; foreach (Nud.Mesh m in n.Nodes) { foreach (Nud.Polygon p in m.Nodes) { p.materials.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < polyMatCount[polyIndex]; i++) { if (p.materials.Count < 2) { p.materials.Add(materialList[matIndex]); } matIndex += 1; } polyIndex += 1; } } }
public static void effectiveScale(Nud nud, VBN vbn, Matrix4 sca) { foreach (Bone b in vbn.bones) { Vector3 pos = Vector3.TransformVector(new Vector3(b.position[0], b.position[1], b.position[2]), sca); b.position[0] = pos.X; b.position[1] = pos.Y; b.position[2] = pos.Z; } vbn.reset(); foreach (Nud.Mesh mesh in nud.Nodes) { foreach (Nud.Polygon poly in mesh.Nodes) { foreach (Nud.Vertex v in poly.vertices) { v.pos = Vector3.TransformVector(v.pos, sca); } } } nud.UpdateRenderMeshes(); }
// Create from nud public void CreateFromNUD(Nud n) { //Alrighty............................. /*int meshcount = Nodes.Count; * * // First transfer over the mesh polygons? * int i = 0; * List<BCH_Mesh> Meshes = new List<BCH_Mesh>(); * List<Vertex> Verts = new List<Vertex>(); * Console.WriteLine(n.Nodes.Count + " " + n.Nodes.Count); * foreach (NUD.Mesh nudmesh in n.Nodes) * { * BCH_Mesh mesh = new BCH_Mesh(); * mesh.Text = Nodes[i].Text; //nudmesh.Text;// * Console.WriteLine(nudmesh.Text); * mesh.MaterialIndex = ((BCH_Mesh)Nodes[i]).MaterialIndex; * i++; * Meshes.Add(mesh); * foreach(NUD.Polygon nudpoly in nudmesh.Nodes) * { * BCH_PolyGroup pg = new BCH_PolyGroup(); * pg.Text = "Polygroup"; * mesh.Nodes.Add(pg); * * pg.Faces = new int[nudpoly.display.Length]; * for(int k = 0; k < nudpoly.display.Length; k++) * { * pg.Faces[k] = nudpoly.display[k] + Verts.Count; * } * * List<int> boneList = new List<int>(); * foreach(NUD.dVertex v in nudpoly.vertdata) * { * Vertex vn = new Vertex(); * vn.pos = v.pos; * vn.nrm = v.nrm; * vn.tx = v.uv; * vn.col = v.col; * vn.weight = v.weight.Xy; * if (!boneList.Contains((int)v.node.X)) boneList.Add((int)v.node.X); * if (!boneList.Contains((int)v.node.Y)) boneList.Add((int)v.node.Y); * * vn.bone = new Vector2(boneList.IndexOf((int)v.node.X), boneList.IndexOf((int)v.node.Y)); * vn.bone = v.node.Xy; * Verts.Add(vn); * } * * pg.BoneList = boneList.ToArray(); * } * } * * //Fill out blank meshes * while(Meshes.Count < meshcount) * { * BCH_Mesh mesh = new BCH_Mesh(); * mesh.Text = Nodes[i].Text; * mesh.MaterialIndex = ((BCH_Mesh)Nodes[i]).MaterialIndex; * mesh.Nodes.Add(new BCH_PolyGroup() * { * Faces = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }, * BoneList = new int[] { 0} * }); * Verts.Add(new Vertex()); * Meshes.Add(mesh); * i++; * } * * Nodes.Clear(); * Nodes.AddRange(Meshes.ToArray()); * Vertices = Verts.ToArray();*/ }
public void Apply(Nud nud) { Matrix4 rotXBy90 = Matrix4.CreateRotationX(0.5f * (float)Math.PI); float scale = 1f; bool hasScale = float.TryParse(scaleTB.Text, out scale); bool checkedMeshName = false; bool fixMeshName = false; bool hasShownShadowWarning = false; foreach (Nud.Mesh mesh in nud.Nodes) { if (BoneTypes[(string)boneTypeComboBox.SelectedItem] == BoneTypes["None"]) { mesh.boneflag = 0; } if (!checkedMeshName) { checkedMeshName = true; if (Collada.HasInitialUnderscoreId(mesh.Text)) { fixMeshName = DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Detected mesh names that start with \"_###_\". Would you like to fix this?\nIt is recommended that you select \"Yes\".", "Mesh Name Fix", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); } } if (fixMeshName) { mesh.Text = Collada.RemoveInitialUnderscoreId(mesh.Text); } foreach (Nud.Polygon poly in mesh.Nodes) { if (BoneTypes[(string)boneTypeComboBox.SelectedItem] == BoneTypes["None"]) { poly.polflag = 0; } if (smoothNrmCB.Checked) { poly.SmoothNormals(); } // Set the vertex size before tangent/bitangent calculations. if (poly.vertSize == (int)Nud.Polygon.VertexTypes.NormalsHalfFloat) // what is this supposed to mean? { poly.vertSize = 0; } else { poly.vertSize = BoneTypes[(string)boneTypeComboBox.SelectedItem] | VertexTypes[(string)vertTypeComboBox.SelectedItem]; } poly.CalculateTangentBitangent(); int vertSizeShadowWarning = (int)Nud.Polygon.BoneTypes.HalfFloat | (int)Nud.Polygon.VertexTypes.NormalsTanBiTanHalfFloat; if (!hasShownShadowWarning && poly.vertSize == vertSizeShadowWarning) { MessageBox.Show("Using \"" + (string)boneTypeComboBox.SelectedItem + "\" and \"" + (string)vertTypeComboBox.SelectedItem + "\" can make shadows not appear in-game.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); hasShownShadowWarning = true; } if (stageMatCB.Checked) { poly.materials.Clear(); poly.materials.Add(Nud.Material.GetStageDefault()); } foreach (Nud.Vertex v in poly.vertices) { //Scroll UVs V by -1 if (transUvVerticalCB.Checked) { for (int i = 0; i < v.uv.Count; i++) { v.uv[i] = new Vector2(v.uv[i].X, v.uv[i].Y + 1); } } // Flip UVs if (flipUVCB.Checked) { for (int i = 0; i < v.uv.Count; i++) { v.uv[i] = new Vector2(v.uv[i].X, 1 - v.uv[i].Y); } } // Halve vertex colors if (vertColorDivCB.Checked) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { v.color[i] = v.color[i] / 2; } } // Set vertex colors to white. if (vertcolorCB.Checked) { v.color = new Vector4(127, 127, 127, 127); } // Rotate 90 degrees. if (rotate90CB.Checked) { v.pos = Vector3.TransformPosition(v.pos, rotXBy90); v.nrm = Vector3.TransformNormal(v.nrm, rotXBy90); } // Scale. if (scale != 1f) { v.pos = Vector3.Multiply(v.pos, scale); } } } } // Wait until after the model is rotated. nud.GenerateBoundingSpheres(); }
public static void MakePichu(string path = "C:\\Pichu\\") { if (!path.EndsWith("\\")) { path += "\\"; } DAT dat = new DAT(); dat.Read(new FileData(path + "PlPcNr.dat")); dat.PreRender(); dat.ExportTextures(path, 0x401B1000); BoneNameFix(dat.bones); // model-------------------------------------------------------- ModelContainer converted = dat.wrapToNUD(); Nud nud = converted.NUD; float sca = 0.6f; removeLowPolyNr(nud); nud.UpdateRenderMeshes(); //Runtime.ModelContainers.Add(converted); //------------------------------------------------- Runtime.TargetVbn = converted.VBN; MainForm.HashMatch(); Dictionary <string, SkelAnimation> anims = DAT_Animation.LoadAJ(path + "PlPcAJ.dat", converted.VBN); //ArrangeBones(converted.vbn, converted.nud); // note bone 40 - 51 is disabled for pika foreach (string an in anims.Keys) { effectiveScale(anims[an], Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0, 0, 0) * Matrix4.CreateScale(sca, sca, sca)); } effectiveScale(converted.NUD, converted.VBN, Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0, 0, 0) * Matrix4.CreateScale(sca, sca, sca)); Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "build\\model\\body\\c00\\"); nud.Save(path + "build\\model\\body\\c00\\model.nud"); converted.VBN.Endian = Endianness.Little; converted.VBN.Save(path + "build\\model\\body\\c00\\model.vbn"); PAC org = new PAC(); PAC npac = new PAC(); org.Read(path + "main.pac"); foreach (string key in org.Files.Keys) { byte[] d = org.Files[key]; foreach (string an in anims.Keys) { string name = an.Replace("PlyPichu5K_Share_ACTION_", "").Replace("_figatree", ""); if (key.Contains(name)) { Console.WriteLine("Matched " + name + " with " + key); if (!anims[an].GetNodes(true).Contains(0) && !key.Contains("Cliff")) { KeyNode node = anims[an].GetNode(0, 0); node.tType = 1; } d = OMOOld.createOMO(anims[an], converted.VBN); break; } } npac.Files.Add(key, d); } Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "build\\motion\\"); npac.Save(path + "build\\motion\\main.pac"); /*FileOutput omo = new FileOutput(); * converted.vbn.reset(); * converted.vbn.totalBoneCount = (uint)converted.vbn.bones.Count; * omo.writeBytes(OMO.createOMO(anims["PlyPichu5K_Share_ACTION_Wait1_figatree"], converted.vbn)); * + "PlyPichu5K_Share_ACTION_Wait1_figatree.omo");*/ }
public static Nud ToNud(string fname) { StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(fname); string line; string current = ""; Nud nud = new Nud(); while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { line = Regex.Replace(line, @"\s+", " "); string[] args = line.Replace(";", "").TrimStart().Split(' '); if (args[0].Equals("triangles") || args[0].Equals("end")) { current = args[0]; continue; } if (current.Equals("triangles")) { string meshName = args[0]; if (args[0].Equals("")) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { line = reader.ReadLine(); line = Regex.Replace(line, @"\s+", " "); args = line.Replace(";", "").TrimStart().Split(' '); // read triangle strip int parent = int.Parse(args[0]); Nud.Vertex vert = new Nud.Vertex(); vert.pos = new Vector3(float.Parse(args[1]), float.Parse(args[2]), float.Parse(args[3])); vert.nrm = new Vector3(float.Parse(args[4]), float.Parse(args[5]), float.Parse(args[6])); vert.uv.Add(new Vector2(float.Parse(args[7]), float.Parse(args[8]))); int wCount = int.Parse(args[9]); int w = 10; for (int i = 0; i < wCount; i++) { vert.boneIds.Add(int.Parse(args[w++])); vert.boneWeights.Add(float.Parse(args[w++])); } Nud.Mesh mes = null; foreach (Nud.Mesh m in nud.Nodes) { if (m.Text.Equals(meshName)) { mes = m; } } if (mes == null) { mes = new Nud.Mesh(); mes.Text = meshName; nud.Nodes.Add(mes); } if (mes.Nodes.Count == 0) { Nud.Polygon poly = new Nud.Polygon(); poly.AddDefaultMaterial(); mes.Nodes.Add(poly); } { ((Nud.Polygon)mes.Nodes[0]).vertexIndices.Add(((Nud.Polygon)mes.Nodes[0]).vertices.Count); ((Nud.Polygon)mes.Nodes[0]).vertices.Add(vert); } } } } nud.OptimizeFileSize(); nud.UpdateRenderMeshes(); return(nud); }
public MakeMetal(Nud nud) { InitializeComponent(); this.nud = nud; }