protected void ReadRegistry( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Trackbar, string _KeyName, float _DefaultValue ) { string sValue = m_ROOT.GetValue( _KeyName, _DefaultValue.ToString() ) as string; float Value; if ( float.TryParse( sValue, out Value ) ) _Trackbar.Value = Value; }
private void integerTrackbarControlCubeMapSize_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.IntegerTrackbarControl _Sender, int _FormerValue ) { m_AppKey.SetValue( "CubeMapSize", _Sender.Value.ToString() ); }
private void floatTrackbarControlTerrainHeight_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.TerrainHeight = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlNoiseShapingPower_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.NoiseShapingPower = (float) Math.Pow( 10.0, _Sender.Value ); UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlIsotropicScattering_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.CloudIsotropicScattering = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlFogRefAltitude_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.FogReferenceAltitudeKm = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlFogAmount_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.FogScattering = _Sender.Value * 0.004f; m_Instance.FogExtinction = m_Instance.FogScattering / 0.9f; // Hardcoded for the moment... Should we need to make it a parameter too? UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlCloudThickness_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.CloudThickness = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlWhitePoint_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { panelGraph_Hable.WhitePoint = _Sender.Value; }
private void floatTrackbarControlScaleY_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { panelGraph_Hable.ScaleY = _Sender.Value; outputPanelFilmic_Insomniac.ScaleY = _Sender.Value; }
private void integerTrackbarControlPhiD_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.IntegerTrackbarControl _Sender, int _FormerValue ) { Redraw(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlWarpFactor_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { Redraw(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlScaleFactor_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { }
protected void DisplayCloudLayer( Nuaj.ModuleCloudLayer.CloudLayer _Layer, int _LayerIndex ) { _Layer.Enabled = GUIHelpers.CheckBox( new GUIContent( "Enabled", "Enables or disables the layer.\nRemember that you can only have up to 4 active layers of any kind at the same time." ), _Layer.Enabled, (_Layer.Enabled ? "Disable" : "Enable") + " Cloud Layer" ); using ( GUIHelpers.GUIEnabler( _Layer.Enabled ) ) { // General parameters _Layer.Altitude = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Altitude", "Sets the cloud's altitude (in kilometers) relative to sea level." ), _Layer.Altitude, 0.0f, 20.0f, "Change Cloud Altitude" ); _Layer.Thickness = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Thickness", "Sets the cloud's thickness (in kilometers)." ), _Layer.Thickness, 0.0f, 1.0f, "Change Cloud Thickness" ); _Layer.CastShadow = GUIHelpers.CheckBox( new GUIContent( "Cast Shadows", "Tells if the layer casts shadows." ), _Layer.CastShadow, "Change Layer Cast Shadow" ); if ( GUIHelpers.FoldOut( ref m_bFoldOutAppearance[_LayerIndex], "Appearance" ) ) { Indent(); _Layer.Coverage = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Coverage", "Sets the cloud coverage." ), _Layer.Coverage, -1.0f, 1.0f, "Change Coverage" ); _Layer.Density = 0.02f * GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Density", "Sets the cloud's density cloud density that influences the capacity of the cloud to absorb and scatter light." ), 50.0f * _Layer.Density, 0.0f, MAX_DENSITY, "Change Cloud Density" ); _Layer.NormalAmplitude = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Normal Amplitude", "Sets the importance of the normal map.\nA large amplitude may increase the impression of volume but too large a value can look more water than cloud.\nThis way, you can create a more \"stormy look\" below the layer." ), _Layer.NormalAmplitude, 0.0f, 1.0f, "Change Normal Amplitude" ); _Layer.Smoothness = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Smoothness", "Sets the smoothness of the cloud." ), _Layer.Smoothness, 0.0f, 8.0f, "Change Smoothness" ); _Layer.CloudColor = GUIHelpers.ColorBox( new GUIContent( "Cloud Color", "Sets the internal color of the cloud.\nDefault is white but you can create funky clouds as well." ), _Layer.CloudColor, "Change Cloud Color" ); UnIndent(); GUIHelpers.Separate(); } if ( GUIHelpers.FoldOut( ref m_bFoldOutNoise[_LayerIndex], "Noise" ) ) { Indent(); _Layer.NoiseTiling = 0.006f * GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Noise Tiling", "Sets the tiling of the noise texture." ), _Layer.NoiseTiling / 0.006f, 0.0f, 10.0f, "Change Noise Tiling" ); _Layer.NoiseOctavesCount = GUIHelpers.SliderInt( new GUIContent( "Octaves Count", "Sets the amount of noise octaves.\nEach new octave adss more fine detail to the cloud but also eats more time." ), _Layer.NoiseOctavesCount, 1, 4, "Change Noise Octaves" ); _Layer.FrequencyFactor = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Frequency Factor", "Sets the frequency factor for each new octave.\nThis guides the increase in tiling size as we use more noise octaves." ), _Layer.FrequencyFactor, 0.0f, 4.0f, "Change Frequency Factor" ); _Layer.FrequencyFactorAnisotropy = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Frequency Anisotropy", "Sets the frequency anisotropy in the Y direction.\nThis allows you to squeeze or stretch the cloud in a particular direction to make them more wispy." ), _Layer.FrequencyFactorAnisotropy, -2.0f, 2.0f, "Change Frequency Anisotropy" ); _Layer.AmplitudeFactor = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Amplitude Factor", "Sets the amplitude factor for each new octave.\nThis guides the increase in amplitude (weight) as we use more noise octaves." ), _Layer.AmplitudeFactor, 0.0f, 4.0f, "Change Amplitude Factor" ); if ( GUIHelpers.FoldOut( ref m_bFoldOutAppearanceTextures[_LayerIndex], "Noise Textures" ) ) { GUIHelpers.Separate(); GUIHelpers.BeginHorizontal(); GUIHelpers.IndentSpace(); GUIHelpers.ShrinkableLabel( new GUIContent( "Noise Presets" ) ); if ( GUIHelpers.Button( new GUIContent( "Standard", "Applies standard settings" ), GUILayout.Width( 80.0f ) ) ) ApplySettings( _Layer, CLOUD_NOISE_PRESETS.STANDARD ); if ( GUIHelpers.Button( new GUIContent( "Wispy", "Applies wispy settings" ), GUILayout.Width( 80.0f ) ) ) ApplySettings( _Layer, CLOUD_NOISE_PRESETS.WISPY ); if ( GUIHelpers.Button( new GUIContent( "Bumpy", "Applies bumpy settings" ), GUILayout.Width( 80.0f ) ) ) ApplySettings( _Layer, CLOUD_NOISE_PRESETS.BUMPY); if ( GUIHelpers.Button( new GUIContent( "Webby", "Applies webby settings" ), GUILayout.Width( 80.0f ) ) ) ApplySettings( _Layer, CLOUD_NOISE_PRESETS.WEBBY); GUIHelpers.EndHorizontal(); _Layer.NoiseTexture0 = GUIHelpers.SelectTexture( new GUIContent( "Noise Texture 0", "Sets the Normal (RGB) + Height (A) noise texture for octave #0." ), _Layer.NoiseTexture0, "Change Layer Noise Texture 0" ); _Layer.NoiseTexture1 = GUIHelpers.SelectTexture( new GUIContent( "Noise Texture 1", "Sets the Normal (RGB) + Height (A) noise texture for octave #1." ), _Layer.NoiseTexture1, "Change Layer Noise Texture 1" ); _Layer.NoiseTexture2 = GUIHelpers.SelectTexture( new GUIContent( "Noise Texture 2", "Sets the Normal (RGB) + Height (A) noise texture for octave #2." ), _Layer.NoiseTexture2, "Change Layer Noise Texture 2" ); _Layer.NoiseTexture3 = GUIHelpers.SelectTexture( new GUIContent( "Noise Texture 3", "Sets the Normal (RGB) + Height (A) noise texture for octave #3." ), _Layer.NoiseTexture3, "Change Layer Noise Texture 3" ); } UnIndent(); GUIHelpers.Separate(); } if ( GUIHelpers.FoldOut( ref m_bFoldOutAnimation[_LayerIndex], "Animation" ) ) { Indent(); _Layer.WindForce = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Wind Force", "Sets the force of the wind." ), _Layer.WindForce, 0.0f, 1.0f, "Change Wind Force" ); _Layer.WindDirectionAngle = Mathf.Deg2Rad * GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Wind Direction", "Sets the 2D direction of the wind." ), _Layer.WindDirectionAngle * Mathf.Rad2Deg, -180.0f, 180.0f, "Change Smoothness" ); _Layer.EvolutionSpeed = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Evolution Speed", "Sets the speed at which the clouds evolve.\n(only works if you have more than 1 octave of noise !)" ), _Layer.EvolutionSpeed, -10.0f, 10.0f, "Change Evolution Speed" ); UnIndent(); GUIHelpers.Separate(); } if ( GUIHelpers.FoldOut( ref m_bFoldOutAdvanced[_LayerIndex], "Advanced" ) ) { Indent(); _Layer.FactorZeroScattering = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Zero Scattering", "Sets the zero scattering factor." ), _Layer.FactorZeroScattering, 0.0f, 10.0f, "Change Zero Scattering Factor" ); _Layer.FactorSingleScattering = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Single Scattering", "Sets the single scattering factor." ), _Layer.FactorSingleScattering, 0.0f, 100.0f, "Change Single Scattering Factor" ); _Layer.FactorDoubleScattering = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Double Scattering", "Sets the double scattering factor." ), _Layer.FactorDoubleScattering, 0.0f, 1000.0f, "Change Double Scattering Factor" ); _Layer.FactorMultipleScattering = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Multiple Scattering", "Sets the multiple scattering factor." ), _Layer.FactorMultipleScattering, 0.0f, 1.0f, "Change Single Scattering Factor" ); _Layer.FactorSkyColor = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Sky Scattering", "Sets the sky scattering factor for sky light passing though the clouds." ), _Layer.FactorSkyColor, 0.0f, 0.1f, "Change Sky Scattering Factor" ); _Layer.FactorTerrainColor = GUIHelpers.Slider( new GUIContent( "Terrain Scattering", "Sets the terrain scattering factor for light reflected on the terrain." ), _Layer.FactorTerrainColor, 0.0f, 0.1f, "Change Terrain Scattering Factor" ); UnIndent(); GUIHelpers.Separate(); } } }
private void integerTrackbarControlRaysCount_SliderDragStop( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.IntegerTrackbarControl _Sender, int _StartValue ) { GenerateRays( _Sender.Value, m_SB_Rays ); }
private void floatTrackbarControlCloudPhaseIso_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.CloudAnisotropyIso = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlCloudScatteringRatio_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.CloudScattering = floatTrackbarControlCloudExtinction.Value * _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
protected void WriteRegistry( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Trackbar, string _KeyName ) { m_ROOT.SetValue( _KeyName, _Trackbar.Value.ToString() ); }
private void floatTrackbarControlCloudVerticalLooping_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.NoiseLoVerticalLooping = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlAlbedoMultiplier_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.TerrainAlbedoMultiplier = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlFogAnisotropy_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.FogAnisotropy = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlAltitudeOffset_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.AltitudeOffset = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlGodraysStrength_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.GodraysStrength_Mie = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlCloudAltitude_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.CloudBaseAltitude = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlNoiseOffsetTop_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.NoiseOffsetTop = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlCloudHiFactor_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.NoiseHiStrength = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlSunTheta_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.SunTheta = 0.01745329251994329576923690768489f * _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlCloudLowFrequency_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.NoiseLoFrequency = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlTerrainShadowStrength_ValueChanged( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fFormerValue ) { m_Instance.TerrainCloudShadowStrength = _Sender.Value; UpdateMMF(); }
private void floatTrackbarControlShotInfos_SliderDragStop( Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility.FloatTrackbarControl _Sender, float _fStartValue ) { PrepareDatabase(); // Update white reflectance to show correction factor UpdateWhiteReflectanceUI(); }