public int GetCountNotifications(
     ENotificationStatus status,
     NotificationPriorityM priority,
     NotificationTypeM type,
     string filterText,
     int?countInPage = 100,
     int?pageNum     = null)
     using (ISQLCommand sqlCmd = _app.SqlWork())
         sqlCmd.sql   = @"SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM notification.view_user_notifications";
         sqlCmd.sql  += " WHERE 1=1";
         string where = GenerateWhereSQL(status, priority, type, filterText);
         sqlCmd.sql  += where;
         sqlCmd.sql  += ";";
             return(sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar <int>());
         catch (Exception ex)
             throw ex;
        public List <NotificationM> GetNotifications(
            ENotificationStatus status,
            NotificationPriorityM priority,
            NotificationTypeM type,
            string filterText,
            int?countInPage = 100,
            int?pageNum     = null)
            List <NotificationM> outList = new List <NotificationM>();

            using (ISQLCommand sqlCmd = _app.SqlWork())
                sqlCmd.sql   = @"SELECT gid, type_gid, type_name, priority_type_gid, priority_name, weight, subject, 
message, created, seen_datetime, table_gid, row_gid, alias_text, user_gid, favorite 
FROM notification.view_user_notifications";
                sqlCmd.sql  += " WHERE 1=1";
                string where = GenerateWhereSQL(status, priority, type, filterText);
                sqlCmd.sql  += where;
                sqlCmd.sql  += " ORDER BY created DESC";
                if (pageNum != null)
                    int begin = (pageNum.Value - 1) * 100;
                    countInPage = countInPage.HasValue ? countInPage.Value : 100;
                    sqlCmd.sql += string.Format(" LIMIT {0} OFFSET {1};", countInPage, begin);
                    while (sqlCmd.CanRead())
                        outList.Add(new NotificationM(
                                        sqlCmd.GetValue <int>("gid"),
                                        sqlCmd.GetValue <int>("type_gid"),
                                        sqlCmd.GetValue <int>("priority_type_gid"),
                                        sqlCmd.GetValue <int>("weight"),
                                        sqlCmd.GetValue <string>("subject"),
                                        sqlCmd.GetValue <string>("message"),
                                        sqlCmd.GetValue <DateTime?>("created"),
                                        sqlCmd.GetValue <DateTime?>("seen_datetime"),
                                        sqlCmd.GetValue <int>("user_gid"),
                                        sqlCmd.GetValue <bool>("favorite"),
                                        new RefObjM()
                            IdObj = sqlCmd.GetValue <int?>("row_gid"), IdTable = sqlCmd.GetValue <int?>("table_gid"), Name = sqlCmd.GetValue <string>("alias_text")
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
        public void SetReadedAllNotification(ENotificationStatus status,
                                             NotificationPriorityM priority,
                                             NotificationTypeM type,
                                             string filterText)
            using (var sqlCmd = PluginInitialization._app.SqlWork())
                sqlCmd.sql = @"UPDATE notification.notification_users
   SET seen_datetime = now()
 FROM notification.notifications n
 WHERE notification_users.user_gid = " + PluginInitialization._app.user_info.id_user.ToString() +
                             " AND notification_users.seen_datetime IS NULL AND n.gid = notification_users.notification_gid "
                             + GenerateWhereSQL(status, priority, type, filterText);
        private string GenerateWhereSQL(ENotificationStatus status, NotificationPriorityM priority, NotificationTypeM type, string filterText)
            string result = "";

            switch (status)
            case ENotificationStatus.All:
                //command.sql += " AND seen_datetime is null";

            case ENotificationStatus.Unreads:
                result += " AND seen_datetime is null";

            case ENotificationStatus.Favorites:
                result += " AND favorite = true";

            if (priority != null && priority.Gid > 0)
                result += " AND priority_type_gid = " + priority.Gid.ToString();
            if (type != null && type.Gid > 0)
                result += " AND type_gid = " + type.Gid.ToString();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterText))
                result += " AND (upper(subject) like '%" + filterText.ToUpper() + "%' OR upper(message) like '%" + filterText.ToUpper() + "%')";