public static NoticeInfo getNoticeByID(int id) { SqlConnection con = ConnectionHelper.GetConnection(); string sp = "USP_getNotice_ByNoticeID"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sp, con); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID",id)); cmd.CommandType=CommandType.StoredProcedure; try { SqlDataReader _Reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); _Reader.Read(); NoticeInfo _notice = new NoticeInfo(); _notice.FacutlyID = int.Parse(_Reader["FacultyID"].ToString()); _notice.BatchID = int.Parse(_Reader["BatchID"].ToString()); _notice.Reference= _Reader["Reference"].ToString(); _notice.Notice= _Reader["Notice"].ToString(); _notice.PostedOn= Convert.ToDateTime(_Reader["PostedOn"]); _notice.PostedBy= int.Parse(_Reader["PostedBy"].ToString()); return _notice; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
protected void lbtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { NoticeFacade facade = new NoticeFacade(); NoticeInfo notice = new NoticeInfo(); notice.Name = txtName.Text.Trim(); notice.Title = txtTitle.Text.Trim(); notice.Message = txtContent.Text; DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; if (txtStartTime.Text.Trim() != "") { startTime = DateTime.Parse(txtStartTime.Text); } notice.StartTime = startTime; DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now.AddYears(100); if (txtEndTime.Text.Trim() != "") { endTime = DateTime.Parse(txtEndTime.Text); } notice.EndTime = endTime; notice.IsHasDetail = cbHasDetail.Checked; notice.IsForeBold = cbIsForeBold.Checked; notice.IsForeRed = cbIsForeRed.Checked; notice.IsEnd = cbIsEnd.Checked; string msg; if (IsAdd) { facade.AddNotice(notice); msg = string.Format("添加通知成功 - \"{0}\"", txtName.Text.Trim()); } else { notice.Id = Request["id"]; facade.ModifyNotice(notice); msg = string.Format("修改通知成功 - \"{0}\"", txtName.Text.Trim()); } JavascriptAlertAndRedirect(msg, "NoticeManagement.aspx"); } catch { JavascriptAlert(@"保存通知发生未知错误,请联系系统配置人员!"); } }
public void EditNotice() { int Notice_ID = tools.CheckInt(Request.Form["Notice_ID"]); int Notice_Cate = tools.CheckInt(Request.Form["Notice_Cate"]); int Notice_IsHot = tools.CheckInt(Request.Form["Notice_IsHot"]); int Notice_IsAudit = tools.CheckInt(Request.Form["Notice_IsAudit"]); int Notice_SysUserID = tools.CheckInt(Request.Form["Notice_SysUserID"]); int Notice_SellerID = tools.CheckInt(Request.Form["Notice_SellerID"]); string Notice_Title = tools.CheckStr(Request.Form["Notice_Title"]); string Notice_Content = Request.Form["Notice_Content"]; if (Notice_Cate == 0) { Public.Msg("error", "错误信息", "请选择类别!", false, "{back}"); return; } if (Notice_Title == "") { Public.Msg("error", "错误信息", "请填写公告主题", false, "{back}"); return; } NoticeInfo entity = new NoticeInfo(); entity.Notice_ID = Notice_ID; entity.Notice_Cate = Notice_Cate; entity.Notice_IsHot = Notice_IsHot; entity.Notice_IsAudit = Notice_IsAudit; entity.Notice_SysUserID = Notice_SysUserID; entity.Notice_SellerID = Notice_SellerID; entity.Notice_Title = Notice_Title; entity.Notice_Content = Notice_Content; entity.Notice_Addtime = DateTime.Now; entity.Notice_Site = Public.GetCurrentSite(); if (MyBLL.EditNotice(entity, Public.GetUserPrivilege())) { Public.Msg("positive", "操作成功", "操作成功", true, "notice_list.aspx"); } else { Public.Msg("error", "错误信息", "操作失败,请稍后重试", false, "{back}"); } }
protected override void AttachChildControls() { string str = Globals.RequestQueryStr("type"); int id = Globals.RequestQueryNum("id"); this.litTitle = (Literal)this.FindControl("litTitle"); this.litPubTime = (Literal)this.FindControl("litPubTime"); this.litMemo = (Literal)this.FindControl("litMemo"); NoticeInfo noticeInfo = NoticeBrowser.GetNoticeInfo(id); if (noticeInfo != null) { int sendType = noticeInfo.SendType; string str2 = "公告"; if (sendType == 1) { str2 = "消息"; } this.litTitle.Text = noticeInfo.Title; DateTime time = noticeInfo.PubTime.HasValue ? noticeInfo.PubTime.Value : noticeInfo.AddTime; this.litPubTime.Text = "<span>" + time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "</span><span><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-time'></i>" + time.ToString("HH:mm") + "</span>"; this.litMemo.Text = string.Concat(new object[] { noticeInfo.Memo, "<p class=\"lookall\"><a href=\"notice.aspx?type=", sendType, "\">更多", str2, ">></a></p>" }); PageTitle.AddSiteNameTitle(noticeInfo.Title); if (str != "view") { if (noticeInfo.IsPub == 1) { NoticeBrowser.ViewNotice(MemberProcessor.GetCurrentMember().UserId, id); } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("文章未发布!"); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); } } } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("/default.aspx"); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); } }
public void Update(float dTime) { if (bShowSetting) { m_SettingWind.Update(dTime); } if (bShowTipBox_0) { if (!m_TipBox_0.Update(dTime)) { bShowTipBox_0 = false; ShowMask(false, 9); } } if (m_Notice.m_BaseWndObject == null) { NoticeInfo info = m_NoticeMgr.Update(dTime); if (info != null) { m_Notice.ShowNotice(info); } } else { m_Notice.Update(dTime); } m_FriendSysMgr.Update(dTime); m_ShopLogicMgr.Update(dTime); m_MatchMsgBox.Update(dTime); if (m_SysTipsUI.m_BaseWndObject != null) { m_SysTipsUI.Update(dTime); } m_NameCardsUI.Update(dTime); m_ActivityRewardWnd.Upate(dTime); m_HeadWind.UpdateMatchTime(); m_HeadWind.UpdateGameDelayedData(); m_AccountMgrUI.Update(dTime); m_GameLogicMgr.Update(dTime); }
void refreshNotice() { NetMgr nm = NetMgr.GetInstance(); nm.request_apis("get_message", "type", "notice", data => { GetMessage msg = JsonUtility.FromJson <GetMessage> (data.ToString()); if (msg.errcode != 0) { Debug.Log("get_message fail " + msg.errcode); return; } NoticeInfo info = new NoticeInfo(); info.content = msg.msg; info.playtimes = 0; notices.Add(info); play(); }); }
private NoticeInfo ReadFromXml(string path) { NoticeInfo notice = new NoticeInfo(); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(path); XmlNode root = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Notice"); XmlNode nodeTitle = root.SelectSingleNode("Title"); XmlNode nodeTime = root.SelectSingleNode("CreateTime"); XmlNode nodeContent = root.SelectSingleNode("Content"); notice.Title = nodeTitle.InnerText; notice.TimeString = nodeTime.InnerText; notice.Content = nodeContent.InnerText; notice.FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); return(notice); }
protected void gvDataBind() { DataTable dt = NoticeInfo.getNoticeList(); DataView view = dt.DefaultView; string sort = (string)ViewState["SortExpression"] + " " + (string)ViewState["SortDir"]; view.Sort = sort; if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { dt.Rows.Add(dt.NewRow()); UI.BindCtrl(dt.DefaultView, gvNotice, AspNetPager1); gvNotice.Rows[0].Visible = false; } else { UI.BindCtrl(dt.DefaultView, gvNotice, AspNetPager1); } }
protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { for (int i = 0; i < gvNotice.Rows.Count; i++) { CheckBox ckb = gvNotice.Rows[i].FindControl("ckbChoose") as CheckBox; if (ckb.Checked == true) { int noticeid = Convert.ToInt32(gvNotice.DataKeys[i].Value); NoticeInfo.DelNotice(noticeid); } } gvDataBind(); } catch (Exception Ex) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Save", "alert('错误信息:" + Ex.Message + "');", true); } }
protected void NoticeInit() { DataTable dt = NoticeInfo.getNoticeAsc(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 7) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { string strTitle = dt.Rows[i]["NoticeTitle"].ToString(); string strTime = "[" + dt.Rows[i]["NoticeTime"].ToString() + "]"; int NoticeId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["NoticeId"].ToString()); string strUrl = "Notice/NoticeManage.aspx"; HtmlGenericControl li = new HtmlGenericControl(); li.InnerHtml = "<li> <a href='" + strUrl + "' style='text-decoration:none; color:Blank;'>" + strTitle + "</a> </li>"; uNotice.Controls.Add((Control)li); HtmlGenericControl lit = new HtmlGenericControl(); lit.InnerHtml = "<li> <a style='text-decoration:none'>" + strTime + "</a> </li>"; uTime5.Controls.Add((Control)lit); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string strTitle = dt.Rows[i]["NoticeTitle"].ToString(); string strTime = "[" + dt.Rows[i]["NoticeTime"].ToString() + "]"; int NoticeId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["NoticeId"].ToString()); string strUrl = "Notice/NoticeManage.aspx"; HtmlGenericControl li = new HtmlGenericControl(); li.InnerHtml = "<li> <a href='" + strUrl + "' style='text-decoration:none; color:Blank;'>" + strTitle + "</a> </li>"; uNotice.Controls.Add((Control)li); HtmlGenericControl lit = new HtmlGenericControl(); lit.InnerHtml = "<li> <a style='text-decoration:none'>" + strTime + "</a> </li>"; uTime5.Controls.Add((Control)lit); } } }
public static void CreateNotice(NoticeInfo _notice) { SqlConnection Con = ConnectionHelper.GetConnection(); string Sp = "USP_Create_Faculty"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Sp, Con); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@FacultyID",_notice.FacutlyID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BatchID",_notice.BatchID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Reference",_notice.Reference)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Notice",_notice.Notice)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PostedOn",_notice.PostedOn)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PostedBy",_notice.PostedBy)); cmd.CommandType=CommandType.StoredProcedure; try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// 发送应用通知 /// </summary> /// <param name="uid"></param> /// <param name="toUid"></param> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int SendApplicationNotice(int uid, int toUid, string message) { ShortUserInfo userInfo = Users.GetShortUserInfo(uid); if (userInfo == null || userInfo.Uid <= 0) { return(0); } NoticeInfo noticeinfo = new NoticeInfo(); noticeinfo.Note = Utils.HtmlEncode(message); noticeinfo.Type = Noticetype.ApplicationNotice; noticeinfo.New = 1; noticeinfo.Posterid = userInfo.Uid; noticeinfo.Poster = userInfo.Username.Trim(); noticeinfo.Postdatetime = Utils.GetDateTime(); noticeinfo.Uid = toUid; return(Notices.CreateNoticeInfo(noticeinfo)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { NoticeFacade facade = new NoticeFacade(); if (IsAdd) { lblTitle.Text = "添加新通知"; } else { string noticeId = Request["id"]; NoticeInfo noticeInfo = facade.GetNoticeMessage(noticeId); if (noticeInfo != null) { BindNoticeInfo(noticeInfo); lblTitle.Text = "编辑通知 -> " + noticeInfo.Name; } } } }
public bool Invoke(IMessage obj) { EventSessionInfo sessionInfo = obj as EventSessionInfo; bool br = false; if (sessionInfo == null) { return(false); } NoticeInfo noticeInfo = sessionInfo.ChatTranscript.ChatEventList.GetAsNoticeInfo( sessionInfo.ChatTranscript.ChatEventList.Count - 1); if (noticeInfo != null) { br = true; } return(br); }
public async Task <Pager <IQueryable <NoticeEntity> > > List(NoticeInfo noticeInfo) { //判断查询参数 Expression <Func <NoticeEntity, bool> > where = LinqUtil.True <NoticeEntity>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(noticeInfo.notice_desc)) { where = where.AndAlso(c => c.notice_desc.Contains(noticeInfo.notice_desc)); } if (noticeInfo.disable != -1) { where = where.AndAlso(c => c.disable == noticeInfo.disable); } //调用仓储方法查询分页并且响应给前台 int total = await noticeRepository.CountAsync(where); IQueryable <NoticeEntity> list = await noticeRepository.GetPageAllAsync <NoticeEntity, DateTime, NoticeEntity>( noticeInfo.pageindex, noticeInfo.pagesize, where, c => c.createtime, null, false); return(new Pager <IQueryable <NoticeEntity> >(total, list.AsQueryable())); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string desc_tmpl = "信息来源:{0} 发稿作者:{1} 发布时间:{2} "; if (!IsPostBack) { NoticeInfo nr = new NoticeInfo(); NoticeInfoManager nrMgr = new NoticeInfoManager(); string id = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { nr = nrMgr.GetItemById(new Guid(id)); if (nr != null) { news_title.InnerHtml = nr.TITLE; news_desc.InnerHtml = string.Format(desc_tmpl, nr.SOURCE, nr.PUBUSER, nr.PUBDATE); news_content.InnerHtml = nr.CONTENT; } } } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.txtNoticeTitle.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("请填写标题"); return; } if (this.txtNoticeContent.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("请填写内容"); return; } bool isOK = false; if (_notice == null) { _notice = new NoticeInfo() { Title = this.txtNoticeTitle.Text, Content = this.txtNoticeContent.Text, Time = DateTime.Now }; } else { _notice.Content = this.txtNoticeContent.Text; } isOK = NoticeController.Instance.SaveNotice(_notice, isAdd); if (isOK) { MessageBox.Show("保存通知成功!"); this.DialogResult = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("保存通知失败!"); } }
/// <summary> /// 发送邮件通知,并记录邮件 /// </summary> /// wangpf 16.09.12 /// <param name="mail">邮箱内容等配置实体</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SendEmail(List <Mail> mail) { bool result = true; var emailUtil = new EmailUtil(); using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { foreach (Mail item in mail) { var isEmail = Regex.IsMatch(item.To, @"^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$"); // 判断邮箱格式是否合法,如果合法则发送邮件 if (isEmail == true) { // 发送邮件 result &= emailUtil.SendEmail(item); // 记录邮件 NoticeInfo notice = new NoticeInfo() { UserId = item.UserId, Title = item.Title, Content = item.Body, Time = DateTime.Now, NoticeType = NoticeType.邮件, IsRead = false }; result &= NoticeMapper.Insert(notice) > 0; } } if (result) { scope.Complete(); } } return(result); }
public void DealHtml(IList list, string html, bool crawlAll) { Parser parserDtl = new Parser(new Lexer(html)); NodeList aNodes = parserDtl.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("table"), new HasAttributeFilter("id", "ctl00_Content_GridView1"))); if (aNodes != null && aNodes.Count > 0) { Type typs = typeof(ATag); TableTag table = aNodes[0] as TableTag; for (int t = 1; t < table.RowCount - 1; t++) { string InfoTitle = string.Empty, InfoType = string.Empty, PublistTime = string.Empty, InfoCtx = string.Empty, InfoUrl = string.Empty, htmlTxt = string.Empty, prjCode = string.Empty; TableRow tr = table.Rows[t] as TableRow; prjCode = table.Rows[t].Columns[1].ToNodePlainString(); InfoTitle = table.Rows[t].Columns[3].ToPlainTextString().Trim(); InfoType = "变更公示"; PublistTime = table.Rows[t].Columns[6].ToPlainTextString().Trim(); InfoUrl = SiteUrl; InfoCtx = "工程编号:" + table.Rows[t].Columns[1].ToPlainTextString().Trim() + "\n"; InfoCtx += "工程名称:" + table.Rows[t].Columns[2].ToPlainTextString().Trim() + "\n"; InfoCtx += "变更标题:" + table.Rows[t].Columns[3].ToPlainTextString().Trim() + "\n"; InfoCtx += "变更类型:" + table.Rows[t].Columns[4].ToPlainTextString().Trim() + "\n"; InfoCtx += "变更内容:" + table.Rows[t].Columns[5].ToPlainTextString().Trim() + "\n"; InfoCtx += "发布时间:" + table.Rows[t].Columns[6].ToPlainTextString().Trim() + "\n"; htmlTxt = InfoCtx; NoticeInfo info = ToolDb.GenNoticeInfo("广东省", "深圳市工程", string.Empty, string.Empty, InfoTitle, InfoType, InfoCtx, PublistTime, string.Empty, "深圳市建设工程交易中心", InfoUrl, prjCode, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, htmlTxt); list.Add(info); if (!crawlAll && list.Count >= this.MaxCount) { return; } } } }
protected void PageInit() { int noticeid = Convert.ToInt32(Request["NoticeId"].ToString()); if (noticeid == 0) { hTitle.InnerText = ""; lblContent.Text = ""; sName.InnerText = ""; sTime.InnerText = ""; } else { NoticeInfo notice = new NoticeInfo(noticeid); hTitle.InnerText = notice.NoticeTitle.ToString(); lblContent.Text = notice.NoticeContent.ToString(); lblContent.Text = lblContent.Text.Replace(" ", " "); lblContent.Text = lblContent.Text.Replace("\r\n", "<br>"); sName.InnerText = notice.SignName.ToString(); sTime.InnerText = notice.NoticeTime.ToString(); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NoticeInfo entity = new NoticeInfo(); int id = GetInt("id"); if (id > 0) { entity = Notices.Instance.GetModel(id, true); FillData(entity); Notices.Instance.Update(entity); } else { FillData(entity); entity.DataLevel = GetInt("corpid") == 0 ? 0 : 1; Notices.Instance.Add(entity); } Notices.Instance.ReloadNoticeListCache(); Response.Redirect(string.IsNullOrEmpty(FromUrl) ? "noticemg.aspx" : FromUrl); }
private void addNotice() { NoticeInfo notice = new NoticeInfo(); notice.title = txtTitle.Text; notice.description = txtDesciption.Text; if (fileImage.HasFile) { var current = fileImage.PostedFile; string exttension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(current.FileName); string newNameImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); current.SaveAs(System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images/"), newNameImage + exttension)); listofuploadedfiles.Text += String.Format("{0}<br />", newNameImage + exttension); notice.image = newNameImage + exttension; } //notice.url = txtUrl.Text; int display; int.TryParse(txtDisplaySort.Text, out display); notice.display_sort = display; notice.create_by = (SessionApp.user_info == null) ? "No Login" : SessionApp.user_info.user_name; notice.lastupdate_by = (SessionApp.user_info == null) ? "No Login" : SessionApp.user_info.user_name; //notice.link_page = int.Parse(ddlLinkPage.SelectedValue); //notice.link_param = txtLinkParam.Text; var result = NoticeController.AddNotice(notice); if (result == null) { ShowMessage(Page, "ชื่อประกาศนี้มีอยู่ในระบบแล้ว"); } else { ShowMessage(Page, "เพิ่มสำเร็จ"); } }
} // O private void NoticeSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySqlConnection myConnection = null; try { NoticeInfo item = new NoticeInfo(); item.공지사항 = NoticeNote.Text; item.날짜 = DateTime.Now; item.작성ID = User.Text; myConnection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString); myConnection.Open(); NoticeInfoDAC dac = new NoticeInfoDAC(myConnection); dac.Insert(item); NoticeGrid.DataSource = dac.SelectTimeASC().Tables["Notice"]; NoticeGrid.Columns[0].MinimumWidth = 80; NoticeGrid.Columns[1].MinimumWidth = 180; NoticeGrid.Columns[2].MinimumWidth = NoticeGrid.Width - 345; myConnection.Close(); } catch (MySqlException) { MessageBox.Show("공지사항을 입력해주세요."); } finally { if (myConnection != null && myConnection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { myConnection.Close(); } } NoticeNote.Clear(); } // O
public IList <NoticeInfo> GetList(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string sqlWhere, params SqlParameter[] cmdParms) { int startIndex = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize + 1; int endIndex = pageIndex * pageSize; string cmdText = @"select * from(select row_number() over(order by LastUpdatedDate desc) as RowNumber, Id,ContentTypeId,Title,Descr,ContentText,LastUpdatedDate from Notice" ; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlWhere)) { cmdText += " where 1=1 " + sqlWhere; } cmdText += ")as objTable where RowNumber between " + startIndex + " and " + endIndex + " "; IList <NoticeInfo> list = new List <NoticeInfo>(); using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SqlHelper.SqlProviderConnString, CommandType.Text, cmdText, cmdParms)) { if (reader != null && reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { NoticeInfo model = new NoticeInfo(); model.Id = reader.GetGuid(1); model.ContentTypeId = reader.GetGuid(2); model.Title = reader.GetString(3); model.Descr = reader.GetString(4); model.ContentText = reader.GetString(5); model.LastUpdatedDate = reader.GetDateTime(6); list.Add(model); } } } return(list); }
public IList <NoticeInfo> GetList(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string sqlWhere, params SqlParameter[] cmdParms) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(250); int startIndex = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize + 1; int endIndex = pageIndex * pageSize; sb.Append(@"select * from(select row_number() over(order by LastUpdatedDate desc) as RowNumber, Id,ContentTypeId,Title,Descr,ContentText,LastUpdatedDate from Notice " ); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlWhere)) { sb.AppendFormat(" where 1=1 {0} ", sqlWhere); } sb.AppendFormat(@")as objTable where RowNumber between {0} and {1} ", startIndex, endIndex); IList <NoticeInfo> list = new List <NoticeInfo>(); using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SqlHelper.GzxySiteDbConnString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), cmdParms)) { if (reader != null && reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { NoticeInfo model = new NoticeInfo(); model.Id = reader.GetGuid(1); model.ContentTypeId = reader.GetGuid(2); model.Title = reader.GetString(3); model.Descr = reader.GetString(4); model.ContentText = reader.GetString(5); model.LastUpdatedDate = reader.GetDateTime(6); list.Add(model); } } } return(list); }
public JsonResult SaveNotice(NoticeInfo info) { if (CheckSession() == false) { return(Json(ResultModelBase.CreateTimeoutModel(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (CheckSessionID() == false) { return(Json(ResultModelBase.CreateLogoutModel(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } ResultModelBase result = new ResultModelBase(); try { this.noticeManager.SaveNotice(info); } catch (Exception ex) { NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Error(ex, ex.Message); result.SetFailed(ResultCodes.SystemError, ControlManager.GetSettingInfo().ErrorMessage); } return(JsonResult(result)); }
public int Update(NoticeInfo model) { string cmdText = @"update Notice set ContentTypeId = @ContentTypeId,Title = @Title,Descr = @Descr,ContentText = @ContentText,LastUpdatedDate = @LastUpdatedDate where Id = @Id" ; SqlParameter[] parms = { new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@ContentTypeId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@Title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100), new SqlParameter("@Descr", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 300), new SqlParameter("@ContentText", SqlDbType.NText, 1073741823), new SqlParameter("@LastUpdatedDate", SqlDbType.DateTime) }; parms[0].Value = model.Id; parms[1].Value = model.ContentTypeId; parms[2].Value = model.Title; parms[3].Value = model.Descr; parms[4].Value = model.ContentText; parms[5].Value = model.LastUpdatedDate; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlHelper.SqlProviderConnString, CommandType.Text, cmdText, parms)); }
/// <summary> /// 日志评论通知 /// </summary> /// <param name="commentinfo">日志评论信息</param> public void SendSpaceCommentNotice(SpaceCommentInfo commentinfo) { //要回复的用户id int replyuserid = DNTRequest.GetInt("userid", 0); //当日志有效时 if (commentinfo.PostID > 0) { SpacePostInfo __spacepostsinfo = BlogProvider.GetSpacepostsInfo(Space.Data.DbProvider.GetInstance().GetSpacePost(commentinfo.PostID)); //当日志有效时 if (__spacepostsinfo != null) { NoticeInfo __noticeinfo = new NoticeInfo(); __noticeinfo.Type = NoticeType.SpaceCommentNotice; __noticeinfo.New = 1; __noticeinfo.Posterid = commentinfo.Uid; __noticeinfo.Poster = commentinfo.Author; __noticeinfo.Postdatetime = Utils.GetDateTime(); //当回复人与评论作者不是同一人时,则向评论作者发送通知 if (__noticeinfo.Posterid != replyuserid && replyuserid > 0) { __noticeinfo.Note = Utils.HtmlEncode(string.Format("<a href=\"userinfo.aspx?userid={0}\">{1}</a> 回复了您的日志信息 <a href =\"viewspacepost.aspx?postid={3}\">{4}</a>.", commentinfo.Uid, commentinfo.Author, config.Spacename, commentinfo.PostID, __spacepostsinfo.Title)); __noticeinfo.Uid = replyuserid; Notices.CreateNoticeInfo(__noticeinfo); } //当上面通知的用户与该空间日志作者不同,则还要向主题作者发通知 if (__noticeinfo.Posterid != __spacepostsinfo.Uid && __spacepostsinfo.Uid > 0) { __noticeinfo.Note = Utils.HtmlEncode(string.Format("<a href=\"userinfo.aspx?userid={0}\">{1}</a> 评论了您的{2}日志 <a href =\"viewspacepost.aspx?postid={3}\">{4}</a>.", commentinfo.Uid, commentinfo.Author, config.Spacename, commentinfo.PostID, __spacepostsinfo.Title)); __noticeinfo.Uid = __spacepostsinfo.Uid; Notices.CreateNoticeInfo(__noticeinfo); } } } }
public static IList <NoticeInfo> XmlToNoticeList(string xml) { if (xml == "") { return(null); } try { XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.LoadXml(xml); XmlElement documentElement = document.DocumentElement; IList <NoticeInfo> list2 = new List <NoticeInfo>(); foreach (XmlNode node in documentElement.ChildNodes) { NoticeInfo item = new NoticeInfo(); XmlNode node2 = node.SelectSingleNode("NoticeId"); item.NoticeId = int.Parse(node2.InnerText); node2 = node.SelectSingleNode("NoticeType"); item.NoticeType = int.Parse(node2.InnerText); node2 = node.SelectSingleNode("NoticeTitle"); item.NoticeTitle = node2.InnerText; node2 = node.SelectSingleNode("NoticeContent"); item.NoticeContent = node2.InnerText; node2 = node.SelectSingleNode("PublishDate"); item.PublishDate = DateTime.ParseExact(node2.InnerText, "yyyyMMddHHmmss", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); node2 = node.SelectSingleNode("PID"); item.PID = int.Parse(node2.InnerText); list2.Add(item); } return(list2); } catch (Exception exception) { ilog_0.Info("XmlToNoticeList" + exception.Message); return(null); } }
public async Task <ApiResult> Create([FromForm(Name = "title")] string title, [FromForm(Name = "category")] string category, [FromForm(Name = "file")] IFormFile file) { string webRootPath = _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath; // wwwroot 文件夹 string uploadPath = Path.Combine("uploads", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); string dirPath = Path.Combine(webRootPath, uploadPath); if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath); } string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).Trim('.'); //文件扩展名,不含“.” string newFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") + "." + fileExt; //随机生成新的文件名 var fileFolder = Path.Combine(dirPath, newFileName); using (var stream = new FileStream(fileFolder, FileMode.Create)) { await file.CopyToAsync(stream); } string url = $@"\{uploadPath}\{newFileName}"; NoticeInfo noticeinfo = new NoticeInfo { Title = title, Time = DateTime.Now, Category = category, Path = "localhost:5000" + url, AdminId = 1 /*Convert.ToInt32(this.User.FindFirst("Id").Value)*/ }; bool b = await _iNoticeInfoService.CreateAsync(noticeinfo); if (!b) { return(ApiResultHelper.Error("添加失败,服务器发生错误")); } return(ApiResultHelper.Success(noticeinfo)); }
/// <summary> /// 判断公告标题是否存在 /// </summary> /// <param name="info">信息</param> /// <returns>true@已存在;fasel@不存在。</returns> public bool ExistsNotice(NoticeInfo notice) { string noticeID = ""; int count = 0; string sql = null; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notice.NoticeID) == false) { noticeID = notice.NoticeID; } sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM T_QM_NOTICE WHERE NOTICEID <> @NOTICEID AND NOTICETITLE=@NOTICETITLE"; using (IDataSession session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession()) { count = Convert.ToInt32(session.ExecuteSqlScalar(sql, new DataParameter("NOTICEID", noticeID), new DataParameter { ParameterName = "NOTICETITLE", Value = notice.NoticeTitle })); } if (count > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
/// <summary> ///根据SQL语句获取实体 /// </summary> public static NoticeInfo getNoticeInfoBySql(string sql) { NoticeInfo noticeinfo = null; DataTable dt = DBHelper.GetDataSet(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { noticeinfo = new NoticeInfo(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { noticeinfo.Noticeid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["noticeid"]); noticeinfo.Title = Convert.ToString(dr["title"]); noticeinfo.Sortid = SortInfoService.getSortInfoById((int)dr["sortid"]); noticeinfo.Ifpublic = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ifpublic"]); noticeinfo.Fromuser = Convert.ToString(dr["fromuser"]); noticeinfo.Begintime = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["begintime"]); noticeinfo.Endtime = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["endtime"]); noticeinfo.Attribute = Convert.ToInt32(dr["attribute"]); noticeinfo.Accressory = Convert.ToString(dr["accressory"]); noticeinfo.Context = Convert.ToString(dr["context"]); } } return(noticeinfo); }
/// <summary> /// 修改数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int Update(NoticeInfo model) { return(dal.Update(model)); }
private void BindNoticeInfo(NoticeInfo noticeInfo) { txtName.Text = noticeInfo.Name; txtTitle.Text = noticeInfo.Title; txtContent.Text = noticeInfo.Message; txtStartTime.Text = noticeInfo.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); txtEndTime.Text = noticeInfo.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); cbHasDetail.Checked = noticeInfo.IsHasDetail; cbIsForeBold.Checked = noticeInfo.IsForeBold; cbIsForeRed.Checked = noticeInfo.IsForeRed; cbIsEnd.Checked = noticeInfo.IsEnd; }