public async Task Put(NoteAccess item)
            IdentityUser me = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(User.Identity.Name);

            NoteAccess myAccess = await AccessManager.GetAccess(_db, me.Id, item.NoteFileId, item.ArchiveId);

            if (!myAccess.EditAccess)

            NoteAccess work = await _db.NoteAccess.Where(p => p.NoteFileId == item.NoteFileId &&
                                                         p.ArchiveId == item.ArchiveId && p.UserID == item.UserID)

            if (work == null)

            work.ReadAccess = item.ReadAccess;
            work.Respond    = item.Respond;
            work.Write      = item.Write;
            work.DeleteEdit = item.DeleteEdit;
            work.SetTag     = item.SetTag;
            work.ViewAccess = item.ViewAccess;
            work.EditAccess = item.EditAccess;

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(SQLFile sQLFile)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _sqlcontext.SaveChangesAsync();

        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(HomePageMessage homePageMessage)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                homePageMessage.Posted = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Beispiel #4
        public async Task Put(NoteFile edited)
            NoteFile live = await _db.NoteFile.FindAsync(edited.Id);

            live.LastEdited    = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
            live.NoteFileName  = edited.NoteFileName;
            live.NoteFileTitle = edited.NoteFileTitle;
            live.OwnerId       = edited.OwnerId;

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
        private async Task ProcessLinkedNotes()
            List <LinkQueue> items = await _db.LinkQueue.Where(p => p.Enqueued == false).ToListAsync();

            foreach (LinkQueue item in items)
                LinkProcessor lp = new LinkProcessor(_db);
                BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => lp.ProcessLinkAction(item.Id));
                item.Enqueued = true;
            if (items.Count > 0)
                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,HomeFileId,HomeFileName,RemoteFileName,RemoteBaseUri,AcceptFrom,SendTo")] LinkedFile linkedFile)
            if (id != linkedFile.Id)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (!linkedFile.RemoteBaseUri.EndsWith('/'))
                        linkedFile.RemoteBaseUri = linkedFile.RemoteBaseUri.TrimEnd(' ') + "/";

                    LinkProcessor lp = new LinkProcessor(_context);

                    if (await lp.Test(linkedFile.RemoteBaseUri))
                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!LinkedFileExists(linkedFile.Id))
Beispiel #7
        public IActionResult Profile(AddNoteBindingViewModel model)
            if (!this.IsValidModel(model))
            using (var db = new NotesDbContext())
                var user = db.Users.Find(model.UserId);

                user.Notes.Add(new Note()
                    Title   = model.Title,
                    Content = model.Content


Beispiel #8
        public async Task Put(NoteAccess item)
            NoteAccess work = await _db.NoteAccess.Where(p => p.NoteFileId == item.NoteFileId &&
                                                         p.ArchiveId == item.ArchiveId && p.UserID == item.UserID)

            if (work == null)

            work.ReadAccess = item.ReadAccess;
            work.Respond    = item.Respond;
            work.Write      = item.Write;
            work.DeleteEdit = item.DeleteEdit;
            work.SetTag     = item.SetTag;
            work.ViewAccess = item.ViewAccess;
            work.EditAccess = item.EditAccess;

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
Beispiel #9
        private const char Ff = (char)(12); //  FF

        public async Task <bool> Import(NotesDbContext _db, string myFile, string myNotes)

            StreamReader file;

                file = new StreamReader(myFile);

            NoteFile noteFile = await NoteDataManager.GetFileByName(_db, myNotes);

            //int id = noteFile.Id;
            int  numberArchives = noteFile.NumberArchives;
            long counter        = 0;
            bool isResp         = false;

            char[] spaceTrim = new char[] { ' ' };
            char[] slash     = new char[] { '/' };
            char[] colon     = new char[] { ':' };
            char[] dash      = new char[] { '-' };

            string platoBaseYear = "";

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            long          baseNoteHeaderId = 0;
            NoteContent   newContent       = null;
            NoteHeader    makeHeader       = null;
            int           basenotes        = 0;

            int filetype = 0;  // 0= NovaNET | 1 = Notes 3.1 | 2 = plato iv group notes -- we can process three formats

            // Read the file and process it line by line.
                NoteHeader bnh;
                string     line;
                NoteHeader newHeader;
                while ((line = await file.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
                    if (counter == 0)
                        if (line.StartsWith("2021 NoteFile ")) // By this we know it came from Notes 3.1
                            filetype = 1;                      // Notes 3.1
                            await file.ReadLineAsync();

                            line = await file.ReadLineAsync();
                        else if (line.StartsWith("+++ plato iv group notes +++"))
                            filetype = 2;   // plato iv group notes
                            await file.ReadLineAsync();

                            await file.ReadLineAsync();

                            await file.ReadLineAsync();

                            var platoLine5 = await file.ReadLineAsync();

                            await file.ReadLineAsync();

                            await file.ReadLineAsync();

                            await file.ReadLineAsync();

                            await file.ReadLineAsync();

                            line = await file.ReadLineAsync();

                            string[] splits = platoLine5.Split(spaceTrim);
                            platoBaseYear = splits[splits.Length - 1];

                    if (filetype == 0)  // Process for NovaNET output
                        line = await CheckFf(line, file);

                        if (line.Length > 52)  // Possible Note Header
                            string head = line.Substring(46);
                            if (head.StartsWith("  Note ")) //new note found
                                if (newContent != null)     // have a note to write
                                    newContent.NoteBody = sb.ToString();
                                    sb = new StringBuilder();
                                    newContent.NoteBody = newContent.NoteBody.Replace("\r\n", "<br />");

                                    if (!isResp) // base note
                                        newHeader = await NoteDataManager.CreateNote(_db, null, makeHeader, newContent.NoteBody, string.Empty, newContent.DirectorMessage, false, false);

                                        NoteHeader baseNoteHeader = await GetBaseNoteHeader(_db, newHeader);

                                        baseNoteHeaderId = baseNoteHeader.BaseNoteId;

                                        //baseNoteHeader.CreateDate = newHeader.LastEdited;
                                        //baseNoteHeader.ThreadLastEdited = newHeader.LastEdited;
                                        //_db.Entry(baseNoteHeader).State = EntityState.Modified;
                                        //await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                                        if (basenotes % 10 == 0)
                                            Output("Base notes: " + basenotes);
                                            if (basenotes % 100 == 0)
                                    else // resp
                                        bnh = await NoteDataManager.GetBaseNoteHeaderById(_db, baseNoteHeaderId);

                                        makeHeader.NoteOrdinal = bnh.NoteOrdinal;
                                        makeHeader.BaseNoteId  = bnh.Id; //Fix
                                        await NoteDataManager.CreateResponse(_db, null, makeHeader, newContent.NoteBody, string.Empty, newContent.DirectorMessage, false, false);
                                newContent = new NoteContent();
                                makeHeader = new NoteHeader {
                                    NoteFileId = noteFile.Id

                                // get title at start of line
                                var title = line.Substring(0, 40).TrimEnd(spaceTrim);
                                makeHeader.NoteSubject = title;
                                isResp = head.Contains("Response"); // is this a response?

                                line = file.ReadLine();             // get next line
                                line = await CheckFf(line, file);

                                if (isResp && line.StartsWith("----")) // perhaps a response title
                                    title = line.Substring(4, line.Length - 4).TrimEnd(spaceTrim);
                                    makeHeader.NoteSubject = title;
                                    line = await file.ReadLineAsync();  // skip line
                                    await CheckFf(line, file);
                                else if (isResp)
                                    makeHeader.NoteSubject = "*none*";            // must have a title
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(makeHeader.NoteSubject)) // must have a title
                                    makeHeader.NoteSubject = "*none*";

                                line = await file.ReadLineAsync();  // skip line

                                line = await CheckFf(line, file);

                                // Check for possible director message
                                if (line.StartsWith("    "))
                                    newContent.DirectorMessage = line.Trim(spaceTrim);
                                    line = await file.ReadLineAsync();  // skip line
                                    await CheckFf(line, file);

                                    line = await file.ReadLineAsync();  // skip line

                                    line = await CheckFf(line, file);

                                // get date, time, author
                                // first date
                                string   date = line.Substring(0, 10).TrimEnd(spaceTrim);
                                string[] x    = date.Split(slash);

                                string prefix   = "/20";
                                int    yearpart = int.Parse(x[2]);
                                if (yearpart > 70)
                                    prefix = "/19";

                                string datetime = (x[0].Length == 1 ? "0" + x[0] : x[0]) + "/" + (x[1].Length == 1 ? "0" + x[1] : x[1]) + prefix + x[2];

                                // now time
                                string time = line.Substring(10, 6);
                                time = time.Trim(spaceTrim);
                                time = time.Replace("am", " ");
                                time = time.Replace("pm", " ");
                                time = time.Replace("a", " ");
                                time = time.Replace("p", " ");
                                time = time.TrimEnd(spaceTrim);

                                string[] y    = time.Split(colon);
                                int      hour = int.Parse(y[0]);
                                if (line.Substring(0, 23).Contains("pm") && hour < 12)
                                    hour = hour + 12;

                                datetime += " " + ((hour < 10) ? "0" + hour.ToString() : hour.ToString()) + ":" + y[1];

                                // Save
                                makeHeader.LastEdited = DateTime.Parse(datetime);

                                //nc.LastEdited = tzone.Universal(nc.LastEdited);

                                // author
                                makeHeader.AuthorName = line.Substring(25).Trim(spaceTrim);
                                makeHeader.AuthorID   = Globals.ImportedAuthorId(); //"imported";
                                line = await file.ReadLineAsync();                  // skip line

                                line = await CheckFf(line, file);
                        // append line to current note
                    }  // end NovaNET

                    else if (filetype == 1)  // Process from Notes 3.1 export as text
                        if (line.StartsWith("Note: "))  // possible note header
                            string[] parts = line.Split(dash);
                            if (parts.Length >= 5)      // looks like the right number of sections > with - in subject grrr
                                if (newContent != null) // have a note to write
                                    sb.Append(" ");
                                    newContent.NoteBody = sb.ToString();
                                    sb = new StringBuilder();
                                    //nc.NoteBody = nc.NoteBody.Replace("\r\n", "<br />");

                                    if (!isResp) // base note
                                        newHeader = await NoteDataManager.CreateNote(_db, null, makeHeader, newContent.NoteBody, string.Empty, newContent.DirectorMessage, false, false);

                                        NoteHeader baseNoteHeader = await GetBaseNoteHeader(_db, newHeader);

                                        baseNoteHeaderId = baseNoteHeader.BaseNoteId;

                                        //baseNoteHeader.CreateDate = newHeader.LastEdited;
                                        //baseNoteHeader.ThreadLastEdited = newHeader.LastEdited;
                                        //_db.Entry(baseNoteHeader).State = EntityState.Modified;
                                        //await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                                        if (basenotes % 10 == 0)
                                            Output("Base notes: " + basenotes);
                                            if (basenotes % 100 == 0)
                                    else // resp
                                        bnh = await NoteDataManager.GetBaseNoteHeaderById(_db, baseNoteHeaderId);

                                        makeHeader.NoteOrdinal = bnh.NoteOrdinal;
                                        makeHeader.BaseNoteId  = bnh.Id; //Fix
                                        await NoteDataManager.CreateResponse(_db, null, makeHeader, newContent.NoteBody, string.Empty, newContent.DirectorMessage, false, false);
                                newContent = new NoteContent();
                                makeHeader = new NoteHeader {
                                    NoteFileId = noteFile.Id

                                // parse sections, 0 is note number, 1 is subject, 2 is author, 3 is datetime, 4 is number of responses
                                // skip section 0
                                // Get subject

                                string part = parts[1];
                                if (part.StartsWith(" Subject: "))
                                    if (parts.Length == 5)
                                        makeHeader.NoteSubject = part.Substring(9, part.Length - 9).Trim() + " ";  //only works if no - in subject grrr
                                        int subjectindx = line.IndexOf(" - Subject: ", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                                        int authorindx  = line.IndexOf(" - Author: ", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                                        makeHeader.NoteSubject = subjectindx < authorindx?
                                                                 line.Substring(subjectindx + 12, authorindx - subjectindx - 12).Trim()
                                                                     : "** Subject Parse Error **";
                                // get author
                                part = parts[parts.Length - 3];
                                if (part.StartsWith(" Author: "))
                                    makeHeader.AuthorName = part.Substring(8, part.Length - 8).Trim();
                                    makeHeader.AuthorID   = Globals.ImportedAuthorId();
                                    makeHeader.AuthorName = "** Author Parse Error **";
                                    makeHeader.AuthorID   = Globals.ImportedAuthorId();
                                part = parts[parts.Length - 2].Trim();
                                makeHeader.LastEdited = DateTime.Parse(part);
                                // skip resp

                                line = await file.ReadLineAsync();

                                if (line.StartsWith("Tags -"))
                                    isResp = false;
                                    newContent.DirectorMessage = line.Substring(6, line.Length - 6).Trim();
                                else if (line.StartsWith("Base Note Subject: "))
                                    isResp = true;                       // but skip content
                                    line   = await file.ReadLineAsync(); // Should be Tag

                                    if (line.StartsWith("Tags -"))
                                        newContent.DirectorMessage = line.Substring(6, line.Length - 6).Trim();
                                await file.ReadLineAsync();        //skip a line

                                line = await file.ReadLineAsync(); //first content line
                        // append line to current note
                    }  // end Notes 3.1

                    else if (filetype == 2)  // PLATO iv group notes
                        int xflag = 0;
                        if (line.Contains("-------- note "))  //  note header
                            xflag = 1;
                        else if (line.Contains("-------- response "))  //  response header
                            xflag = 2;

                        if (xflag > 0)              // we have note to write (maybe)
                            if (newContent != null) // have a note to write
                                newContent.NoteBody = sb.ToString();
                                sb = new StringBuilder();
                                newContent.NoteBody = newContent.NoteBody.Replace("\r\n", "<br />");

                                if (!isResp) // base note
                                    newHeader = await NoteDataManager.CreateNote(_db, null, makeHeader, newContent.NoteBody, string.Empty, newContent.DirectorMessage, false, false);

                                    NoteHeader baseNoteHeader = await GetBaseNoteHeader(_db, newHeader);

                                    baseNoteHeaderId = baseNoteHeader.BaseNoteId;

                                    //baseNoteHeader.CreateDate = newHeader.LastEdited;
                                    //baseNoteHeader.ThreadLastEdited = newHeader.LastEdited;
                                    //_db.Entry(baseNoteHeader).State = EntityState.Modified;
                                    //await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                                    if (basenotes % 10 == 0)
                                        Output("Base notes: " + basenotes);
                                        if (basenotes % 100 == 0)
                                else // resp
                                    bnh = await NoteDataManager.GetBaseNoteHeaderById(_db, baseNoteHeaderId);

                                    makeHeader.NoteOrdinal = bnh.NoteOrdinal;
                                    makeHeader.BaseNoteId  = bnh.Id; //Fix
                                    await NoteDataManager.CreateResponse(_db, null, makeHeader, newContent.NoteBody, string.Empty, newContent.DirectorMessage, false, false);
                            newContent = new NoteContent();
                            makeHeader = new NoteHeader {
                                NoteFileId = noteFile.Id

                            // now start with new note proc

                            if (xflag == 1) // get note title
                                // mark we have a base note / get title

                                line = line.Substring(16);
                                string[] splitsx = line.Split(spaceTrim);
                                makeHeader.NoteSubject = line.Substring(splitsx[0].Length).Trim(spaceTrim);

                                isResp = false;
                            else if (xflag == 2)
                                isResp = true;                                // mark response
                                makeHeader.NoteSubject = "*none*";            // must have a title
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(makeHeader.NoteSubject)) // must have a title
                                makeHeader.NoteSubject = "*none*";

                            line = await file.ReadLineAsync(); // move to info header

                            // process header

                            // count the /s to get date format.

                            int cnt = Regex.Matches(line, "/").Count;
                            if (cnt < 1)                           // try next line grrr.
                                line = await file.ReadLineAsync(); // move to info header

                                cnt = Regex.Matches(line, "/").Count;

                            line = " " + line;
                            line = line.Replace("     ", " ").Replace("    ", " ").Replace("   ", " ").Replace("  ", " ");
                            line = line.Replace("     ", " ").Replace("    ", " ").Replace("   ", " ").Replace("  ", " ");

                            string[] splits = line.Split(' ', '/', '.', ':', ',', ';');

                            string date;
                            if (cnt == 1)
                                date = splits[1] + "/" + splits[2] + "/" + platoBaseYear + " "
                                       + splits[3] + ":" + splits[4] + ":00";
                                date = splits[1] + "/" + splits[2] + "/19" + splits[3] + " "
                                       + splits[4] + ":" + splits[5] + ":00";
                            makeHeader.LastEdited = DateTime.Parse(date);

                            string group = " " + splits[splits.Length - 1];
                            string name  = "";
                            for (int i = 4 + cnt; i < splits.Length - 1; i++)
                                name += splits[i] + " ";

                            makeHeader.AuthorName = name + "/" + group;
                            makeHeader.AuthorID   = Globals.ImportedAuthorId(); //"imported";

                            await file.ReadLineAsync();                         // skip lines to get to content

                            line = await file.ReadLineAsync();                  // skip lines to get to content

                        //// pre proc above
                        sb.AppendLine(line); // collect lines of note
                    }  // end PLATO
                }  // end where

                if (filetype == 0)          // NovaNET
                    if (newContent != null) // have a note to write
                        newContent.NoteBody = sb.ToString();

                        newContent.NoteBody = newContent.NoteBody.Replace("\r\n", "<br />");

                        if (!isResp) // base note
                            //newHeader = await NoteDataManager.CreateNote(_db, _userManager, makeHeader, newContent.NoteBody, string.Empty, newContent.DirectorMessage, false);
                            //NoteHeader baseNoteHeader = await GetBaseNoteHeader(newHeader);
                            //baseNoteHeaderId = baseNoteHeader.BaseNoteId;

                            //baseNoteHeader.CreateDate = newHeader.LastEdited;
                            //baseNoteHeader.ThreadLastEdited = newHeader.LastEdited;
                            //_db.Entry(baseNoteHeader).State = EntityState.Modified;
                            //await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
                        else // resp
                            bnh = await NoteDataManager.GetBaseNoteHeaderById(_db, baseNoteHeaderId);

                            makeHeader.NoteOrdinal = bnh.NoteOrdinal;
                            makeHeader.BaseNoteId  = bnh.Id; //Fix
                            await NoteDataManager.CreateResponse(_db, null, makeHeader, newContent.NoteBody, string.Empty, newContent.DirectorMessage, false, false);
                else if (filetype == 1)     // Notes 3.1
                    if (newContent != null) // have a note to write
                        sb.Append(" ");
                        newContent.NoteBody = sb.ToString();

                        if (!isResp) // base note
                            // ReSharper disable once RedundantAssignment
                            newHeader = await NoteDataManager.CreateNote(_db, null, makeHeader, newContent.NoteBody, string.Empty, newContent.DirectorMessage, false, false);

                            //NoteHeader baseNoteHeader = await GetBaseNoteHeader(newHeader);
                            //baseNoteHeaderId = baseNoteHeader.BaseNoteId;

                            //baseNoteHeader.CreateDate = newHeader.LastEdited;
                            //baseNoteHeader.ThreadLastEdited = newHeader.LastEdited;
                            //_db.Entry(baseNoteHeader).State = EntityState.Modified;
                            //await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
                        else // resp
                            bnh = await NoteDataManager.GetBaseNoteHeaderById(_db, baseNoteHeaderId);

                            makeHeader.NoteOrdinal = bnh.NoteOrdinal;
                            makeHeader.BaseNoteId  = bnh.Id; //Fix
                            await NoteDataManager.CreateResponse(_db, null, makeHeader, newContent.NoteBody, string.Empty, newContent.DirectorMessage, false, false);
                else if (filetype == 2)     // PLATO
                    if (newContent != null) // have a note to write
                        newContent.NoteBody = sb.ToString();
                        newContent.NoteBody = newContent.NoteBody.Replace("\r\n", "<br />");

                        if (!isResp) // base note
                            // ReSharper disable once RedundantAssignment
                            newHeader = await NoteDataManager.CreateNote(_db, null, makeHeader, newContent.NoteBody, string.Empty, newContent.DirectorMessage, false, false);

                            //NoteHeader baseNoteHeader = await GetBaseNoteHeader(newHeader);
                            //baseNoteHeaderId = baseNoteHeader.BaseNoteId;

                            //baseNoteHeader.CreateDate = newHeader.LastEdited;
                            //baseNoteHeader.ThreadLastEdited = newHeader.LastEdited;
                            //_db.Entry(baseNoteHeader).State = EntityState.Modified;
                            //await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
                        else // resp
                            bnh = await NoteDataManager.GetBaseNoteHeaderById(_db, baseNoteHeaderId);

                            makeHeader.NoteOrdinal = bnh.NoteOrdinal;
                            makeHeader.BaseNoteId  = bnh.Id; //Fix
                            await NoteDataManager.CreateResponse(_db, null, makeHeader, newContent.NoteBody, string.Empty, newContent.DirectorMessage, false, false);
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    throw ex;


            noteFile.NumberArchives = numberArchives;

            Output("  Basenotes: " + basenotes + "   Completed!!");
