Beispiel #1
        public void UpdateSlice(Vector3 cutPoint, Vector3 cutPlaneNormal, NoteCutDirection noteDirectionType)
            cutPoint = new Vector3(cutPoint.x, cutPoint.y);
            Vector3 uiCutPoint = cutPoint * _uiScale * _cutLineSensitivity;

            Vector3 cutDirection = new Vector3(-cutPlaneNormal.y, cutPlaneNormal.x).normalized;
            float   cutRotation  = Mathf.Atan2(cutDirection.y, cutDirection.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            float noteArrowAlpha = noteDirectionType >= NoteCutDirection.Any ? 0f : _noteArrowAlpha;

            _noteArrowImage.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, noteArrowAlpha);
            float noteRotation = RotationFromNoteCutDirection(noteDirectionType);


            _sliceTransform.localPosition = uiCutPoint;
            _sliceTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, cutRotation);

            bool  isCenterIsLeft     = IsCenterLeftOfCut(cutPlaneNormal, cutPoint);
            float missedAreaRotation = cutRotation - noteRotation + (isCenterIsLeft ? 180f : 0f);

            float cutPointDistance = cutPoint.magnitude;

            _cutOffsetTransform.sizeDelta     = new Vector2(_cutOffsetTransform.rect.width, cutPointDistance * _uiScale * _cutLineSensitivity);
            _cutOffsetTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, missedAreaRotation);

            _timeSinceSliced = 0f;
            _isAlive         = true;
Beispiel #2
        private static void Postfix(NoteCutDirection noteCutDirection, ref Vector3 __result)
            if (!
            switch ((int)noteCutDirection)
            case >= 1000 and <= 1360:
                var quaternion = default(Quaternion);
                quaternion.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1000 - (int)noteCutDirection);
                __result = quaternion * Vector3.down;

            case >= 2000 and <= 2360:
                var quaternion = default(Quaternion);
                quaternion.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 2000 - (int)noteCutDirection);
                __result = quaternion * Vector3.down;
Beispiel #3
        private float RotationFromNoteCutDirection(NoteCutDirection cutDirection)
            if (!_shouldRotateUIWithNote)
            switch (cutDirection)
            case NoteCutDirection.Down: return(0f);

            case NoteCutDirection.DownRight: return(45f);

            case NoteCutDirection.Right: return(90f);

            case NoteCutDirection.UpRight: return(135f);

            case NoteCutDirection.Up: return(180f);

            case NoteCutDirection.UpLeft: return(225f);

            case NoteCutDirection.Left: return(270f);

            case NoteCutDirection.DownLeft: return(315f);

            default: return(0f);
        static void Postfix(NoteCutDirection cutDirection, ref Vector2 __result)
            if (!
            if ((int)cutDirection >= 1000 && (int)cutDirection <= 1360)
                int angle      = 1000 - (int)cutDirection;
                var quaternion = default(Quaternion);
                quaternion.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1000 - (int)cutDirection);
                Vector3 dir = quaternion * Vector3.forward;
                __result = new Vector2(dir.x, dir.y);

            if ((int)cutDirection >= 2000 && (int)cutDirection <= 2360)
                int angle      = 2000 - (int)cutDirection;
                var quaternion = default(Quaternion);
                quaternion.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 2000 - (int)cutDirection);
                Vector3 dir = quaternion * Vector3.forward;
                __result = new Vector2(dir.x, dir.y);
Beispiel #5
 public void AddNote(NoteData note)
     if (_notes.Count == 0)
         SwingDirection = note.cutDirection;
Beispiel #6
        public static void GetBasicCutInfo(ref NoteCutDirection cutDirection)
            GameplayModifiers gameplayModifiers = ZenjectReceiver.instance?.gameplayCoreSceneSetupData?.gameplayModifiers;

            if (gameplayModifiers != null && gameplayModifiers.noArrows)
                cutDirection = NoteCutDirection.Any;
 private static void Prefix(ref NoteCutDirection cutDirection)
     if (!
     if ((int)cutDirection is >= 2000 and <= 2360)
         cutDirection = NoteCutDirection.Any;
Beispiel #8
 static void Postfix(ref NoteData __instance, ref NoteCutDirection __state)
     if (!
     if ((int)__state >= 1000)
         int cutdir = (int)__state;
         int newdir = 2360 - cutdir;
         __instance.SetProperty("cutDirection", (NoteCutDirection)newdir);
Beispiel #9
        private static void Postfix(NoteCutDirection cutDirection, ref float __result)
            if (!
            switch ((int)cutDirection)
            case >= 1000 and <= 1360:
                __result = 1000 - (int)cutDirection;

            case >= 2000 and <= 2360:
                __result = 2000 - (int)cutDirection;
        static void Postfix(NoteCutDirection cutDirection, ref Quaternion __result)
            if ((int)cutDirection >= 1000 && (int)cutDirection <= 1360)
                int angle = 1000 - (int)cutDirection;
                __result             = default(Quaternion);
                __result.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1000 - (int)cutDirection);

            if ((int)cutDirection >= 2000 && (int)cutDirection <= 2360)
                int angle = 2000 - (int)cutDirection;
                __result             = default(Quaternion);
                __result.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 2000 - (int)cutDirection);
Beispiel #11
        private static void Postfix(NoteCutDirection cutDirection, ref Quaternion __result)
            if (!
            switch ((int)cutDirection)
            case >= 1000 and <= 1360:
                __result             = default;
                __result.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1000 - (int)cutDirection);

            case >= 2000 and <= 2360:
                __result             = default;
                __result.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 2000 - (int)cutDirection);
Beispiel #12
 public static bool IsContraryDirectionBetweenSwings(this NoteData note, NoteCutDirection prevCutDirection)
     if (note.cutDirection == NoteCutDirection.Any)
         float angleDiff = note.cutDirection.RotationAngle() - prevCutDirection.RotationAngle();
         if (Mathf.Abs(angleDiff) < 90f)
        static void Postfix(NoteCutDirection cutDirection, ref float __result)
            if (!
            if ((int)cutDirection >= 1000 && (int)cutDirection <= 1360)
                int angle = 1000 - (int)cutDirection;
                __result = angle;

            if ((int)cutDirection >= 2000 && (int)cutDirection <= 2360)
                int angle = 2000 - (int)cutDirection;
                __result = angle;
Beispiel #14
        private Note(NoteData data, CutType cut)
            if (data.colorType == ColorType.ColorB)
                noteType = BSDNoteType.right;
            else if (data.colorType == ColorType.ColorA)
                noteType = BSDNoteType.left;

            score = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            index = data.lineIndex + 4 * (int)data.noteLineLayer;
            time  = data.time;
            id    = actualId;

            noteDirection = data.cutDirection;
            cutType       = cut;
Beispiel #15
        private static void Postfix(ref NoteCutDirection __result, NoteCutDirection __state)
            switch ((int)__state)
            case >= 1000 and <= 1360:
                var cutDir = (int)__state;
                int newDir = 2360 - cutDir;
                __result = (NoteCutDirection)newDir;

            case >= 2000 and <= 2360:
                var cutDir = (int)__state;
                int newDir = 4360 - cutDir;
                __result = (NoteCutDirection)newDir;
Beispiel #16
        private void OnNoteCut(INoteController noteController, NoteCutInfo info)
            NoteData data = noteController.noteData;

            if (ShouldDisplayNote(data, info))
                Vector3          center        = noteController.noteTransform.position;
                Vector3          localCutPoint = info.cutPoint - center;
                NoteCutDirection directionType = data.cutDirection;

                if (TwoNoteMode)
                    int             index           = (int)info.saberType;
                    SliceController sliceController = _sliceControllers[index];
                    sliceController.UpdateSlice(localCutPoint, info.cutNormal, directionType);
                    int             index           = 3 * data.lineIndex + (int)data.noteLineLayer;
                    SliceController sliceController = _sliceControllers[index];

                    Color color = UseCustomNoteColors ? _colorManager.ColorForSaberType(info.saberType) : _defaultColors[(int)info.saberType];
                    sliceController.UpdateSlice(localCutPoint, info.cutNormal, directionType);

                if (_logNotesCut)
                    Console.WriteLine($"[CutVisualizer] OnNoteCut -------------------------------");
                    Console.WriteLine($"[CutVisualizer] Center: ({center.x} {center.y})");
                    Console.WriteLine($"[CutVisualizer] Cut Normal: ({info.cutNormal.x} {info.cutNormal.y})");
                    Console.WriteLine($"[CutVisualizer] Cut Point: ({info.cutPoint.x} {info.cutPoint.y})");
                    Console.WriteLine($"[CutVisualizer] Cut Local: ({localCutPoint.x} {localCutPoint.y})");
Beispiel #17
 private static bool ShouldConvertToDotNote(NoteCutDirection cutDirection)
     return( && (int)cutDirection >= 2000 && (int)cutDirection <= 2360);
Beispiel #18
 public CustomNoteData(int id, float time, int lineIndex, NoteLineLayer noteLineLayer, NoteLineLayer startNoteLineLayer, NoteType noteType, NoteCutDirection cutDirection,
                       float timeToNextBasicNote, float timeToPrevBasicNote, dynamic customData)
     : base(id, time, lineIndex, noteLineLayer, startNoteLineLayer, noteType, cutDirection, timeToNextBasicNote, timeToPrevBasicNote)
     this.customData = customData;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a custom arrow or dot note depending on the requirements. Returns null if custom note is already attached to a parent note.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="noteChild">Parent note</param>
        /// <param name="noteArrow">Custom Arrow Note</param>
        /// <param name="noteDot">Custom Dot Note</param>
        /// <param name="noteCutDirection">The cut direction of the noteChild</param>
        /// <param name="name">Custom Note name</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static GameObject GetCustomNote(Transform noteChild, GameObject noteArrow, GameObject noteDot, NoteCutDirection noteCutDirection, out string name, out GameObject recolorizeBlock)
            name            = "DuplicateOrInvalid";
            recolorizeBlock = null;

            GameObject customNote = null;

            Transform dotObject = noteCutDirection == NoteCutDirection.Any ? noteChild.Find("customNoteDot") : null;
            Transform arrObject = dotObject == null?noteChild.Find("customNoteArrow") : null;

            if (noteCutDirection == NoteCutDirection.Any)
                // CustomNote Dot not attached to childNote
                if (dotObject == null || dotObject.gameObject == null)
                    name       = "customNoteDot";
                    customNote = noteDot ?? noteArrow;
                    recolorizeBlock = dotObject.gameObject;
                // CustomNote Arrow not attached to childNote
                if (arrObject == null || arrObject.gameObject == null)
                    name       = "customNoteArrow";
                    customNote = noteArrow;
                    recolorizeBlock = arrObject.gameObject;

Beispiel #20
 static void Prefix(ref NoteData __instance, ref NoteCutDirection __state)
     __state = __instance.cutDirection;
        static bool Prefix(ref BeatmapDataLoader __instance, List <BeatmapSaveData.NoteData> notesSaveData, List <BeatmapSaveData.ObstacleData> obstaclesSaveData, List <BeatmapSaveData.EventData> eventsSaveData, float startBPM, float shuffle, float shufflePeriod, ref Object ____notesInTimeRowProcessor, ref BeatmapData __result)
            List <BeatmapObjectData>[] array = new List <BeatmapObjectData> [4];
            List <BeatmapEventData>    list  = new List <BeatmapEventData>(eventsSaveData.Count);
            List <BPMChangeData>       list2 = new List <BPMChangeData>();

            list2.Add(new BPMChangeData(0f, 0f, startBPM));
            BPMChangeData bpmchangeData = list2[0];

            foreach (BeatmapSaveData.EventData eventData in eventsSaveData)
                if (eventData.type.IsBPMChangeEvent())
                    float time  = eventData.time;
                    int   value = eventData.value;
                    float bpmChangeStartTime = bpmchangeData.bpmChangeStartTime + __instance.GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(time - bpmchangeData.bpmChangeStartBPMTime, (float)value, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                    list2.Add(new BPMChangeData(bpmChangeStartTime, time, (float)value));
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                array[i] = new List <BeatmapObjectData>(3000);
            int             num   = 0;
            float           num2  = -1f;
            List <NoteData> list3 = new List <NoteData>(4);
            List <NoteData> list4 = new List <NoteData>(4);
            int             num3  = 0;

            foreach (BeatmapSaveData.NoteData noteData in notesSaveData)
                float time2 = noteData.time;
                while (num3 < list2.Count - 1 && list2[num3 + 1].bpmChangeStartBPMTime < time2)
                BPMChangeData    bpmchangeData2     = list2[num3];
                float            num4               = bpmchangeData2.bpmChangeStartTime + __instance.GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(time2 - bpmchangeData2.bpmChangeStartBPMTime, bpmchangeData2.bpm, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                int              lineIndex          = noteData.lineIndex;
                NoteLineLayer    lineLayer          = noteData.lineLayer;
                NoteLineLayer    startNoteLineLayer = NoteLineLayer.Base;
                NoteType         type               = noteData.type;
                NoteCutDirection cutDirection       = noteData.cutDirection;
                if (list3.Count > 0 && list3[0].time < num4 - 0.001f && type.IsBasicNote())
                    ____notesInTimeRowProcessor.InvokeMethod("ProcessBasicNotesInTimeRow", list3, num4);
                    num2 = list3[0].time;
                if (list4.Count > 0 && list4[0].time < num4 - 0.001f)
                    ____notesInTimeRowProcessor.InvokeMethod("ProcessNotesInTimeRow", list4);
                NoteData noteData2 = new NoteData(num++, num4, lineIndex, lineLayer, startNoteLineLayer, type, cutDirection, float.MaxValue, num4 - num2);
                int      lineNum   = lineIndex > 3 ? 3 : lineIndex < 0 ? 0 : lineIndex;
                NoteData item = noteData2;
                if (noteData2.noteType.IsBasicNote())
            ____notesInTimeRowProcessor.InvokeMethod("ProcessBasicNotesInTimeRow", list3, float.MaxValue);
            ____notesInTimeRowProcessor.InvokeMethod("ProcessNotesInTimeRow", list4);
            num3 = 0;
            foreach (BeatmapSaveData.ObstacleData obstacleData in obstaclesSaveData)
                float time3 = obstacleData.time;
                while (num3 < list2.Count - 1 && list2[num3 + 1].bpmChangeStartBPMTime < time3)
                BPMChangeData bpmchangeData3      = list2[num3];
                float         time4               = bpmchangeData3.bpmChangeStartTime + __instance.GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(time3 - bpmchangeData3.bpmChangeStartBPMTime, bpmchangeData3.bpm, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                int           lineIndex2          = obstacleData.lineIndex;
                ObstacleType  type2               = obstacleData.type;
                float         realTimeFromBPMTime = __instance.GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(obstacleData.duration, startBPM, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                int           width               = obstacleData.width;
                ObstacleData  item2               = new ObstacleData(num++, time4, lineIndex2, type2, realTimeFromBPMTime, width);
                int           lineNum             = lineIndex2 > 3 ? 3 : lineIndex2 < 0 ? 0 : lineIndex2;
            foreach (BeatmapSaveData.EventData eventData2 in eventsSaveData)
                float time5 = eventData2.time;
                while (num3 < list2.Count - 1 && list2[num3 + 1].bpmChangeStartBPMTime < time5)
                BPMChangeData    bpmchangeData4 = list2[num3];
                float            time6          = bpmchangeData4.bpmChangeStartTime + __instance.GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(time5 - bpmchangeData4.bpmChangeStartBPMTime, bpmchangeData4.bpm, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                BeatmapEventType type3          = eventData2.type;
                int value2             = eventData2.value;
                BeatmapEventData item3 = new BeatmapEventData(time6, type3, value2);
            if (list.Count == 0)
                list.Add(new BeatmapEventData(0f, BeatmapEventType.Event0, 1));
                list.Add(new BeatmapEventData(0f, BeatmapEventType.Event4, 1));
            BeatmapLineData[] array2 = new BeatmapLineData[4];
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                array[j].Sort(delegate(BeatmapObjectData x, BeatmapObjectData y)
                    if (x.time == y.time)
                    if (x.time <= y.time)
                array2[j] = new BeatmapLineData();
                array2[j].beatmapObjectsData = array[j].ToArray();
            __result = new BeatmapData(array2, list.ToArray());
 public GameNote(PlayerType type, int selectionNum, float time, int lineIndex, NoteLineLayer noteLineLayer, NoteLineLayer startNoteLineLayer, ColorType noteType, NoteCutDirection cutDirection, float timeToNextBasicNote, float timeToPrevBasicNote) : base(time, lineIndex, noteLineLayer, startNoteLineLayer, GameplayType.Normal, ScoringType.NoScore, noteType, cutDirection, timeToNextBasicNote, timeToPrevBasicNote, lineIndex, 0f, 0f, 1f)
     playerType        = type;
     this.selectionNum = selectionNum;
Beispiel #23
 public NoteData(float time, int lineIndex, NoteLineLayer lineLayer, NoteType type, NoteCutDirection cutDirection)
     this._time         = time;
     this._lineIndex    = lineIndex;
     this._lineLayer    = lineLayer;
     this._type         = type;
     this._cutDirection = cutDirection;
Beispiel #24
        /*public CustomNoteData(float time, int lineIndex, NoteLineLayer noteLineLayer, NoteLineLayer startNoteLineLayer, ColorType colorType, NoteCutDirection cutDirection,
         *                    float timeToNextBasicNote, float timeToPrevBasicNote, dynamic customData)
         *             : base(time, lineIndex, noteLineLayer, startNoteLineLayer, colorType, cutDirection, timeToNextBasicNote, timeToPrevBasicNote, duration)
         * {
         *  this.customData = customData;
         * }

        public CustomNoteData(float time, int lineIndex, NoteLineLayer noteLineLayer, NoteLineLayer startNoteLineLayer, ColorType colorType, NoteCutDirection cutDirection,
                              float timeToNextBasicNote, float timeToPrevBasicNote, int flipLineIndex, float flipYSide, float duration, dynamic customData)
            : base(time, lineIndex, noteLineLayer, startNoteLineLayer, colorType, cutDirection, timeToNextBasicNote, timeToPrevBasicNote, flipLineIndex, flipYSide, duration)
            this.customData = customData;
        // Token: 0x0600125F RID: 4703 RVA: 0x000404A0 File Offset: 0x0003E6A0
        public static CustomBeatmapData GetBeatmapDataFromBeatmapSaveData(List <CustomBeatmapSaveData.NoteData> notesSaveData, List <CustomBeatmapSaveData.ObstacleData> obstaclesSaveData,
                                                                          List <CustomBeatmapSaveData.EventData> eventsSaveData, float startBPM, float shuffle, float shufflePeriod,
                                                                          List <CustomBeatmapSaveData.CustomEventData> customEventsSaveData, dynamic customData, dynamic customLevelData,
                                                                          BeatmapDataLoader beatmapDataLoader)
                // IPA's reflectionutil sucks
                object     _notesInTimeRowProcessor   = beatmapDataLoader.GetType().GetField("_notesInTimeRowProcessor", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(beatmapDataLoader);
                MethodInfo ProcessBasicNotesInTimeRow = _notesInTimeRowProcessor.GetType().GetMethod("ProcessBasicNotesInTimeRow", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                MethodInfo ProcessNotesInTimeRow      = _notesInTimeRowProcessor.GetType().GetMethod("ProcessNotesInTimeRow", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

                // remainder of this method copied from SongLoaderPlugin@12de0cf, with changes:
                // BeatmapData, NoteData, EventData, and ObstacleData replaced with their Custom counterparts
                // customData fields propagated to new objects
                List <BeatmapObjectData>[] array = new List <BeatmapObjectData> [4];
                List <BeatmapEventData>    list  = new List <BeatmapEventData>(eventsSaveData.Count);
                List <BPMChangeData>       list2 = new List <BPMChangeData>();
                list2.Add(new BPMChangeData(0f, 0f, startBPM));
                BPMChangeData bpmchangeData = list2[0];
                foreach (CustomBeatmapSaveData.EventData eventData in eventsSaveData)
                    if (eventData.type.IsBPMChangeEvent())
                        float time  = eventData.time;
                        int   value = eventData.value;
                        float bpmChangeStartTime = bpmchangeData.bpmChangeStartTime + beatmapDataLoader.GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(time - bpmchangeData.bpmChangeStartBPMTime, (float)value, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                        list2.Add(new BPMChangeData(bpmChangeStartTime, time, (float)value));
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    array[i] = new List <BeatmapObjectData>(3000);
                int   num  = 0;
                float num2 = -1f;
                List <CustomNoteData> list3 = new List <CustomNoteData>(4);
                List <CustomNoteData> list4 = new List <CustomNoteData>(4);
                int num3 = 0;
                foreach (CustomBeatmapSaveData.NoteData noteData in notesSaveData)
                    float time2 = noteData.time;
                    while (num3 < list2.Count - 1 && list2[num3 + 1].bpmChangeStartBPMTime < time2)
                    BPMChangeData    bpmchangeData2     = list2[num3];
                    float            num4               = bpmchangeData2.bpmChangeStartTime + beatmapDataLoader.GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(time2 - bpmchangeData2.bpmChangeStartBPMTime, bpmchangeData2.bpm, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                    int              lineIndex          = noteData.lineIndex;
                    NoteLineLayer    lineLayer          = noteData.lineLayer;
                    NoteLineLayer    startNoteLineLayer = NoteLineLayer.Base;
                    NoteType         type               = noteData.type;
                    NoteCutDirection cutDirection       = noteData.cutDirection;
                    if (list3.Count > 0 && list3[0].time < num4 - 0.001f && type.IsBasicNote())
                        ProcessBasicNotesInTimeRow.Invoke(_notesInTimeRowProcessor, new object[] { list3.Cast <NoteData>().ToList(), num4 });
                        num2 = list3[0].time;
                    if (list4.Count > 0 && list4[0].time < num4 - 0.001f)
                        ProcessNotesInTimeRow.Invoke(_notesInTimeRowProcessor, new object[] { list4.Cast <NoteData>().ToList() });
                    CustomNoteData noteData2 = new CustomNoteData(num++, num4, lineIndex, lineLayer, startNoteLineLayer, type, cutDirection, float.MaxValue, num4 - num2, noteData._customData ?? Tree());
                    int            lineNum   = lineIndex > 3 ? 3 : lineIndex < 0 ? 0 : lineIndex;
                    CustomNoteData item = noteData2;
                    if (noteData2.noteType.IsBasicNote())
                ProcessBasicNotesInTimeRow.Invoke(_notesInTimeRowProcessor, new object[] { list3.Cast <NoteData>().ToList(), float.MaxValue });
                ProcessNotesInTimeRow.Invoke(_notesInTimeRowProcessor, new object[] { list4.Cast <NoteData>().ToList() });
                num3 = 0;
                foreach (CustomBeatmapSaveData.ObstacleData obstacleData in obstaclesSaveData)
                    float time3 = obstacleData.time;
                    while (num3 < list2.Count - 1 && list2[num3 + 1].bpmChangeStartBPMTime < time3)
                    BPMChangeData      bpmchangeData3      = list2[num3];
                    float              time4               = bpmchangeData3.bpmChangeStartTime + beatmapDataLoader.GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(time3 - bpmchangeData3.bpmChangeStartBPMTime, bpmchangeData3.bpm, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                    int                lineIndex2          = obstacleData.lineIndex;
                    ObstacleType       type2               = obstacleData.type;
                    float              realTimeFromBPMTime = beatmapDataLoader.GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(obstacleData.duration, startBPM, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                    int                width               = obstacleData.width;
                    CustomObstacleData item2               = new CustomObstacleData(num++, time4, lineIndex2, type2, realTimeFromBPMTime, width, obstacleData._customData ?? Tree());
                    int                lineNum             = lineIndex2 > 3 ? 3 : lineIndex2 < 0 ? 0 : lineIndex2;
                foreach (CustomBeatmapSaveData.EventData eventData2 in eventsSaveData)
                    float time5 = eventData2.time;
                    while (num3 < list2.Count - 1 && list2[num3 + 1].bpmChangeStartBPMTime < time5)
                    BPMChangeData    bpmchangeData4 = list2[num3];
                    float            time6          = bpmchangeData4.bpmChangeStartTime + beatmapDataLoader.GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(time5 - bpmchangeData4.bpmChangeStartBPMTime, bpmchangeData4.bpm, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                    BeatmapEventType type3          = eventData2.type;
                    int value2 = eventData2.value;
                    CustomBeatmapEventData item3 = new CustomBeatmapEventData(time6, type3, value2, eventData2.customData ?? Tree());
                if (list.Count == 0)
                    list.Add(new CustomBeatmapEventData(0f, BeatmapEventType.Event0, 1, Tree()));
                    list.Add(new CustomBeatmapEventData(0f, BeatmapEventType.Event4, 1, Tree()));
                var customEvents = new Dictionary <string, List <CustomEventData> >(customEventsSaveData.Count);
                foreach (CustomBeatmapSaveData.CustomEventData customEventData in customEventsSaveData)
                    if (!customEvents.ContainsKey(customEventData.type))
                        customEvents[customEventData.type] = new List <CustomEventData>();
                    float time7 = customEventData.time;
                    while (num3 < list2.Count - 1 && list2[num3 + 1].bpmChangeStartBPMTime < time7)
                    BPMChangeData bpmchangeData5 = list2[num3];
                    float         time8          = bpmchangeData5.bpmChangeStartTime + beatmapDataLoader.GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(time7 - bpmchangeData5.bpmChangeStartBPMTime, bpmchangeData5.bpm, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                    customEvents[customEventData.type].Add(new CustomEventData(time8, customEventData.type, ?? Tree()));
                foreach (var pair in customEvents)
                    pair.Value.Sort((x, y) => x.time.CompareTo(y.time));
                BeatmapLineData[] array2 = new BeatmapLineData[4];
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    array[j].Sort(delegate(BeatmapObjectData x, BeatmapObjectData y)
                        if (x.time == y.time)
                        return((x.time <= y.time) ? -1 : 1);
                    array2[j] = new BeatmapLineData();
                    array2[j].beatmapObjectsData = array[j].ToArray();
                return(new CustomBeatmapData(array2, list.ToArray(), customEvents, customData, customLevelData));
            } catch (Exception e)
                Plugin.logger.Critical("Exception loading CustomBeatmap!");
                Debug.LogError("Exception loading CustomBeatmap!");
                throw e;
Beispiel #26
 private static void Prefix(NoteCutDirection cutDirection, out NoteCutDirection __state)
     __state = cutDirection;
        public static void Postfix(NoteJump __instance, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, float jumpDuration, float startTime, float gravity, float flipYSide, NoteCutDirection cutDirection, ref Quaternion ____startRotation, ref Quaternion ____middleRotation, ref Quaternion ____endRotation, ref int ____randomRotationIdx, ref Vector3[] ____randomRotations)
            if (!

            Vector3 eulerAngles = ____endRotation.eulerAngles;

            eulerAngles.y = __instance.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
            ____endRotation.eulerAngles = eulerAngles;
            Vector3 vector = ____endRotation.eulerAngles;

            ____randomRotationIdx = (____randomRotationIdx + Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Abs(startPos.x) * 10f) + 1) % ____randomRotations.Length;
            vector            += ____randomRotations[____randomRotationIdx] * 20f;
            ____middleRotation = Quaternion.Euler(vector);
            ____startRotation  = __instance.transform.rotation;
        private static bool Prefix(NoteMovement __instance, Vector3 moveStartPos, Vector3 moveEndPos, Vector3 jumpEndPos, float moveDuration, float jumpDuration, float startTime, float jumpGravity, float flipYSide, NoteCutDirection cutDirection, ref float ____zOffset, ref NoteFloorMovement ____floorMovement, ref Vector3 ____position, ref Vector3 ____prevPosition, ref NoteJump ____jump, ref Action ___didInitEvent)
            if (!

            moveStartPos += __instance.transform.forward * ____zOffset;
            moveEndPos   += __instance.transform.forward * ____zOffset;
            jumpEndPos   += __instance.transform.forward * ____zOffset;

            ____floorMovement.Init(moveStartPos, moveEndPos, moveDuration, startTime);
            ____position     = ____floorMovement.SetToStart();
            ____prevPosition = ____position;
            ____jump.Init(moveEndPos, jumpEndPos, jumpDuration, startTime + moveDuration, jumpGravity, flipYSide, cutDirection);
            ReflectionUtil.SetPrivateProperty(__instance, "movementPhase", NoteMovement.MovementPhase.MovingOnTheFloor);

Beispiel #29
        static bool Prefix(List <BeatmapSaveData.NoteData> notesSaveData, List <BeatmapSaveData.ObstacleData> obstaclesSaveData, List <BeatmapSaveData.EventData> eventsSaveData, float beatsPerMinute, float shuffle, float shufflePeriod, ref BeatmapData __result)
            List <BeatmapObjectData>[] array = new List <BeatmapObjectData> [4];
            List <BeatmapEventData>    list  = new List <BeatmapEventData>(eventsSaveData.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                array[i] = new List <BeatmapObjectData>(3000);
            int             num      = 0;
            NoteData        noteData = null;
            float           num2     = -1f;
            List <NoteData> list2    = new List <NoteData>(4);
            float           num3     = 0f;

            foreach (BeatmapSaveData.NoteData noteData2 in notesSaveData)
                float realTimeFromBPMTime = GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(noteData2.time, beatsPerMinute, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                if (num3 > realTimeFromBPMTime)
                    Debug.LogError("Notes are not ordered.");
                num3 = realTimeFromBPMTime;
                int           lineIndex          = noteData2.lineIndex;
                NoteLineLayer lineLayer          = noteData2.lineLayer;
                NoteLineLayer startNoteLineLayer = NoteLineLayer.Base;
                if (noteData != null && noteData.lineIndex == lineIndex && Mathf.Abs(noteData.time - realTimeFromBPMTime) < 0.0001f)
                    if (noteData.startNoteLineLayer == NoteLineLayer.Base)
                        startNoteLineLayer = NoteLineLayer.Upper;
                        startNoteLineLayer = NoteLineLayer.Top;
                NoteType         type         = noteData2.type;
                NoteCutDirection cutDirection = noteData2.cutDirection;
                if (list2.Count > 0 && list2[0].time < realTimeFromBPMTime - 0.001f && type.IsBasicNote())
                    ProcessBasicNotesInTimeRow(list2, realTimeFromBPMTime);
                    num2 = list2[0].time;
                NoteData noteData3 = new NoteData(num++, realTimeFromBPMTime, lineIndex, lineLayer, startNoteLineLayer, type, cutDirection, float.MaxValue, realTimeFromBPMTime - num2);
                int      number    = lineIndex;
                if (number < 0)
                    number = 0;
                if (number > 3)
                    number = 3;
                noteData = noteData3;
                if (noteData3.noteType.IsBasicNote())
            ProcessBasicNotesInTimeRow(list2, float.MaxValue);
            foreach (BeatmapSaveData.ObstacleData obstacleData in obstaclesSaveData)
                float        realTimeFromBPMTime2 = GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(obstacleData.time, beatsPerMinute, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                int          lineIndex2           = obstacleData.lineIndex;
                ObstacleType type2 = obstacleData.type;
                float        realTimeFromBPMTime3 = GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(obstacleData.duration, beatsPerMinute, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                int          width   = obstacleData.width;
                ObstacleData item    = new ObstacleData(num++, realTimeFromBPMTime2, lineIndex2, type2, realTimeFromBPMTime3, width);
                int          number2 = lineIndex2;
                if (number2 < 0)
                    number2 = 0;
                if (number2 > 3)
                    number2 = 3;
            foreach (BeatmapSaveData.EventData eventData in eventsSaveData)
                float            realTimeFromBPMTime4 = GetRealTimeFromBPMTime(eventData.time, beatsPerMinute, shuffle, shufflePeriod);
                BeatmapEventType type3 = eventData.type;
                int value = eventData.value;
                BeatmapEventData item2 = new BeatmapEventData(realTimeFromBPMTime4, type3, value);
            if (list.Count == 0)
                list.Add(new BeatmapEventData(0f, BeatmapEventType.Event0, 1));
                list.Add(new BeatmapEventData(0f, BeatmapEventType.Event4, 1));
            BeatmapLineData[] array2 = new BeatmapLineData[4];
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                array[j].Sort(delegate(BeatmapObjectData x, BeatmapObjectData y)
                    if (x.time == y.time)
                    return((x.time <= y.time) ? -1 : 1);
                array2[j] = new BeatmapLineData();
                array2[j].beatmapObjectsData = array[j].ToArray();
            __result = new BeatmapData(array2, list.ToArray());

Beispiel #30
        public void OnNoteCut(NoteData noteData, ISaberSwingRatingCounter cutRating)
            ColorType        noteColor    = noteData.colorType;
            NoteCutDirection cutDirection = noteData.cutDirection;

            bool cutDirectionIsUp = (
                cutDirection == NoteCutDirection.UpLeft ||
                cutDirection == NoteCutDirection.Up ||
                cutDirection == NoteCutDirection.UpRight);

            bool cutDirectionIsDown = (
                cutDirection == NoteCutDirection.DownLeft ||
                cutDirection == NoteCutDirection.Down ||
                cutDirection == NoteCutDirection.DownRight);

            if (noteColor == ColorType.ColorA)             // Left
                if (cutDirectionIsUp)
                    if (ShowPreSwing)
                    if (ShowPostSwing)
                else if (cutDirectionIsDown)
                    if (ShowPreSwing)
                    if (ShowPostSwing)
            else if (noteColor == ColorType.ColorB)             // Right
                if (cutDirectionIsUp)
                    if (ShowPreSwing)
                    if (ShowPostSwing)
                else if (cutDirectionIsDown)
                    if (ShowPreSwing)
                    if (ShowPostSwing)