Beispiel #1
        private void ConnectJumpWire_JNE()
            m_gJNE_Not = new NotGate();

Beispiel #2
        public void TestRun()
            var simulation = new Simulation(10);
            var andGate    = new AndGate(1, simulation);
            var notGate    = new NotGate(1, simulation);

            Wire.Connect(andGate.Output, notGate.Input);

            Assert.AreEqual(Signal.Undefined, andGate.Output.Signal);
            Assert.AreEqual(Signal.Undefined, notGate.Output.Signal);

            andGate.Input1.Signal = Signal.On;
            andGate.Input2.Signal = Signal.Off;

            simulation.SimulateNextTimeframe(); // czas 0 - nie ma żadnych zdarzeń do przetworzenia
            simulation.SimulateNextTimeframe(); // czas 1 - zmiany sygnalu przetworzone na bramce and
            simulation.SimulateNextTimeframe(); // czas 2 - zmiana sygnalu przetworzona na bramce not

            Assert.AreEqual(Signal.Off, andGate.Output.Signal);
            Assert.AreEqual(Signal.On, notGate.Output.Signal);

            andGate.Input2.Signal = Signal.On;
            simulation.SimulateNextTimeframe(); // czas 3 - nie ma żadnych zdarzeń do przetworzenia
            simulation.SimulateNextTimeframe(); // czas 4 - zmiana sygnalu przetworzona na bramce and
            simulation.SimulateNextTimeframe(); // czas 5 - zmiana sygnalu przetworzona na bramce not

            Assert.AreEqual(Signal.On, andGate.Output.Signal);
            Assert.AreEqual(Signal.Off, notGate.Output.Signal);
Beispiel #3
        private void ConnectJumpWire_JGE()
            m_gJGE_Not = new NotGate();

        public void TestOutput(int inputSignal, int expectedOutputSignal)
            var notGate = new NotGate(0, new ImmediateSimulation());

            notGate.Input.Signal = Signal.FromInt(inputSignal);
            Assert.AreEqual(Signal.FromInt(expectedOutputSignal), notGate.Output.Signal);
Beispiel #5
        private void CreateInternals()
            this.backAnd = new AndGate(this.PinA, this.PinB);
            this.backOr = new OrGate(this.PinA, this.PinB);
            this.frontAnd = new AndGate();
            this.notGate = new NotGate();

Beispiel #6
        public NotGate Build()
            var gate = new NotGate();


Beispiel #7
        private void Build()
            foreach (var line in input.Split("\r\n"))
                var parts   = line.Split("->");
                var operand = parts[0].Trim();
                var result  = parts[1].Trim();

                Wire currentWire = GetWireByName(result);

                var operandparts = operand.Split(' ');

                IValueProvider value = null;

                if (operand.Contains("AND"))
                    var obj = new AndGate();
                    obj.Input1 = GetIValueProvider(operandparts[0].Trim());
                    obj.Input2 = GetIValueProvider(operandparts[2].Trim());
                    value      = obj;
                else if (operand.Contains("OR"))
                    var obj = new OrGate();
                    obj.Input1 = GetIValueProvider(operandparts[0].Trim());
                    obj.Input2 = GetIValueProvider(operandparts[2].Trim());
                    value      = obj;
                else if (operand.Contains("RSHIFT"))
                    var obj = new RShiftGate();
                    obj.Input1      = GetIValueProvider(operandparts[0].Trim());
                    obj.ShiftAmount = ushort.Parse(operandparts[2].Trim());
                    value           = obj;
                else if (operand.Contains("LSHIFT"))
                    var obj = new LShiftGate();
                    obj.Input1      = GetIValueProvider(operandparts[0].Trim());
                    obj.ShiftAmount = ushort.Parse(operandparts[2].Trim());
                    value           = obj;
                else if (operand.Contains("NOT"))
                    var obj = new NotGate();
                    obj.Input1 = GetIValueProvider(operandparts[1].Trim());
                    value      = obj;
                else if (operandparts.Length == 1)
                    var obj = GetIValueProvider(operandparts[0].Trim());
                    value = obj;
                currentWire.Input = value;
Beispiel #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var test    = new NeuralNet(2, 1, 3, 5);
            var andGate = new AndGate();
            var notGate = new NotGate();
            var orGate  = new OrGate();

            test.TrainWithData(orGate, 10000);
Beispiel #9
        private void ConnectARegisterLoad()
            m_gALoadInstructionNot = new NotGate();

            m_gALoadOr = new OrGate();

Beispiel #10
        private void ConnectJumpWire_JGT()
            m_gJLE_Or = new OrGate();

            m_gJGT_Not = new NotGate();

Beispiel #11
        public void Test_NotGateSimulate()
            LogicComponent not_gate = new NotGate();

            // Check truth table:
            Assert.AreEqual(not_gate.Simulate(new [] { true }), new List <bool> {
            Assert.AreEqual(not_gate.Simulate(new [] { false }), new List <bool> {
Beispiel #12
        public void Result_InputIsFalse_ShouldReturnTrue()
            // Arrange
            NotGate Gate = new NotGate();

            Gate.In = new INode[] { LowStartPoint };

            // Act
            bool output = Gate.Result();

            // Assert
Beispiel #13
        public void Test_CircuitSimulate_SelfCycle()
            LogicComponent not_gate   = new NotGate();
            LogicComponent connection = new Connection();
            Circuit        circuit    = new Circuit();

            /* The circuit is just a not gate whose output is connected to its own input by a wire */
            circuit.Connect(not_gate, 0, connection, 0);
            circuit.Connect(connection, 0, not_gate, 0);

            /* The circuit's state should repeat every 4 simulate steps.
             * The expected result of each of the 4 simulate steps in order:
             * 1) The output of the not gate switches to True.
             * 2) The output of the connection switches to True.
             * 3) The output of the not gate switches back to False.
             * 4) The output of connection switches back to False.
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                // After first step, not gate should have true output:
                Assert.AreEqual(not_gate.Outputs, new List <bool>()
                // After second step, connection should have true output too:
                Assert.AreEqual(connection.Outputs, new List <bool>()
                // After third step, not gate should have false output again:
                Assert.AreEqual(not_gate.Outputs, new List <bool>()
                // After fourth step, connection should have false output again:
                Assert.AreEqual(connection.Outputs, new List <bool>()
Beispiel #14
        //  can be removed; just trying out stuff
        public void BasicComposite_NoBuilders()
            var notGate = new NotGate();


            var orGate = new OrGate();


            var andGate = new AndGate();


Beispiel #15
        public Hex_Not_Gates() : base(6, 6)
            Gate gateA  = new NotGate();
            int  indexA = AddGate(gateA);

            Gate gateB  = new NotGate();
            int  indexB = AddGate(gateB);

            Gate gateC  = new NotGate();
            int  indexC = AddGate(gateC);

            Gate gateD  = new NotGate();
            int  indexD = AddGate(gateD);

            Gate gateE  = new NotGate();
            int  indexE = AddGate(gateE);

            Gate gateF  = new NotGate();
            int  indexF = AddGate(gateF);

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexA, false));
            AddWire(gateA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, -1, true));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 0, indexB, false));
            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, -1, true));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 0, indexC, false));
            AddWire(gateC.ID, new Wire(0, 2, -1, true));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, indexD, false));
            AddWire(gateD.ID, new Wire(0, 3, -1, true));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(4, 0, indexE, false));
            AddWire(gateE.ID, new Wire(0, 4, -1, true));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 0, indexF, false));
            AddWire(gateF.ID, new Wire(0, 5, -1, true));
Beispiel #16
        public ChipInChip() : base(4, 1)
            Chip chipA  = new TestChip3();
            int  indexA = AddChip(chipA);

            Gate gateB  = new NotGate();
            int  indexB = AddGate(gateB);

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 3, indexA, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, indexA, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, indexA, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexA, true));

            AddWire(chipA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexB, false));

            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 0, -1, true));

            Output[0] = true;
        protected override void Awake()

            InConnectors.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat <SPConnector>(null, 1));
            OutConnectors.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat <SPConnector>(null, 1));

            // Set up connectors
            InConnector = Instantiate(SPInConnectorPrefab, gameObject.transform, false);
           = "InConnector";
            InConnector.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-1, 0, -1);
            InConnector.Register(this, SPConnectorType.SPInConnector, 0);

            OutConnector = Instantiate(SPOutConnectorPrefab, gameObject.transform, false);
           = "OutConnector";
            OutConnector.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(1, 0, -1);
            OutConnector.Register(this, SPConnectorType.SPOutConnector, 0);

            LogicComponent = new NotGate();
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// OE = 0,
        /// RCLK = 1,
        /// SRCLR = 2,
        /// SRCLK = 3,
        /// SER = 4
        /// </summary>
        public Shift_Register_8Bit() : base(6, 9)
            KeepDirty = true;

            // Shift Latches
            D_FlipFlop_Re S1      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexS1 = AddChip(S1);

            D_FlipFlop_Re S2      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexS2 = AddChip(S2);

            D_FlipFlop_Re S3      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexS3 = AddChip(S3);

            D_FlipFlop_Re S4      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexS4 = AddChip(S4);

            D_FlipFlop_Re S5      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexS5 = AddChip(S5);

            D_FlipFlop_Re S6      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexS6 = AddChip(S6);

            D_FlipFlop_Re S7      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexS7 = AddChip(S7);

            D_FlipFlop_Re S8      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexS8 = AddChip(S8);

            // Register Latches
            D_FlipFlop_Re R1      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexR1 = AddChip(R1);

            D_FlipFlop_Re R2      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexR2 = AddChip(R2);

            D_FlipFlop_Re R3      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexR3 = AddChip(R3);

            D_FlipFlop_Re R4      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexR4 = AddChip(R4);

            D_FlipFlop_Re R5      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexR5 = AddChip(R5);

            D_FlipFlop_Re R6      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexR6 = AddChip(R6);

            D_FlipFlop_Re R7      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexR7 = AddChip(R7);

            D_FlipFlop_Re R8      = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           indexR8 = AddChip(R8);

            // Output Enables
            ANDGate O1      = new ANDGate();
            int     indexO1 = AddGate(O1);

            ANDGate O2      = new ANDGate();
            int     indexO2 = AddGate(O2);

            ANDGate O3      = new ANDGate();
            int     indexO3 = AddGate(O3);

            ANDGate O4      = new ANDGate();
            int     indexO4 = AddGate(O4);

            ANDGate O5      = new ANDGate();
            int     indexO5 = AddGate(O5);

            ANDGate O6      = new ANDGate();
            int     indexO6 = AddGate(O6);

            ANDGate O7      = new ANDGate();
            int     indexO7 = AddGate(O7);

            ANDGate O8      = new ANDGate();
            int     indexO8 = AddGate(O8);

            // INs
            NotGate OE      = new NotGate();
            int     indexOE = AddGate(OE);

            BufferGate RCLK      = new BufferGate();
            int        indexRCLK = AddGate(RCLK);

            // SER
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(4, 1, indexS1, true));

            // SRCLR
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, indexS1, true, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, indexS2, true, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, indexS3, true, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, indexS4, true, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, indexS5, true, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, indexS6, true, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, indexS7, true, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, indexS8, true, true));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexS1, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexS2, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexS3, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexS4, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexS5, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexS6, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexS7, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexS8, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexR1, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexR2, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexR3, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexR4, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexR5, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexR6, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexR7, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 3, indexR8, true));

            // SRCLK
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, indexS1, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, indexS2, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, indexS3, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, indexS4, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, indexS5, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, indexS6, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, indexS7, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, indexS8, true));

            // RCLK
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 0, indexRCLK));
            AddWire(RCLK, new Wire(0, 0, indexR1, true));
            AddWire(RCLK, new Wire(0, 0, indexR2, true));
            AddWire(RCLK, new Wire(0, 0, indexR3, true));
            AddWire(RCLK, new Wire(0, 0, indexR4, true));
            AddWire(RCLK, new Wire(0, 0, indexR5, true));
            AddWire(RCLK, new Wire(0, 0, indexR6, true));
            AddWire(RCLK, new Wire(0, 0, indexR7, true));
            AddWire(RCLK, new Wire(0, 0, indexR8, true));

            // OE
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexOE));
            AddWire(OE, new Wire(0, 1, indexO1));
            AddWire(OE, new Wire(0, 1, indexO2));
            AddWire(OE, new Wire(0, 1, indexO3));
            AddWire(OE, new Wire(0, 1, indexO4));
            AddWire(OE, new Wire(0, 1, indexO5));
            AddWire(OE, new Wire(0, 1, indexO6));
            AddWire(OE, new Wire(0, 1, indexO7));
            AddWire(OE, new Wire(0, 1, indexO8));

            // OEs
            AddWire(O1, new Wire(0, 0, -1, true));
            AddWire(O2, new Wire(0, 1, -1, true));
            AddWire(O3, new Wire(0, 2, -1, true));
            AddWire(O4, new Wire(0, 3, -1, true));
            AddWire(O5, new Wire(0, 4, -1, true));
            AddWire(O6, new Wire(0, 5, -1, true));
            AddWire(O7, new Wire(0, 6, -1, true));
            AddWire(O8, new Wire(0, 7, -1, true));
            //AddWire(S1, new Wire(0, 0, -1, true));
            //AddWire(S2, new Wire(0, 1, -1, true));
            //AddWire(S3, new Wire(0, 2, -1, true));
            //AddWire(S4, new Wire(0, 3, -1, true));
            //AddWire(S5, new Wire(0, 4, -1, true));
            //AddWire(S6, new Wire(0, 5, -1, true));
            //AddWire(S7, new Wire(0, 6, -1, true));
            //AddWire(S8, new Wire(0, 7, -1, true));

            AddWire(S1, new Wire(0, 1, indexR1, true));
            AddWire(S1, new Wire(0, 1, indexS2, true));

            AddWire(S2, new Wire(0, 1, indexR2, true));
            AddWire(S2, new Wire(0, 1, indexS3, true));

            AddWire(S3, new Wire(0, 1, indexR3, true));
            AddWire(S3, new Wire(0, 1, indexS4, true));

            AddWire(S4, new Wire(0, 1, indexR4, true));
            AddWire(S4, new Wire(0, 1, indexS5, true));

            AddWire(S5, new Wire(0, 1, indexR5, true));
            AddWire(S5, new Wire(0, 1, indexS6, true));

            AddWire(S6, new Wire(0, 1, indexR6, true));
            AddWire(S6, new Wire(0, 1, indexS7, true));

            AddWire(S7, new Wire(0, 1, indexR7, true));
            AddWire(S7, new Wire(0, 1, indexS8, true));

            AddWire(S8, new Wire(0, 1, indexR8, true));
            AddWire(S8, new Wire(1, 8, -1, true));

            AddWire(R1, new Wire(0, 0, indexO1));
            AddWire(R2, new Wire(0, 0, indexO2));
            AddWire(R3, new Wire(0, 0, indexO3));
            AddWire(R4, new Wire(0, 0, indexO4));
            AddWire(R5, new Wire(0, 0, indexO5));
            AddWire(R6, new Wire(0, 0, indexO6));
            AddWire(R7, new Wire(0, 0, indexO7));
            AddWire(R8, new Wire(0, 0, indexO8));
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Data = 0-7,
        /// Clk = 8,
        /// OE = 9
        /// Q = 0-7
        /// </summary>
        public Octal_D_FlipFlop() : base(10, 8)
            D_FlipFlop_Re chip1  = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           index1 = AddChip(chip1);

            D_FlipFlop_Re chip2  = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           index2 = AddChip(chip2);

            D_FlipFlop_Re chip3  = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           index3 = AddChip(chip3);

            D_FlipFlop_Re chip4  = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           index4 = AddChip(chip4);

            D_FlipFlop_Re chip5  = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           index5 = AddChip(chip5);

            D_FlipFlop_Re chip6  = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           index6 = AddChip(chip6);

            D_FlipFlop_Re chip7  = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           index7 = AddChip(chip7);

            D_FlipFlop_Re chip8  = new D_FlipFlop_Re();
            int           index8 = AddChip(chip8);

            ANDGate gate1 = new ANDGate();
            int     i1    = AddGate(gate1);

            ANDGate gate2 = new ANDGate();
            int     i2    = AddGate(gate2);

            ANDGate gate3 = new ANDGate();
            int     i3    = AddGate(gate3);

            ANDGate gate4 = new ANDGate();
            int     i4    = AddGate(gate4);

            ANDGate gate5 = new ANDGate();
            int     i5    = AddGate(gate5);

            ANDGate gate6 = new ANDGate();
            int     i6    = AddGate(gate6);

            ANDGate gate7 = new ANDGate();
            int     i7    = AddGate(gate7);

            ANDGate gate8 = new ANDGate();
            int     i8    = AddGate(gate8);

            NotGate gateA  = new NotGate();
            int     indexA = AddGate(gateA);

            // OE
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(9, 0, indexA));

            // Clk
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(8, 0, index1, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(8, 0, index2, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(8, 0, index3, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(8, 0, index4, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(8, 0, index5, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(8, 0, index6, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(8, 0, index7, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(8, 0, index8, true));

            // Data
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 1, index1, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, index2, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 1, index3, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 1, index4, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(4, 1, index5, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 1, index6, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(6, 1, index7, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(7, 1, index8, true));

            // Gate A
            AddWire(gateA, new Wire(0, 1, i1));
            AddWire(gateA, new Wire(0, 1, i2));
            AddWire(gateA, new Wire(0, 1, i3));
            AddWire(gateA, new Wire(0, 1, i4));
            AddWire(gateA, new Wire(0, 1, i5));
            AddWire(gateA, new Wire(0, 1, i6));
            AddWire(gateA, new Wire(0, 1, i7));
            AddWire(gateA, new Wire(0, 1, i8));

            // D FF
            AddWire(chip1, new Wire(0, 0, i1));
            AddWire(chip2, new Wire(0, 0, i2));
            AddWire(chip3, new Wire(0, 0, i3));
            AddWire(chip4, new Wire(0, 0, i4));
            AddWire(chip5, new Wire(0, 0, i5));
            AddWire(chip6, new Wire(0, 0, i6));
            AddWire(chip7, new Wire(0, 0, i7));
            AddWire(chip8, new Wire(0, 0, i8));

            // Output
            AddWire(gate1, new Wire(0, 0, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate2, new Wire(0, 1, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate3, new Wire(0, 2, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate4, new Wire(0, 3, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate5, new Wire(0, 4, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate6, new Wire(0, 5, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate7, new Wire(0, 6, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate8, new Wire(0, 7, -1, true));
Beispiel #20
        public Octal_Bus_Gates() : base(18, 16)
            Gate gateA  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexA = AddGate(gateA);

            Gate gateB  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexB = AddGate(gateB);

            Gate gateC  = new NotGate();
            int  indexC = AddGate(gateC);

            Gate gateD  = new NotGate();
            int  indexD = AddGate(gateD);

            Gate gateE  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexE = AddGate(gateE);

            Gate gateF  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexF = AddGate(gateF);

            Gate gateG  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexG = AddGate(gateG);

            Gate gateH  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexH = AddGate(gateH);

            Gate gateI  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexI = AddGate(gateI);

            Gate gateJ  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexJ = AddGate(gateJ);

            Gate gateK  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexK = AddGate(gateK);

            Gate gateL  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexL = AddGate(gateL);

            Gate gateM  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexM = AddGate(gateM);

            Gate gateN  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexN = AddGate(gateN);

            Gate gateO  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexO = AddGate(gateO);

            Gate gateP  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexP = AddGate(gateP);

            Gate gateQ  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexQ = AddGate(gateQ);

            Gate gateR  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexR = AddGate(gateR);

            Gate gateS  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexS = AddGate(gateS);

            Gate gateT  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexT = AddGate(gateT);

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexA, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexC, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 0, indexD, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 1, indexE, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 1, indexF, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(4, 1, indexG, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 1, indexH, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(6, 1, indexI, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(7, 1, indexJ, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(8, 1, indexK, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(9, 1, indexL, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(10, 1, indexM, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(11, 1, indexN, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(12, 1, indexO, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(13, 1, indexP, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(14, 1, indexQ, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(15, 1, indexR, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(16, 1, indexS, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(17, 1, indexT, false));

            //Gate A
            AddWire(gateA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexE, false));
            AddWire(gateA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexF, false));
            AddWire(gateA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexG, false));
            AddWire(gateA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexH, false));
            AddWire(gateA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexI, false));
            AddWire(gateA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexJ, false));
            AddWire(gateA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexK, false));
            AddWire(gateA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexL, false));

            //Gate B
            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexM, false));
            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexN, false));
            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexO, false));
            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexP, false));
            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexQ, false));
            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexR, false));
            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexS, false));
            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexT, false));

            //Gate C
            AddWire(gateC.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexB, false));

            //Gate D
            AddWire(gateD.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexB, false));
            AddWire(gateD.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexA, false));

            AddWire(gateE.ID, new Wire(0, 8, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateF.ID, new Wire(0, 9, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateG.ID, new Wire(0, 10, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateH.ID, new Wire(0, 11, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateI.ID, new Wire(0, 12, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateJ.ID, new Wire(0, 13, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateK.ID, new Wire(0, 14, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateL.ID, new Wire(0, 15, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateM.ID, new Wire(0, 0, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateN.ID, new Wire(0, 1, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateO.ID, new Wire(0, 2, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateP.ID, new Wire(0, 3, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateQ.ID, new Wire(0, 4, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateR.ID, new Wire(0, 5, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateS.ID, new Wire(0, 6, -1, true));
            AddWire(gateT.ID, new Wire(0, 7, -1, true));
Beispiel #21
        public void TestNegation()
            AutoResetEvent autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            bool result = false;

            // Create elements
            var source = new LogicEmitter();
            var filter = new NotGate();
            var sink = new LogicActionInvoker(value =>
                                                             		result = value;
                                                             		autoResetEvent.Set(); // wait for processing to finish

            // Build the graph

            // Start processing

            // Test initial state

            // Emit and test
            source.EmitTrue(); autoResetEvent.WaitOne();

            // Emit and test
            source.EmitTrue(); autoResetEvent.WaitOne();

            // Emit and test
            source.EmitFalse(); autoResetEvent.WaitOne();

            // Emit and test
            source.EmitFalse(); autoResetEvent.WaitOne();

            // Emit and test
            source.EmitTrue(); autoResetEvent.WaitOne();

            // Emit and test
            source.EmitFalse(); autoResetEvent.WaitOne();

            // Emit and test
            source.EmitFalse(); autoResetEvent.WaitOne();

            // Emit and test
            source.EmitTrue(); autoResetEvent.WaitOne();
Beispiel #22
        private void ConnectControls()
            or       = new OrGate();
            muxArray = new MuxGate[9];
            NotGate not = new NotGate();

            JGT      = new AndGate();
            JGE      = new OrGate();
            JLE      = new OrGate();
            JNE      = new NotGate();
            notArray = new NotGate[2];

            for (int i = 0; i < notArray.Length; i++)
                notArray[i] = new NotGate();

            m_gJumpMux = new BitwiseMultiwayMux(1, 3);
            jump       = new WireSet(3);

            andForPCLoad = new AndGate();
            Wire PCLoad = new Wire();


            //2. connect control to mux 2 (selects A or M entrance to the ALU)

            //3. consider all instruction bits only if C type instruction (MSB of instruction is 1)
            for (int i = 0; i < muxArray.Length; i++)
                muxArray[i] = new MuxGate();
                muxArray[i].ConnectInput1(new Wire());
                muxArray[i].ConnectInput2(Instruction[i + 3]);
            //4. connect ALU control bits
            m_gALU.ZeroX.ConnectInput(muxArray[C1 - 3].Output);
            m_gALU.NotX.ConnectInput(muxArray[C2 - 3].Output);
            m_gALU.ZeroY.ConnectInput(muxArray[C3 - 3].Output);
            m_gALU.NotY.ConnectInput(muxArray[C4 - 3].Output);
            m_gALU.F.ConnectInput(muxArray[C5 - 3].Output);
            m_gALU.NotOutput.ConnectInput(muxArray[C6 - 3].Output);

            //5. connect control to register D (very simple)
            m_rD.Load.ConnectInput(muxArray[D2 - 3].Output);

            //6. connect control to register A (a bit more complicated)
            or.ConnectInput2(muxArray[D1 - 3].Output);

            //7. connect control to MemoryWrite
            MemoryWrite.ConnectInput(muxArray[D3 - 3].Output);
            //8. create inputs for jump mux

            WireSet JGTOut = new WireSet(1);
            WireSet JEQOut = new WireSet(1);
            WireSet JLTOut = new WireSet(1);
            WireSet JGEOut = new WireSet(1);
            WireSet JNEOut = new WireSet(1);
            WireSet JLEOut = new WireSet(1);


            //9. connect jump mux (this is the most complicated part)
            m_gJumpMux.ConnectInput(0, new WireSet(1));
            m_gJumpMux.ConnectInput(1, JGTOut);
            m_gJumpMux.ConnectInput(2, JEQOut);
            m_gJumpMux.ConnectInput(3, JGEOut);
            m_gJumpMux.ConnectInput(4, JLTOut);
            m_gJumpMux.ConnectInput(5, JNEOut);
            m_gJumpMux.ConnectInput(6, JLEOut);
            m_gJumpMux.Inputs[7].Value = 1;
            //10. connect PC load control
Beispiel #23
 private void CreateInternals()
     this.andGate = new AndGate(this.PinA, this.PinB);
     this.notGate = new NotGate();
Beispiel #24
        public Decoder_3_To_8() : base(4, 8)
            Gate notA      = new NotGate();
            int  indexNotA = AddGate(notA);

            Gate notB      = new NotGate();
            int  indexNotB = AddGate(notB);

            Gate notC      = new NotGate();
            int  indexNotC = AddGate(notC);

            Gate gate0  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index0 = AddGate(gate0);

            Gate gate1  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index1 = AddGate(gate1);

            Gate gate2  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index2 = AddGate(gate2);

            Gate gate3  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index3 = AddGate(gate3);

            Gate gate4  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index4 = AddGate(gate4);

            Gate gate5  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index5 = AddGate(gate5);

            Gate gate6  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index6 = AddGate(gate6);

            Gate gate7  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index7 = AddGate(gate7);

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexNotA));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 0, indexNotB));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 0, indexNotC));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, index1));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, index3));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, index5));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, index7));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, index2));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, index3));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, index6));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, index7));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, index4));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, index5));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, index6));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, index7));

            // Enable
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 3, index0));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 3, index1));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 3, index2));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 3, index3));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 3, index4));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 3, index5));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 3, index6));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 3, index7));

            AddWire(notA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, index0));
            AddWire(notA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, index2));
            AddWire(notA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, index4));
            AddWire(notA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, index6));

            AddWire(notB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, index0));
            AddWire(notB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, index1));
            AddWire(notB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, index4));
            AddWire(notB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, index5));

            AddWire(notC.ID, new Wire(0, 2, index0));
            AddWire(notC.ID, new Wire(0, 2, index1));
            AddWire(notC.ID, new Wire(0, 2, index2));
            AddWire(notC.ID, new Wire(0, 2, index3));

            AddWire(gate0.ID, new Wire(0, 0, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate1.ID, new Wire(0, 1, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate2.ID, new Wire(0, 2, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate3.ID, new Wire(0, 3, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate4.ID, new Wire(0, 4, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate5.ID, new Wire(0, 5, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate6.ID, new Wire(0, 6, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate7.ID, new Wire(0, 7, -1, true));
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts SaveThisObject into serializable data structures
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The SaveThisObject to convert</param>
        /// <returns>A serializable Datum containing the data in the SaveThisObject</returns>
        public static Datum Convert(SaveThisObject obj)
            bool panel = obj.ObjectType.StartsWith("Panel") ||
                         obj.ObjectType == "Through Blotter";
            Datum result = null;

            switch (obj.ObjectType)
            case "CircuitBoard":
                List <Datum> children = new List <Datum>(obj.transform.childCount);
                CircuitBoard comp     = obj.GetComponent <CircuitBoard>();
                foreach (Transform child in obj.transform)
                    SaveThisObject save = child.GetComponent <SaveThisObject>();
                    if (save != null)
                Renderer renderer = obj.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                result = new BoardDatum
                    width    = comp.x, height = comp.z,
                    children = children.ToArray(),
                    color    = renderer.material.color

            case "Wire":
                result = new WireDatum
                    isInputInput = obj.GetComponent <InputInputConnection>() != null,
                    localScale   = obj.transform.localScale

            case "Inverter":
                NotGate gate = obj.GetComponent <NotGate>();
                result = new InverterDatum
                    inputOn  = gate.Input.On,
                    outputOn = gate.Output.On

            case "Peg":
                result = new PegDatum
                    isOn = obj.GetComponent <CircuitInput>().On

            case "Delayer":
                Delayer delayer = obj.GetComponent <Delayer>();
                result = new DelayerDatum
                    inputOn    = delayer.Input.On,
                    outputOn   = delayer.Output.On,
                    delayCount = delayer.DelayCount

            case "Through Peg":
                CircuitInput[] inputs = obj.GetComponentsInChildren <CircuitInput>();
                result = new ThroughPegDatum
                    isOn = inputs[0].On

            case "Switch":
            case "Panel Switch":
                result = new SwitchDatum
                    panel = panel,
                    isOn  = obj.GetComponent <Switch>().On

            case "Button":
            case "Panel Button":
                Button button = obj.GetComponent <Button>();
                result = new ButtonDatum
                    panel    = panel,
                    isOn     = button.output.On,
                    downTime = button.ButtonDownTime

            case "Display":
            case "Panel Display":
                result = new DisplayDatum
                    panel = panel,
                    isOn  = obj.GetComponent <global::Display>().Input.On

            case "Label":
            case "Panel Label":
                Label label = obj.GetComponent <Label>();
                result = new LabelDatum
                    panel    = panel,
                    text     = label.text.text,
                    fontSize = label.text.fontSize

            case "Blotter":
            case "Through Blotter":
                Blotter blotter = obj.GetComponent <Blotter>();
                result = new BlotterDatum
                    through  = panel,
                    inputOn  = blotter.Input.On,
                    outputON = blotter.Output.On
            result.localPosition = obj.transform.localPosition;
            result.localAngles   = obj.transform.localEulerAngles;
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// J = 0,
        /// K = 1,
        /// CLK = 2,
        /// CLR = 3
        /// Q = 0,
        /// Q' = 1
        /// </summary>
        public JK_FlipFlop_Clr() : base(4, 2)
            ScrubOutput = true;

            Gate Not      = new NotGate();
            int  indexNot = AddGate(Not);

            Gate GateA  = new ANDGate(3);
            int  indexA = AddGate(GateA);

            Gate GateB  = new ANDGate(3);
            int  indexB = AddGate(GateB);

            Gate GateC  = new NORGate();
            int  indexC = AddGate(GateC);

            Gate GateD  = new NORGate(3);
            int  indexD = AddGate(GateD);

            Gate GateE  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexE = AddGate(GateE);

            Gate GateF  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexF = AddGate(GateF);

            Gate GateG  = new NORGate();
            int  indexG = AddGate(GateG);

            Gate GateH  = new NORGate();
            int  indexH = AddGate(GateH);

            // Not
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 0, indexNot));
            AddWire(Not.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexE));
            AddWire(Not.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexF));

            // J
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexA));

            // K
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, indexB));

            // CLK
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, indexA));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 0, indexB));

            // Clr
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 2, indexD));

            // A
            AddWire(GateA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexC));

            // B
            AddWire(GateB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexD));

            // C
            AddWire(GateC.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexD));
            AddWire(GateC.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexE));

            // D
            AddWire(GateD.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexC));
            AddWire(GateD.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexF));

            // E
            AddWire(GateE.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexG));

            // F
            AddWire(GateF.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexH));

            // G
            AddWire(GateG.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexH));
            AddWire(GateG.ID, new Wire(0, 2, indexB));
            AddWire(GateG.ID, new Wire(0, 0, -1, true));

            // H
            AddWire(GateH.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexG));
            AddWire(GateH.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexA));
            AddWire(GateH.ID, new Wire(0, 1, -1, true));
Beispiel #27
        public Bcd_To_Seg() : base(4, 7)
            // Column 1
            Gate gateA  = new NotGate();
            int  indexA = AddGate(gateA);

            Gate gateB  = new NotGate();
            int  indexB = AddGate(gateB);

            Gate gateC  = new NotGate();
            int  indexC = AddGate(gateC);

            // Column 2
            Gate gateD  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexD = AddGate(gateD);

            Gate gateE  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexE = AddGate(gateE);

            Gate gateF  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexF = AddGate(gateF);

            Gate gateG  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexG = AddGate(gateG);

            Gate gateH  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexH = AddGate(gateH);

            Gate gateI  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexI = AddGate(gateI);

            Gate gateJ  = new ANDGate(3);
            int  indexJ = AddGate(gateJ);

            Gate gateK  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexK = AddGate(gateK);

            Gate gateL  = new ANDGate();
            int  indexL = AddGate(gateL);

            // Column 3
            Gate gateM  = new ORGate(4);
            int  indexM = AddGate(gateM);

            Gate gateN  = new ORGate(4);
            int  indexN = AddGate(gateN);

            Gate gateO  = new ORGate(4);
            int  indexO = AddGate(gateO);

            Gate gateP  = new ORGate(5);
            int  indexP = AddGate(gateP);

            Gate gateQ  = new ORGate();
            int  indexQ = AddGate(gateQ);

            Gate gateR  = new ORGate(4);
            int  indexR = AddGate(gateR);

            Gate gateS  = new ORGate(4);
            int  indexS = AddGate(gateS);

            //Input A
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexM, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexN, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexO, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexP, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexR, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexS, false));

            //Input B
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 0, indexA, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 0, indexE, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 0, indexF, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 0, indexJ, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 0, indexL, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, indexO, false));

            //Input C
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 0, indexB, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 0, indexG, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 0, indexI, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 1, indexK, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 3, indexM, false));

            //Input D
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, indexC, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 1, indexE, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 1, indexG, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 2, indexJ, false));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 2, indexO, false));

            //Gate A
            AddWire(gateA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexD, false));
            AddWire(gateA.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexN, false));
            AddWire(gateA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexK, false));

            //Gate B
            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexH, false));
            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexJ, false));
            AddWire(gateB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexL, false));

            //Gate C
            AddWire(gateC.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexD, false));
            AddWire(gateC.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexF, false));
            AddWire(gateC.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexH, false));
            AddWire(gateC.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexI, false));

            //Gate D
            AddWire(gateD.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexM, false));
            AddWire(gateD.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexP, false));
            AddWire(gateD.ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexQ, false));

            //Gate E
            AddWire(gateE.ID, new Wire(0, 2, indexM, false));

            //Gate F
            AddWire(gateF.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexR, false));

            //Gate G
            AddWire(gateG.ID, new Wire(0, 2, indexN, false));

            //Gate H
            AddWire(gateH.ID, new Wire(0, 3, indexN, false));
            AddWire(gateH.ID, new Wire(0, 3, indexO, false));
            AddWire(gateH.ID, new Wire(0, 2, indexR, false));

            //Gate I
            AddWire(gateI.ID, new Wire(0, 2, indexP, false));
            AddWire(gateI.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexQ, false));
            AddWire(gateI.ID, new Wire(0, 1, indexS, false));

            //Gate J
            AddWire(gateJ.ID, new Wire(0, 3, indexP, false));

            //Gate K
            AddWire(gateK.ID, new Wire(0, 4, indexP, false));
            AddWire(gateK.ID, new Wire(0, 2, indexS, false));

            //Gate L
            AddWire(gateL.ID, new Wire(0, 3, indexR, false));
            AddWire(gateL.ID, new Wire(0, 3, indexS, false));

            //Gate M
            AddWire(gateM.ID, new Wire(0, 0, -1, true));

            //Gate N
            AddWire(gateN.ID, new Wire(0, 1, -1, true));

            //Gate O
            AddWire(gateO.ID, new Wire(0, 2, -1, true));

            //Gate P
            AddWire(gateP.ID, new Wire(0, 3, -1, true));

            //Gate Q
            AddWire(gateQ.ID, new Wire(0, 4, -1, true));

            //Gate R
            AddWire(gateR.ID, new Wire(0, 5, -1, true));

            //Gate S
            AddWire(gateS.ID, new Wire(0, 6, -1, true));
        //private Wire wi1, wi2;

        //here we initialize and connect all the components, as in Figure 5.9 in the book
        public CPU16()
            wi1      = new Wire();
            wi2      = new Wire();
            and_D    = new AndGate();
            and_MW   = new AndGate();
            and_JM0  = new AndGate();
            and_JM1  = new AndGate();
            and_JM2  = new AndGate();
            and_JMP  = new AndGate();
            not_Zero = new NotGate();
            not_Neg  = new NotGate();
            not_A    = new NotGate();
            J_0      = new Wire();
            JGT      = new Wire();
            JEQ      = new Wire();
            JGE      = new Wire();
            JLT      = new Wire();
            JNE      = new Wire();
            JLE      = new Wire();
            J_1      = new Wire();
            JMP      = new WireSet(3);
            or_A     = new OrGate();
            or_JMP   = new OrGate();

            Size = 16;

            Instruction        = new WireSet(Size);
            MemoryInput        = new WireSet(Size);
            MemoryOutput       = new WireSet(Size);
            MemoryAddress      = new WireSet(Size);
            InstructionAddress = new WireSet(Size);
            MemoryWrite        = new Wire();
            Reset = new Wire();

            m_gALU = new ALU(Size);
            m_rPC  = new Counter(Size);
            m_rA   = new MultiBitRegister(Size);
            m_rD   = new MultiBitRegister(Size);

            m_gAMux  = new BitwiseMux(Size);
            m_gMAMux = new BitwiseMux(Size);








            //now, we call the code that creates the control unit
Beispiel #29
        public Dual_Decode_2_To_4() : base(6, 8)
            // 2 to 4 Decoder ----------------------------------

            NotGate notA   = new NotGate();
            int     indexA = AddGate(notA);

            NotGate notB   = new NotGate();
            int     indexB = AddGate(notB);

            ANDGate gate0  = new ANDGate(3);
            int     index0 = AddGate(gate0);

            ANDGate gate1  = new ANDGate(3);
            int     index1 = AddGate(gate1);

            ANDGate gate2  = new ANDGate(3);
            int     index2 = AddGate(gate2);

            ANDGate gate3  = new ANDGate(3);
            int     index3 = AddGate(gate3);

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexA));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 0, indexB));

            // 0
            AddWire(notA, new Wire(0, 0, index0));
            AddWire(notB, new Wire(0, 1, index0));
            AddWire(gate0, new Wire(0, 0, -1, true, true));

            // 1
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, index1));
            AddWire(notB, new Wire(0, 1, index1));
            AddWire(gate1, new Wire(0, 1, -1, true, true));

            // 2
            AddWire(notA, new Wire(0, 0, index2));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, index2));
            AddWire(gate2, new Wire(0, 2, -1, true, true));

            // 3
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, index3));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, index3));
            AddWire(gate3, new Wire(0, 3, -1, true, true));

            // Enable
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, index0, false, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, index1, false, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, index2, false, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, index3, false, true));

            // 2 to 4 Decoder ----------------------------------

            NotGate notC   = new NotGate();
            int     indexC = AddGate(notC);

            NotGate notD   = new NotGate();
            int     indexD = AddGate(notD);

            ANDGate gate4  = new ANDGate(3);
            int     index4 = AddGate(gate4);

            ANDGate gate5  = new ANDGate(3);
            int     index5 = AddGate(gate5);

            ANDGate gate6  = new ANDGate(3);
            int     index6 = AddGate(gate6);

            ANDGate gate7  = new ANDGate(3);
            int     index7 = AddGate(gate7);

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, indexC));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(4, 0, indexD));

            // 0
            AddWire(notC, new Wire(0, 0, index4));
            AddWire(notD, new Wire(0, 1, index4));
            AddWire(gate4, new Wire(0, 4, -1, true, true));

            // 1
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, index5));
            AddWire(notD, new Wire(0, 1, index5));
            AddWire(gate5, new Wire(0, 5, -1, true, true));

            // 2
            AddWire(notC, new Wire(0, 0, index6));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(4, 1, index6));
            AddWire(gate6, new Wire(0, 6, -1, true, true));

            // 3
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, index7));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(4, 1, index7));
            AddWire(gate7, new Wire(0, 7, -1, true, true));

            // Enable
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 2, index4, false, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 2, index5, false, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 2, index6, false, true));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(5, 2, index7, false, true));
Beispiel #30
        public Bcd_To_Dec() : base(4, 10)
            Gate notA      = new NotGate();
            int  indexNotA = AddGate(notA);

            Gate notB      = new NotGate();
            int  indexNotB = AddGate(notB);

            Gate notC      = new NotGate();
            int  indexNotC = AddGate(notC);

            Gate notD      = new NotGate();
            int  indexNotD = AddGate(notD);

            Gate gate0  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index0 = AddGate(gate0);

            Gate gate1  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index1 = AddGate(gate1);

            Gate gate2  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index2 = AddGate(gate2);

            Gate gate3  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index3 = AddGate(gate3);

            Gate gate4  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index4 = AddGate(gate4);

            Gate gate5  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index5 = AddGate(gate5);

            Gate gate6  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index6 = AddGate(gate6);

            Gate gate7  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index7 = AddGate(gate7);

            Gate gate8  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index8 = AddGate(gate8);

            Gate gate9  = new ANDGate(4);
            int  index9 = AddGate(gate9);

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, indexNotA));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 0, indexNotB));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 0, indexNotC));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 0, indexNotD));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, index1));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, index3));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, index5));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, index7));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(0, 0, index9));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, index2));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, index3));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, index6));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(1, 1, index7));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, index4));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, index5));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, index6));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(2, 2, index7));

            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 3, index8));
            AddWire(ID, new Wire(3, 3, index9));

            AddWire(notA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, index0));
            AddWire(notA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, index2));
            AddWire(notA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, index4));
            AddWire(notA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, index6));
            AddWire(notA.ID, new Wire(0, 0, index8));

            AddWire(notB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, index0));
            AddWire(notB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, index1));
            AddWire(notB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, index4));
            AddWire(notB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, index5));
            AddWire(notB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, index8));
            AddWire(notB.ID, new Wire(0, 1, index9));

            AddWire(notC.ID, new Wire(0, 2, index0));
            AddWire(notC.ID, new Wire(0, 2, index1));
            AddWire(notC.ID, new Wire(0, 2, index2));
            AddWire(notC.ID, new Wire(0, 2, index3));
            AddWire(notC.ID, new Wire(0, 2, index8));
            AddWire(notC.ID, new Wire(0, 2, index9));

            AddWire(notD.ID, new Wire(0, 3, index0));
            AddWire(notD.ID, new Wire(0, 3, index1));
            AddWire(notD.ID, new Wire(0, 3, index2));
            AddWire(notD.ID, new Wire(0, 3, index3));
            AddWire(notD.ID, new Wire(0, 3, index4));
            AddWire(notD.ID, new Wire(0, 3, index5));
            AddWire(notD.ID, new Wire(0, 3, index6));
            AddWire(notD.ID, new Wire(0, 3, index7));

            AddWire(gate0.ID, new Wire(0, 0, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate1.ID, new Wire(0, 1, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate2.ID, new Wire(0, 2, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate3.ID, new Wire(0, 3, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate4.ID, new Wire(0, 4, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate5.ID, new Wire(0, 5, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate6.ID, new Wire(0, 6, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate7.ID, new Wire(0, 7, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate8.ID, new Wire(0, 8, -1, true));
            AddWire(gate9.ID, new Wire(0, 9, -1, true));
Beispiel #31
    private LightComponent duplicateAt(Type type, Vector2Int position, int rotation, bool flipped)
        //makes a duplicate of the component passed in

        LightComponent result = null;

        if (type == typeof(AndGate))
            result = new AndGate(position, rotation, flipped);
        else if (type == typeof(OrGate))
            result = new OrGate(position, rotation, flipped);
        else if (type == typeof(NotGate))
            result = new NotGate(position, rotation, flipped);
        else if (type == typeof(BufferGate))
            result = new BufferGate(position, rotation, flipped);
        else if (type == typeof(NandGate))
            result = new NandGate(position, rotation, flipped);
        else if (type == typeof(XorGate))
            result = new XorGate(position, rotation, flipped);
        else if (type == typeof(XnorGate))
            result = new XnorGate(position, rotation, flipped);
        else if (type == typeof(NorGate))
            result = new NorGate(position, rotation, flipped);
        else if (type == typeof(Splitter))
            result = new Splitter(position, rotation, flipped);
        else if (type == typeof(Reflector))
            result = new Reflector(position, rotation, flipped);
        else if (type == typeof(GraphOutput))
            result = new GraphOutput(position, rotation, flipped, new ExtensionNode("Blank", ExtensionNode.ExtensionState.SEND));
        else if (type == typeof(GraphInput))
            result = new GraphInput(position, rotation, flipped, new ExtensionNode("Blank", ExtensionNode.ExtensionState.RECEIVE));
            throw new System.Exception(type + " was not found when selecting the from the logic graph editor");

Beispiel #32
        private void ConnectControls()
            //1. connect control of mux 1 (selects entrance to register A)

            m_gAMux.ConnectControl(Instruction[Type]); // opcode

            //2. connect control to mux 2 (selects A or M entrance to the ALU)

            m_gMAMux.ConnectControl(Instruction[A]);  //  a/m

            //3. consider all instruction bits only if C type instruction (MSB of instruction is 1)

            //4. connect ALU control bits


            //5. connect control to register D (very simple)
            and = new AndGate();

            //6. connect control to register A (a bit more complicated)
            orOfA = new OrGate(); // shortcut for what we did in lesson "instead using and & not gates"

            // to implement as in lecture
            andOfA = new AndGate();
            notOfA = new NotGate();
            //7. connect control to MemoryWritea
            andOfMemoryWrite = new AndGate();

            //8. create inputs for jump mux
            Wire on = new Wire();

            on.Value = 1;
            Wire off = new Wire();

            off.Value = 0;

            m_gJumpMux = new BitwiseMultiwayMux(1, 3);  // so i'm gonna use it as jump box in lesson
            jumpOr1    = new OrGate();
            jumpNot1 = new NotGate();
            jumpNot2 = new NotGate();
            jumpNot3 = new NotGate();
            jumpOr2 = new OrGate();

            Wire input1 = off; // we did somthing like this in practical session
            Wire input2 = jumpNot1.Output;
            Wire input3 = m_gALU.Zero;
            Wire input4 = jumpNot2.Output;
            Wire input5 = m_gALU.Negative;
            Wire input6 = jumpNot3.Output;
            Wire input7 = jumpOr2.Output;
            Wire input8 = on;

            //9. connect jump mux (this is the most complicated part


            //10. connect PC load control
            andOfpc = new AndGate();
