public void Reinitialize()
        fScore = 0;
        gScore = 0;

        opened = false;
        open   = true;

        parent = null;
 private void CalculateScores(Node_SCR homeNode, int targetX, int targetY)
     for (var i = 0; i < grid.openNodes.Count - 1; i++)
         //F = G + H
         int g = (int)Vector2.Distance(, grid.openNodes[i];
         int h = (int)(Mathf.Abs(grid.openNodes[i].gridLocX - targetX) + Mathf.Abs(grid.openNodes[i].gridLocY - targetY));
         grid.openNodes[i].gScore = g;
         grid.openNodes[i].fScore = g + h;
    // Generates new nodes
    public void GenerateNodes()
        allNodes = new Node_SCR[gridResolution + 1, gridResolution + 1];

        float gridSpace = this.transform.localScale.x / (gridResolution + 1);

        // Create nodes
        for (var x = 0; x < gridResolution + 1; x++)
            for (var y = 0; y < gridResolution + 1; y++)
                float rectLeft  = (this.transform.position.x + (this.transform.localScale.x / 2)) - ((x + 1) * (gridSpace));
                float rectRight = (this.transform.position.y + (this.transform.localScale.y / 2)) - ((y + 1) * (gridSpace));
                allNodes[x, y] = new Node_SCR(true, new Rect(rectLeft, rectRight, gridSpace, gridSpace), x, y);

        // Mark the not walkable ones
        for (var x = 0; x <= gridResolution; x++)
            for (var y = 0; y <= gridResolution; y++)
                Rect nodeRect = allNodes[x, y].rectangle;
                if (Physics2D.Linecast(, new Vector3(nodeRect.x, nodeRect.y, 0), 1 << 11))
                    allNodes[x, y].walkable = false;
                    allNodes[x, y].visColor =;
                if (Physics2D.Linecast(, new Vector3(nodeRect.xMax, nodeRect.yMax, 0), 1 << 11))
                    allNodes[x, y].walkable = false;
                    allNodes[x, y].visColor =;
                if (Physics2D.Linecast(, new Vector3(nodeRect.x, nodeRect.yMax, 0), 1 << 11))
                    allNodes[x, y].walkable = false;
                    allNodes[x, y].visColor =;
                if (Physics2D.Linecast(, new Vector3(nodeRect.xMax, nodeRect.y, 0), 1 << 11))
                    allNodes[x, y].walkable = false;
                    allNodes[x, y].visColor =;

        Debug.Log("Nodes Generated");
 private void CheckNode(Node_SCR homeNode, Node_SCR nodeChecking, Vector2 targetLoc)
     if (nodeChecking.walkable &&
         if (!nodeChecking.opened)
             grid.openNodes[grid.openNodes.Count - 1].parent = grid.allNodes[homeNode.gridLocX, homeNode.gridLocY];
             grid.openNodes[grid.openNodes.Count - 1].opened = true;
         else if (nodeChecking.gScore < (int)Vector2.Distance(,
             homeNode = grid.allNodes[homeNode.gridLocX + 1, homeNode.gridLocY + 1];
             CalculateScores(homeNode, (int)targetLoc.x, (int)targetLoc.y);
    // Returns a list of steps to get to the target.
    public List <Node_SCR> GetPath(Vector3 target, Vector3 start)
        generatingPath = true;

        if (grid.allNodes.Length == 0)
            Debug.Log("Please generate nodes... fool");

        List <Node_SCR> path = new List <Node_SCR>();

        // Clean up anything that we did in the past

        // Find the start and target nodes
        int startNodeX  = 0;
        int startNodeY  = 0;
        int targetNodeX = 0;
        int targetNodeY = 0;

        for (var x = 0; x <= grid.gridResolution; x++)
            for (var y = 0; y <= grid.gridResolution; y++)
                // Start node
                if (grid.allNodes[x, y].rectangle.Contains(start))
                    grid.allNodes[x, y].visColor =;
                    startNodeX = x;
                    startNodeY = y;
                // Target node
                if (grid.allNodes[x, y].rectangle.Contains(target))
                    grid.allNodes[x, y].visColor =;
                    targetNodeX = x;
                    targetNodeY = y;

        Node_SCR homeNode = grid.allNodes[startNodeX, startNodeY];

        grid.allNodes[startNodeX, startNodeY].open   = false;
        grid.allNodes[startNodeX, startNodeY].opened = true;
        bool foundTarget = false;

        while (!foundTarget)
            // --- Get open nodes around home adding them to the open list

            // North (maybe north, idk the actual orientation of the grid)
            CheckNode(homeNode, grid.allNodes[homeNode.gridLocX, homeNode.gridLocY + 1], new Vector2(targetNodeX, targetNodeY));

            // North East
            CheckNode(homeNode, grid.allNodes[homeNode.gridLocX + 1, homeNode.gridLocY - 1], new Vector2(targetNodeX, targetNodeY));

            // East
            CheckNode(homeNode, grid.allNodes[homeNode.gridLocX - 1, homeNode.gridLocY], new Vector2(targetNodeX, targetNodeY));

            // South East
            CheckNode(homeNode, grid.allNodes[homeNode.gridLocX - 1, homeNode.gridLocY - 1], new Vector2(targetNodeX, targetNodeY));

            // South
            CheckNode(homeNode, grid.allNodes[homeNode.gridLocX, homeNode.gridLocY - 1], new Vector2(targetNodeX, targetNodeY));

            // South West
            CheckNode(homeNode, grid.allNodes[homeNode.gridLocX - 1, homeNode.gridLocY + 1], new Vector2(targetNodeX, targetNodeY));

            // West
            CheckNode(homeNode, grid.allNodes[homeNode.gridLocX + 1, homeNode.gridLocY], new Vector2(targetNodeX, targetNodeY));

            // North West
            CheckNode(homeNode, grid.allNodes[homeNode.gridLocX + 1, homeNode.gridLocY + 1], new Vector2(targetNodeX, targetNodeY));

            // --- Calculate fScore of everything on the open list
            for (var i = 0; i < grid.openNodes.Count - 1; i++)
                //F = G + H
                int g = (int)Vector2.Distance(, grid.openNodes[i];
                int h = (int)(Mathf.Abs(grid.openNodes[i].gridLocX - targetNodeX) + Mathf.Abs(grid.openNodes[i].gridLocY - targetNodeY)) * 5;
                grid.openNodes[i].gScore = g;
                grid.openNodes[i].fScore = g + h;

            // Find the lowest fScore in the open list
            float lowest = 10000f;
            int   index  = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < grid.openNodes.Count - 1; i++)
                if (grid.openNodes[i].fScore < lowest)
                    lowest = grid.openNodes[i].fScore;
                    index  = i;

            // When we've run out of options
            if (grid.openNodes.Count == 0)
                Debug.Log("Path not possible");

            // Close the Node with the lowest fScore and set it as home for the next round
            grid.allNodes[grid.openNodes[index].gridLocX, grid.openNodes[index].gridLocY].open     = false;
            grid.allNodes[grid.openNodes[index].gridLocX, grid.openNodes[index].gridLocY].visColor =;
            homeNode = grid.allNodes[grid.openNodes[index].gridLocX, grid.openNodes[index].gridLocY];

            // Kickout when found location
            if (homeNode.gridLocX == targetNodeX && homeNode.gridLocY == targetNodeY)
                foundTarget = true;

        // Create the final path
        bool     pathing  = true;
        Node_SCR nextNode = homeNode;

        while (pathing)

            if (nextNode.parent == null)
                pathing = false;
                nextNode = nextNode.parent;

        generatingPath = false;