Beispiel #1
            public override bool VisitNodeCommand(Command.NodeCommand command)
                // for label store updates
                NodeRecord before = command.Before;
                NodeRecord after  = command.After;

                NodeLabels labelFieldBefore = parseLabelsField(before);
                NodeLabels labelFieldAfter  = parseLabelsField(after);

                if (!(labelFieldBefore.Inlined && labelFieldAfter.Inlined && before.LabelField == after.LabelField))
                    long[] labelsBefore = labelFieldBefore.IfLoaded;
                    long[] labelsAfter  = labelFieldAfter.IfLoaded;
                    if (labelsBefore != null && labelsAfter != null)
                        if (outerInstance.labelUpdates == null)
                            outerInstance.labelUpdates = new List <NodeLabelUpdate>();
                        outerInstance.labelUpdates.Add(NodeLabelUpdate.labelChanges(command.Key, labelsBefore, labelsAfter, outerInstance.txId));

                // for indexes
        public List <string> ValidationErrors()
            var validationErrors = new List <string>();

            if (!NodeLabels.Any())
                validationErrors.Add("At least one NodeLabel must be provided.");

Beispiel #3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldInlineOneLabelWithHighId()
        public virtual void ShouldInlineOneLabelWithHighId()
            // GIVEN
            long       labelId    = 10000;
            NodeRecord node       = NodeRecordWithInlinedLabels();
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
            nodeLabels.Add(labelId, null, null);

            // THEN
            assertEquals(InlinedLabelsLongRepresentation(labelId), node.LabelField);
        public List <string> ValidationErrors()
            var validationErrors = new List <string>();

            if (!NodeLabels.Any())
                validationErrors.Add("At least one NodeLabel must be provided.");

            //todo: needs to validate id property name and value too

Beispiel #5
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldInlineTwoSmallLabels()
        public virtual void ShouldInlineTwoSmallLabels()
            // GIVEN
            long       labelId1   = 10;
            long       labelId2   = 30;
            NodeRecord node       = NodeRecordWithInlinedLabels(labelId1);
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
            nodeLabels.Add(labelId2, null, null);

            // THEN
            assertEquals(InlinedLabelsLongRepresentation(labelId1, labelId2), node.LabelField);
Beispiel #6
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void maximumOfSevenInlinedLabels()
        public virtual void MaximumOfSevenInlinedLabels()
            // GIVEN
            long[]     labels     = new long[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
            NodeRecord node       = NodeRecordWithInlinedLabels(labels);
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
            IEnumerable <DynamicRecord> changedDynamicRecords = nodeLabels.Add(23, _nodeStore, _nodeStore.DynamicLabelStore);

            // THEN
            assertEquals(DynamicLabelsLongRepresentation(changedDynamicRecords), node.LabelField);
            assertEquals(1, Iterables.count(changedDynamicRecords));
Beispiel #7
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void oneDynamicRecordShouldShrinkIntoInlinedWhenRemoving()
        public virtual void OneDynamicRecordShouldShrinkIntoInlinedWhenRemoving()
            // GIVEN
            NodeRecord node = nodeRecordWithDynamicLabels(_nodeStore, OneByteLongs(5));
            ICollection <DynamicRecord> initialRecords = node.DynamicLabelRecords;
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
            ICollection <DynamicRecord> changedDynamicRecords = Iterables.asCollection(nodeLabels.Remove(255, _nodeStore));

            // THEN
            assertEquals(initialRecords, changedDynamicRecords);
            assertEquals(InlinedLabelsLongRepresentation(251, 252, 253, 254), node.LabelField);
Beispiel #8
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldReallocateAllOfPreviousDynamicRecordsAndThenSome()
        public virtual void ShouldReallocateAllOfPreviousDynamicRecordsAndThenSome()
            // GIVEN
            NodeRecord           node           = nodeRecordWithDynamicLabels(_nodeStore, FourByteLongs(100));
            ISet <DynamicRecord> initialRecords = Iterables.asSet(Cloned(node.DynamicLabelRecords, typeof(DynamicRecord)));
            NodeLabels           nodeLabels     = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
            ISet <DynamicRecord> reallocatedRecords = Iterables.asUniqueSet(nodeLabels.Put(FourByteLongs(5), _nodeStore, _nodeStore.DynamicLabelStore));

            // THEN
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no .NET equivalent to the java.util.Collection 'containsAll' method:
            assertTrue("initial:" + initialRecords + ", reallocated:" + reallocatedRecords, initialRecords.containsAll(Used(reallocatedRecords)));
            assertTrue(Used(reallocatedRecords).Count < initialRecords.Count);
Beispiel #9
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldSerializeInlineLabels() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldSerializeInlineLabels()
            // Given
            NodeRecord before = new NodeRecord(12, false, 1, 2);

            before.InUse = true;
            NodeRecord after = new NodeRecord(12, false, 2, 1);

            after.InUse = true;
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = parseLabelsField(after);

            nodeLabels.Add(1337, _nodeStore, _nodeStore.DynamicLabelStore);
            // When
            AssertSerializationWorksFor(new Command.NodeCommand(before, after));
Beispiel #10
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldReallocateSomeOfPreviousDynamicRecords()
        public virtual void ShouldReallocateSomeOfPreviousDynamicRecords()
            // GIVEN
            NodeRecord           node           = nodeRecordWithDynamicLabels(_nodeStore, OneByteLongs(5));
            ISet <DynamicRecord> initialRecords = Iterables.asUniqueSet(node.DynamicLabelRecords);
            NodeLabels           nodeLabels     = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
            ISet <DynamicRecord> reallocatedRecords = Iterables.asUniqueSet(nodeLabels.Put(FourByteLongs(100), _nodeStore, _nodeStore.DynamicLabelStore));

            // THEN
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no .NET equivalent to the java.util.Collection 'containsAll' method:
            assertTrue(reallocatedRecords.Count > initialRecords.Count);
        public virtual List <string> ValidationErrors()
            List <string> validationErrors = new List <string>();

            if (!NodeLabels.Any())
                validationErrors.Add($"Missing {nameof(NodeLabels)}.");

            if (IdPropertyName == null)
                validationErrors.Add($"{nameof(IdPropertyName)} is null.");

Beispiel #12
        public List <string> ValidationErrors()
            var validationErrors = new List <string>();

            if (!NodeLabels.Any())
                validationErrors.Add("At least one NodeLabel must be provided.");

            if (MaxPathLength < 0)
                validationErrors.Add("MaxPathLength must not be negative.");

Beispiel #13
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void twoDynamicRecordsShouldShrinkToOneWhenRemovingWithoutChangingItsOwner()
        public virtual void TwoDynamicRecordsShouldShrinkToOneWhenRemovingWithoutChangingItsOwner()
            // GIVEN
            // will occupy 61B of data, i.e. just two dynamic records
            long?      nodeId     = 42L;
            NodeRecord node       = nodeRecordWithDynamicLabels(nodeId, _nodeStore, OneByteLongs(57));
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            IList <DynamicRecord> changedDynamicRecords = Iterables.addToCollection(nodeLabels.Remove(255, _nodeStore), new List <DynamicRecord>());

            // WHEN
            Pair <long, long[]> changedPair = DynamicNodeLabels.getDynamicLabelsArrayAndOwner(changedDynamicRecords, _nodeStore.DynamicLabelStore);

            // THEN
            assertEquals(nodeId, changedPair.First());
Beispiel #14
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void twoDynamicRecordsShouldShrinkToOneWhenRemoving()
        public virtual void TwoDynamicRecordsShouldShrinkToOneWhenRemoving()
            // GIVEN
            // will occupy 61B of data, i.e. just two dynamic records
            NodeRecord node = nodeRecordWithDynamicLabels(_nodeStore, OneByteLongs(57));
            ICollection <DynamicRecord> initialRecords = node.DynamicLabelRecords;
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
            IList <DynamicRecord> changedDynamicRecords = Iterables.addToCollection(nodeLabels.Remove(255, _nodeStore), new List <DynamicRecord>());

            // THEN
            assertEquals(initialRecords, changedDynamicRecords);
Beispiel #15
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void oneDynamicRecordShouldExtendIntoAnAdditionalIfTooManyLabels()
        public virtual void OneDynamicRecordShouldExtendIntoAnAdditionalIfTooManyLabels()
            // GIVEN
            // will occupy 60B of data, i.e. one dynamic record
            NodeRecord node = nodeRecordWithDynamicLabels(_nodeStore, OneByteLongs(56));
            ICollection <DynamicRecord> initialRecords = node.DynamicLabelRecords;
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
            ISet <DynamicRecord> changedDynamicRecords = Iterables.asSet(nodeLabels.Add(1, _nodeStore, _nodeStore.DynamicLabelStore));

            // THEN
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no .NET equivalent to the java.util.Collection 'containsAll' method:
            assertEquals(initialRecords.Count + 1, changedDynamicRecords.Count);
Beispiel #16
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldSpillOverToDynamicRecordIfExceedsInlinedSpace()
        public virtual void ShouldSpillOverToDynamicRecordIfExceedsInlinedSpace()
            // GIVEN -- the upper limit for a label ID for 3 labels would be 36b/3 - 1 = 12b - 1 = 4095
            long       labelId1   = 10;
            long       labelId2   = 30;
            long       labelId3   = 4096;
            NodeRecord node       = NodeRecordWithInlinedLabels(labelId1, labelId2);
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
            ICollection <DynamicRecord> changedDynamicRecords = nodeLabels.Add(labelId3, _nodeStore, _nodeStore.DynamicLabelStore);

            // THEN
            assertEquals(1, Iterables.count(changedDynamicRecords));
            assertEquals(DynamicLabelsLongRepresentation(changedDynamicRecords), node.LabelField);
            assertTrue(Arrays.Equals(new long[] { labelId1, labelId2, labelId3 }, DynamicNodeLabels.getDynamicLabelsArray(changedDynamicRecords, _nodeStore.DynamicLabelStore)));
Beispiel #17
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void removingNonExistentLabelInDynamicRecordsShouldFail()
        public virtual void RemovingNonExistentLabelInDynamicRecordsShouldFail()
            // GIVEN
            long[]     labels     = OneByteLongs(20);
            NodeRecord node       = nodeRecordWithDynamicLabels(_nodeStore, labels);
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
                nodeLabels.Remove(123456, _nodeStore);
                fail("Should have thrown exception");
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
                // THEN
Beispiel #18
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void addingAnAlreadyAddedLabelWhenLabelsAreInDynamicRecordsShouldFail()
        public virtual void AddingAnAlreadyAddedLabelWhenLabelsAreInDynamicRecordsShouldFail()
            // GIVEN
            long[]     labels     = OneByteLongs(20);
            NodeRecord node       = nodeRecordWithDynamicLabels(_nodeStore, labels);
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
                nodeLabels.Add(safeCastLongToInt(labels[0]), _nodeStore, _nodeStore.DynamicLabelStore);
                fail("Should have thrown exception");
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
                // THEN
Beispiel #19
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void addingAnAlreadyAddedLabelWhenLabelsAreInlinedShouldFail()
        public virtual void AddingAnAlreadyAddedLabelWhenLabelsAreInlinedShouldFail()
            // GIVEN
            int        labelId    = 1;
            NodeRecord node       = NodeRecordWithInlinedLabels(labelId);
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
                nodeLabels.Add(labelId, _nodeStore, _nodeStore.DynamicLabelStore);
                fail("Should have thrown exception");
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
                // THEN
Beispiel #20
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void removingNonExistentInlinedLabelShouldFail()
        public virtual void RemovingNonExistentInlinedLabelShouldFail()
            // GIVEN
            int        labelId1   = 1;
            int        labelId2   = 2;
            NodeRecord node       = NodeRecordWithInlinedLabels(labelId1);
            NodeLabels nodeLabels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            // WHEN
                nodeLabels.Remove(labelId2, _nodeStore);
                fail("Should have thrown exception");
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
                // THEN
Beispiel #21
        public List <string> ValidationErrors()
            var validationErrors = new List <string>();

            if (IdPropertyName == null)
                validationErrors.Add($"{nameof(IdPropertyName)} is null.");

            if (IdPropertyValue == null)
                validationErrors.Add($"{nameof(IdPropertyValue)} is null.");

            if (!NodeLabels.Any())
                validationErrors.Add("At least one NodeLabel must be provided.");

Beispiel #22
         * There was this issue that DynamicNodeLabels#add would consider even unused dynamic records when
         * reading existing label ids before making the change. Previously this would create a duplicate
         * last label id (the one formerly being in the second record).
         * This randomized test found this issue every time when it existed and it will potentially find other
         * unforeseen issues as well.
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldHandleRandomAddsAndRemoves()
        public virtual void ShouldHandleRandomAddsAndRemoves()
            // GIVEN
            ISet <int> key  = new HashSet <int>();
            NodeRecord node = new NodeRecord(0);

            node.InUse = true;

            // WHEN
            for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++)
                NodeLabels labels  = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);
                int        labelId = Random.Next(200);
                if (Random.nextBoolean())
                    if (!key.Contains(labelId))
                        labels.Add(labelId, _nodeStore, _nodeStore.DynamicLabelStore);
                    if (key.remove(labelId))
                        labels.Remove(labelId, _nodeStore);

            // THEN
            NodeLabels labels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField(node);

            long[] readLabelIds = labels.Get(_nodeStore);
            foreach (long labelId in readLabelIds)
                assertTrue("Found an unexpected label " + labelId, key.remove(( int )labelId));
            assertTrue(key.Count == 0);