Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the webpack dev server. If the start fails for known reason, modifies the aspnet-webpack module to be compliant with webpack-dev-middleware 5.
        /// For compatibility purposes as the change is rather samll it's easier to modify the existing module than to create new NPM package and enforce anyone to udpate.
        /// </summary>
        private static WebpackDevServerInfo StartWebpackDevServer(IDictionary <string, string> environmentVariables, string projectPath, WebpackDevServerArgs devServerArgs, bool fixAttempted)
            // Unlike other consumers of NodeServices, WebpackDevMiddleware dosen't share Node instances, nor does it
            // use your DI configuration. It's important for WebpackDevMiddleware to have its own private Node instance
            // because it must *not* restart when files change (if it did, you'd lose all the benefits of Webpack
            // middleware). And since this is a dev-time-only feature, it doesn't matter if the default transport isn't
            // as fast as some theoretical future alternative.
            // This should do it by using Jering.Javascript.NodeJS interop
            var nodeJSService = NodeInteropFactory.BuildNewInstance(environmentVariables, projectPath);

                return(nodeJSService.InvokeFromStringAsync <WebpackDevServerInfo>(
                           EmbeddedResourceReader.Read(typeof(WebpackDevMiddleware), "/Content/Node/webpack-dev-middleware.js"), //Embedded JS file
                           args: new object[] { JsonSerializer.Serialize(devServerArgs, jsonSerializerOptions) } //Options patched so that they work with aspnet-webpack package
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (fixAttempted)

                if (ex != null && ex.Message.Contains("Dev Middleware has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema."))
                    //Attempt to modify module file so that it doesn't contain arguments not recognized by the webpack-dev-middleware 5
                        const string SEARCH_PATTERN = "at validate (";
                        var          startIndex     = ex.Message.IndexOf(SEARCH_PATTERN);
                        if (startIndex > -1)
                            startIndex += SEARCH_PATTERN.Length;
                            var endIndex    = ex.Message.IndexOf("webpack-dev-middleware", startIndex);
                            var modulesPath = ex.Message.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

                            if (Directory.Exists(modulesPath))
                                var modulePath = Path.Combine(modulesPath, @"aspnet-webpack\WebpackDevMiddleware.js");
                                if (File.Exists(modulePath))
                                    var fileContent = File.ReadAllText(modulePath);
                                    fileContent = fileContent.Replace("noInfo: true,", "");
                                    fileContent = fileContent.Replace("watchOptions: webpackConfig.watchOptions", "");
                                    File.WriteAllText(modulePath, fileContent);

                                    return(StartWebpackDevServer(environmentVariables, projectPath, devServerArgs, true));
                    catch (Exception)
                    { }

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="PrerenderTagHelper"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">The <see cref="IServiceProvider"/>.</param>
        public PrerenderTagHelper(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            var hostEnv = (IWebHostEnvironment)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IWebHostEnvironment));

            _nodeServices        = NodeInteropFactory.GetInstance(serviceProvider) ?? _fallbackNodeServices;
            _applicationBasePath = hostEnv.ContentRootPath;

            var applicationLifetime = (IHostApplicationLifetime)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IHostApplicationLifetime));

            _applicationStoppingToken = applicationLifetime.ApplicationStopping;

            // Consider removing the following. Having it means you can get away with not putting app.AddNodeServices()
            // in your startup file, but then again it might be confusing that you don't need to.
            if (_nodeServices == null)
                _nodeServices = _fallbackNodeServices = NodeInteropFactory.BuildNewInstance(serviceProvider);