Beispiel #1
        public static List <NoIntroObject> Parse(string dat, int systemId)
            List <NoIntroObject> list = new List <NoIntroObject>();

            // replace illegal characters
            dat = dat.Replace(" & ", " &amp; ").Replace(" and ", " &amp; ");

            // parse into an xml document
            XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(dat);

            //var games = xmlDoc.Descendants("game");

            // iterate through each game
            foreach (XElement element in xmlDoc.Root.Elements("game"))
                string nameString = (string)element.Attribute("name");

                NoIntroObject no = StringConverterNoIntro.ParseString(nameString);
                no.SystemId = systemId;

                no.CloneOf = (string)element.Attribute("cloneof");
                //no.Description = (string)element.Element("description");
                IEnumerable <XElement> roms = element.Elements("rom");

                foreach (XElement rom in roms)
                    NoIntroObject n = new NoIntroObject
                        Name              = no.Name,
                        CloneOf           = no.CloneOf,
                        Copyright         = no.Copyright,
                        Country           = no.Country,
                        CRC               = (string)rom.Attribute("crc"),
                        Size              = (string)rom.Attribute("size"),
                        MD5               = (string)rom.Attribute("md5"),
                        SHA1              = (string)rom.Attribute("sha1"),
                        DevelopmentStatus = no.DevelopmentStatus,
                        Language          = no.Language,
                        RomName           = (string)rom.Attribute("name"),
                        SystemId          = no.SystemId,
                        OtherFlags        = no.OtherFlags,
                        Publisher         = no.Publisher,
                        Description       = no.Description,
                        Year              = no.Year

        public static NoIntroObject ParseString(string nameString)
            NoIntroObject no = new NoIntroObject();

            // get name without any options (integrating demo flag if available)
            //no.Name = nameString.Split(new string[] { " ) " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Trim() + ")";

            // remove any unwanted options from string
            string a = RemoveUnneededOptions(nameString);

            // process data contained in ()
            string[] d = a.ToString().Split('(', ')');

            if (d.Length > 0)
                no.Name = d[0].Trim();

            if (d.Length > 1)
                if (d[1].Length > 3)
                    no.Country = d[1].Trim();

            if (d.Length > 2)
                // iterate through remaining array of () data and determine values
                for (int i = 2; i < d.Length; i++)
                    string f = d[i].Trim();

                    // check for language
                    if (IsLanguageFlag(f) == true)
                        no.Language = f;

                    // check version
                    if (IsVersion(f) == true)
                        no.OtherFlags = f;

                    // check development status
                    if (IsDevelopmenttStatus(f) == true)
                        no.DevelopmentStatus = f;

                    // check copyright status
                    if (IsCopyrightStatus(f) == true)
                        no.Copyright = f;

                    // Media Type - ignore for now

                    // Media Label - ignore for now

                if (no.Copyright == null)
                    no.Copyright = "Commercial";
                if (no.Copyright == "Unl")
                    no.Copyright = "Unlicensed";
                if (no.DevelopmentStatus == null)
                    no.DevelopmentStatus = "Release";
                if (no.Language == null)
                    no.Language = "en";

            // process other flags

             * // process dump info flags and other info contained in []
             * if (nameString.Contains("[") && nameString.Contains("]"))
             * {
             *  List<string> e = nameString.ToString().Split('[', ']').ToList();
             *  if (e.Count > 0)
             *  {
             *      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             *      int count = 0;
             *      foreach (string s in e)
             *      {
             *          if (count == 0 || s == "")
             *          {
             *              count++;
             *              continue;
             *          }
             *          sb.Append("[");
             *          sb.Append(s);
             *          sb.Append("]");
             *          count++;
             *      }
             *      no.OtherFlags = sb.ToString().Trim();
             *  }
             * }