Beispiel #1
        private static string FindNifArchive(NifRow nifRow)
            if (nifSearchPaths.Count == 0)
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "Newtowns\\zones\\Nifs")); // Newtows
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", zoneConf.ZoneDirectory, "nifs"));                                 // Current Zone Directory
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "zones\\Nifs"));           // Globals zones nif dir
                //nifPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "zones\\trees")); // Global trees nif dir: removed, theses nifs are CAD files
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "frontiers\\NIFS"));       // Frontiers
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "phousing\\nifs"));        // Housing
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "Tutorial\\zones\\nifs")); // Tutorial
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "pregame"));               // Pregame?
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "zones\\Dnifs"));          // Guess Dungeon nifs

            // Search NPKs
            string archiveName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(nifRow.Filename) + ".npk";

            //MainForm.Log(string.Format("Searching for {0}", archiveName), MainForm.LogLevel.notice);
            foreach (string dir in nifSearchPaths)
                if (Directory.Exists(dir) && Directory.GetFiles(dir, archiveName).Length > 0)
                    //MainForm.Log(string.Format("Found {0} in {1}!", archiveName, dir), MainForm.LogLevel.success);
                    return(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", dir, archiveName));

            MainForm.Log(string.Format("Unable to find nif \"{0}\"!", nifRow.Filename), MainForm.LogLevel.warning);
Beispiel #2
        private static bool NifParser_IsNodeDrawable(NifRow nifRow, Niflib.NiAVObject node)
            // Only draw the elements, sticking out of the ground
            if (nifRow.NifId == 408)
                List <string> validNodes = new List <string>
                    "wall -outdoors",
                    "wall -outdoors01",

                var result = validNodes.Find(v => node.Name.Value.StartsWith(v));
                if (result != null)

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Load all required CSV data
        /// </summary>
        private static void LoadCsvData()
            MainForm.ProgressStartMarquee("Loading fixture data ...");

            List <string> nifsCsvRows  = DataWrapper.GetFileContent(zoneConf.CvsMpk, "nifs.csv");
            List <string> fixturesRows = DataWrapper.GetFileContent(zoneConf.CvsMpk, "fixtures.csv");

            // Create a NumberFormatInfo object for floats and set some of its properties.
            System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo provider = new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo();
            provider.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
            provider.NumberGroupSeparator   = "";
            provider.NumberGroupSizes       = new int[] { 2 };

            foreach (string row in nifsCsvRows)
                if (row.StartsWith("Grid") || row.StartsWith("NIF"))

                string[] fields = row.Split(',');

                NifRow nifRow = new NifRow();
                nifRow.NifId       = Convert.ToInt32(fields[0]);
                nifRow.TextualName = fields[1];
                nifRow.Filename    = fields[2];
                nifRow.Color       = Convert.ToInt32(fields[5]);

            // Read fixtures.csv
            foreach (string row in fixturesRows)
                if (row.StartsWith("Fixtures") || row.StartsWith("ID"))

                string[]   fields     = row.Split(',');
                FixtureRow fixtureRow = new FixtureRow();
                fixtureRow.Id          = Convert.ToInt32(fields[0]);
                fixtureRow.NifId       = Convert.ToInt32(fields[1]);
                fixtureRow.TextualName = fields[2];
                fixtureRow.X           = Convert.ToDouble(fields[3], provider);
                fixtureRow.Y           = Convert.ToDouble(fields[4], provider);
                fixtureRow.Z           = Convert.ToDouble(fields[5], provider);
                fixtureRow.A           = Convert.ToInt32(fields[6]);
                fixtureRow.Scale       = Convert.ToInt32(fields[7]);
                fixtureRow.OnGround    = (Convert.ToInt32(fields[11]) == 1) ? true : false;
                fixtureRow.Flip        = (Convert.ToInt32(fields[12]) == 1) ? true : false;

                if (fields.Length > 15)
                    fixtureRow.Angle3D = Convert.ToDouble(fields[15], provider);
                    fixtureRow.AxisX3D = Convert.ToDouble(fields[16], provider);
                    fixtureRow.AxisY3D = Convert.ToDouble(fields[17], provider);
                    fixtureRow.AxisZ3D = Convert.ToDouble(fields[18], provider);


            // Only load on first init
            if (treeRows.Count == 0)
                string treeMpk        = string.Format("{0}\\zones\\trees\\treemap.mpk", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path);
                string treeClusterMpk = string.Format("{0}\\zones\\trees\\tree_clusters.mpk", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path);

                List <string> treesCsvRows       = DataWrapper.GetFileContent(treeMpk, "Treemap.csv");
                List <string> treeClusterCsvRows = DataWrapper.GetFileContent(treeClusterMpk, "tree_clusters.csv");

                foreach (string row in treesCsvRows)
                    if (row.StartsWith("NIF Name"))

                    string[] fields = row.Split(',');
                    //if (fields[4] == "") continue;

                    TreeRow treeRow = new TreeRow();
                    treeRow.Name         = fields[0];
                    treeRow.ZOffset      = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fields[4])) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(fields[4]);
                    treeRow.LeafTexture  = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fields[3])) ? "" : fields[3];
                    treeRow.AverageColor = GetTreeColor(treeRow);

                foreach (string row in treeClusterCsvRows)
                    if (row.StartsWith("name"))
                    if (row == "")

                    string[]       fields         = row.Split(',');
                    TreeClusterRow treeClusterRow = new TreeClusterRow();
                    treeClusterRow.Name          = fields[0];
                    treeClusterRow.Tree          = fields[1];
                    treeClusterRow.TreeInstances = new List <SharpDX.Vector3>();
                    for (int i = 2; i < fields.Length; i = i + 3)
                        if (fields[i] == "" || fields[i + 1] == "" || fields[i + 2] == "")

                        float x = Convert.ToSingle(fields[i], provider);
                        float y = Convert.ToSingle(fields[i + 1], provider);
                        float z = Convert.ToSingle(fields[i + 2], provider);
                        if (x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0)

                        treeClusterRow.TreeInstances.Add(new SharpDX.Vector3(x, y, z));


            // Add the trees of the clusters to the cache
            for (int i = 0; i < nifRows.Count; i++)
                bool isTreeCluster = treeClusterRows.Any(tc => tc.Name.ToLower() == nifRows[i].Filename.ToLower());
                if (isTreeCluster)
                    TreeClusterRow treeCluster = treeClusterRows.Where(tc => tc.Name.ToLower() == nifRows[i].Filename.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (treeCluster == null || nifRows.Where(n => n.Filename == treeCluster.Tree).Count() > 0)

                    NifRow tree = new NifRow();
                    tree.NifId       = 10000 + i;
                    tree.TextualName = treeCluster.Tree + " (cluster tree)";
                    tree.Filename    = treeCluster.Tree;

Beispiel #4
        public static List <DrawableFixture> GetDrawableFixtures()
            List <DrawableFixture> drawables = new List <DrawableFixture>();

            // MainForm progress
            MainForm.Log("Preparing fixtures ...", MainForm.LogLevel.notice);
            MainForm.ProgressStart("Preparing fixtures ...");

            int progressCounter = 0;

            foreach (FixtureRow fixtureRow in fixtureRows)
                    NifRow nifRow = nifRows.Where(n => n.NifId == fixtureRow.NifId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (nifRow == null)

                    DrawableFixture fixture = new DrawableFixture();

                    // Set default values
                    fixture.Name       = fixtureRow.TextualName;
                    fixture.NifName    = nifRow.Filename;
                    fixture.FixtureRow = fixtureRow;
                    fixture.ZoneConf   = zoneConf;

                    // Get renderer configuration
                    FixtureRendererConfiguration2?rConf = FixtureRendererConfigurations.GetFixtureRendererConfiguration(nifRow.Filename);

                    fixture.IsTree        = treeRows.Any(t => t.Name.ToLower() == nifRow.Filename.ToLower());
                    fixture.IsTreeCluster = treeClusterRows.Any(tc => tc.Name.ToLower() == nifRow.Filename.ToLower());

                    if (rConf != null && (rConf.Value.Name == "TreeShaded" || rConf.Value.Name == "TreeImage"))
                        fixture.IsTree = true;

                    if (fixture.IsTree)
                        fixture.Tree        = treeRows.Where(tc => tc.Name.ToLower() == nifRow.Filename.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                        fixture.RawPolygons = nifRow.Polygons;

                        if (rConf == null)
                            fixture.RendererConf = FixtureRendererConfigurations.GetRendererById("TreeImage");
                            fixture.RendererConf = rConf.GetValueOrDefault();
                    else if (fixture.IsTreeCluster)
                        fixture.TreeCluster = treeClusterRows.Where(tc => tc.Name.ToLower() == nifRow.Filename.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();

                        // Get the polygons of the base nif
                        var treeNif = nifRows.Where(n => n.Filename.ToLower() == fixture.TreeCluster.Tree.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (treeNif == null)
                        Polygon[] baseTreePolygons = treeNif.Polygons;

                        // Loop the instances and transform the polygons
                        List <Polygon> treeClusterPolygons = new List <Polygon>();
                        foreach (SharpDX.Vector3 tree in fixture.TreeCluster.TreeInstances)
                            foreach (Polygon treePolygon in baseTreePolygons)
                                Polygon newPolygon = new Polygon(treePolygon.P1, treePolygon.P2, treePolygon.P3);
                                for (int i = 0; i < newPolygon.Vectors.Length; i++)
                                    newPolygon.Vectors[i].X -= tree.X;
                                    newPolygon.Vectors[i].Y += tree.Y;
                                    newPolygon.Vectors[i].Z += tree.Z;
                        fixture.RawPolygons = treeClusterPolygons;

                        if (rConf == null)
                            fixture.RendererConf = FixtureRendererConfigurations.GetRendererById("TreeImage");
                            fixture.RendererConf = rConf.GetValueOrDefault();
                        fixture.RawPolygons = nifRow.Polygons;

                        if (rConf == null)
                            string nifFilenamWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fixture.NifName);
                            if (nifObjectImages.Contains(nifFilenamWithoutExtension.ToLower()))
                                fixture.RendererConf = FixtureRendererConfigurations.GetRendererById("Prerendered");
                                fixture.RendererConf = FixtureRendererConfigurations.DefaultConfiguration;
                            fixture.RendererConf = rConf.GetValueOrDefault();

                    // Calculate the final look of the model


                    int percent = 100 * progressCounter / fixtureRows.Count;
                    // TODO: Send meesage to client
                    MainForm.Log(string.Format("Error in fixture row of {0} (x: {1}, y: {2}, z: {3})", fixtureRow.TextualName, fixtureRow.X, fixtureRow.Y, fixtureRow.Z));

            MainForm.Log("Fixtures prepared!", MainForm.LogLevel.success);

        /// <summary>
        /// Load all required CSV data
        /// </summary>
        private static void LoadCsvData()
            MainForm.ProgressStartMarquee("Loading fixture data ...");

            List<string> nifsCsvRows = DataWrapper.GetFileContent(zoneConf.CvsMpk, "nifs.csv");
            List<string> fixturesRows = DataWrapper.GetFileContent(zoneConf.CvsMpk, "fixtures.csv");

            // Create a NumberFormatInfo object for floats and set some of its properties.
            System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo provider = new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo();
            provider.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
            provider.NumberGroupSeparator = "";
            provider.NumberGroupSizes = new int[] { 2 };

            foreach (string row in nifsCsvRows)
                if (row.StartsWith("Grid") || row.StartsWith("NIF")) continue;

                string[] fields = row.Split(',');

                NifRow nifRow = new NifRow();
                nifRow.NifId = Convert.ToInt32(fields[0]);
                nifRow.TextualName = fields[1];
                nifRow.Filename = fields[2];
                nifRow.Color = Convert.ToInt32(fields[5]);

            // Read fixtures.csv
            foreach (string row in fixturesRows)
                if (row.StartsWith("Fixtures") || row.StartsWith("ID")) continue;

                string[] fields = row.Split(',');
                FixtureRow fixtureRow = new FixtureRow();
                fixtureRow.Id = Convert.ToInt32(fields[0]);
                fixtureRow.NifId = Convert.ToInt32(fields[1]);
                fixtureRow.TextualName = fields[2];
                fixtureRow.X = Convert.ToDouble(fields[3], provider);
                fixtureRow.Y = Convert.ToDouble(fields[4], provider);
                fixtureRow.Z = Convert.ToDouble(fields[5], provider);
                fixtureRow.A = Convert.ToInt32(fields[6]);
                fixtureRow.Scale = Convert.ToInt32(fields[7]);
                fixtureRow.OnGround = (Convert.ToInt32(fields[11]) == 1) ? true : false;
                fixtureRow.Flip = (Convert.ToInt32(fields[12]) == 1) ? true : false;

                if (fields.Length > 15)
                    fixtureRow.Angle3D = Convert.ToDouble(fields[15], provider);
                    fixtureRow.AxisX3D = Convert.ToDouble(fields[16], provider);
                    fixtureRow.AxisY3D = Convert.ToDouble(fields[17], provider);
                    fixtureRow.AxisZ3D = Convert.ToDouble(fields[18], provider);


            // Only load on first init
            if (treeRows.Count == 0)
                string treeMpk = string.Format("{0}\\zones\\trees\\treemap.mpk", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path);
                string treeClusterMpk = string.Format("{0}\\zones\\trees\\tree_clusters.mpk", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path);

                List<string> treesCsvRows = DataWrapper.GetFileContent(treeMpk, "Treemap.csv");
                List<string> treeClusterCsvRows = DataWrapper.GetFileContent(treeClusterMpk, "tree_clusters.csv");

                foreach (string row in treesCsvRows)
                    if (row.StartsWith("NIF Name")) continue;

                    string[] fields = row.Split(',');
                    //if (fields[4] == "") continue;

                    TreeRow treeRow = new TreeRow();
                    treeRow.Name = fields[0];
                    treeRow.ZOffset = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fields[4])) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(fields[4]);
                    treeRow.LeafTexture = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fields[3])) ? "" : fields[3];
                    treeRow.AverageColor = GetTreeColor(treeRow);

                foreach (string row in treeClusterCsvRows)
                    if (row.StartsWith("name")) continue;
                    if (row == "") continue;

                    string[] fields = row.Split(',');
                    TreeClusterRow treeClusterRow = new TreeClusterRow();
                    treeClusterRow.Name = fields[0];
                    treeClusterRow.Tree = fields[1];
                    treeClusterRow.TreeInstances = new List<SharpDX.Vector3>();
                    for (int i = 2; i < fields.Length; i = i + 3)
                        if(fields[i] == "" || fields[i+1] == "" || fields[i+2] == "") break;

                        float x = Convert.ToSingle(fields[i], provider);
                        float y = Convert.ToSingle(fields[i + 1], provider);
                        float z = Convert.ToSingle(fields[i + 2], provider);
                        if (x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0) break;

                        treeClusterRow.TreeInstances.Add(new SharpDX.Vector3(x, y, z));


            // Add the trees of the clusters to the cache
            for (int i = 0; i < nifRows.Count; i++ )
                bool isTreeCluster = treeClusterRows.Any(tc => tc.Name.ToLower() == nifRows[i].Filename.ToLower());
                if (isTreeCluster)
                    TreeClusterRow treeCluster = treeClusterRows.Where(tc => tc.Name.ToLower() == nifRows[i].Filename.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                    if(treeCluster == null || nifRows.Where(n => n.Filename == treeCluster.Tree).Count() > 0) continue;

                    NifRow tree = new NifRow();
                    tree.NifId = 10000 + i;
                    tree.TextualName = treeCluster.Tree + " (cluster tree)";
                    tree.Filename = treeCluster.Tree;

        private static string FindNifArchive(NifRow nifRow)
            if (nifSearchPaths.Count == 0)
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "Newtowns\\zones\\Nifs")); // Newtows
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", zoneConf.ZoneDirectory, "nifs")); // Current Zone Directory
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "zones\\Nifs")); // Globals zones nif dir
                //nifPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "zones\\trees")); // Global trees nif dir: removed, theses nifs are CAD files
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "frontiers\\NIFS")); // Frontiers
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "phousing\\nifs")); // Housing
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "Tutorial\\zones\\nifs")); // Tutorial
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "pregame")); // Pregame?
                nifSearchPaths.Add(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Properties.Settings.Default.game_path, "zones\\Dnifs")); // Guess Dungeon nifs

            // Search NPKs
            string archiveName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(nifRow.Filename) + ".npk";
            //MainForm.Log(string.Format("Searching for {0}", archiveName), MainForm.LogLevel.notice);
            foreach (string dir in nifSearchPaths)
                if (Directory.Exists(dir) && Directory.GetFiles(dir, archiveName).Length > 0)
                    //MainForm.Log(string.Format("Found {0} in {1}!", archiveName, dir), MainForm.LogLevel.success);
                    return string.Format("{0}\\{1}", dir, archiveName);

            MainForm.Log(string.Format("Unable to find nif \"{0}\"!", nifRow.Filename), MainForm.LogLevel.warning);
            return null;