Beispiel #1
        public void GiaHanHopDong(NHANVIEN nhanvien)
            Global.Ins.isValid = false;
            if (SelectedLoaiHD == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Bạn chưa chọn loại hợp đồng");
            if (NgayBD < DateTime.Now)
                MessageBox.Show("Không được chọn ngày trước đó");

            LOAIHOPDONG lhd = Global.Ins.getLHDbyTenLHD(SelectedLoaiHD);
            HOPDONG     hd  = new HOPDONG()
                id        = Global.Ins.autoGenerateHopDong(),
                MaLoaiHD  =,
                MaNV      =,
                NgayHD    = NgayBD,
                NgayKT    = NgayBD.AddMonths(lhd.ThoiHan ?? 0),
                isDeleted = false,


            Global.Ins.isValid = true;
Beispiel #2
        public void autoGenerateNgayKT()
            if (SelectedLoaiHD == null)

            LOAIHOPDONG lhd = Global.Ins.getLHDbyTenLHD(SelectedLoaiHD);

            HanHopDong = (NgayBD.AddMonths(lhd.ThoiHan ?? 0)).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
Beispiel #3
        private void show()
            vs.Visible = false;
            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString);

            if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
            string sql = "";

            sql = "Select * from FILE01A ";
            Func.RecordSet rs2 = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
            ArrayList      a   = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList      b   = new ArrayList();

            for (int i = 0; i < rs2.rows; i++)
                a.Add(rs2.record(i, "LAB_NO"));
                int tam = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("MAX(SEQ_N1)", "FILE03A", "LAB_NO=N'" + rs2.record(i, "LAB_NO") + "'"));
                if (tam == 1)
                    tam = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs2.record(i, "STT_N2") + "");
            double maxx = T_String.GetMax("MAX(SEQ_N2)", "FILE03A");

            sql = "Select EMP_ID,EMP_I1,EMP_NM,INH_DT,TYP_ID,POS_ID,DEP_ID from FILB01A where (VAC_BT is null or VAC_BT=0)";
            if (NEW_BT)
                sql = sql + " and isnull(NEW_BT,0)=1 and isnull(LCK_BT,0)=0";
            if (wh != "")
                sql += " and " + wh;
            DateTime dt1 = T_String.GetDate();

            dt1 = dt1.AddDays(T_String.IsNullTo0(day));
            DateTime NgayBD     = T_String.GetDate();
            DateTime NgayVaoLam = T_String.GetDate();

            if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "43")         //cty ASTRO
                SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString);
                if (con1.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                string sql1 = "";
                sql1 = "Select * from FILB01A";
                if (wh != "")
                    sql1 += " where " + wh;
                Func.RecordSet rs3 = new Func.RecordSet(sql1, con1);
                if (rs3.rows > 0)
                    NgayVaoLam = DateTime.Parse(rs3.record(0, "INH_DT"));
                if (NgayVaoLam.Day >= 1 & NgayVaoLam.Day <= 20)
                    NgayBD = new DateTime(NgayVaoLam.Year, NgayVaoLam.Month, 1);
                    NgayBD = NgayBD.AddMonths(1);
                if (NgayVaoLam.Day >= 21 & NgayVaoLam.Day <= 31)
                    NgayBD = new DateTime(NgayVaoLam.Year, NgayVaoLam.Month, 1);
                    NgayBD = NgayBD.AddMonths(2);
                sql += " and '" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'>='" + NgayBD.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and EMP_ID not in(Select Distinct EMP_ID from FILE03A where LAB_ED>'" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
                       + "' or LIM_NO=1)";
            ////luan rem de khi in roi van hien ra
            if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID != "43")
                if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "44")               //LeeShin ki lai tu dau cho nguoi di lam lai
                    sql += " and EMP_ID not in(Select Distinct EMP_ID from FILE03A where (LAB_ED>'" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
                           + "' and LAB_ST>=(SELECT CONVERT(NVARCHAR,INH_DT,111) FROM FILB01A WHERE FILB01A.EMP_ID=FILE03A.EMP_ID)) "
                           + "or ( LIM_NO=1 and LAB_ST>=(SELECT CONVERT(NVARCHAR,INH_DT,111) FROM FILB01A WHERE FILB01A.EMP_ID=FILE03A.EMP_ID) ))";
                else if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "52")               //domex quang nam, in HDLD lan dau cung thoi diem voi HDTV
                    sql += " and EMP_ID not in(Select Distinct EMP_ID from FILE03A where (LAB_ED>'" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
                           + "' and LAB_NO NOT LIKE 'HDTV%') or LIM_NO=1)";
                else if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "53")               // Omexey, ko ki HD cho nv TQ và Cam
                    sql += " and EMP_ID not in(Select Distinct EMP_ID from FILE03A where LAB_ED>'" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
                           + "' or LIM_NO=1) and COU_ID<>'6' and COU_ID<>'10' and COU_ID<>'12'";
                    sql += " and EMP_ID not in(Select Distinct EMP_ID from FILE03A where LAB_ED>'" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
                           + "' or LIM_NO=1)";
            vs.Rows.Count = 1;
            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
            for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                    sql = "Select * from FILE03A where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' ORDER BY LAB_ST DESC,LAB_ED DESC";
                    if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "44")                 //LeeShin
                        sql = "Select FILE03A.* from FILE03A INNER JOIN FILB01A ON FILE03A.EMP_ID=FILB01A.EMP_ID where FILE03A.EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID")
                              + "' AND LAB_ST>=INH_DT ORDER BY LAB_ST DESC";
                    Func.RecordSet rslb = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
                    DateTime       dt;
                    int            max;
                    if (rslb.rows == 0)
                        dt = DateTime.Parse(rs.record(i, "INH_DT"));
                        if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "43")                     //cty ASTRO
                            dt = NgayBD;
                        max = 1;
                        dt = DateTime.Parse(rslb.record(0, "LAB_ED"));
                        dt = dt.AddDays(1);
                        if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "44" || PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "53")                   //LEESHIN LAY NGAY BD KI HD SAU KHI THU VIEC LA NGAY 1 TAY
                            if (rslb.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV1" || rslb.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV2" || rslb.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV")
                                dt = DateTime.Parse(rslb.record(0, "LAB_ED"));
                                if (dt.Day > 15)
                                    dt = dt.AddMonths(1);
                                dt = DateTime.Parse(dt.ToString("yyyy/MM") + "/01");
                        if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "52")                     //Domex Quang Nam
                            if (rslb.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV2" || rslb.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV1" || rslb.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV6")
                                dt = DateTime.Parse(rslb.record(0, "LAB_ST"));
                        max = 1 + T_String.IsNullTo0(rslb.record(0, "SEQ_NO"));
//					if(ngaytinh>0)//ngaytinh
//					{
//						if(dt.Day<ngaytinh)
//							dt=new DateTime (dt.Year,dt.Month,1);
//						else
//						{
//							dt=dt.AddMonths(1);
//							dt=new DateTime (dt.Year,dt.Month,1);
//						}
//					}
                    if (LAB_N1 != "")
                        sql = "Select * from FILE02A a, FILE01A b where TYP_ID=N'"
                              + rs.record(i, "TYP_ID") + "' and a.LAB_NO=N'" + LAB_N1 + "' and a.LAB_NO=b.LAB_NO";
                        sql = "Select * from FILE02A a, FILE01A b where TYP_ID=N'"
                              + rs.record(i, "TYP_ID") + "' and SEQ_NO=" + max + " and a.LAB_NO=b.LAB_NO";
                    Func.RecordSet rs1 = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
                    if (rs1.rows == 0)
                        sql = "Select * from FILE02A a, FILE01A b where TYP_ID=N'"
                              + rs.record(i, "TYP_ID") + "' and REP_BT=1 and a.LAB_NO=b.LAB_NO";
                        rs1 = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
                        if (rs1.rows > 0 && rs1.record(0, "LAB_ID") + "" != "" && (this.LAB_NO == "" || this.LAB_NO == rs1.record(0, "LAB_NO")))
                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1].UserData  = 2;
                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1][0]        = vs.Rows.Count - 1;
                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["EMP_ID"] = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID");
                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["EMP_I1"] = rs.record(i, "EMP_I1");
                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["EMP_NM"] = rs.record(i, "EMP_NM");
                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["TYP_ID"] = rs.record(i, "TYP_ID");
                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["POS_ID"] = rs.record(i, "POS_ID");
                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["DEP_ID"] = rs.record(i, "DEP_ID");
                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["INH_DT"] = rs.record(i, "INH_DT");
                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["SEQ_NO"] = rs1.record(0, "SEQ_NO");
                            if (date != "")
                                vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ST"] = date;
                                dt = DateTime.Parse(date);
                                vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ST"] = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");

                            if (rs1.record(0, "LIM_NO") + "" == "True")
                                vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LIM_NO"] = "True";
                                if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "22" && rs1.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDHV")                           //xet TH HDTV 6 ngay cho DM
                                    int id = 0;
                                    while (id < 27)
//										string data=T_String.GetDataFromSQL("h"+dt.Day,"FILA16A","YYY_YY="+dt.Year+" and MMM_MM="+dt.Month);
//										if(dt.DayOfWeek!=DayOfWeek.Sunday && (data+""=="False" || data==null ))
//										{
//											id++;
//										}
                                        dt = dt.AddDays(1);
                                    vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ED"] = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                                    if (rs1.record(0, "YYY_YY") + "" != "")
                                        dt = dt.AddYears(T_String.IsNullTo0(rs1.record(0, "YYY_YY") + ""));
                                        dt = dt.AddMonths(T_String.IsNullTo0(rs1.record(0, "MMM_MM") + ""));
                                    if (ngaytinh > 0)                                 //ngaytinh
                                        if (dt.Day < ngaytinh)
                                            dt = new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, 1);
                                            dt = dt.AddMonths(1);
                                            dt = new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, 1);
                                    if (ngaytru)
                                        vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ED"] = dt.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                                        vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ED"] = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                                    if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "43")
                                        vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ED"] = dt.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_NO"] = rs1.record(0, "LAB_NO");
                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_TP"] = rs1.record(0, "LAB_TP");
                            // LAB_ID  ma so hop dong
                            string LAB_ID = rs1.record(0, "LAB_ID");
                            LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("#", rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "");
                            LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("&", rs.record(i, "EMP_I1") + "");
                            if (LAB_ID.IndexOf("@") >= 0)
                                int index = a.IndexOf(rs1.record(0, "LAB_NO"));
                                int vl    = T_String.IsNullTo0(b[index] + "") + T_String.IsNullTo0(rs1.record(0, "STT_N3"));
                                vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["SEQ_N1"] = vl;
                                string st = "000000000000";
                                b[index] = vl;
                                st       = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, T_String.IsNullTo0(rs1.record(0, "STT_N1")));
                                LAB_ID   = LAB_ID.Replace("@", vl.ToString(st));

                            DateTime ngayky = DateTime.Parse(vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ST"] + "");
                            if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "44")                           //Leeshin
                                LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(Year)", ngayky.ToString("yy") + "");
                                LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(Year)", ngayky.ToString("yyyy") + "");
                            LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(Month)", ngayky.ToString("MM") + "");
                            LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(Day)", ngayky.ToString("dd") + "");
                            //lay so lan ki
                            int count = 0;
                            if (PublicFunction.CUS_ID == "44")                           //Leeshin lay so lan ki theo loai hop dong
                                if (rs1.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV1" || rs1.record(0, "LAB_NO") == "HDTV2")
                                    count = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "FILE03A", "EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' AND LAB_NO like 'HDTV%'"));
                                    count = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "FILE03A", "EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' AND LAB_NO<>'HDTV'"));
                                count = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "FILE03A", "EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "'"));
                            LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(Count)", (count + 1) + "");
                            LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(DEP)", rs.record(i, "DEP_ID") + "");
                            LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(POS)", rs.record(i, "POS_ID") + "");
                            LAB_ID = LAB_ID.Replace("*(NATURE)", rs.record(i, "TYP_ID") + "");

                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["LAB_ID"] = LAB_ID;

                            vs.Rows[vs.Rows.Count - 1]["SEQ_N2"] = maxx;
                    catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); vs.Rows.Count--; }
                catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
                lb.Text   = ((int)(i * 100) / rs.rows) + "% - " + rs.record(i, "EMP_NM");
                pro.Value = (int)(i * 100) / rs.rows;
            pro.Value = 100;
            vs.Visible = true;