Beispiel #1
        public async Task <ActionResult> ToggleFixedNewsFlag([FromBody] NewsResolveDTO newsDTO)
            var username = User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "FullName").Value;

            newsDTO.AuthorAcceptedFix = username;

            // Getting warehouse news by id
            var news = await NewsService.toggleNewsFixedProblemFlag(newsDTO);

            // Returning warehouse news
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <News> toggleNewsFixedProblemFlag(NewsResolveDTO newsDTO)
            // Getting warehouse news from DB
            var warehouseNews = await DB.NewsDB.Include(o => o.Warehouse).FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == newsDTO.Id);

            // Checking if it's not null
            if (warehouseNews == null)
                // If it's null, then we will throw new exception
                throw new Exception("Not found");
            // If object was found, then we return it
                // Cahnging flag value to true
                warehouseNews.FixedProblem      = true;
                warehouseNews.FixedDate         = DateTime.Now;
                warehouseNews.AuthorAcceptedFix = newsDTO.AuthorAcceptedFix;
                // Updating DB
                // Saving changes in DB, because next step will also include DB operations
                await DB.SaveChangesAsync();

                // Checking does house in that we just toggled flag, still hase some news/problems that was not resolved
                var hasProblems = await DB.WarehouseDB.AnyAsync(x => x.News.Any(o => o.FixedProblem != true && o.WarehouseId == warehouseNews.WarehouseId));

                if (hasProblems)
                    // If has, then we get this house and change it flag hasProblems to true
                    var house = await DB.WarehouseDB.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == warehouseNews.WarehouseId);

                    house.HasProblems = true;
                    // If that was the last news that has not been resolved, then we change has problems flag to false
                    var house = await DB.WarehouseDB.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == warehouseNews.WarehouseId);

                    house.HasProblems = false;
                // Saving changes in DB
                await DB.SaveChangesAsync();
