void HandleSuspendTokenResponse(SuspendTokenResponse suspendTokenResponse) { if (!_player.IsBeingTeleportedFar()) { return; } WorldLocation loc = GetPlayer().GetTeleportDest(); if (CliDB.MapStorage.LookupByKey(loc.GetMapId()).IsDungeon()) { UpdateLastInstance updateLastInstance = new UpdateLastInstance(); updateLastInstance.MapID = loc.GetMapId(); SendPacket(updateLastInstance); } NewWorld packet = new NewWorld(); packet.MapID = loc.GetMapId(); packet.Loc.Pos = loc; packet.Reason = (uint)(!_player.IsBeingTeleportedSeamlessly() ? NewWorldReason.Normal : NewWorldReason.Seamless); SendPacket(packet); if (_player.IsBeingTeleportedSeamlessly()) { HandleMoveWorldportAck(); } }
public void Init(NewWorld world) { this.world = world; this.Idle(); m_runAnimation.GetChild <Area2D>(0).Connect("area_entered", world, "EndGame"); m_crouchAnimation.GetChild <Area2D>(0).Connect("area_entered", world, "EndGame"); }
private void ListBoxItem_Selected_11(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { StopAllMusic(); NewWorld.Play(); BitmapImage newIm = new BitmapImage(); newIm.BeginInit(); newIm.UriSource = new Uri(@"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\VirtualOrchestra\GUI\Resources\Dvorak.jpg"); newIm.EndInit(); PreviewImage.Source = newIm; ArtistName.Content = "Antonin Dvorak"; SongName.Content = "From the New World"; YearText.Content = "1893"; songFile = @"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\VirtualOrchestra\Sample MIDIs\newworld.mid"; songName = "Dvorak: From the New World"; }
private void StopAllMusic() { bool parAndPause = ParaAnd.CanPause; if (parAndPause == true) { ParaAnd.Stop(); } bool fallPause = Fall.CanPause; if (fallPause == true) { Fall.Stop(); } bool prayerPause = Prayer.CanPause; if (prayerPause == true) { Prayer.Stop(); } bool hardDayPause = HardDay.CanPause; if (hardDayPause == true) { HardDay.Stop(); } bool sym5Pause = Sym5.CanPause; if (sym5Pause == true) { Sym5.Stop(); } bool rockAmadeusPause = RockAmadeus.CanPause; if (rockAmadeusPause == true) { RockAmadeus.Stop(); } bool getLuckyPause = GetLucky.CanPause; if (getLuckyPause == true) { GetLucky.Stop(); } bool mtKingPause = MtKing.CanPause; if (mtKingPause == true) { MtKing.Stop(); } bool alwaysPause = Always.CanPause; if (alwaysPause == true) { Always.Stop(); } bool airGPause = AirG.CanPause; if (airGPause == true) { AirG.Stop(); } bool newWorldPause = NewWorld.CanPause; if (newWorldPause == true) { NewWorld.Stop(); } bool swanLakePause = SwanLake.CanPause; if (swanLakePause == true) { SwanLake.Stop(); } bool bohemianPause = Bohemian.CanPause; if (bohemianPause == true) { Bohemian.Stop(); } bool dovesPause = Doves.CanPause; if (dovesPause == true) { Doves.Stop(); } bool canHeatPause = CanHeat.CanPause; if (canHeatPause == true) { CanHeat.Stop(); } bool flashPause = Flash.CanPause; if (flashPause == true) { Flash.Stop(); } bool heyYaPause = HeyYa.CanPause; if (heyYaPause == true) { HeyYa.Stop(); } bool lifePause = Life.CanPause; if (lifePause == true) { Life.Stop(); } bool mansWorldPause = MansWorld.CanPause; if (mansWorldPause == true) { MansWorld.Stop(); } bool stairwayPause = Stairway.CanPause; if (stairwayPause == true) { Stairway.Stop(); } bool superstitionPause = Superstition.CanPause; if (superstitionPause == true) { Superstition.Stop(); } }
private void NewWorldLoop(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { NewWorld.Position = TimeSpan.Zero; NewWorld.Play(); }