Beispiel #1
    void InitFromShape(MegaShape shape)
        float len = shape.splines[0].length;            // adjust by and pre stretch

        //Debug.Log("Length " + len + "m");
        float volume = len * 2.0f * Mathf.PI * radius;
        //Debug.Log("Volume " + volume + "m3");
        float totalmass = Density * volume;

        // Option for fill or set count, or count per unit
        len *= 0.75f;
        int nummasses = (int)(len / radius) + 1;
        //Debug.Log("Num Masses " + nummasses);

        float m = totalmass / (float)nummasses;

        if (DampingRatio > 1.0f)
            DampingRatio = 1.0f;

        damp = (DampingRatio * 0.45f) * (2.0f * Mathf.Sqrt(m * spring));

        // The Max spring rate is based on m
        //float dmpratio = damp / (2.0f * Mathf.Sqrt(m * spring));
        //Debug.Log("Current Damp Ratio " + dmpratio);

        //float dmp = DampingRatio * (2.0f * Mathf.Sqrt(m * spring));
        //Debug.Log("TotalMass " + totalmass + "kg element mass " + m + "kg damp " + damp);

        // Mmm or should me move along iters by radius * 2
        RopeLength = 0.0f;

        if (masses == null)
            masses = new List <MegaRopeMass>();

        transform.position =;

        //float ms = Mass / (float)(points + 1);

        float   rlen    = 0.0f;
        Vector3 lastpos =;

        for (int i = 0; i <= nummasses; i++)
            float alpha = (float)i / (float)nummasses;                  //points;

            //Vector3 pos = shape.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(shape.InterpCurve3D(0, alpha, true));
            Vector3 pos = shape.transform.TransformPoint(shape.InterpCurve3D(0, alpha, true));

            if (i != 0)
                rlen   += Vector3.Distance(lastpos, pos);
                lastpos = pos;
            MegaRopeMass rm = new MegaRopeMass(m, pos);

        if (springs == null)
            springs = new List <MegaRopeSpring>();


        if (constraints == null)
            constraints = new List <MegaRopeConstraint>();


        for (int i = 0; i < masses.Count - 1; i++)
            MegaRopeSpring spr = new MegaRopeSpring(i, i + 1, spring, damp, this);

            //spr.restlen = (rlen / masses.Count);	// * 1.1f;
            RopeLength += spr.restlen;

            LengthConstraint lcon = new LengthConstraint(i, i + 1, spr.restlen);

        if (stiffsprings)
            int gap = 2;
            for (int i = 0; i < masses.Count - gap; i++)
                float alpha = (float)i / (float)masses.Count;

                // BUG: For a curve shape, len for stuff springs should be sum of springs we span
                MegaRopeSpring spr = new MegaRopeSpring(i, i + gap, stiffspring * stiffnessCrv.Evaluate(alpha), stiffdamp * stiffnessCrv.Evaluate(alpha), this);

                //spr.restlen = (springs[i].restlen + springs[i + 1].restlen);	// * 1.1f;
                //spr.restlen = (RopeLength / masses.Count) * 2.0f;	//(springs[i].restlen + springs[i + gap].restlen) * 1.0f;

                // TODO: Add these for rope, not needed for chain

                LengthConstraint lcon = new LengthConstraint(i, i + gap, spr.restlen);                  //(RopeLength / masses.Count) * 2.0f);	//spr.restlen);

        if (top)
            top.position = masses[0].pos;
            float ln = (masses[0].pos - masses[1].pos).magnitude;
            NewPointConstraint pconn = new NewPointConstraint(0, 1, ln, top.transform);
            //PointConstraint pconn = new PointConstraint(0, top.transform);

        if (bottom)
            bottom.position = masses[masses.Count - 1].pos;
            float ln = (masses[masses.Count - 1].pos - masses[masses.Count - 2].pos).magnitude;
            NewPointConstraint pconn = new NewPointConstraint(masses.Count - 1, masses.Count - 2, ln, bottom.transform);
            //PointConstraint pconn = new PointConstraint(masses.Count - 1, bottom.transform);

        // Apply fixed end constraints
        //PointConstraint pcon = new PointConstraint(0, top.transform);

        //pcon = new PointConstraint(masses.Count - 1, bottom.transform);

        //float ln = (masses[0].pos - masses[1].pos).magnitude;
        //NewPointConstraint pconn = new NewPointConstraint(0, 1, ln, top.transform);

        //ln = (masses[masses.Count - 1].pos - masses[masses.Count - 2].pos).magnitude;
        //pconn = new NewPointConstraint(masses.Count - 1, masses.Count - 2, ln, bottom.transform);

        //ln = (masses[masses.Count - 1].pos - masses[masses.Count - 2].pos).magnitude;
        //NewPointConstraint pc = new NewPointConstraint(masses.Count / 2, (masses.Count / 2) + 1, ln, middle.transform);

        if (top)
            PointConstraint1 pcon1 = new PointConstraint1();
            pcon1.p1  = 1;
   = new Vector3(0.0f, springs[0].restlen, 0.0f);
            pcon1.obj = top.transform;                  //.position;
            //endcon = pcon1;

        masspos = new Vector3[masses.Count + 2];

        for (int i = 0; i < masses.Count; i++)
            masspos[i + 1] = masses[i].pos;

        masspos[0] = masspos[1];
        masspos[masspos.Length - 1] = masspos[masspos.Length - 2];
Beispiel #2
    void InitFromShape(MegaShape shape)
        float len = shape.splines[0].length;	// adjust by and pre stretch

        //Debug.Log("Length " + len + "m");
        float volume = len * 2.0f * Mathf.PI * radius;
        //Debug.Log("Volume " + volume + "m3");
        float totalmass = Density * volume;

        // Option for fill or set count, or count per unit
        len *= 0.75f;
        int nummasses = (int)(len / radius) + 1;
        //Debug.Log("Num Masses " + nummasses);

        float m = totalmass / (float)nummasses;

        if ( DampingRatio > 1.0f )
            DampingRatio = 1.0f;

        damp = (DampingRatio * 0.45f) * (2.0f * Mathf.Sqrt(m * spring));

        // The Max spring rate is based on m
        //float dmpratio = damp / (2.0f * Mathf.Sqrt(m * spring));
        //Debug.Log("Current Damp Ratio " + dmpratio);

        //float dmp = DampingRatio * (2.0f * Mathf.Sqrt(m * spring));
        //Debug.Log("TotalMass " + totalmass + "kg element mass " + m + "kg damp " + damp);

        // Mmm or should me move along iters by radius * 2
        RopeLength = 0.0f;

        if ( masses == null )
            masses = new List<MegaRopeMass>();

        transform.position =;

        //float ms = Mass / (float)(points + 1);

        float rlen = 0.0f;
        Vector3 lastpos =;

        for ( int i = 0; i <= nummasses; i++ )
            float alpha = (float)i / (float)nummasses;	//points;

            //Vector3 pos = shape.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(shape.InterpCurve3D(0, alpha, true));
            Vector3 pos = shape.transform.TransformPoint(shape.InterpCurve3D(0, alpha, true));

            if ( i != 0 )
                rlen += Vector3.Distance(lastpos, pos);
                lastpos = pos;
            MegaRopeMass rm = new MegaRopeMass(m, pos);

        if ( springs == null )
            springs = new List<MegaRopeSpring>();


        if ( constraints == null )
            constraints = new List<MegaRopeConstraint>();


        for ( int i = 0; i < masses.Count - 1; i++ )
            MegaRopeSpring spr = new MegaRopeSpring(i, i + 1, spring, damp, this);

            //spr.restlen = (rlen / masses.Count);	// * 1.1f;
            RopeLength += spr.restlen;

            LengthConstraint lcon = new LengthConstraint(i, i + 1, spr.restlen);

        if ( stiffsprings )
            int gap = 2;
            for ( int i = 0; i < masses.Count - gap; i++ )
                float alpha = (float)i / (float)masses.Count;

                // BUG: For a curve shape, len for stuff springs should be sum of springs we span
                MegaRopeSpring spr = new MegaRopeSpring(i, i + gap, stiffspring * stiffnessCrv.Evaluate(alpha), stiffdamp * stiffnessCrv.Evaluate(alpha), this);

                //spr.restlen = (springs[i].restlen + springs[i + 1].restlen);	// * 1.1f;
                //spr.restlen = (RopeLength / masses.Count) * 2.0f;	//(springs[i].restlen + springs[i + gap].restlen) * 1.0f;

                // TODO: Add these for rope, not needed for chain

                LengthConstraint lcon = new LengthConstraint(i, i + gap, spr.restlen);	//(RopeLength / masses.Count) * 2.0f);	//spr.restlen);

        if ( top )
            top.position = masses[0].pos;
            float ln = (masses[0].pos - masses[1].pos).magnitude;
            NewPointConstraint pconn = new NewPointConstraint(0, 1, ln, top.transform);
            //PointConstraint pconn = new PointConstraint(0, top.transform);


        if ( bottom )
            bottom.position = masses[masses.Count - 1].pos;
            float ln = (masses[masses.Count - 1].pos - masses[masses.Count - 2].pos).magnitude;
            NewPointConstraint pconn = new NewPointConstraint(masses.Count - 1, masses.Count - 2, ln, bottom.transform);
            //PointConstraint pconn = new PointConstraint(masses.Count - 1, bottom.transform);

        // Apply fixed end constraints
        //PointConstraint pcon = new PointConstraint(0, top.transform);

        //pcon = new PointConstraint(masses.Count - 1, bottom.transform);

        //float ln = (masses[0].pos - masses[1].pos).magnitude;
        //NewPointConstraint pconn = new NewPointConstraint(0, 1, ln, top.transform);

        //ln = (masses[masses.Count - 1].pos - masses[masses.Count - 2].pos).magnitude;
        //pconn = new NewPointConstraint(masses.Count - 1, masses.Count - 2, ln, bottom.transform);

        //ln = (masses[masses.Count - 1].pos - masses[masses.Count - 2].pos).magnitude;
        //NewPointConstraint pc = new NewPointConstraint(masses.Count / 2, (masses.Count / 2) + 1, ln, middle.transform);

        if ( top )
            PointConstraint1 pcon1 = new PointConstraint1();
            pcon1.p1 = 1;
   = new Vector3(0.0f, springs[0].restlen, 0.0f);
            pcon1.obj = top.transform;	//.position;
            //endcon = pcon1;

        masspos = new Vector3[masses.Count + 2];

        for ( int i = 0; i < masses.Count; i++ )
            masspos[i + 1] = masses[i].pos;

        masspos[0] = masspos[1];
        masspos[masspos.Length - 1] = masspos[masspos.Length - 2];