private void CmdUpdatePlayer(NetworkUpdtMethod method, Vector2 value /*, int time*/)
     if (isServer)
         RpcUpdatePlayer(method, value /*, time*/);
 private void UpdatePlayerNetwork(NetworkUpdtMethod method)
     //int time = NetworkTransport.GetNetworkTimestamp();
     if (method == NetworkUpdtMethod.SYNC_BOTH)
         CmdUpdatePlayer(NetworkUpdtMethod.SYNC_VEL, rigid.velocity /*, time*/);
         CmdUpdatePlayer(NetworkUpdtMethod.SYNC_POS, transform.position /*, time*/);
         if (method == NetworkUpdtMethod.SYNC_POS)
             CmdUpdatePlayer(method, transform.position /*, time*/);
             CmdUpdatePlayer(method, rigid.velocity /*, time*/);
    private void RpcUpdatePlayer(NetworkUpdtMethod method, Vector2 value /*, int time*/)
        //Add interpolation of players and speed considering the time it took for the network to arrive here
        //byte e;
        //int delay = NetworkTransport.GetRemoteDelayTimeMS(conn.hostId, conn.connectionId, time, out e);

        if (!isLocalPlayer)
            if (!rigid)
                rigid = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();

            if (method == NetworkUpdtMethod.SYNC_POS)
                transform.position = /*rigid.velocity * (float)delay +*/ value;
            else if (method == NetworkUpdtMethod.SYNC_VEL)
                rigid.velocity = /*Physics2D.gravity * (float)delay +*/ value;