Beispiel #1
    void Start()
        GameObject[] lobbyPlayers = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("PlayerInfo");
        foreach (GameObject player in lobbyPlayers)
            Debug.Log("#########" + player.ToString());
            //if (!player.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>().isLocalPlayer)
            //    RpcUpdateName(player.GetComponent<LobbyPlayer>().txtPlayerName.text);


        if (isServer)
        { // For the host to do: use the timer and control the time.
            serverTimer = this;
            masterTimer = true;
        else if (isLocalPlayer)
        { //For all the boring old clients to do: get the host's timer.
            NetworkGameTimer[] timers = FindObjectsOfType <NetworkGameTimer>();

            for (int i = 0; i < timers.Length; i++)
                if (timers[i].masterTimer)
                    serverTimer = timers[i];
    void Start()
        if (isServer)
        { // For the host to do: use the timer and control the time.
            serverTimer = this;
            masterTimer = true;
        else if (isLocalPlayer)
        { //For all the boring old clients to do: get the host's timer.
            NetworkGameTimer[] timers = FindObjectsOfType <NetworkGameTimer>();

            for (int i = 0; i < timers.Length; i++)
                if (timers[i].masterTimer)
                    serverTimer = timers[i];
Beispiel #3
    void Update()
        if (masterTimer)
        { //Only the MASTER timer controls the time
            if (timer >= gameTime)
                timer = -2;
            // mancano ancora giocatori da connettere
            else if (timer == -1)
                if (NetworkServer.connections.Count >= minPlayers)
                    timer = 0;
            // il gioco e' finito
            else if (timer == -2)
                *  SETTARE isActive(true) al canvas di fine partita

                Debug.Log("Gioco finito");
                Debug.Log("Hai raccolto: \n" +
                          "\t" + "Caramelle Basic   " + Score.numBasic + "\n" +
                          "\t" + "Lollipop   " + Score.numLollipop + "\n" +
                          "\t" + "Praline   " + Score.numPraline + "\n" +
                          "\t" + "Licorice   " + Score.numLicorice + "\n" +
                          "\t" + "Gummy Bears   " + Score.numGummyBear + "\n" +
                          "\t" + "Sugar Cane   " + Score.numSugarCane + "\n" +
                          "\t" + "Marshmallow   " + Score.numMarshmallow + "\n" +
                          "\t" + "Macaron   " + Score.numMacaron + "\n" +
                          "\t" + "Donut   " + Score.numDonut + "\n" +
                          "\t" + "Cupacke   " + Score.numCupcake + "\n"
                timer         += Time.deltaTime;
                timeLabel.text = System.Math.Round(gameTime - timer).ToString();

        if (isLocalPlayer)
        { //EVERYBODY updates their own time accordingly.
            if (serverTimer)
                gameTime   = serverTimer.gameTime;
                timer      = serverTimer.timer;
                minPlayers = serverTimer.minPlayers;
            { //Maybe we don't have it yet?
                NetworkGameTimer[] timers = FindObjectsOfType <NetworkGameTimer>();
                for (int i = 0; i < timers.Length; i++)
                    if (timers[i].masterTimer)
                        serverTimer = timers[i];
    void Update()
        if (masterTimer)
        { //Only the MASTER timer controls the time
            if (timer >= gameTime)
                timer = -2;
            // mancano ancora giocatori da connettere
            else if (timer == -1)
                if (NetworkServer.connections.Count >= minPlayers)
                    timer = 0;
            // il gioco e' finito
            else if (timer == -2)
                if (!isServer)
                    // rimuovo bottone ready dai client
                    GameObject buttonReady = GameObject.Find("Ready");
                    if (buttonReady != null)

                *  TODO bloccare i comandi

                //Debug.Log("Gioco finito");
                //Debug.Log("Hai raccolto: \n" +
                //        "\t" + "Caramelle Basic   " + Score.numBasic + "\n" +
                //        "\t" + "Lollipop   " + Score.numLollipop + "\n" +
                //        "\t" + "Praline   " + Score.numPraline + "\n" +
                //        "\t" + "Licorice   " + Score.numLicorice + "\n" +
                //        "\t" + "Gummy Bears   " + Score.numGummyBear + "\n" +
                //        "\t" + "Sugar Cane   " + Score.numSugarCane + "\n" +
                //        "\t" + "Marshmallow   " + Score.numMarshmallow + "\n" +
                //        "\t" + "Macaron   " + Score.numMacaron + "\n" +
                //        "\t" + "Donut   " + Score.numDonut + "\n" +
                //        "\t" + "Cupacke   " + Score.numCupcake + "\n"
                //        );
                timer         += Time.deltaTime;
                timeLabel.text = System.Math.Round(gameTime - timer).ToString();

        if (isLocalPlayer)
        { //EVERYBODY updates their own time accordingly.
            if (serverTimer)
                gameTime   = serverTimer.gameTime;
                timer      = serverTimer.timer;
                minPlayers = serverTimer.minPlayers;
            { //Maybe we don't have it yet?
                NetworkGameTimer[] timers = FindObjectsOfType <NetworkGameTimer>();
                for (int i = 0; i < timers.Length; i++)
                    if (timers[i].masterTimer)
                        serverTimer = timers[i];