Beispiel #1
        private static Network InitStratisRegTest()
            // TODO: move this to Networks
            var net = Network.GetNetwork("StratisRegTest");

            if (net != null)

            Block.BlockSignature  = true;
            Transaction.TimeStamp = true;

            var consensus = Network.StratisTest.Consensus.Clone();

            consensus.PowLimit = new Target(uint256.Parse("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"));

            consensus.PowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true;
            consensus.PowNoRetargeting            = true;

            // The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
            // The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
            // a large 4-byte int at any alignment.
            var pchMessageStart = new byte[4];

            pchMessageStart[0] = 0xcd;
            pchMessageStart[1] = 0xf2;
            pchMessageStart[2] = 0xc0;
            pchMessageStart[3] = 0xef;
            var magic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pchMessageStart, 0); //0x5223570;

            var genesis = Network.StratisMain.GetGenesis().Clone();

            genesis.Header.Time        = 1494909211;
            genesis.Header.Nonce       = 2433759;
            genesis.Header.Bits        = consensus.PowLimit;
            consensus.HashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();

            Guard.Assert(consensus.HashGenesisBlock == uint256.Parse("0x93925104d664314f581bc7ecb7b4bad07bcfabd1cfce4256dbd2faddcf53bd1f"));

            var builder = new NetworkBuilder()
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.PUBKEY_ADDRESS, new byte[] { (65) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.SCRIPT_ADDRESS, new byte[] { (196) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.SECRET_KEY, new byte[] { (65 + 128) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_NO_EC, new byte[] { 0x01, 0x42 })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_EC, new byte[] { 0x01, 0x43 })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.EXT_PUBLIC_KEY, new byte[] { (0x04), (0x88), (0xB2), (0x1E) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.EXT_SECRET_KEY, new byte[] { (0x04), (0x88), (0xAD), (0xE4) });

        public void CanCreateNetwork()
            NetworkBuilder builder = new NetworkBuilder();

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => builder.BuildAndRegister());
            var network = builder.BuildAndRegister();

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => builder.BuildAndRegister());

            Assert.Equal(network, Network.GetNetwork("new"));
            Assert.Equal(network, Network.GetNetwork("newalias"));


        private static Network InitStratisTest()
            Block.BlockSignature  = true;
            Transaction.TimeStamp = true;

            var consensus = Network.StratisMain.Consensus.Clone();

            consensus.PowLimit = new Target(uint256.Parse("0000ffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"));

            // The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
            // The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
            // a large 4-byte int at any alignment.
            var pchMessageStart = new byte[4];

            pchMessageStart[0] = 0x71;
            pchMessageStart[1] = 0x31;
            pchMessageStart[2] = 0x21;
            pchMessageStart[3] = 0x11;
            var magic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pchMessageStart, 0); //0x5223570;

            var genesis = Network.StratisMain.GetGenesis().Clone();

            genesis.Header.Time        = 1493909211;
            genesis.Header.Nonce       = 2433759;
            genesis.Header.Bits        = consensus.PowLimit;
            consensus.HashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();

            Guard.Assert(consensus.HashGenesisBlock == uint256.Parse("0x00000e246d7b73b88c9ab55f2e5e94d9e22d471def3df5ea448f5576b1d156b9"));

            var builder = new NetworkBuilder()
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.PUBKEY_ADDRESS, new byte[] { (65) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.SCRIPT_ADDRESS, new byte[] { (196) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.SECRET_KEY, new byte[] { (65 + 128) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_NO_EC, new byte[] { 0x01, 0x42 })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_EC, new byte[] { 0x01, 0x43 })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.EXT_PUBLIC_KEY, new byte[] { (0x04), (0x88), (0xB2), (0x1E) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.EXT_SECRET_KEY, new byte[] { (0x04), (0x88), (0xAD), (0xE4) })
                new DNSSeedData("", ""),

        private static Network InitLLCoin()
            Block.BlockSignature  = true;
            Transaction.TimeStamp = true;

            var consensus = Network.StratisMain.Consensus.Clone();

            consensus.PowLimit = new Target(uint256.Parse("0x000fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"));

            // The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
            // The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
            // a large 4-byte int at any alignment.
            var pchMessageStart = new byte[4];

            pchMessageStart[0] = 0x71;
            pchMessageStart[1] = 0x31;
            pchMessageStart[2] = 0x21;
            pchMessageStart[3] = 0x11;
            var magic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pchMessageStart, 0); //0x5223570;

            //var genesis = Network.StratisMain.GetGenesis().Clone();
            var genesis = CreateStratisGenesisBlock(1496069495, 1840204, consensus.PowLimit, 1, Money.Zero);

            consensus.HashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();

            Guard.Assert(consensus.HashGenesisBlock == uint256.Parse("0x0002c75e4179fd8dc22391536af7e647bdd88b83d9ed57fcf09e5ae3d06cae78"));

            var builder = new NetworkBuilder()
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.PUBKEY_ADDRESS, new byte[] { (63) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.SCRIPT_ADDRESS, new byte[] { (125) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.SECRET_KEY, new byte[] { (63 + 125) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_NO_EC, new byte[] { 0x01, 0x42 })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_EC, new byte[] { 0x01, 0x43 })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.EXT_PUBLIC_KEY, new byte[] { (0x04), (0x88), (0xC2), (0x1E) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.EXT_SECRET_KEY, new byte[] { (0x04), (0x88), (0xB2), (0xDD) })
                new DNSSeedData("", ""),

Beispiel #5
        private static Network InitBitcoinMain()
            //SpendableCoinbaseDepth = 100;
            //name = "Main";

            var consensus = new Consensus();

            consensus.SubsidyHalvingInterval      = 210000;
            consensus.MajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade = 750;
            consensus.MajorityRejectBlockOutdated = 950;
            consensus.MajorityWindow = 1000;
            consensus.BuriedDeployments[BuriedDeployments.BIP34] = 227931;
            consensus.BuriedDeployments[BuriedDeployments.BIP65] = 388381;
            consensus.BuriedDeployments[BuriedDeployments.BIP66] = 363725;
            consensus.BIP34Hash                     = new uint256("0x000000000000024b89b42a942fe0d9fea3bb44ab7bd1b19115dd6a759c0808b8");
            consensus.PowLimit                      = new Target(new uint256("00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"));
            consensus.SegWitHeight                  = 2000000000;
            consensus.PowTargetTimespan             = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(14 * 24 * 60 * 60); // two weeks
            consensus.PowTargetSpacing              = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10 * 60);
            consensus.PowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks   = false;
            consensus.PowNoRetargeting              = false;
            consensus.RuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1916;       // 95% of 2016
            consensus.MinerConfirmationWindow       = 2016;       // nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing

            consensus.BIP9Deployments[BIP9Deployments.TestDummy] = new BIP9DeploymentsParameters(28, 1199145601, 1230767999);
            consensus.BIP9Deployments[BIP9Deployments.CSV]       = new BIP9DeploymentsParameters(0, 1462060800, 1493596800);
            consensus.BIP9Deployments[BIP9Deployments.Segwit]    = new BIP9DeploymentsParameters(1, 0, 0);

            consensus.HashGenesisBlock = uint256.Parse("0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f");             //genesis.GetHash();

            var builder = new NetworkBuilder()
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.PUBKEY_ADDRESS, new byte[] { (0) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.SCRIPT_ADDRESS, new byte[] { (5) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.SECRET_KEY, new byte[] { (128) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_NO_EC, new byte[] { 0x01, 0x42 })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_EC, new byte[] { 0x01, 0x43 })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.EXT_PUBLIC_KEY, new byte[] { (0x04), (0x88), (0xB2), (0x1E) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.EXT_SECRET_KEY, new byte[] { (0x04), (0x88), (0xAD), (0xE4) })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.PASSPHRASE_CODE, new byte[] { 0x2C, 0xE9, 0xB3, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x39, 0xE2 })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.CONFIRMATION_CODE, new byte[] { 0x64, 0x3B, 0xF6, 0xA8, 0x9A })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.STEALTH_ADDRESS, new byte[] { 0x2a })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.ASSET_ID, new byte[] { 23 })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.COLORED_ADDRESS, new byte[] { 0x13 })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.WITNESS_P2WPKH, new byte[] { 0x6 })
                          .SetBase58Bytes(Base58Type.WITNESS_P2WSH, new byte[] { (10) })
                          .SetGenesis(CreateGenesisBlock(1231006505, 2083236893, 0x1d00ffff, 1, Money.Coins(50m)));


            // The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
            // The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
            // a large 4-byte int at any alignment.
            //magic = 0xD9B4BEF9;
            //vAlertPubKey = Encoders.Hex.DecodeData("04fc9702847840aaf195de8442ebecedf5b095cdbb9bc716bda9110971b28a49e0ead8564ff0db22209e0374782c093bb899692d524e9d6a6956e7c5ecbcd68284");
            //nDefaultPort = 8333;
            //nRPCPort = 8332;
            //nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 210000;

            // the genesis block can not be generated as the Block serialization is different
            // set the the gemesis hash manually.

            //genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1231006505, 2083236893, 0x1d00ffff, 1, Money.Coins(50m));
            //consensus.HashGenesisBlock = uint256.Parse("0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f"); //genesis.GetHash();

            //assert(consensus.HashGenesisBlock == uint256.Parse("0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f"));
            //assert(genesis.Header.HashMerkleRoot == uint256.Parse("0x4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b"));

            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = new byte[] { (0) };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = new byte[] { (5) };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.SECRET_KEY] = new byte[] { (128) };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_NO_EC] = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x42 };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.ENCRYPTED_SECRET_KEY_EC] = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x43 };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = new byte[] { (0x04), (0x88), (0xB2), (0x1E) };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.EXT_SECRET_KEY] = new byte[] { (0x04), (0x88), (0xAD), (0xE4) };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.PASSPHRASE_CODE] = new byte[] { 0x2C, 0xE9, 0xB3, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x39, 0xE2 };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.CONFIRMATION_CODE] = new byte[] { 0x64, 0x3B, 0xF6, 0xA8, 0x9A };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.STEALTH_ADDRESS] = new byte[] { 0x2a };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.ASSET_ID] = new byte[] { 23 };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.COLORED_ADDRESS] = new byte[] { 0x13 };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.WITNESS_P2WPKH] = new byte[] { 0x6 };
            //base58Prefixes[(int)Base58Type.WITNESS_P2WSH] = new byte[] { (10) };