Beispiel #1
        public void addItemRecord()
            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            string itemName = this.ItemName;

            SearchStringField objItemName = new SearchStringField();
            objItemName.searchValue = itemName;
            objItemName.@operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.@is;
            objItemName.operatorSpecified = true;
            ItemSearch objItemSearch = new ItemSearch();
            objItemSearch.basic = new ItemSearchBasic();
            objItemSearch.basic.itemId = objItemName;

            SearchPreferences searchPreferences = new SearchPreferences();
            searchPreferences.bodyFieldsOnly = false;
            service.searchPreferences = searchPreferences;

            SearchResult objItemResult =;

            if (objItemResult.status.isSuccess != true) throw new Exception("Cannot find Item " + itemName + " " + objItemResult.status.statusDetail[0].message);
            if (objItemResult.recordList.Count() != 1) throw new Exception("More than one item found for item " + itemName);

            InventoryItem iRecord = new InventoryItem();

            iRecord = ((InventoryItem)objItemResult.recordList[0]);

            this.itemRecord = new InventoryItem();
 /// <summary>
 /// logout
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="netSuiteService">netsuite webservice instance</param>
 /// <param name="sessionResponse">session service response</param>
 public void logout(NetSuiteService netSuiteService, SessionResponse sessionResponse)
     if (sessionResponse != null && sessionResponse.status.isSuccess)
Beispiel #3
        public Location(string locationName)
            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            LocationSearch locSearch = new LocationSearch();
            SearchStringField locName = new SearchStringField();
            locName.@operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.@is;
            locName.operatorSpecified = true;
            locName.searchValue = locationName;
            LocationSearchBasic locSearchBasic = new LocationSearchBasic();
   = locName;
            locSearch.basic = locSearchBasic;

            SearchResult locationResult =;

            if (locationResult.status.isSuccess != true) throw new Exception("Cannot find Item " + locationName + " " + locationResult.status.statusDetail[0].message);
            if (locationResult.recordList.Count() != 1) throw new Exception("More than one item found for item " + locationName);

            this.locationRecord = new RecordRef();
            this.locationRecord.type = RecordType.location;
            this.locationRecord.typeSpecified = true;
            this.locationRecord.internalId = ((com.netsuite.webservices.Location)locationResult.recordList[0]).internalId;
        public void savedSearch(NetSuiteService service, string searchID)
            CustomRecordSearchAdvanced csa = new CustomRecordSearchAdvanced();
            csa.savedSearchId = searchID;

            SearchResult SR =;

            if (SR.status.isSuccess)
                SearchRow[] searchRows = SR.searchRowList;

                for (int i = 0; i < searchRows.Length; i++)
                    CustomRecordSearchRow crsr = (CustomRecordSearchRow)searchRows[i];
                    ArrayList customFieldList = new ArrayList(crsr.basic.customFieldList);
                    String strRecNumberPrefix = "Record " + i.ToString() + ": ";

                    for (int j = 0; j < customFieldList.Count; j++)
                        MessageBox.Show("Field Type for element " + j + ": " + customFieldList[j].GetType().Name);
                        switch (customFieldList[j].GetType().Name)
                            case "SearchColumnSelectCustomField":
                                SearchColumnSelectCustomField scselectcf = (SearchColumnSelectCustomField)customFieldList[j];
                                if (scselectcf.internalId == "custrecord_currency")
                                    ListOrRecordRef lorrCurrency = (ListOrRecordRef)scselectcf.searchValue;
                                    RecordRef rrCurrency = new RecordRef();
                                    rrCurrency.internalId = lorrCurrency.internalId;
                                    rrCurrency.type = RecordType.currency;
                                    txtSearchResults.Text = txtSearchResults.Text + strRecNumberPrefix + + Environment.NewLine;
                                else if (scselectcf.internalId == "custrecord_subsidiary")
                                    ListOrRecordRef lorrSubsidiary = (ListOrRecordRef)scselectcf.searchValue;
                                    RecordRef rrSubsidiary = new RecordRef();
                                    rrSubsidiary.internalId = lorrSubsidiary.internalId;
                                    rrSubsidiary.type = RecordType.subsidiary;
                                    txtSearchResults.Text = txtSearchResults.Text + strRecNumberPrefix + + Environment.NewLine;
                            case "SearchColumnStringCustomField":
                                SearchColumnStringCustomField scstringcf = (SearchColumnStringCustomField)customFieldList[j];
                                if (scstringcf.internalId == "custrecord_jdecountry")
                                    txtSearchResults.Text = txtSearchResults.Text + strRecNumberPrefix + scstringcf.searchValue + Environment.NewLine;
                txtSearchResults.Text = "Failure";
        /// <summary>
        /// call the login service
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">netsuite account</param>
        private void executeLogin(string account)
            string _account = string.IsNullOrEmpty(account) ? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["account"].Split(',')[0] : account;

            if (_account.Contains('|'))
                _account = _account.Split('|')[0];

            Login login = new Login(_account);

            bool isSandbox = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account))
                DialogResult dlrSandbox = MessageBox.Show("Connect to sandbox account?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                isSandbox = (dlrSandbox == DialogResult.Yes);

            netSuiteService = new DataCenterAwareNetSuiteService(login.Account, isSandbox);

            ///password not mandatory in configuration
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(login.Password))
                FrmDialog passwordDialog = new FrmDialog();
                passwordDialog.Text = login.Email;
                if (passwordDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
                    login.Password = passwordDialog.txtPassword.Text;
                    login.Password = string.Empty;

            sessionResponse = login.login(netSuiteService);
            if (sessionResponse != null && sessionResponse.status.isSuccess)
                lblToolStripStatus.Text = ((isSandbox) ? "SANDBOX " : "") + "Account: " + login.Account + " - Email: " + login.Email;
                appendLog("Login done [" + lblToolStripStatus.Text + "]");

                netSuiteService.addListCompleted += netSuiteService_addListCompleted;

                lblToolStripStatus.Text = "Login failed!";
                appendLog(lblToolStripStatus.Text, NOTIFICATION_ERROR);
 protected NetSuiteService Service(bool requireLogin = false)
     if (requireLogin || _Service == null)
         bool UseTba = true;
         _Service         = new DataCenterAwareNetSuiteService(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["login.acct"], "true".Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["promptForLogin"]) && !UseTba);
         _Service.Timeout = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2;
         //Enable cookie management
         Uri myUri = new Uri("");
         _Service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
         _Service.tokenPassport   = Token.ins.CreateTokenPassport();
        public ActionResult BeginCount(string confirm, WeekForCount week)
            if (confirm.Equals("Begin Your New Count"))
                NetSuiteService service = this.service;

                string email =;

                string password = this.password;

                PopulateItemDB tableCreation = new PopulateItemDB();

                tableCreation.GenerateDB(week.WeekNumber, email, password);
            return(RedirectToAction("Index")); // Always return to index.
        /// <summary>
        /// exceute the upload of files set in the task
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="netSuiteService">netsuite webservice instance</param>
        /// <param name="taskName">task executed</param>
        /// <returns>array of task files uploaded</returns>
        public static TaskFile[] UploadFiles(NetSuiteService netSuiteService, string taskName)
            /*  ///SINGLE FILE SAMPLE UPLOAD
             * RecordRef recRef = new RecordRef();
             * recRef.internalId = "8700";
             * file.folder = recRef;
             * WriteResponse wr = netSuiteService.add(file);
             * lblNotification.Text = wr.status.isSuccess.ToString();

            string filePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["taskfolder"].ToString().TrimEnd('\\') + @"\" + taskName;

            string taskContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath);

            List <TaskFile> taskFiles        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TaskFile[]>(taskContent).ToList();
            List <TaskFile> taskFilesFolders = new List <TaskFile>();
            List <Record>   records          = new List <Record>(taskFiles.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < taskFiles.Count; i++)
                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(taskFiles[i].Path))
                { ///loop for all files in folder
                    string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(taskFiles[i].Path);
                    for (int k = 0; k < files.Length; k++)
                        TaskFile taskFile = new TaskFile()
                            Path = files[k], Folderid = taskFiles[i].Folderid
                { ///single file



        public void getCustomRecord(NetSuiteService service, string recordNo, string recordTypeNo)
            CustomRecordRef recWebService = new CustomRecordRef();
            recWebService.internalId = recordNo;
            recWebService.typeId = recordTypeNo;
            ReadResponse rr = service.get(recWebService);

            if (rr.status.isSuccess)
                CustomRecord currExtension = (CustomRecord)rr.record;
                ArrayList currExtFieldList = new ArrayList(currExtension.customFieldList);

                for (int i = 0; i < currExtFieldList.Count; i++)
                    switch (currExtFieldList[i].GetType().Name)
                        case "StringCustomFieldRef":
                            StringCustomFieldRef jdeCountry = (StringCustomFieldRef)currExtFieldList[i];
                            if (jdeCountry.internalId == "custrecord_jdecountry")
                                txtJDECountry.Text = jdeCountry.value;

                        case "SelectCustomFieldRef":
                            SelectCustomFieldRef objSelect = (SelectCustomFieldRef)currExtFieldList[i];
                            if (objSelect.internalId == "custrecord_currency")
                                ListOrRecordRef currency = (ListOrRecordRef)objSelect.value;
                                txtCurrency.Text =;
                            else if (objSelect.internalId == "custrecord_subsidiary")
                                ListOrRecordRef subsidiary = (ListOrRecordRef)objSelect.value;
                                txtSubsidiary.Text =;
                txtJDECountry.Text = "Failed at isSuccess";
Beispiel #10
        public string createNewBin(InventoryBin bin)
            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            LocationSearch locationSearch = new LocationSearch();
            LocationSearchBasic locationSearchBasic = new LocationSearchBasic();
            SearchStringField locationName = new SearchStringField();
            locationName.searchValue = bin.LocationName;
            locationName.@operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.@is;
            locationName.operatorSpecified = true;
   = locationName;
            locationSearch.basic = locationSearchBasic;

            SearchResult sr = new SearchResult();
            sr =;
            if (sr.status.isSuccess != true) Console.WriteLine(sr.status.statusDetail[0].message);

            Bin newBin = new Bin();
            RecordRef newLocation = new RecordRef();
            newLocation.type = RecordType.location;
            newLocation.typeSpecified = true;
            newLocation.internalId = ((com.netsuite.webservices.Location)sr.recordList[0]).internalId;
            newBin.binNumber = bin.BinNumber;
            newBin.location = newLocation;

            WriteResponse writeResponse = service.add(newBin);
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == true)

                Console.WriteLine("Bin: "+ newBin.binNumber +" has been created.");
                return "Bin: " + newBin.binNumber + " has been created.";

            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == false)
                return writeResponse.status.statusDetail[0].message;
            return string.Empty;
        public SuiteTalkConnector()
             * Sets the application to accept all certificates coming from a secure server.
             * NOTE: This line is only required if the network or application needs to communicate over HTTPS (SSL).
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate { return(true); };
            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (SecurityProtocolType)3072;

            // All web service operations execute against the _service field
            _service = new NetSuiteService();

            // Added to make sure the application works regardless of the data center

            //setPreferences();   // Set all preferences, search & regular
            setPassport();      // Set the Passport information for authentication
            //setTokenPassport(); // Comment out the setPassport() call and uncomment this to use tokens for logging in.
        /// <summary>
        /// exceute the upload of files set in the task
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="netSuiteService">netsuite webservice instance</param>
        /// <param name="taskName">task executed</param>
        /// <returns>array of task files uploaded</returns>
        public static TaskFile[] UploadFiles(NetSuiteService netSuiteService, string taskName)
            /*  ///SINGLE FILE SAMPLE UPLOAD
            RecordRef recRef = new RecordRef();
            recRef.internalId = "8700";
            file.folder = recRef;

            WriteResponse wr = netSuiteService.add(file);
            lblNotification.Text = wr.status.isSuccess.ToString();

            string filePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["taskfolder"].ToString().TrimEnd('\\') + @"\" + taskName;

            string taskContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath);

            List<TaskFile> taskFiles = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TaskFile[]>(taskContent).ToList();
            List<TaskFile> taskFilesFolders = new List<TaskFile>();
            List<Record> records = new List<Record>(taskFiles.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < taskFiles.Count; i++)
                { ///loop for all files in folder
                    string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(taskFiles[i].Path);
                    for (int k = 0; k < files.Length; k++)
                        TaskFile taskFile = new TaskFile() { Path = files[k], Folderid = taskFiles[i].Folderid };
                { ///single file



            return taskFiles.ToArray();
        public static NetSuiteService GetNetSuiteService()
            if (passport == null)
                passport             = new TokenPassport();
                passport.account     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccountID"];
                passport.consumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerKey"];
                passport.token       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TokenId"];
                passport.nonce       = GenerateNonce(10);
                passport.timestamp   = (Int64)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;
                passport.signature   = GenerateSignature(passport.nonce, passport.timestamp);

            if (service == null)
                service = new NetSuiteService();
                service.tokenPassport = passport;
                service.Url           = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["URL"];

Beispiel #14
        public void DeleteBin(InventoryBin bin)
            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            BinSearch binSearch = new BinSearch();
            BinSearchBasic bSBasic = new BinSearchBasic();
            SearchStringField binName = new SearchStringField();
            binName.searchValue = bin.BinNumber;
            binName.@operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.@is;
            binName.operatorSpecified = true;
            bSBasic.binNumber = binName;
            binSearch.basic = bSBasic;

            SearchResult sr = new SearchResult();
            sr =;
            if (sr.status.isSuccess != true) Console.WriteLine(sr.status.statusDetail[0].message);

            RecordRef binToDelete = new RecordRef();
            binToDelete.type = RecordType.bin;
            binToDelete.typeSpecified = true;
   = bin.BinNumber;
            binToDelete.internalId = ((Bin)sr.recordList[0]).internalId;

            WriteResponse writeResponse = service.delete(binToDelete);
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Bin: " + + " has been deleted.");
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == false)

Beispiel #15
        public void addBinRecord(string binNumber)
            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            SearchStringField objBinNumber = new SearchStringField();
            objBinNumber.searchValue = binNumber;
            objBinNumber.@operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.@is;
            objBinNumber.operatorSpecified = true;
            BinSearch objBinSearch = new BinSearch();
            objBinSearch.basic = new BinSearchBasic();
            objBinSearch.basic.binNumber = objBinNumber;
            SearchResult objBinResult =;

            if (objBinResult.status.isSuccess == false) throw new Exception("Unable to find bin " + binNumber + " is NetSuite");
            if (((Bin)objBinResult.recordList[0]).isInactive) throw new Exception("Bin Number " + binNumber + " is inactive in NetSuite");

            this.binRecord = new Bin();
            this.binRecord = (Bin)objBinResult.recordList[0];
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="netSuiteService">netsuite webservice instance</param>
        /// <param name="account">account</param>
        /// <returns>session service response</returns>
        public SessionResponse login(NetSuiteService netSuiteService)
                Passport passport = new Passport();
                passport.account = this.Account;
       = this.Email;
                passport.password = this.Password;
                //RecordRef role = new RecordRef();
                //role.internalId = "3";
                //passport.role = role;

                netSuiteService.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
                //netSuiteService.Url = "";

                SessionResponse sessionResponse = netSuiteService.login(passport);
                return sessionResponse;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return null;
        public ActionResult LogIn(LogInModel model)
            var email = model.Email + "";

            // Log-in through Netsuite:
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();

                    var login = service.xLogin(Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NetSuiteAccountNumber"]), email, model.Password, Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NetSuiteRoleNumber"]));
                    Session["NetSuiteService"] = service;
                    var      counterID = login.userId.internalId;
                    Employee employee  = service.xGetRecord <Employee>(counterID as string);
                    Session["CounterInitials"] = employee.initials as string;
                catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Email", "Invalid Email or Password. Try again.");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Brings user to the page they wanted to go to
                FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Email, false);
                Session["Email"]    = email;
                Session["Password"] = model.Password;
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="netSuiteService">netsuite webservice instance</param>
        /// <param name="account">account</param>
        /// <returns>session service response</returns>
        public SessionResponse login(NetSuiteService netSuiteService)
                Passport passport = new Passport();
                passport.account  = this.Account;
          = this.Email;
                passport.password = this.Password;
                //RecordRef role = new RecordRef();
                //role.internalId = "3";
                //passport.role = role;

                netSuiteService.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
                //netSuiteService.Url = "";

                SessionResponse sessionResponse = netSuiteService.login(passport);
            catch (Exception ex)
        public New_Lead()
            _isAuthenticated = false;
            _service = new NetSuiteService();
            _service.Timeout = 1000*60*60*2;

            //Enable cookie management
            Uri myUri = new Uri("");
            _service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
        public string markAsShipped()
            ItemFulfillmentShipStatus shipped = ItemFulfillmentShipStatus._shipped;

            ItemFulfillment updatedOrder = new ItemFulfillment();
            updatedOrder.itemFulfillment = new com.netsuite.webservices.ItemFulfillment();
            updatedOrder.itemFulfillment.internalId = this.itemFulfillment.internalId;
            updatedOrder.itemFulfillment.shipStatus = shipped;
            updatedOrder.itemFulfillment.shipStatusSpecified = true;

            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            WriteResponse writeResponse = service.update(updatedOrder.itemFulfillment);
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Item Fulfillment " + this.itemFulfillment.tranId + " marked as shipped.");
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == false)

            return this.itemFulfillment.tranId;
        public string createItemFulfillment()
            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            WriteResponse writeResponse = service.add(this.itemFulfillment);
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Create Item Fulfillment success");
                return "Create Item Fulfillment Success";
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == false)
                return writeResponse.status.statusDetail[0].message;
            return string.Empty;
Beispiel #22
        public string addBin(InventoryBin itemBin)
            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            SearchStringField objItemName = new SearchStringField();
            objItemName.searchValue = itemBin.InventoryItem.ItemName;
            objItemName.@operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.@is;
            objItemName.operatorSpecified = true;
            ItemSearch objItemSearch = new ItemSearch();
            objItemSearch.basic = new ItemSearchBasic();
            objItemSearch.basic.itemId = objItemName;
            SearchResult objItemResult =;

            if (objItemResult.status.isSuccess != true)
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot find Item " + itemBin.InventoryItem.ItemName + " " + objItemResult.status.statusDetail[0].message);
                return "Cannot find Item " + itemBin.InventoryItem.ItemName + " " + objItemResult.status.statusDetail[0].message;
            if (objItemResult.recordList.Count() != 1)
                Console.WriteLine("More than one item found for item " + itemBin.InventoryItem.ItemName);
                return "More than one item found for item " + itemBin.InventoryItem.ItemName;

            SearchStringField objBinNumber = new SearchStringField();
            objBinNumber.searchValue = itemBin.BinNumber;
            objBinNumber.@operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.@is;
            objBinNumber.operatorSpecified = true;
            BinSearch objBinSearch = new BinSearch();
            objBinSearch.basic = new BinSearchBasic();
            objBinSearch.basic.binNumber = objBinNumber;
            SearchResult objBinResult =;

            if (objBinResult.status.isSuccess == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to find bin " + itemBin.BinNumber + " in NetSuite");
                return "Unable to find bin " + itemBin.BinNumber + " in NetSuite";
            if (objItemResult.recordList.Count() != 1)
                Console.WriteLine("More than one bin found for " + itemBin.BinNumber);
                return "More than one bin found for " + itemBin.BinNumber;
            if (((Bin)objBinResult.recordList[0]).isInactive)
                Console.WriteLine("Bin Number " + itemBin.BinNumber + " is inactive in NetSuite");
                return "Bin Number " + itemBin.BinNumber + " is inactive in NetSuite";

            RecordRef objAddBin = new RecordRef();
            objAddBin.type = RecordType.bin;
            objAddBin.typeSpecified = true;
            objAddBin.internalId = ((Bin)objBinResult.recordList[0]).internalId;
   = ((Bin)objBinResult.recordList[0]).binNumber;

            InventoryItemBinNumber objItemBinNumber = new InventoryItemBinNumber();
            objItemBinNumber.location = ((Bin)objBinResult.recordList[0]).location.internalId;
            objItemBinNumber.binNumber = objAddBin;

            InventoryItemBinNumber[] objItemBinNumbers = new InventoryItemBinNumber[1];
            objItemBinNumbers[0] = objItemBinNumber;


                    //Initialize item to update
                    InventoryItem objInventoryItem = new InventoryItem();
                    objInventoryItem.internalId = ((InventoryItem)objItemResult.recordList[0]).internalId;
                    objInventoryItem.salesDescription = ((InventoryItem)objItemResult.recordList[0]).salesDescription;
                    objInventoryItem.purchaseDescription = ((InventoryItem)objItemResult.recordList[0]).purchaseDescription;

                    objInventoryItem.binNumberList = new InventoryItemBinNumberList();
                    objInventoryItem.binNumberList.binNumber = objItemBinNumbers;
                    objInventoryItem.binNumberList.replaceAll = false;

                    //Request to update item with bins

                    WriteResponse objWriteResponse = service.update(objInventoryItem);

                    if (objWriteResponse.status.isSuccess != true)
                        return objWriteResponse.status.statusDetail[0].message;

                    Console.WriteLine("Bins successfully updated for: "+((InventoryItem)objItemResult.recordList[0]).itemId);
                    return "Bins successfully updated for: " + ((InventoryItem)objItemResult.recordList[0]).itemId;
             return string.Empty;
        public void uploadXMLMaxCredible(NetSuiteService service)
            //Start processing for MaxCredible upload
            int currentMCRecord= 0;
            int currentMCChunk = 1;
            HTTP_POSTS theseHTTPSPOSTS = new HTTP_POSTS();
            theseHTTPSPOSTS.NR_RECORDS = _SSRECORDS.Length.ToString();
            int MCchunkSize = Convert.ToInt32(_MaxCredibleData.CHUNK_SIZE);
            int MCchunkQty = Convert.ToInt32(TxtChunkQty.Text);
            ProgressMCUpload.Maximum = _SSRECORDS.Length;
            string MCBatchName = Settings.Default.MC_XMLOutputPrefix + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyHHmmss");
            for (int i = 0; i < _SSRECORDS.Length; i++)
                TransactionSearchRow TSR = (TransactionSearchRow)_SSRECORDS[i];
                theseHTTPSPOSTS.CHUNK_NR = currentMCChunk.ToString();
                currentMCRecord = i + 1;
                HTTP_POST thisHTTPPOST = createHTTP_POST(TSR);
                thisHTTPPOST.RECORD_NR = currentMCRecord.ToString();
                AppendTextBoxLine(TxtMaxCredibleUpload, "  Invoice " + currentMCRecord.ToString("0000") + "\t" + thisHTTPPOST.FACTUURNUMMER, true);

                if ((currentMCRecord % MCchunkSize == 0 && i != 0) || currentMCRecord == _SSRECORDS.Length)
                    XmlSerializer XMLData = new XmlSerializer(theseHTTPSPOSTS.GetType());
                    if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(Settings.Default.MC_XMLOutputDir))
                        StreamWriter XMLfile = new StreamWriter(Settings.Default.MC_XMLOutputDir + MCBatchName + currentMCChunk.ToString("0000") + ".xml", false);
                        XMLData.Serialize(XMLfile, theseHTTPSPOSTS);
                        AppendTextBoxLine(TxtMaxCredibleUpload, "Chunk " + currentMCChunk + " of " + MCchunkQty + " created", true);

                    if (!ChkFileXMLOnly.Checked)// Read back in and upload to MaxCredible
                            XmlNode MCResponseNode;
                            XmlDocument MCRequestDoc = new XmlDocument();
                            XmlTextReader XMLTextReader = new XmlTextReader(Settings.Default.MC_XMLOutputDir + MCBatchName + currentMCChunk.ToString("0000") + ".xml");
                            string MCXML = MCRequestDoc.OuterXml.Replace("<HTTP_POST><HTTP_POST>", "<HTTP_POST>").Replace("</HTTP_POST></HTTP_POST>", "</HTTP_POST>"); //Remove outer list node as MaxCredible does not implement
                            //This really needs more elegant XML node / attribute transform handling but just quick string replacements at the moment ...
                            //Before - <HTTP_POSTS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
                            //After - <HTTP_POSTS xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="Posten_Batch.xsd">
                            MCXML = MCXML.Replace("<HTTP_POSTS ", "<HTTP_POSTS xmlns=\"\"  xsi:schemaLocation=\"Posten_Batch.xsd\" ");
                            MCXML = MCXML.Replace(" encoding=\"utf-8\"", ""); //Breaks if encoding present
                            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Settings.Default.MC_XMLOutputDir + "Request_" + currentMCChunk.ToString("0000") + ".xml", MCXML);
                            MCResponseNode = _MaxCredibleService.XMLBatchReceive(Settings.Default.MC_UserName, Settings.Default.MC_Password, MCBatchName, MCXML);
                            AppendTextBoxLine(TxtMaxCredibleUpload, "MC Response Chunk " + currentMCChunk.ToString("0000") + " : " + MCResponseNode.OuterXml, true);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show("MaxCredible Web Services Error :\n" + ex.Message);

                    ProgressMCUpload.Value = currentMCRecord;
                    theseHTTPSPOSTS.HTTP_POST.Clear(); //Ready for next chunk

            //Write textbox contents to log file - deprecated as now done as text box appended
            //if (Settings.Default.APP_LogFileName != "")
            //    System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Settings.Default.MC_XMLOutputDir + Settings.Default.APP_LogFileName, TxtMaxCredibleUpload.Text);
            //    AppendTextBoxLine(TxtMaxCredibleUpload, "Log file created : " + Settings.Default.APP_LogFileName, false);
        public static string Login(string strUser, string strPassword, string strAccount, string strRole)
            string strResult = null;
                Passport passport = new Passport();
                RecordRef role = new RecordRef();
       = strUser;
                passport.password = strPassword;
                role.internalId = strRole;
                passport.role = role;
                passport.account = strAccount;

                _service = new NetSuiteService();
                _service.Timeout = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2;
                _service.passport = passport;
                SessionResponse objResponse = _service.login(passport);
                if (!objResponse.status.isSuccess)
                    strResult = objResponse.status.statusDetail[0].message;
            catch (Exception objExc)
                strResult = objExc.Message;
            return strResult;
Beispiel #25
        public bool placeSalesOrder()
            bool success = false;
            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            SelectCustomFieldRef tempCustFieldRef = new SelectCustomFieldRef();
            tempCustFieldRef.internalId = "148";
            tempCustFieldRef.scriptId = "custbodycustbodycust_fob";
            tempCustFieldRef.value.internalId = "3";
            this.salesOrder.customFieldList = new CustomFieldRef[4];
            this.salesOrder.customFieldList[4]  = new SelectCustomFieldRef();
            this.salesOrder.customFieldList[4] = tempCustFieldRef;

            WriteResponse writeResponse = service.add(this.salesOrder);
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == true)
                success = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Sales Order success");
                return success;
                success = false;
                return success;
        public void editFulfillment(List<ItemFulfillmentLine> fulfillmentLines)
            ItemFulfillment updatedFulfillment = new ItemFulfillment();
            updatedFulfillment.itemFulfillment = new com.netsuite.webservices.ItemFulfillment();
            updatedFulfillment.itemFulfillment.internalId = this.itemFulfillment.internalId;
            updatedFulfillment.itemFulfillment.itemList = new ItemFulfillmentItemList();
            // updatedFulfillment.itemFulfillment.itemList.item = new ItemFulfillmentItem[this.itemFulfillment.itemList.item.Length];

            //bool flag = false;
            //bool contains = false;
            //bool contains1 = false;

            foreach (var line in fulfillmentLines)
                foreach (var itemObject in this.itemFulfillment.itemList.item)
                    //if (
                    if ( && (line.delete == true))
                        this.itemFulfillment.itemList.item = this.itemFulfillment.itemList.item.Where(val => !;
                        //ItemFulfillmentItem ifi = new ItemFulfillmentItem();
                        //ifi.orderLine = itemObject.orderLine;
                    if ( && (line.delete == false))
                        itemObject.quantity = line.QuantityRequested;
                    if (! && (line.delete == false))
                    if (! && (line.delete == true))

            updatedFulfillment.itemFulfillment.itemList = this.itemFulfillment.itemList;
            //updatedFulfillment.itemFulfillment.itemList.item = this.itemFulfillment.itemList.item;

            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            WriteResponse writeResponse = service.update(updatedFulfillment.itemFulfillment);
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Update Item Fulfillment success");
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == false)
        public ActionResult InventoryAdjustment()
            List <int> summmary = SummaryOfCurrentCount();

            if (summmary[2] != 0 || !AdminEmails.Contains( // If there are items left to count, return them to the home page

            NetSuiteService service = this.service;

            // Create the adjustment object
            InventoryAdjustment adjustment = new InventoryAdjustment();

            adjustment.account = new RecordRef(RecordType.account, 147);    // Set the adjustment account (147 is NetSuite ID)

            adjustment.adjLocation = new RecordRef(RecordType.location, 1); // Set adjustment location of South Burlington (1 is NetSuite ID)

            // All items
            var items = from m in db.Items
                        select m;

            // Determine the Week for the count
            // Take the one code that is greater than 39 (Class C items) and determine the week by subtracting 39 from that code
            int[] CycleCodes = items.Select(x => x.CycleCountCode).Distinct().ToArray();
            int   week       = 0;

            foreach (int cyclecode in CycleCodes)
                if (cyclecode > 39)
                    week = cyclecode - 39;
            if (this.NonWeeklyCount != true)
                adjustment.memo = "cycle count " + week.ToString() + "--" + DateTime.Now.Year; // Set the adjustment memo
                adjustment.memo = "entire column count " + DateTime.Now.Year;

            // List of items that have been changed
            var itemsChanged = items.ToList().Where(x => x.OnHand != x.NewOnHand); // We only care about items that have different qty for Adjustments

            // List of items with bin location changes
            var binLocationChanged = items.ToList().Where(x => x.NewBinLocation != x.BinLocation);

            // Create a List of InventoryAdjustmentInventory
            InventoryAdjustmentInventoryList inventoryList = new InventoryAdjustmentInventoryList(); // Required for Adjustment

            inventoryList.inventory = new InventoryAdjustmentInventory[itemsChanged.Count()];        // An array of items to be changed

            int currentIndex = 0;                                                                    // Keep track of the index

            // Change the Bin Location for items that have different Bins
            foreach (var item in binLocationChanged)
                var           id = item.ID.ToString();
                InventoryItem ii = new InventoryItem();
                ii.internalId = id;
                ii.xSetCustomField("custitem_bin_location", item.NewBinLocation.ToString());

            if (itemsChanged == null && binLocationChanged != null)
                ViewBag.BinOnly = "You have only adjusted the Bin Location, no Inventory adjustment has been created.";

            // Create Inventory adjustment for items that have different quantities
            if (itemsChanged.Count() != 0)
                foreach (var item in itemsChanged) // Set the required fields for the Adjustment
                    InventoryAdjustmentInventory iai = new InventoryAdjustmentInventory();
                    iai.item     = new RecordRef((item.ID).ToString());
                    iai.location = new RecordRef("1");
                    iai.xSetAdjustQtyBy(item.NewOnHand - item.OnHand);
                    iai.memo = item.CounterInitials + ": " + item.Notes;
                    inventoryList.inventory[currentIndex] = iai;                              // Add to array
                    currentIndex++;                                                           // Update the Index
                adjustment.inventoryList = inventoryList;                                     // Required for adjustment

                var sumAdjusted = adjustment.inventoryList.inventory.Sum(x => x.adjustQtyBy); // Check to make sure that the local count and NetSuite count match

                WriteResponse adjustmentAdded = service.xAdd(adjustment);                     // Push to Netsuite

                if (adjustmentAdded.status.isSuccess) // Checks to make sure that the adjustment push was successfull
                    // Create a copy Adjustment to check against the local copy
                    var id = adjustment.internalId;
                    var CountItemsChanged  = itemsChanged.Count();
                    InventoryAdjustment ia = service.xGetRecord <InventoryAdjustment>(id);
                    var sumAdjustedCheck   = ia.inventoryList.inventory.Sum(x => x.adjustQtyBy);

                    if (sumAdjusted == sumAdjustedCheck) // Makes sure the quantity changes are the same
                        ViewBag.adjustmentID = id;
                        return(View(adjustmentAdded)); // We are good to delete the count
                    else // The quantities are different
                        ViewBag.ErrorMessage("Something went wrong. Please check NetSuite and make sure everything is EXACTLY as you have entered in this software.");
                        return(View(adjustmentAdded));// Need to check NetSuite, something went wrong
                else // The NetSuite push was not successfull
                    ViewBag.ErrorMessage = adjustmentAdded.status.statusDetail[0].message.ToString();
            // The user only changed the notes
            ViewBag.NotesOnly = "You did not change the quantity or bin location of any item in the count. Nothing has changed in NetSuite.";
        public void itemFulfillmentSearch(string orderNumber)
            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            TransactionSearchAdvanced tranSearchAdvanced = new TransactionSearchAdvanced();
            TransactionSearch tranSearch = new TransactionSearch();
            SearchStringField orderID = new SearchStringField();
            orderID.@operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.@is;
            orderID.operatorSpecified = true;
            orderID.searchValue = orderNumber;

            TransactionSearchBasic tranSearchBasic = new TransactionSearchBasic();
            tranSearchBasic.tranId = orderID;
            tranSearch.basic = tranSearchBasic;
            tranSearchAdvanced.criteria = tranSearch;

            SearchPreferences searchPreferences = new SearchPreferences();
            searchPreferences.bodyFieldsOnly = false;
            service.searchPreferences = searchPreferences;

            SearchResult transactionResult =;

            if (transactionResult.status.isSuccess != true) throw new Exception("Cannot find Order " + orderNumber + " " + transactionResult.status.statusDetail[0].message);
            if (transactionResult.recordList.Count() != 1) throw new Exception("More than one order found for item " + orderNumber);

            this.itemFulfillment = new com.netsuite.webservices.ItemFulfillment();
            this.itemFulfillment = ((com.netsuite.webservices.ItemFulfillment)transactionResult.recordList[0]);
 public void setupNetSuiteObjects(NetSuiteService service)
     try //Using a session test - if it fails then login ...
         GetServerTimeResult testResult = service.getServerTime();
         AppendTextBoxLine(txtSearchResults, "Logging in ...", true);
         Passport passport = new Passport();
         passport.account = Settings.Default.NS_AccountID; = Settings.Default.NS_UserEmail;
         RecordRef role = new RecordRef();
         role.internalId = Settings.Default.NS_Role;
         passport.role = role;
         passport.password = Settings.Default.NS_Password;
         Status loginStatus = service.login(passport).status;
         if (loginStatus.isSuccess)
             AppendTextBoxLine(txtSearchResults, "Logged in OK : " + passport.account + " : " +, true);
             AppendTextBoxLine(txtSearchResults, "Login Error : " + loginStatus.statusDetail[0].message, true);
        public void savedSearchMaxCredible(NetSuiteService service)
            TransactionSearchAdvanced TSA = new TransactionSearchAdvanced();
            TSA.savedSearchScriptId = TxtSavedSearch1.Text;
            TransactionSearch TS = new TransactionSearch();
            TransactionSearchBasic TSB = new TransactionSearchBasic();

            if (Settings.Default.APP_DatesEnabled)
                DateTime theSearchStartDate = DTPickerFrom.Value;
                DateTime theSearchFinishDate = DTPickerTo.Value;
                SearchDateField theDTSearch = new SearchDateField();
                theDTSearch.operatorSpecified = true;
                theDTSearch.@operator = SearchDateFieldOperator.within;
                theDTSearch.searchValue2Specified = true;
                theDTSearch.searchValueSpecified = true;
                theDTSearch.searchValue = theSearchStartDate;
                theDTSearch.searchValue2 = theSearchFinishDate;

                TSB.tranDate = theDTSearch;

            TS.basic = TSB;
            TSA.criteria = TS;

            AppendTextBoxLine(txtSearchResults, "Performing search ...", true);
            SearchResult SR =;

            if (SR.totalRecords == 0)
                AppendTextBoxLine(txtSearchResults, "No records / consignments were returned in the Saved Search : " + TxtSavedSearch1.Text, true);
                AppendTextBoxLine(txtSearchResults, SR.totalRecords + " records / consignments were returned in the Saved Search : " + TxtSavedSearch1.Text, true);

                SearchRow[] SSR;
                SSR = SR.searchRowList;
                SearchRow[] SSRM;

                // Build Intermediate List to allow pagination 
                System.Collections.ArrayList theInvoiceList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                for (int ssr = 0; ssr < SSR.Length; ssr++) theInvoiceList.Add(SSR[ssr]);
                AppendTextBoxLine(txtSearchResults, "Records downloaded : " + theInvoiceList.Count + " of " + SR.totalRecords.ToString(), true);

                if (SR.totalRecords > SR.pageSize)
                    int batchNo = 2;
                    // Keep getting pages until there are no more pages to get
                    while (SR.totalRecords > ((batchNo - 1) * SR.pageSize))
                        AppendTextBoxLine(txtSearchResults, "Fetching next batch no. " + batchNo, true);
                        // Invoke searchMore() operation - ensure logged in ...
                        setupNetSuiteObjects(service); // To ensure logged in before next batch
                        SearchResult SRM = service.searchMore(batchNo);
                        if (SRM != null)
                            // Process response
                            if (SRM.status.isSuccess)
                                SSRM = SRM.searchRowList;
                                for (int ssrm = 0; ssrm < SSRM.Length; ssrm++) theInvoiceList.Add(SSRM[ssrm]);
                                AppendTextBoxLine(txtSearchResults, "Records downloaded : " + theInvoiceList.Count + " of " + SR.totalRecords.ToString(), true);
                                AppendTextBoxLine(txtSearchResults, getStatusDetails(SRM.status), true);

                _SSRECORDS = new SearchRow[theInvoiceList.Count];
                IEnumerator iienum = theInvoiceList.GetEnumerator();
                for (int iicr = 0; iienum.MoveNext(); iicr++)
                    _SSRECORDS[iicr] = (SearchRow)iienum.Current;

                //Record list assembly complete - create list for MaxCredible upload
                ProgressNSSearch.Maximum = _SSRECORDS.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < _SSRECORDS.Length; i++)
                    TransactionSearchRow TSR = (TransactionSearchRow)_SSRECORDS[i];

                    // Declare all the variables for use when writing the file...
                    string theInternalid = "";
                    if (TSR.basic.internalId != null)
                        theInternalid = TSR.basic.internalId[0].searchValue.internalId;

                    string sDocNum = "";
                    if (TSR.basic.tranId != null)
                        sDocNum = TSR.basic.tranId[0].searchValue.ToString();

                    string sDate = "";
                    if (TSR.basic.tranDate != null)
                        sDate = TSR.basic.tranDate[0].searchValue.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                    AppendTextBoxLine(txtSearchResults, (i+1) + "\t" + theInternalid + "\t" + sDocNum + "\t" + sDate, false);

                // Set up MaxCredible Data defaults based on records returned
                _MaxCredibleData.NR_RECORDS = _SSRECORDS.Length.ToString();
                _MaxCredibleData.CHUNK_SIZE = TxtChunkSize.Text;
                GrpMaxCredible.Text = "Step 2 - Upload " + _MaxCredibleData.NR_RECORDS + " Records to MaxCredible";
 public void setupNetSuiteObjects(NetSuiteService service)
     Passport passport = new Passport();
     passport.account = "3524453"; = "*****@*****.**";
     RecordRef role = new RecordRef();
     role.internalId = "3";
     passport.role = role;
     passport.password = "******"; //remember to replace
     Status loginStatus = service.login(passport).status;
        //TimeZoneInfo _logTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(Settings.Default.APP_LogTimeZoneCultureInfo);

        public MaxCredible_Export()

            TxtSavedSearch1.Text = Settings.Default.NS_MaxCredible_Savedsearch;

            DTPickerTo.Value = System.DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(Settings.Default.APP_DefaultDateOffset);
            double delDayOffset = Settings.Default.APP_DefaultDateRange + Settings.Default.APP_DefaultDateOffset;
            DTPickerFrom.Value = System.DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(delDayOffset);

            if (!Settings.Default.APP_DatesEnabled)
                DTPickerFrom.Visible = false;
                lblDTFrom.Visible = false;
                DTPickerTo.Visible = false;
                lblDTTo.Visible = false;

            _NSservice = new NetSuiteService();

            _MaxCredibleData = new HTTP_POSTS();
            _MaxCredibleService = new Invoer_mc();

            string environment = "";
            #if useNSSandbox // override with live URLs if set in config file
            environment = "SANDBOX/STAGING";
            if (Settings.Default.APP_UseLiveWebServices)
                environment = "LIVE";
                _NSservice.Url = Settings.Default.NS_com_netsuite_webservices_NetSuiteService;
                _MaxCredibleService.Url = Settings.Default.MaxCredibleExport_com_maxcredible_secure5_Invoer_mc;
            #else // live build so invert the web services URLs logic
            environment = "LIVE";
            if (!Settings.Default.APP_UseLiveWebServices)
                environment = "SANDBOX/STAGING";
                _NSservice.Url = Settings.Default.NS_com_netsuite_sandbox_webservices_NetSuiteService;
                _MaxCredibleService.Url = Settings.Default.MaxCredibleExport_com_maxcredible_secure6_Invoer_mc;

            GrpNSSearch.Text += " " + environment;
            GrpMaxCredible.Text += " " + environment;

            _NSservice.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();

            //Set up defaults for processing flow
            if (Settings.Default.APP_XMLFileOnly) ChkFileXMLOnly.Checked = true;
            if (Settings.Default.APP_AutoFinish) ChkAutoFinish.Checked = true;
            if (Settings.Default.APP_AutoUpload) ChkAutoUpload.Checked = true;

            if (!ChkFileXMLOnly.Checked)// Read back in and upload to MaxCredible
                    System.Net.ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new MaxCrediblePolicy();
                    X509Certificate Cert = X509Certificate.CreateFromCertFile(Settings.Default.MC_CertificateFile); //Defined in config file
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("MaxCredible Security / Certificate Error :\nCertificate File :" + Settings.Default.MC_CertificateFile + "\n" + ex.Message);
                    ChkFileXMLOnly.Checked = true;
                    ChkFileXMLOnly.Enabled = false;

            if (Settings.Default.APP_AutoSearch) btnGet_Click(null, EventArgs.Empty);
 private void btnGet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
     service.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
     getCustomRecord(service, "1", "13");
     //MessageBox.Show("hello world", "hello world");
     //getCustomRecord(service, "2", "13");
     savedSearch(service, "19");
     Status logoutStatus = service.logout().status;
     if (logoutStatus.isSuccess)
         lblFinished.Text = "Finished";
        /// <summary>
        /// call the login service
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">netsuite account</param>
        private void executeLogin(string account)
            string _account = string.IsNullOrEmpty(account) ? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["account"].Split(',')[0] : account;
            if (_account.Contains('|')) _account = _account.Split('|')[0];

            Login login = new Login(_account);

            bool isSandbox = false;
                DialogResult dlrSandbox = MessageBox.Show("Connect to sandbox account?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                isSandbox = (dlrSandbox == DialogResult.Yes);

            netSuiteService = new DataCenterAwareNetSuiteService(login.Account, isSandbox);

            ///password not mandatory in configuration
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(login.Password))
                FrmDialog passwordDialog = new FrmDialog();
                passwordDialog.Text = login.Email;
                if (passwordDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
                    login.Password = passwordDialog.txtPassword.Text;
                    login.Password = string.Empty;

            sessionResponse = login.login(netSuiteService);
            if (sessionResponse != null && sessionResponse.status.isSuccess)
                lblToolStripStatus.Text = ((isSandbox) ? "SANDBOX " : "") + "Account: " + login.Account + " - Email: " + login.Email;
                appendLog("Login done [" + lblToolStripStatus.Text + "]");

                netSuiteService.addListCompleted += netSuiteService_addListCompleted;

                lblToolStripStatus.Text = "Login failed!";
                appendLog(lblToolStripStatus.Text, NOTIFICATION_ERROR);
        public string deleteFulfillment()
            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            RecordRef orderToBeDeleted = new RecordRef();
            orderToBeDeleted.type = RecordType.itemFulfillment;
            orderToBeDeleted.typeSpecified = true;
            orderToBeDeleted.internalId = this.itemFulfillment.internalId;

            WriteResponse writeResponse = service.delete(orderToBeDeleted);
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Delete Item Fulfillment " + this.itemFulfillment.tranId + " success");
                return "Delete Item Fulfillment " + this.itemFulfillment.tranId + " success";
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == false)
                return writeResponse.status.statusDetail[0].message;
            return string.Empty;
Beispiel #36
 public CustomerExample()
     this.service = ConnectionManager.GetNetSuiteService();
Beispiel #37
 /// <summary>
 /// logout
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="netSuiteService">netsuite webservice instance</param>
 /// <param name="sessionResponse">session service response</param>
 public void logout(NetSuiteService netSuiteService, SessionResponse sessionResponse)
     if (sessionResponse != null && sessionResponse.status.isSuccess)
Beispiel #38
        public void setCustomer(string customerID)
            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            CustomerSearch customerSearch = new CustomerSearch();
            customerSearch = CustomerNameSearch(customerID);
            SearchResult searchResult =;
            if (searchResult.status.isSuccess)
                if (searchResult.recordList != null && searchResult.recordList.Length == 1)
                    string entityID = ((Customer)searchResult.recordList[0]).entityId;
                throw new Exception("Cannot find Customer " + customerID + " " + searchResult.status.statusDetail[0].message);

            this.salesOrder.entity = createCustomer(searchResult);
Beispiel #39
        public void createInvoice()
            NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService();
            service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168");
            Passport passport = user.prepare(user);
            Status status = service.login(passport).status;

            WriteResponse writeResponse = service.add(this.invoice);
            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == true)

                Console.WriteLine("Create Invoice success");

            if (writeResponse.status.isSuccess == false)
        private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Se non si è loggati si connette
            if (!logged)
                if (cmbAccount.SelectedItem != null)
                    //Messaggio Connessione
                    lblStatusConnection.Text = "Login in corso...";

                    //Istanza Servizio NetSuite
                    service = new NetSuiteService();

                    //Lettura Credenziali
                    string account = cmbAccount.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    string email = txtEmail.Text;
                    string password = txtPassword.Text;

                    MemoryExecutionContext ctx = new MemoryExecutionContext(logger);

                    //Ricerca Url WebService
                    DataCenterAwareNetSuiteService DataCenter_Url = new DataCenterAwareNetSuiteService(account);
                    service.Url = DataCenter_Url.Url;
                    service.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
                    service.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();

                    Passport passport = new Passport();
                    passport.account = account;
           = email;
                    passport.password = password;
                        Status status = service.login(passport).status;

                        //Connessione Riuscita Con Successo
                        panelLogin.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;

                        logged = true;

                        lblStatusConnection.Text = "Connesso";

                        btnConnect.Text = "Disconnect";

                        //Abilito Comandi Programma
                        btnStart.Enabled = false;
                    catch (SoapException ex)
                        panelLogin.BackColor = Color.Red;
                        lblStatusConnection.Text = "Connessione non riuscita! " + ex.Message;
                    MessageBox.Show("Seleziona l'Account !");
                //Logout NetSuite
                //Disabilito comandi Programma se non Connesso

                logged = false;
                panelLogin.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

                btnConnect.Text = "Connect";
                lblStatusConnection.Text = "Non Connesso";
                txtEmail.Text = "";
                txtPassword.Text = "";
                cmbAccount.SelectedItem = null;
Beispiel #41
        public Dictionary<string, double> getBins(string SKU)
            NetSuiteService objService = new NetSuiteService();
            objService.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            Passport passport = new Passport();
            passport.account = "3451682";
   = "*****@*****.**";
            RecordRef role = new RecordRef();
            role.internalId = "1026";
            passport.role = role;
            passport.password = "******";
            Passport objPassport = passport;
            Status objStatus = objService.login(objPassport).status;

            ItemSearchAdvanced isa = new ItemSearchAdvanced();
            isa.savedSearchId = "141";  //substitute your own saved search internal ID
            ItemSearch iS = new ItemSearch();
            ItemSearchBasic isb = new ItemSearchBasic();

            SearchStringField itemSKU = new SearchStringField();
            itemSKU.searchValue = SKU;
            itemSKU.@operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.contains;
            itemSKU.operatorSpecified = true;
            isb.itemId = itemSKU;
            iS.basic = isb;
            isa.criteria = iS;

            SearchResult sr = new SearchResult();
            sr =;

            if (sr.status.isSuccess != true) throw new Exception("Cannot find item.");

            Dictionary<string, double> binNumberList = new Dictionary<string, double>();

            foreach (ItemSearchRow irow in sr.searchRowList)
                if (irow.basic.itemId[0].searchValue == SKU)
                    binNumberList.Add(irow.basic.binNumber[0].searchValue, irow.basic.binOnHandAvail[0].searchValue);

            return binNumberList;