internal void ResolveAddress(IDnsCache cache, NetProxy proxy, bool preferIPv6, bool tcp, int retries) { if ((_domain != null) && (_endPoint == null)) { if (preferIPv6) { try { DnsDatagram nsResponse = DnsClient.ResolveViaNameServers(new DnsQuestionRecord(_domain, DnsResourceRecordType.AAAA, DnsClass.IN), null, cache, proxy, true, tcp, retries); if ((nsResponse.Header.RCODE == DnsResponseCode.NoError) && (nsResponse.Answer.Length > 0) && (nsResponse.Answer[0].Type == DnsResourceRecordType.AAAA)) { _endPoint = new IPEndPoint((nsResponse.Answer[0].RDATA as DnsAAAARecord).Address, 53); } } catch { } } if (_endPoint == null) { try { DnsDatagram nsResponse = DnsClient.ResolveViaNameServers(new DnsQuestionRecord(_domain, DnsResourceRecordType.A, DnsClass.IN), null, cache, proxy, false, tcp, retries); if ((nsResponse.Header.RCODE == DnsResponseCode.NoError) && (nsResponse.Answer.Length > 0) && (nsResponse.Answer[0].Type == DnsResourceRecordType.A)) { _endPoint = new IPEndPoint((nsResponse.Answer[0].RDATA as DnsARecord).Address, 53); } } catch { } } } }
public override void InitController() { //3-19 请求消息列表 _Proxy = new NetProxy(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId); SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId, NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_MessageSend_Req, Farm_Game_MessageSend_Anw.ParseFrom);//注册对应消息(在服务器发过来时)的Proto解析器 _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_MessageSend_Req, MsgListCallBack); }
public void ResolveDomainName(NameServerAddress[] nameServers = null, NetProxy proxy = null, bool preferIPv6 = false, DnsTransportProtocol protocol = DnsTransportProtocol.Udp, int retries = 2, int timeout = 2000) { if (_ipEndPoint != null) { DnsClient dnsClient; if (nameServers == null) { dnsClient = new DnsClient(); } else { dnsClient = new DnsClient(nameServers); } dnsClient.Proxy = proxy; dnsClient.PreferIPv6 = preferIPv6; dnsClient.Protocol = protocol; dnsClient.Retries = retries; dnsClient.Timeout = timeout; try { string domain = dnsClient.ResolvePTR(_ipEndPoint.Address); _domainEndPoint = new DomainEndPoint(domain, _ipEndPoint.Port); } catch { } } }
public override void InitController() { _Proxy = new NetProxy(NetModules.Account.ModuleId); //这里是初始化本模块的网络组件 //1-0手机帐号密码登录协议 SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.Account.ModuleId, NetModules.Account.ReqLoginSDK, ResponeLoginSDK.ParseFrom); _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.Account.ReqLoginSDK, LoginSDKRespone); //1-1 SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.Account.ModuleId, NetModules.Account.LogoutSDK, ReqLogoutSDK.ParseFrom); //注册对应消息(在服务器发过来时)的Proto解析器 _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.Account.LogoutSDK, LogoutCallback); //1-2 SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.Account.ModuleId, NetModules.Account.ReqLogin, ResponeLogin.ParseFrom); //注册对应消息(在服务器发过来时)的Proto解析器 _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.Account.ReqLogin, LoginCallback); //注册对应消息(在服务器发过来时)的回调 //1-4 SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.Account.ModuleId, NetModules.Account.ReqReLogin, ResponeLogin.ParseFrom); _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.Account.ReqReLogin, LoginCallback); //1-6 _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.Account.Farm_Game_Register_Req, RegisterCallBack); //1-7 _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.Account.Farm_Game_VeriCode_Req, VeriCodeCallBack); GetDispatcher().AddListener(LoginEvent.LoginSDKRespone, ReqLoginSend); }
public void ConfigureProxy(NetProxyType proxyType, string proxyAddress, ushort proxyPort, NetworkCredential proxyCredentials) { if (_type == MeshNodeType.Anonymous) { throw new NotSupportedException("Mesh tor profile does not support proxy configuration."); } if (proxyType == NetProxyType.None) { _proxy = null; } else { _proxy = new NetProxy(proxyType, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyCredentials); } //update proxy for networks lock (_networks) { foreach (KeyValuePair <BinaryNumber, MeshNetwork> network in _networks) { network.Value.ProxyUpdated(); } } }
public override void InitController() { // 标识: module = 3,sub = 8 _Proxy = new NetProxy(NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.ModuleId); SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId, NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_pay_Req, Farm_Game_pay_Anw.ParseFrom); _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_pay_Req, AnwCallBack); }
public override void InitController() { // 3-10 _Proxy = new NetProxy(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId); SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId, NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_OilUpgrade_Req, Farm_Game_OilUpgrade_Anw.ParseFrom); _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_OilUpgrade_Req, OilUpgradeCallBack); }
public void VerifyRevocationList(NetProxy proxy = null, int timeout = 10000) { if (_revocationUri != null) { bool revoked = false; RevocationCertificate revokeCert = null; try { revoked = RevocationCertificate.IsRevoked(this, out revokeCert, proxy, timeout); if (_issuerSignature.SigningCertificate != null) { _issuerSignature.SigningCertificate.VerifyRevocationList(proxy, timeout); } } catch (InvalidCertificateException) { throw; } catch { } if (revoked) { throw new InvalidCertificateException("Certificate serial number '" + _serialNumber + "' issued to '" + _issuedTo.Name + "' has been revoked on " + revokeCert.RevokedOnUTC + " UTC by the certificate authority and hence is invalid."); } } }
public NetworkDumbFuzzer(string listenAddress, int listenPort, string remoteAddress, int remotePort) { proxy = new NetProxy(listenAddress, listenPort, remoteAddress, remotePort); proxy.ClientDataReceived += new ClientDataReceivedEventHandler(proxy_ClientDataReceived); proxy.ServerDataReceived += new ServerDataReceivedEventHandler(proxy_ServerDataReceived); proxy.Run(); }
public void DisableProxy() { if (_proxy != null) { _proxy = null; ProxyUpdated?.BeginInvoke(this, EventArgs.Empty, null, null); } }
/// <summary> /// connect not timer. /// </summary> public void InitConnect() { if (_netProxy == null) { _netProxy = NetProxy.Create(Setting.Url); } _netProxy.CheckConnect(); }
public static DnsClientConnection GetConnection(DnsTransportProtocol protocol, NameServerAddress server, NetProxy proxy) { switch (protocol) { case DnsTransportProtocol.Udp: return(new UdpClientConnection(server, proxy)); case DnsTransportProtocol.Https: return(new HttpsClientConnection(server, proxy)); case DnsTransportProtocol.HttpsJson: return(new HttpsJsonClientConnection(server, proxy)); case DnsTransportProtocol.Tcp: { ConcurrentDictionary <NetProxy, DnsClientConnection> existingTcpConnection = _existingTcpConnections.GetOrAdd(server, delegate(NameServerAddress nameServer) { return(new ConcurrentDictionary <NetProxy, DnsClientConnection>()); }); NetProxy proxyKey = proxy; if (proxyKey == null) { proxyKey = NetProxy.None; } return(existingTcpConnection.GetOrAdd(proxyKey, delegate(NetProxy netProxyKey) { return new TcpClientConnection(server, proxy); })); } case DnsTransportProtocol.Tls: { ConcurrentDictionary <NetProxy, DnsClientConnection> existingTlsConnection = _existingTlsConnections.GetOrAdd(server, delegate(NameServerAddress nameServer) { return(new ConcurrentDictionary <NetProxy, DnsClientConnection>()); }); NetProxy proxyKey = proxy; if (proxyKey == null) { proxyKey = NetProxy.None; } return(existingTlsConnection.GetOrAdd(proxyKey, delegate(NetProxy netProxyKey) { return new TlsClientConnection(server, proxy); })); } default: throw new NotSupportedException("DnsClient protocol not supported: " + protocol.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Автозаполнение таблицы работниками /// </summary> private void FillGrid(bool clear) { //если таблица пуста - добавляем первого работника if (dataGridView1.RowCount <= 1) { if (!clear) { if (NetProxy.IsShifted(int.Parse(Year), Month)) { foreach (Person person in PersonProxy.GetPersons()) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(person.ID, person.LastName + " " + person.FirstName + " " + person.Patronymic); } } } else { foreach (Person person in PersonProxy.GetPersons()) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(person.ID, person.LastName + " " + person.FirstName + " " + person.Patronymic); } } } else { //проверка на уже введеного сотрудника //во избежание дублирования int rowCount = dataGridView1.RowCount - 1; foreach (Person person in PersonProxy.GetPersons()) { bool exists = false; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { object idCellValue = dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value; if (idCellValue != null) { int cellValue = int.Parse(idCellValue.ToString()); if (cellValue != person.ID) { continue; } exists = true; break; } } if (!exists) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(person.ID, person.LastName + " " + person.FirstName + " " + person.Patronymic); } } } }
public void ResolveIPAddress(NameServerAddress[] nameServers = null, NetProxy proxy = null, bool preferIPv6 = false, DnsTransportProtocol protocol = DnsTransportProtocol.Udp, int retries = 2, int timeout = 2000) { string domain; if (_dohEndPoint != null) { domain = _dohEndPoint.Host; } else if (_domainEndPoint != null) { domain = _domainEndPoint.Address; } else { return; } if (domain == "localhost") { _ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint((preferIPv6 ? IPAddress.IPv6Loopback : IPAddress.Loopback), this.Port); return; } if (IPAddress.TryParse(domain, out IPAddress address)) { _ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(address, this.Port); return; } DnsClient dnsClient; if (nameServers == null) { dnsClient = new DnsClient(); } else { dnsClient = new DnsClient(nameServers); } dnsClient.Proxy = proxy; dnsClient.PreferIPv6 = preferIPv6; dnsClient.Protocol = protocol; dnsClient.Retries = retries; dnsClient.Timeout = timeout; IPAddress[] serverIPs = dnsClient.ResolveIP(domain, preferIPv6); if (serverIPs.Length == 0) { throw new DnsClientException("No IP address was found for name server: " + domain); } _ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(serverIPs[0], this.Port); }
public override void InitController() { //2-7 _Proxy = new NetProxy(NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.ModuleId); SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.ModuleId, NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.Farm_Game_ShopInfo_Req, Farm_Game_ShopInfo_Anw.ParseFrom); _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.Farm_Game_ShopInfo_Req, AnwShopInfoCallBack); //3-6 _Proxy = new NetProxy(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId); SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId, NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_buyOrSell_Req, Farm_Game_buyOrSell_Anw.ParseFrom); _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_buyOrSell_Req, AnwBuyOrSellCallBack); }
public override void InitController() { _Proxy = new NetProxy(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId); //module =3 ,sub = 17 SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId, NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_Chant_Req, Farm_Game_Chat_Anw.ParseFrom); //3-22 请求聊天记录 _Proxy = new NetProxy(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId); SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId, NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_ChatLog_Req, Farm_Game_ChatLog_Anw.ParseFrom); _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_ChatLog_Req, ChatLogCallBack); }
public void RecursiveResolveIPAddress(DnsCache cache = null, NetProxy proxy = null, bool preferIPv6 = false, int retries = 2, int timeout = 2000, bool useTcp = false) { lock (_ipEndPointResolverLock) { if (_ipEndPointExpires && (DateTime.UtcNow < _ipEndPointExpiresOn)) { return; } string domain; if (_dohEndPoint != null) { domain = _dohEndPoint.Host; } else if (_domainEndPoint != null) { domain = _domainEndPoint.Address; } else { return; } if (domain == "localhost") { _ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint((preferIPv6 ? IPAddress.IPv6Loopback : IPAddress.Loopback), this.Port); return; } if (IPAddress.TryParse(domain, out IPAddress address)) { _ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(address, this.Port); return; } IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = null; IPAddress[] addresses = DnsClient.RecursiveResolveIP(domain, cache, proxy, preferIPv6, retries, timeout, useTcp); if (addresses.Length > 0) { ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(addresses[0], this.Port); } if (ipEndPoint == null) { throw new DnsClientException("No IP address was found for name server: " + domain); } _ipEndPoint = ipEndPoint; _ipEndPointExpires = true; _ipEndPointExpiresOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(IP_ENDPOINT_DEFAULT_TTL); } }
public void RecursiveResolveIPAddress(IDnsCache cache = null, NetProxy proxy = null, bool preferIPv6 = false, DnsTransportProtocol protocol = DnsTransportProtocol.Udp, int retries = 2, int timeout = 2000, DnsTransportProtocol recursiveResolveProtocol = DnsTransportProtocol.Udp) { string domain; if (_dohEndPoint != null) { domain = _dohEndPoint.Host; } else if (_domainEndPoint != null) { domain = _domainEndPoint.Address; } else { return; } if (domain == "localhost") { _ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint((preferIPv6 ? IPAddress.IPv6Loopback : IPAddress.Loopback), this.Port); return; } if (IPAddress.TryParse(domain, out IPAddress address)) { _ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(address, this.Port); return; } if (preferIPv6) { DnsDatagram nsResponse = DnsClient.RecursiveResolve(new DnsQuestionRecord(domain, DnsResourceRecordType.AAAA, DnsClass.IN), null, cache, proxy, true, protocol, retries, timeout, recursiveResolveProtocol); if ((nsResponse.Header.RCODE == DnsResponseCode.NoError) && (nsResponse.Answer.Length > 0) && (nsResponse.Answer[0].Type == DnsResourceRecordType.AAAA)) { _ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint((nsResponse.Answer[0].RDATA as DnsAAAARecord).Address, this.Port); } } if (_ipEndPoint == null) { DnsDatagram nsResponse = DnsClient.RecursiveResolve(new DnsQuestionRecord(domain, DnsResourceRecordType.A, DnsClass.IN), null, cache, proxy, false, protocol, retries, timeout, recursiveResolveProtocol); if ((nsResponse.Header.RCODE == DnsResponseCode.NoError) && (nsResponse.Answer.Length > 0) && (nsResponse.Answer[0].Type == DnsResourceRecordType.A)) { _ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint((nsResponse.Answer[0].RDATA as DnsARecord).Address, this.Port); } } if (_ipEndPoint == null) { throw new DnsClientException("No IP address was found for name server: " + domain); } }
public async Task RecursiveResolveIPAddressAsync(IDnsCache cache = null, NetProxy proxy = null, bool preferIPv6 = false, bool randomizeName = false, int retries = 2, int timeout = 2000) { if (_ipEndPointExpires && (DateTime.UtcNow < _ipEndPointExpiresOn)) { return; } string domain; if (_dohEndPoint != null) { domain = _dohEndPoint.Host; } else if (_domainEndPoint != null) { domain = _domainEndPoint.Address; } else { return; } if (domain == "localhost") { _ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint((preferIPv6 ? IPAddress.IPv6Loopback : IPAddress.Loopback), this.Port); return; } if (IPAddress.TryParse(domain, out IPAddress address)) { _ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(address, this.Port); return; } IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = null; IReadOnlyList <IPAddress> addresses = await DnsClient.RecursiveResolveIPAsync(domain, cache, proxy, preferIPv6, randomizeName, retries, timeout); if (addresses.Count > 0) { ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(addresses[0], this.Port); } if (ipEndPoint == null) { throw new DnsClientException("No IP address was found for name server: " + domain); } _ipEndPoint = ipEndPoint; _ipEndPointExpires = true; _ipEndPointExpiresOn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(IP_ENDPOINT_DEFAULT_TTL); }
internal void ClientProfileProxyUpdated() { NetProxy proxy = _profile.Proxy; _dhtClient.ProxyEnabled = (proxy != null); _dhtSeedingTracker.Proxy = proxy; if (proxy != null) { //stop tcp relay for all networks since this client switched to proxy and can no longer provide tcp relay service TcpRelayService.StopAllTcpRelays(); } }
public UdpClientConnection(NameServerAddress server, NetProxy proxy) : base(DnsTransportProtocol.Udp, server, proxy) { if (proxy != null) { if (proxy.Type == NetProxyType.Http) { throw new NotSupportedException("DnsClient cannot use HTTP proxy with UDP protocol."); } } _timeout = 2000; }
private void ConditionalHttpReload() { bool handlerChanged = false; NetProxy proxy = _service.DnsServer.Proxy; if (_httpHandler is null) { SocketsHttpHandler httpHandler = new SocketsHttpHandler(); httpHandler.Proxy = proxy; httpHandler.AllowAutoRedirect = true; httpHandler.MaxAutomaticRedirections = 10; _httpHandler = httpHandler; handlerChanged = true; } else { if (_httpHandler.Proxy != proxy) { SocketsHttpHandler httpHandler = new SocketsHttpHandler(); httpHandler.Proxy = proxy; httpHandler.AllowAutoRedirect = true; httpHandler.MaxAutomaticRedirections = 10; SocketsHttpHandler oldHttpHandler = _httpHandler; _httpHandler = httpHandler; handlerChanged = true; oldHttpHandler.Dispose(); } } if (_httpClient is null) { HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(_httpHandler); _httpClient = httpClient; } else { if (handlerChanged) { HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(_httpHandler); HttpClient oldHttpClient = _httpClient; _httpClient = httpClient; oldHttpClient.Dispose(); } } }
public TimetableForm(string year, int month) { InitializeComponent(); PersonProxy = new PersonProxy(); NetProxy = new NetProxy(); Year = year; Month = month; PaintGrid(); //FilterForm = Application.OpenForms["filterForm"] as FilterForm; //FilterForm = new FilterForm(); //FilterForm.PersonSelected += new EventHandler<FilterEventArgs>(filterForm_PersonSelected); }
private byte[] GetRequestData() { StringBuilder param = new StringBuilder(); var pairs = _params.ToArray(); foreach (var pair in pairs) { if (param.Length > 0) { param.Append("&"); } param.AppendFormat("{0}={1}", pair.Key, NetProxy.Encoding(pair.Value)); } return(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("?d={0}", NetProxy.GetSign(param.ToString(), _session.Setting.SignKey)))); }
public async Task RecursiveResolveDomainNameAsync(IDnsCache cache = null, NetProxy proxy = null, bool preferIPv6 = false, bool randomizeName = false, int retries = 2, int timeout = 2000) { if (_ipEndPoint != null) { try { IReadOnlyList <string> ptrDomains = DnsClient.ParseResponsePTR(await DnsClient.RecursiveResolveQueryAsync(new DnsQuestionRecord(_ipEndPoint.Address, DnsClass.IN), cache, proxy, preferIPv6, randomizeName, retries, timeout)); if (ptrDomains != null) { _domainEndPoint = new DomainEndPoint(ptrDomains[0], _ipEndPoint.Port); } } catch { } } }
public void RecursiveResolveDomainName(DnsCache cache = null, NetProxy proxy = null, bool preferIPv6 = false, int retries = 2, int timeout = 2000, bool useTcp = false) { if (_ipEndPoint != null) { try { string ptrDomain = DnsClient.ParseResponsePTR(DnsClient.RecursiveQuery(new DnsQuestionRecord(_ipEndPoint.Address, DnsClass.IN), cache, proxy, preferIPv6, retries, timeout, useTcp)); if (ptrDomain != null) { _domainEndPoint = new DomainEndPoint(ptrDomain, _ipEndPoint.Port); } } catch { } } }
public override void InitController() { _Proxy = new NetProxy(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId); // 3-15 _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_ScanQRcodeOrRecommand_Req, AnwScanQRcodeOrRecommandCallBack); // 3-13 SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId, NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_DogUpgrad_Req, Farm_Game_DogUpgrad_Req.ParseFrom); _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_DogUpgrad_Req, PersonInfoCallBack); //3-18 SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId, NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_CoinOrExpChange_Anw, Farm_Game_CoinOrExpChange_Anw.ParseFrom); _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_CoinOrExpChange_Anw, ReFlashCoin); }
static void Main(string[] args) { logger.Info("WebProxy Tester Starting Up!!"); File.WriteAllText("c:\\webproxy.txt", ""); //Proxy proxy = new Proxy("", 8080); //WebProxy webProxy = new WebProxy(proxy); //webProxy.NewHttpRequest += new HttpRequestEventHandler(webProxy_NewHttpRequest); //webProxy.NewHttpResponse += new HttpResponseEventHandler(webProxy_NewHttpResponse); //proxy.Run(); NetProxy netProxy = new NetProxy("", 8080, "", 8081); netProxy.Run(); }
public void RecursiveResolveDomainName(DnsCache cache = null, NetProxy proxy = null, bool preferIPv6 = false, DnsTransportProtocol protocol = DnsTransportProtocol.Udp, int retries = 2, int timeout = 2000, DnsTransportProtocol recursiveResolveProtocol = DnsTransportProtocol.Udp) { if (_ipEndPoint != null) { try { DnsDatagram nsResponse = DnsClient.RecursiveResolve(new DnsQuestionRecord(_ipEndPoint.Address, DnsClass.IN), null, cache, proxy, preferIPv6, protocol, retries, timeout, recursiveResolveProtocol); if ((nsResponse.Header.RCODE == DnsResponseCode.NoError) && (nsResponse.Answer.Length > 0) && (nsResponse.Answer[0].Type == DnsResourceRecordType.PTR)) { _domainEndPoint = new DomainEndPoint((nsResponse.Answer[0].RDATA as DnsPTRRecord).PTRDomainName, _ipEndPoint.Port); } } catch { } } }
public override void InitController() { //2-5 _Proxy = new NetProxy(NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.ModuleId); SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.ModuleId, NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.Farm_Game_StoreInfo_Req, Farm_Game_StoreInfo_Anw.ParseFrom);//注册对应消息(在服务器发过来时)的Proto解析器 _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.Farm_Game_StoreInfo_Req, StoreInfoCallBack); //2-9 _Proxy = new NetProxy(NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.ModuleId); SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.ModuleId, NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.Farm_Game_Store_Update, Farm_Game_Store_Update.ParseFrom);//注册对应消息(在服务器发过来时)的Proto解析器 _Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.FarmGameProtocal.Farm_Game_Store_Update, StoreUpdateCallBack); //3-6 _Proxy = new NetProxy(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId); SocketParser.Instance.RegisterParser(NetModules.GameAction.ModuleId, NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_buyOrSell_Req, Farm_Game_buyOrSell_Anw.ParseFrom);//注册对应消息(在服务器发过来时)的Proto解析器 //_Proxy.AddNetListenner(NetModules.GameAction.Farm_Game_buyOrSell_Req, StoreSellCallBack); }