private void ProcessMessages()
            lock (_lockSocket)
                if (_stopRequested)

                string message;
                if (!_actor.TryReceiveFrameString(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), Encoding.ASCII, out message))
                if (message == TaskSchedulerBusCommands.BroadCast.ToString())
                    // another node has let us know they are here
                    var fromHostAddress = _actor.ReceiveFrameString();
                    var msg             = fromHostAddress + " broadcasting";
                    _log.Debug(() => msg);

                    // send back a welcome message via the Bus publisher
                    var reply = _hostAddress + " received";
                else if (message == TaskSchedulerBusCommands.AddedNode.ToString())
                    var addedAddress = _actor.ReceiveFrameString();
                    _log.Debug(() => $"Added node {addedAddress} to the Bus");
                else if (message == TaskSchedulerBusCommands.RemovedNode.ToString())
                    var  removedAddress = _actor.ReceiveFrameString();
                    var  uri            = new Uri(removedAddress);
                    long temp;
                    _otherProcessorCounts.TryRemove(uri.Port, out temp);
                    _log.Debug(() => $"Removed node {removedAddress} from the Bus; it's processing count was {temp}");
                    RemoteCountChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                else if (message == TaskSchedulerBusCommands.SetCount.ToString())
                    var key   = int.Parse(_actor.ReceiveFrameString());
                    var value = long.Parse(_actor.ReceiveFrameString());
                    if (!_otherProcessorCounts.ContainsKey(key))
                        _otherProcessorCounts.TryAdd(key, value);
                        _otherProcessorCounts[key] = value;
                    RemoteCountChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                    //response to broadcast
                    _log.Debug(() => message);