Beispiel #1
         * Creates a new CNSService
         * @param cnsNode
         *            The NodeID of the Node with the CNS on it
         * @//throws JCSPNetworkException
         *             Thrown if something goes wrong in the underlying architecture
        public CNSService(NodeID cnsNode)
        // //throws JCSPNetworkException
            // Create the input and output channel
            this.toCNS   = NetChannel.one2net(new NetChannelLocation(cnsNode, 1), new CNSNetworkMessageFilter.FilterTX());
            this.fromCNS = NetChannel.net2one(new CNSNetworkMessageFilter.FilterRX());

            // We now need to logon to the CNS
            CNSMessage message = new CNSMessage();

            message.type      = CNSMessageProtocol.LOGON_MESSAGE;
            message.location1 = (NetChannelLocation)this.fromCNS.getLocation();

            // Wait for logon reply message
            CNSMessage logonReply = (CNSMessage);

            // Check if we logged on OK
            if (logonReply.success == false)
                Node.err.log(this.GetType(), "Failed to logon to CNS");
                throw new JCSPNetworkException("Failed to Logon to CNS");
            Node.log.log(this.GetType(), "Logged into CNS");
Beispiel #2
         * Creates a new BNSService
         * @param bnsNode
         *            The Node that the BNS is on
         * @//throws JCSPNetworkException
         *             Thrown if something goes wrong in the underlying architecture
        public BNSService(NodeID bnsNode)
        // //throws JCSPNetworkException
            // Create input and output end
            this.toBNS   = NetChannel.one2net(bnsNode, 2, new BNSNetworkMessageFilter.FilterTX());
            this.fromBNS = NetChannel.net2one(new BNSNetworkMessageFilter.FilterRX());

            // Logon to the BNS
            BNSMessage message = new BNSMessage();

            message.type            = BNSMessageProtocol.LOGON_MESSAGE;
            message.serviceLocation = (NetChannelLocation)this.fromBNS.getLocation();

            // Wait for logon reply message
            BNSMessage logonReply = (BNSMessage);

            // Check if we logged on OK
            if (logonReply.success == false)
                Node.err.log(this.GetType(), "Failed to logon to BNS");
                throw new JCSPNetworkException("Failed to logon to BNS");
            Node.log.log(this.GetType(), "Logged into BNS");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Run Reader started");

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter number of writers to be created");
            int nChannels = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter number of writers per channel");
            int nWritersPerChannel = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            int nMessages          = 2;

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter IP address for the reader.");
            var readerNodeIP = Console.ReadLine();

            var readerNodeAddr = new TCPIPNodeAddress(readerNodeIP, 3300);


            NetAltingChannelInput[] network2Reader = new NetAltingChannelInput[nChannels];
            for (int i = 0; i < nChannels; i++)
                network2Reader[i] = NetChannel.net2one();
                Console.WriteLine("network2Reader location = " + network2Reader[i].getLocation().ToString());

            string[] writersNodesIPs = new string[nChannels];
            Console.WriteLine("Wait for writers to confirm they are ready and send their IPs");
            for (int i = 0; i < nChannels; i++)
                writersNodesIPs[i] = (string)network2Reader[i].read();

            NetChannelOutput[] reader2allWriters = new NetChannelOutput[nChannels];
            for (int i = 0; i < writersNodesIPs.Length; i++)
                var writersChannelNodeAddress = new TCPIPNodeAddress(writersNodesIPs[i], 3300);
                reader2allWriters[i] =
                                       50); //It's going to be always first read channel in the writer

            Console.WriteLine("Writing to channels to notify them they are ready to start");
            for (int i = 0; i < nChannels; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("Sent signal to Writers");

            //====================== Running the test
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                new CSPParallel(
                    new IamCSProcess[]
                    new NetworkedStressedReaderPerformance(network2Reader, nMessages, nChannels, nWritersPerChannel)

            Console.WriteLine("Finished all");
Beispiel #4
 public Chef(NetChannelOutput supply, ChannelOutput toConsole)
 {    = supply;
     this.toConsole = toConsole;
Beispiel #5
 public Kitchen(NetChannelOutput supply)
 { = supply;
Beispiel #6
         * The run method for the BNS process
        public void run()
            // Create the channel to receive incoming messages on. The index is 2.
            NetAltingChannelInput In = NetChannel.numberedNet2One(2, new BNSNetworkMessageFilter.FilterRX());

            // We now wish to alternate upon this channel and the link lost channel
            Alternative alt = new Alternative(new Guard[] { this.lostLink, In });

            // Loop forever
            while (true)
                // Select next available Guard. Give priority to link failure
                switch (alt.priSelect())
                // We have lost the connection to a Node
                case 0:
                    // Read in the NodeID of the lost Node
                    NodeID lostNode = (NodeID);

                    // Log loss of connection
                    Node.log.log(this.GetType(), "Lost Link to: " + lostNode.toString());

                    // Remove the logged client

                    // Next get the ArrayList of any barriers registered by that Node
                    ArrayList registeredBars = (ArrayList)this.barrierRegister[lostNode];

                    // If this ArrayList is null, we have no registrations
                    if (registeredBars != null)
                        // There are registered barriers

                        // Remove the list from the Hashmap

                        // Now remove all the barriers registered by the Node
                        for (IEnumerator enumerator = registeredBars.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext();)
                            String toRemove = (String)enumerator.Current;
                            Node.log.log(this.GetType(), toRemove + " deregistered");

                // We have received a new incoming message
                case 1:
                    // Read in the message
                    BNSMessage message = (BNSMessage);

                    // Now behave based on the type of the message
                    switch (message.type)
                    // We have received a logon message
                    case BNSMessageProtocol.LOGON_MESSAGE:
                        // Log the logon attempt
                        Node.log.log(this.GetType(), "Logon received from: "
                                     + message.serviceLocation.getNodeID().toString());

                        // try-catch loop. We don't want the BNS to fail
                            // Check if the node is already logged on
                            NetChannelOutput Out = (NetChannelOutput)this.loggedClients[message.serviceLocation.getNodeID()];

                            // If out is null, no previous logon received
                            if (Out != null)
                                // This Node is already logged on. Send fail message
                                // Log failed attempt
                                Node.err.log(this.GetType(), message.serviceLocation.getNodeID().toString()
                                             + " already logged on.  Rejecting");

                                // Create reply channel to the Node
                                NetChannelOutput toNewRegister = NetChannel.one2net(message.serviceLocation,
                                                                                    new BNSNetworkMessageFilter.FilterTX());

                                // Create the reply message
                                BNSMessage reply = new BNSMessage();
                                reply.type    = BNSMessageProtocol.LOGON_REPLY_MESSAGE;
                                reply.success = false;

                                // Asynchronously write to Node. We don't want the BNS to block
                                // Destroy the temporary channel
                                // Node hasn't previously registered
                                // Log registration
                                Node.log.log(this.GetType(), message.serviceLocation.getNodeID().toString()
                                             + " successfully logged on");

                                // Create the reply channel
                                NetChannelOutput toNewRegister = NetChannel.one2net(message.serviceLocation,
                                                                                    new BNSNetworkMessageFilter.FilterTX());

                                // Add the Node and reply channel to the logged clients map
                                this.loggedClients.Add(message.serviceLocation.getNodeID(), toNewRegister);

                                // Create a reply message
                                BNSMessage reply = new BNSMessage();
                                reply.type    = BNSMessageProtocol.LOGON_REPLY_MESSAGE;
                                reply.success = true;

                                // Write reply asynchronously to the logging on Node
                        catch (JCSPNetworkException jne)
                            // Catch any JCSPNetworkException. We don't let the BNS go down

                    // A Node is attempting to register a Barrier
                    case BNSMessageProtocol.REGISTER_REQUEST:
                        // Log registration attempt
                        Node.log.log(this.GetType(), "Registeration for " + + " received");

                        // Catch any JCSPNetworkException
                            // Get the reply channel from our logged clients map
                            NetChannelOutput Out = (NetChannelOutput)this.loggedClients[message.serviceLocation.getNodeID()];

                            // Check if the Node has logged on with us
                            if (Out == null)
                                // The Node is not logged on. Send failure message
                                Node.err.log(this.GetType(), "Registration failed. "
                                             + message.serviceLocation.getNodeID()
                                             + " not logged on");

                                // Create the channel to reply to
                                Out = NetChannel.one2net(message.serviceLocation,
                                                         new BNSNetworkMessageFilter.FilterTX());

                                // Create the reply message
                                BNSMessage reply = new BNSMessage();
                                reply.type    = BNSMessageProtocol.REGISTER_REPLY;
                                reply.success = false;

                                // Write message asynchronously to the Node

                                // Destroy the temporary channel

                            // The Node is registered. Now check if the name is
                            else if (this.registeredBarriers.ContainsKey(
                                // The name is already registered. Inform the register
                                // Log the failed registration
                                Node.err.log(this.GetType(), "Registration failed. " +
                                             + " already registered");

                                // Create reply message
                                BNSMessage reply = new BNSMessage();
                                reply.type    = BNSMessageProtocol.RESOLVE_REPLY;
                                reply.success = false;

                                // Write the reply asynchronously. Do not block the BNS
                                BNSMessage reply;
                                // The name is not registered
                                // Log successful registration
                                Node.log.log(this.GetType(), "Registration of " + + " succeeded.");

                                // First check if any client end is waiting for this name
                                ArrayList pending = (ArrayList)this.waitingResolves[];

                                if (pending != null)
                                    // We have waiting resolves. Complete
                                    for (IEnumerator enumerator = pending.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext();)
                                        NetChannelOutput toPending = null;

                                        // We now catch internally any JCSPNetworkException
                                            // Get the next waiting message
                                            BNSMessage msg = (BNSMessage)enumerator.Current;

                                            // Log resolve completion
                                            Node.log.log(this.GetType(), "Queued resolve of " +
                                                         + " by "
                                                         + msg.serviceLocation.getNodeID()
                                                         + " completed");

                                            // Create channel to the resolver
                                            toPending = NetChannel.one2net(msg.serviceLocation,
                                                                           new BNSNetworkMessageFilter.FilterTX());

                                            // Create the reply message
                                            reply          = new BNSMessage();
                                            reply.type     = BNSMessageProtocol.RESOLVE_REPLY;
                                            reply.location = message.location;
                                            reply.success  = true;

                                            // Write the reply asynchronously to the waiting resolver
                                        catch (JCSPNetworkException jne)
                                            // Something went wrong as we tried to send the resolution complete
                                            // message
                                            // Do nothing
                                            // Check if we need to destroy the temporary channel
                                            if (toPending != null)

                                    // Remove the name from the pending resolves

                                // We have completed any pending resolves. Now register the barrier
                                this.registeredBarriers.Add(, message.location);

                                // Now add the registered barrier to the barriers registered by this Node
                                ArrayList registered = (ArrayList)this.barrierRegister[message.serviceLocation.getNodeID()];

                                // If the ArrayList is null, we have no previous registrations
                                if (registered == null)
                                    // Create a new ArrayList to store the registered names
                                    registered = new ArrayList();
                                    // Add it to the barrier register
                                    this.barrierRegister.Add(message.location.getNodeID(), registered);

                                // Add the name to the ArrayList

                                // Log the successful registration
                                Node.log.log(this.GetType(), + " registered to " + message.location);

                                // Create the reply message
                                reply         = new BNSMessage();
                                reply.type    = BNSMessageProtocol.REGISTER_REPLY;
                                reply.success = true;

                                // Write the reply asynchronously to the Node
                        catch (JCSPNetworkException jne)
                            // Do nothing. Do not let the BNS break

                    // We have received a resolve request
                    case BNSMessageProtocol.RESOLVE_REQUEST:
                        // Log resolve request
                        Node.log.log(this.GetType(), "Resolve request for " + + " received");

                        // Catch any JCSPNetworkException
                            // Check if the resolving Node is logged on
                            NetChannelOutput Out = (NetChannelOutput)this.loggedClients[message.serviceLocation.getNodeID()];

                            // If the channel is null, then the Node has yet to log on with us
                            if (Out == null)
                                // Node is not logged on
                                // Log failed resolution
                                Node.err.log(this.GetType(), "Resolve failed. "
                                             + message.serviceLocation.getNodeID()
                                             + " not logged on");

                                // Create connection to the receiver
                                Out = NetChannel.one2net(message.serviceLocation,
                                                         new BNSNetworkMessageFilter.FilterTX());

                                // Create the reply message
                                BNSMessage reply = new BNSMessage();
                                reply.type    = BNSMessageProtocol.RESOLVE_REPLY;
                                reply.success = false;

                                // Write message asynchronously to the Node

                                // Destroy the temporary channel
                                // Node is logged on. Now check if the name is already registered
                                NetBarrierLocation loc = (NetBarrierLocation)this.registeredBarriers[];

                                // If the location is null, then the name has not yet been registered
                                if (loc == null)
                                    // The name is not registered. We need to queue the resolve until it is
                                    // Log the queueing of the resolve
                                                 + " not registered. Queueing resolve by "
                                                 + message.serviceLocation.getNodeID().toString());

                                    // Check if any other resolvers are waiting for the channel
                                    ArrayList pending = (ArrayList)this.waitingResolves[];

                                    // If the ArrayList is null, no one else is waiting
                                    if (pending == null)
                                        // No one else is waiting. Create a new list and add it to the waiting
                                        // resolves
                                        pending = new ArrayList();
                                        this.waitingResolves.Add(, pending);

                                    // Add this resolve message to the list of waiting resolvers
                                    // The location is not null. Send it to the resolver
                                    Node.log.log(this.GetType(), "Resolve request completed. " +
                                                 + " location being sent to "
                                                 + message.serviceLocation.getNodeID());

                                    // Create channel to the resolver
                                    NetChannelOutput toPending = NetChannel.one2net(message.serviceLocation,
                                                                                    new BNSNetworkMessageFilter.FilterTX());

                                    // Create the reply message
                                    BNSMessage reply = new BNSMessage();
                                    reply.type     = BNSMessageProtocol.RESOLVE_REPLY;
                                    reply.location = loc;
                                    reply.success  = true;

                                    // Write the reply to the resolver asynchronously

                                    // Destroy the temporary channel
                        catch (JCSPNetworkException jne)
                            // Something went wrong during the resolution. Ignore