Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // NOTE - Private keys should not be hardcoded in the code, this is just for demonstration purposes!
            var privateKey = "a9e2b5436cab6ff74be2d5c91b8a67053494ab5b454ac2851f872fb0fd30ba5e";

            Console.WriteLine("*Loading NEO address...");
            var keys = new KeyPair(privateKey.HexToBytes());

            Console.WriteLine("Got :" + keys.address);

            // it is possible to optionally obtain also token balances with this method
            Console.WriteLine("*Syncing balances...");
            var balances = NeoAPI.GetBalance(NeoAPI.Net.Test, keys.address, false);

            foreach (var entry in balances)
                Console.WriteLine(entry.Value + " " + entry.Key);

            // TestInvokeScript let's us call a smart contract method and get back a result
            // NEP5
            var contractHash = "ecc6b20d3ccac1ee9ef109af5a7cdb85706b1df9";

            Console.WriteLine("*Querying Symbol from RedPulse contract...");
            var response = NeoAPI.TestInvokeScript(NeoAPI.Net.Main, contractHash, "symbol", new object[] { "" });
            var symbol   = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString((byte[])response.result);

            Console.WriteLine(symbol); // should return "RPX"

            // here we get the RedPulse token balance from an address
            Console.WriteLine("*Querying BalanceOf from RedPulse contract...");
            var balance = NeoAPI.GetTokenBalance("AVQ6jAQ3Prd32BXU5r2Vb3QL1gYzTpFhaf", "RPX");


            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit...");