Beispiel #1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldRetrieveMultipleNodesWithSameValueFromIndex()
        public virtual void ShouldRetrieveMultipleNodesWithSameValueFromIndex()
            // this test was included here for now as a precondition for the following test

            // given
            GraphDatabaseService graph = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI;

            Neo4jMatchers.createIndex(graph, _label1, "name");

            Node node1;
            Node node2;

            using (Transaction tx = graph.BeginTx())
                node1 = graph.CreateNode(_label1);
                node1.SetProperty("name", "Stefan");

                node2 = graph.CreateNode(_label1);
                node2.SetProperty("name", "Stefan");

            using (Transaction tx = graph.BeginTx())
                ResourceIterator <Node> result = graph.FindNodes(_label1, "name", "Stefan");
                assertEquals(asSet(node1, node2), asSet(result));

Beispiel #2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldThrowWhenMultipleResultsForSingleNode()
        public virtual void ShouldThrowWhenMultipleResultsForSingleNode()
            // given
            GraphDatabaseService graph = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI;

            Neo4jMatchers.createIndex(graph, _label1, "name");

            Node node1;
            Node node2;

            using (Transaction tx = graph.BeginTx())
                node1 = graph.CreateNode(_label1);
                node1.SetProperty("name", "Stefan");

                node2 = graph.CreateNode(_label1);
                node2.SetProperty("name", "Stefan");

                using (Transaction tx = graph.BeginTx())
                    graph.FindNode(_label1, "name", "Stefan");
                    fail("Expected MultipleFoundException but got none");
            catch (MultipleFoundException e)
                assertThat(e.Message, equalTo(format("Found multiple nodes with label: '%s', property name: 'name' " + "and property value: 'Stefan' while only one was expected.", _label1)));
Beispiel #3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldCorrectlyUpdateIndexesWhenChangingLabelsAndPropertyAtTheSameTime()
        public virtual void ShouldCorrectlyUpdateIndexesWhenChangingLabelsAndPropertyAtTheSameTime()
            // Given
            GraphDatabaseService beansAPI = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI;
            Node myNode = CreateNode(beansAPI, map("name", "Hawking"), _label1, _label2);

            Neo4jMatchers.createIndex(beansAPI, _label1, "name");
            Neo4jMatchers.createIndex(beansAPI, _label2, "name");
            Neo4jMatchers.createIndex(beansAPI, _label3, "name");

            // When
            using (Transaction tx = beansAPI.BeginTx())
                myNode.SetProperty("name", "Einstein");

            // Then
            assertThat(myNode, inTx(beansAPI, hasProperty("name").withValue("Einstein")));
            assertThat(Labels(myNode), containsOnly(_label2, _label3));

            assertThat(findNodesByLabelAndProperty(_label1, "name", "Hawking", beansAPI), Empty);
            assertThat(findNodesByLabelAndProperty(_label1, "name", "Einstein", beansAPI), Empty);

            assertThat(findNodesByLabelAndProperty(_label2, "name", "Hawking", beansAPI), Empty);
            assertThat(findNodesByLabelAndProperty(_label2, "name", "Einstein", beansAPI), containsOnly(myNode));

            assertThat(findNodesByLabelAndProperty(_label3, "name", "Hawking", beansAPI), Empty);
            assertThat(findNodesByLabelAndProperty(_label3, "name", "Einstein", beansAPI), containsOnly(myNode));
Beispiel #4
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldBeAbleToQuerySupportedPropertyTypes()
        public virtual void ShouldBeAbleToQuerySupportedPropertyTypes()
            // GIVEN
            string property         = "name";
            GraphDatabaseService db = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI;

            Neo4jMatchers.createIndex(db, _label1, property);

            // WHEN & THEN
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, "A String");
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, true);
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, false);
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, ( sbyte )56);
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, 'z');
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, ( short )12);
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, 12);
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, 12L);
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, ( float )12.0);
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, 12.0);
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, SpatialMocks.mockPoint(12.3, 45.6, mockWGS84()));
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, SpatialMocks.mockPoint(123, 456, mockCartesian()));
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, SpatialMocks.mockPoint(12.3, 45.6, 100.0, mockWGS84_3D()));
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, SpatialMocks.mockPoint(123, 456, 789, mockCartesian_3D()));
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, Values.pointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.WGS84, 12.3, 45.6));
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, Values.pointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.Cartesian, 123, 456));
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, Values.pointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.WGS84_3D, 12.3, 45.6, 100.0));
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, Values.pointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.Cartesian_3D, 123, 456, 789));

            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new string[] { "A String" });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new bool[] { true });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new bool?[] { false });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new sbyte[] { 56 });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new sbyte?[] { 57 });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new char[] { 'a' });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new char?[] { 'b' });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new short[] { 12 });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new short?[] { 13 });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new int[] { 14 });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new int?[] { 15 });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new long[] { 16L });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new long?[] { 17L });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new float[] { ( float )18.0 });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new float?[] { ( float )19.0 });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new double[] { 20.0 });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new double?[] { 21.0 });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new Point[] { SpatialMocks.mockPoint(12.3, 45.6, mockWGS84()) });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new Point[] { SpatialMocks.mockPoint(123, 456, mockCartesian()) });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new Point[] { SpatialMocks.mockPoint(12.3, 45.6, 100.0, mockWGS84_3D()) });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new Point[] { SpatialMocks.mockPoint(123, 456, 789, mockCartesian_3D()) });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new PointValue[] { Values.pointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.WGS84, 12.3, 45.6) });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new PointValue[] { Values.pointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.Cartesian, 123, 456) });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new PointValue[] { Values.pointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.WGS84_3D, 12.3, 45.6, 100.0) });
            AssertCanCreateAndFind(db, _label1, property, new PointValue[] { Values.pointValue(CoordinateReferenceSystem.Cartesian_3D, 123, 456, 789) });
Beispiel #5
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void searchingUsesIndexWhenItExists()
        public virtual void SearchingUsesIndexWhenItExists()
            // Given
            GraphDatabaseService beansAPI = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI;
            Node myNode = CreateNode(beansAPI, map("name", "Hawking"), _label1);

            Neo4jMatchers.createIndex(beansAPI, _label1, "name");

            // When
            assertThat(findNodesByLabelAndProperty(_label1, "name", "Hawking", beansAPI), containsOnly(myNode));
Beispiel #6
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldAddIndexedPropertyToNodeWithDynamicLabels()
        public virtual void ShouldAddIndexedPropertyToNodeWithDynamicLabels()
            // Given
            int    indexesCount        = 20;
            string labelPrefix         = "foo";
            string propertyKeyPrefix   = "bar";
            string propertyValuePrefix = "baz";
            GraphDatabaseService db    = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI;

            for (int i = 0; i < indexesCount; i++)
                Neo4jMatchers.createIndexNoWait(db, Label.label(labelPrefix + i), propertyKeyPrefix + i);

            // When
            long nodeId;

            using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx())
                nodeId = Db.createNode().Id;

            using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx())
                Node node = Db.getNodeById(nodeId);
                for (int i = 0; i < indexesCount; i++)
                    node.AddLabel(Label.label(labelPrefix + i));
                    node.SetProperty(propertyKeyPrefix + i, propertyValuePrefix + i);

            // Then
            using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx())
                for (int i = 0; i < indexesCount; i++)
                    Label  label = Label.label(labelPrefix + i);
                    string key   = propertyKeyPrefix + i;
                    string value = propertyValuePrefix + i;

                    ResourceIterator <Node> nodes = Db.findNodes(label, key, value);
                    assertEquals(1, Iterators.count(nodes));
Beispiel #7
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldSeeIndexUpdatesWhenQueryingOutsideTransaction()
        public virtual void ShouldSeeIndexUpdatesWhenQueryingOutsideTransaction()
            // GIVEN
            GraphDatabaseService beansAPI = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI;

            Neo4jMatchers.createIndex(beansAPI, _label1, "name");
            Node firstNode = CreateNode(beansAPI, map("name", "Mattias"), _label1);

            // WHEN THEN
            assertThat(findNodesByLabelAndProperty(_label1, "name", "Mattias", beansAPI), containsOnly(firstNode));
            Node secondNode = CreateNode(beansAPI, map("name", "Taylor"), _label1);

            assertThat(findNodesByLabelAndProperty(_label1, "name", "Taylor", beansAPI), containsOnly(secondNode));
Beispiel #8
        public virtual void DropIndex()

            string          labelName   = _labels.newInstance();
            string          propertyKey = _properties.newInstance();
            IndexDefinition schemaIndex = CreateIndex(labelName, propertyKey);

            assertThat(Neo4jMatchers.getIndexes(Graphdb(), label(labelName)), containsOnly(schemaIndex));

            GenConflict.get().expectedStatus(204).delete(GetSchemaIndexLabelPropertyUri(labelName, propertyKey)).entity();

            assertThat(Neo4jMatchers.getIndexes(Graphdb(), label(labelName)), not(containsOnly(schemaIndex)));
Beispiel #9
        public virtual void ShouldHandleEscapedStrings()
            string @string = "Jazz";
            Node   gnode   = GetNode(@string);

            assertThat(gnode, inTx(Graphdb(), Neo4jMatchers.hasProperty("name").withValue(@string)));

            string name = "string\\ and \"test\"";

            string jsonString = (new PrettyJSON()).array().@object().key("method").value("PUT").key("to").value("/node/" + gnode.Id + "/properties").key("body").@object().key("name").value(name).endObject().endObject().endArray().ToString();

            GenConflict.get().expectedType(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).withHeader(, "true").expectedStatus(200).payload(jsonString).post(BatchUri()).entity();

            jsonString = (new PrettyJSON()).array().@object().key("method").value("GET").key("to").value("/node/" + gnode.Id + "/properties/name").endObject().endArray().ToString();
            string entity = GenConflict.get().expectedStatus(200).payload(jsonString).post(BatchUri()).entity();

            IList <IDictionary <string, object> > results = JsonHelper.jsonToList(entity);

            assertEquals(results[0]["body"], name);
Beispiel #10
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldUseDynamicPropertiesToIndexANodeWhenAddedAlongsideExistingPropertiesInASeparateTransaction()
        public virtual void ShouldUseDynamicPropertiesToIndexANodeWhenAddedAlongsideExistingPropertiesInASeparateTransaction()
            // Given
            GraphDatabaseService beansAPI = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI;

            // When
            long id;

                using (Transaction tx = beansAPI.BeginTx())
                    Node myNode = beansAPI.CreateNode();
                    id = myNode.Id;
                    myNode.SetProperty("key0", true);
                    myNode.SetProperty("key1", true);


            Neo4jMatchers.createIndex(beansAPI, _label1, "key2");
            Node myNode;

                using (Transaction tx = beansAPI.BeginTx())
                    myNode = beansAPI.GetNodeById(id);
                    myNode.SetProperty("key2", LONG_STRING);
                    myNode.SetProperty("key3", LONG_STRING);


            // Then
            assertThat(myNode, inTx(beansAPI, hasProperty("key2").withValue(LONG_STRING)));
            assertThat(myNode, inTx(beansAPI, hasProperty("key3").withValue(LONG_STRING)));
            assertThat(findNodesByLabelAndProperty(_label1, "key2", LONG_STRING, beansAPI), containsOnly(myNode));
Beispiel #11
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void createdNodeShouldShowUpInIndexQuery()
        public virtual void CreatedNodeShouldShowUpInIndexQuery()
            // GIVEN
            GraphDatabaseService beansAPI = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI;

            Neo4jMatchers.createIndex(beansAPI, _label1, "name");
            CreateNode(beansAPI, map("name", "Mattias"), _label1);

            // WHEN
            Transaction tx = beansAPI.BeginTx();

            long sizeBeforeDelete = count(beansAPI.FindNodes(_label1, "name", "Mattias"));

            CreateNode(beansAPI, map("name", "Mattias"), _label1);
            long sizeAfterDelete = count(beansAPI.FindNodes(_label1, "name", "Mattias"));


            // THEN
            assertThat(sizeBeforeDelete, equalTo(1L));
            assertThat(sizeAfterDelete, equalTo(2L));
Beispiel #12
        /* This test is a bit interesting. It tests a case where we've got a property that sits in one
         * property block and the value is of a long type. So given that plus that there's an index for that
         * label/property, do an update that changes the long value into a value that requires two property blocks.
         * This is interesting because the transaction logic compares before/after views per property record and
         * not per node as a whole.
         * In this case this change will be converted into one "add" and one "remove" property updates instead of
         * a single "change" property update. At the very basic level it's nice to test for this corner-case so
         * that the externally observed behavior is correct, even if this test doesn't assert anything about
         * the underlying add/remove vs. change internal details.
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldInterpretPropertyAsChangedEvenIfPropertyMovesFromOneRecordToAnother()
        public virtual void ShouldInterpretPropertyAsChangedEvenIfPropertyMovesFromOneRecordToAnother()
            // GIVEN
            GraphDatabaseService beansAPI = DbRule.GraphDatabaseAPI;
            long smallValue = 10L;
            long bigValue   = 1L << 62;
            Node myNode;

                using (Transaction tx = beansAPI.BeginTx())
                    myNode = beansAPI.CreateNode(_label1);
                    myNode.SetProperty("pad0", true);
                    myNode.SetProperty("pad1", true);
                    myNode.SetProperty("pad2", true);
                    // Use a small long here which will only occupy one property block
                    myNode.SetProperty("key", smallValue);


            Neo4jMatchers.createIndex(beansAPI, _label1, "key");

            // WHEN
            using (Transaction tx = beansAPI.BeginTx())
                // A big long value which will occupy two property blocks
                myNode.SetProperty("key", bigValue);

            // THEN
            assertThat(findNodesByLabelAndProperty(_label1, "key", bigValue, beansAPI), containsOnly(myNode));
            assertThat(findNodesByLabelAndProperty(_label1, "key", smallValue, beansAPI), Empty);